《Is it Reincarnation if I'm Still Dead?》Arc 2, Chapter 51: Sayonara, Nomura Takashi


Announcement: I'll be taking a break until the 13th of June due to RL. On the bright side, I should be able to manage a three-chapter routine for a few weeks after my hiatus. I’m sorry for announcing this and as always I thank you for reading my story.

Today, Takashi announced his retirement to the entire clan. While many of the elders foresaw this development, most of the kobolds were greatly perturbed, especially those who belong to our branch. Since their earliest moments, Takashi has always been a monumental existence, and with his departure, a void has been left in the heart of our community. Chiyoko was especially affected, after inheriting her father's mantle and being entrusted with the wellbeing of over a hundred kobolds. On top of all this, the village's reserves can't sustain our branch for the rest of winter, which is why we're leaving in two weeks' time.

As I watch the Nomura clan react to this news, I'm burdened by a growing sense of melancholy as everybody wishes Takashi a long and prosperous life. Nobody has any idea how precious this remaining time is and it's too late to tell them. Not without dragging the entire clan into despair.

With every passing second, my frustration continues to mount. I wait for everybody to leave Takashi's side and ask for a private audience. Later that night, I visit his room and lay out all my questions and concerns.

"Why? Why do you keep hiding how frail you really are? You can't keep forcing your body with this pretence."

"Trust me, Enbos, I know what I'm doing. I've been living like this since before you arrived."

"For about a year, right? The reason you changed the migration was not only for my sake but also yours. The only confusing

thing is why didn't you retire sooner! You need rest. You need a caretaker. Y-you need..."

"Enbos, I know that you're only worried for me but it's alright. I'm not afraid, nor am I suffering. I want to live my life to its fullest, even if it means a slightly shorter one."

"But Takashi-!"

"Would you like to know how I died on Earth?"

His offer catches me completely off guard, but then I realise this may not be his first time knocking on heaven's door. I fall silent and slowly nod in response as Takashi looks up at the ceiling with hazy, nostalgic eyes.

"I've always been a dreamer, Enbos. As a kid, I dreamed of sailing the seas and exploring exotic lands. You can probably guess where THAT fantasy came from. By the time I was fifteen, I wanted to travel around the world. I even saved my prize money for that one aim. Of course, it never came to be... Oh, don't give me that look. I'm being dramatic. I was walking home one day when someone came running out an alley with a knife. I don't think he even noticed when he stabbed me and left me to die..."

He puts his hand on a specific spot along his back as if his wound has carried over to this world. It doesn't need to be dramatic for me to empathise with his death. I put my hand on his shoulder and offer my condolences.

"Thank you for telling me, Takashi."

"Actually, I survived the encounter."


"I never said it was a deserted street! I was taken to the hospital down the street."

"If the knife didn't kill you, did something happen to you at the hospital?"


"No, I did die from the knife, just not from the actual stabbing. You see, the blade introduced an infection to my bloodstream which the doctors overlooked until it was too late. For the next few months, I was bedridden and on antibiotics while my life slowly ebbed away. The expression on my family and friends as my health deteriorated still haunts me to this day. As each day passed, my dream drifted further and further away from my reach, and in the end, I died of organ failure. Can you guess what I was reading in my final moments?"


"Too easy, huh?"

He directs his gaze outside the window, looking over the snow laden courtyard and frozen sky.

"Every winter is followed by spring. I'm glad I came to this world. If a different soul inhabited this body, would any of them exist?"

"Takashi, the only reason you found happiness is because you're a ."

"I also found more pain. Remember, unlike you I only started recalling my past life at the tender age of five. From then on, I struggled with my dual identities as I straddled the line between kobold and human. It wasn't a gift, Enbos. Like any reincarnation, it was a new beginning. After all, that's why we were able to let go of our previous lives and adopt new names, am I wrong?"

"Huh? You're original name isn't Nomura Takashi!?"

"Nope, but it carries just as much meaning and affection as my first, just like your own (controversial) name. I spent my entire life finding a place in this world, and now I'm ready to move on."

"Please Takashi, treasure this life a little more. L-let me help you..."

"With what?"

"I don't know... Anything! There just has to be something I can do!"

I feel a familiar flood of desperation spread from the back of my neck. The promise he selfishly pushed onto me is not so important as the intention behind it. He doesn't want my help; he doesn't need it. My mind tells me I should ignore him, to let him live as he pleases, and yet my heart is not so easily convinced.

Takashi looks over my lowered head, and from his voice I can tell he's not disappointed, just filled with empathetic sorrow.

"Enbos, I'm glad to have met a friend as good hearted as you. You're one of the kindest people I know, always pushing yourself to save everyone within your reach. Even as a skeleton, you have the disposition to be widely loved.

And that's why I fear for you. You're willing to shoulder the burden of others, to carry the world on your shoulders. Worse, becoming an undead has encouraged this aspect of yourself and made you oblivious to your own inner turmoil. I'm afraid it will break you... like it did with my son."

His fatherly tone does not escape my hearing as I look at Takashi's concerned expression. It's the last two weeks I'll spend with Takashi, and the same also applies for him. This isn't the first time he's tried to stop a selfless person, and like Hachirou, a part of him is projecting his son, arguing to find a merchant on his own.

Realising this, I mindlessly open my jaw...

"Takashi... I'm not Hayate."

I walk out of his room and make my way to my own after that one remark. I immediately regretted my words after seeing his utter shock.

Just how inconsiderate can I be. If he had one glaring regret in his life, it would be his final moment with Hayate which he spent arguing with his son. I hope he'll forgive me. If this has be our final fortnight, I don't want to spend it tormenting Takashi.


In the end, I just want him to believe in my intentions. To put his faith in me. While I do feel remorse for saying those words, a part of me feels justified for the act.

As I move down the hallway and approach my chamber, I notice a figure standing outside my door, waiting for my return.

"Oh, hello Hachirou. What brings you outside my room?"

"Ah, g-good evening Enbos. I heard you visited my father for a private meeting. I just... I just want to talk to you if you ever came back."


"... I can guess what the two of you discussed. Before I say anymore, I must apologise for reading your letter. I'm sorry, Enbos."

"Sigh, it's alright Hachirou. I knew someone would find out eventually, I just didn't think it would be you. But what did you mean by if I ever came back?"

"... I thought you would leave the clan if somebody discovered your secret."

"Oh, I-I see."

Honestly, it has always been a option if not a likely outcome if Takashi never revealed his own secret. Now I'm more liable to stay behind out of sheer concern. It's entirely possible he planned this so I would spend more time under his wing.

"Don't worry Hachirou, I won't be leaving now, but I will once we reach the next human settlement. I can't keep staying with the Nomura clan."

"I understand..."

"So, were you here to prepare a final farewell if I did?"

"Actually, I'm here for a request. I want to ask you now, before it's too late."

He draws himself to full height and attempts to meet my eye sockets with his resolute gaze. I prepare for his proposition, but I'm completely taken aback by his following words.

"Please let me accompany you on your journey!"

"... Come again?"

"Please let me accompany you on your journey!"

"... Wh-Why!? Why would you want to leave your family and join my cause! Do you realise what I'm trying to do? Are you still-"

"I do realise, Enbos. I know you want to save Helena. While your ways are questionable, I know you're doing this with the best intentions, and that's enough for me to believe in you. So please, Enbos. I want to mean something to you... like you mean to me."

I can hardly believe what he just said. His determination stands in stark contrast to my hesitation and I feel ashamed for thinking he was still bound by Hayate's memory. He's no longer a cowering figure but a towering kobold like his own father. I may have known this would happen ever since I saw him smile while sprawled on the dojo floor.

"Are you sure you want to believe in me? I'm no longer sure where my choices will lead, but not every decision will be right. Even so, are you still willing to follow a guy like me?"

"Enbos, if you ever struggle, I'll stand with you. If you ever do something bad, I'll stop you. P-personally, I think... I think this is what friends are for. I want to answer your trust with my own."

"Hachirou... Final question. I-if you could go back in time, save Hayate from his fate... would you take it?"

I watch hesitation crawl across his face, but surprisingly, he comes to a conclusion within moments.

"If it were only to save Hayate, I would, but doing so might mean I would no longer be the person I am today. I may not have ever crossed paths with you if I did. I value both my past and my present as much as each other, just like how I value Hayate and you."

"I see... Thank you, Hachirou. There is no other kobold I'd rather have as a companion at this moment."

"R-really!? Th-thank you, Enbos!"

"There's just one small correction."


"You already mean something to me, and now, you've helped me find my way."

Two weeks peacefully pass, and our branch is standing at the border of Dragon's Spine with a farewell party seeing us off. Everybody is wishing the other a safe journey and there are plenty of hugs and gifts going around. Unexpectedly, I'm also included in this crowd.

"Thank you for helping with my research near the end of our contract. It's a shame you can't stay for any longer."

"I'm thankful to you too, Takumi. I'm sure you'll do well without me."

"I'm also grateful for your stay, Enbos. Your presence made the children in our village very happy."

"Y-yes Honoka, it sure was a, um, special experience. I'll never forget my stay in Yamagakure."

"We're delighted to hear that, so here. Please accept our gift."

"Thank you, I'll gladly... Huh? What's with these hideous hands inside these gloves that resemble Freddy's... Oh, they're fake."

"Precisely! If you may observe, there are two layers to this glove. The top layer is enchanted leather, while the inner layer is a disguise which Honoka designed to resemble burnt skin. We used the remains of your damaged glove in addition to Rakertus leather to add a fire resistant enchantment! While the effect is strongest on the actual item, the spell synergises with your cloak to protect your entire body!"

"Thank you Takumi, Honoka! This gift gives me more confidence to walk among the humans..."

... as a scorched and pitiful soul. I'll really have to go with the sympathetic angle from now on.

We exchange farewells and as Takumi and Honoka leave to see Chiyoko, I'm approached by Michio and Ken.

"Ah, Michio, Ken. Are you here to bid me farewell too?"

"Gahahaha! More like see you later! But more importantly..."

"... the next time we see you, Hachirou better be following in tow, safe and sound. We both trained our little brother with upmost care. We'll be leaving him in your charge."

"I understand. I'll protect him, but he'll protect me as well. Ultimately, his fate lies in his own hands and I'm sure you both have done all you could to prepare him."

"Hrm, well said."

"Gahahaha! I'll be looking forward to our reunion!"

"And remember, I'm now the active head of the entire Nomura clan. Do not disappoint me, but most of all..."

"... do not disappoint Hachirou."

I offer more farewells, and as soon as they leave more members of the Nomura family stream in to see me off. I receive each of their parting words with good grace, even while the rest of our branch is preparing to disembark. It's almost time to leave, but there's still one more kobold I have to see...

"... Hello, Enbos."

"Hello, Takashi."

There's no one around us except for Hachirou who is watching from a distance. The migration has begun, and we should join them soon lest Chiyoko starts worrying about Hachirou's absence. However, for a few awkward moments we say nothing, as we try to find the right words to initiate a conversation. We haven't spoken much since, and we both know we have to speak now or forever hold our peace. The tension becomes unbearable, and I decide to break it by bowing at almost a ninety degree angle.

"Thank you, Takashi. Thank you for inviting me to join the Nomura clan!"

"R-raise your head, Enbos."

I look up to see his expression soften. With steady steps, he walks up to me and puts his hands on my shoulders.

"I'm truly grateful for the time we've spent for the past eight months. If anything, the only reason I could find the heart to retire is because of you. Thank you, Enbos."

As I right myself and take his gratitude to heart, Takashi produces a small notebook and places it in my hands.

"I spent the past two weeks compiling these notes. There are a few things about this world I never got the chance to tell you. I hope it will serve you well."

"T-thank you, Takashi, thank you for everything you have done. Ever since we met, you have always looked out for me and I'm sorry I ever took it for granted. I... I'm sorry for saying those words."

"... You're right, Enbos. You're not my son, but your own person. I see something like my younger self inside you, brimming with hope and potential. I have no right to decide your future. All I can do is hope for the best."


"Never forget this moment, Enbos. Do not dwell in the past but forge your own future. If that future must have Helena then so be it, but never lose sight of yourself. Although you don't believe in the karma that is decided by the World Stream...

... this is what makes you the ."

"... I will say it as many times as I need, but thank you. Thank you for believing in me."

"Goodbye, Enbos."

"Goodbye, Nomura Takashi."

I trudge through the thinning snow back to Hachirou's side. Each step weighs heavily on my soul and I feel a strong urge to turn back and say more. With , I can tell Takashi is also walking away. I strain my concentration to grasp every last detail from my skill, refusing to lose sight of him. Eventually, he moves outside my range of detection, and yet I can still sense his presence. Abruptly, I stop in place and turn around, only to see Takashi has done the same.

Unable to resist, I raise my hand in the air and bellow in a great voice...

"Takashi! Keep living at your best!"

I don't see him nod, I don't see him cry, but I know he's doing so right now. He turns around and continues down the mountain, while I move uphill towards a confused Hachirou. Each step now feels lighter than the last.

... Sayonara, Nomura Takashi. I will never forget you.

"What took you guys so long! I was thinking about postponing our migration just to fetch you!"

"Sorry for the trouble Chiyoko. We had a prolonged chat before saying goodbye..."

"Good grief, it's not like you'll never... Hrm, what's wrong Hachirou? You've been awfully silent."

"Well, it's just that... it may be the first time father has ever said goodbye."

"Huh, really? Now that I think about it... No wait. I seem to recall he said it to Mr Duwick during our last visit."

"Really? Then I guess I must be mistaken."

"Y-yes, you probably are..."

"Is something wrong, Enbos?"

"No, it's fine. There wasn't anything wrong in the first place... By the way, Chiyoko, where's the closest human settlement, preferably one with an adventurers guild."

"... You're not going to like this. Our cycle has been cut short but the journey is almost full circle..."


"It will take a month to get there, but the closest town with an adventurers guild... will have to be Lennon."

I freeze in place as a terrible chill runs down my spine. Without caring for my surroundings, I drop to my knees and let out a scream of anguish as once again my footsteps become as heavy as lead.

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