《Is it Reincarnation if I'm Still Dead?》Arc 2, Chapter 43: Takashi's Legacy


"Please spare me. I don't want to stay here anymore. The idea of doing that for the next few months is going to kill me!"

"But you're already dead."

"Zip it Takashi!"

"Sigh, I guess there won't be a forty-five degree party trick."

After enduring that humiliating stint as... you-know-who, I followed Hachirou and a snickering Takashi back to the Nomura clan building where the family feast is being held. We're now inside a large Japanese style room where we wait for the rest of the attendees to arrive. Taking a seat on the tatami mats, I notice we're not the first arrivals. There's a kobold with messy grey fur reading a magic tome, but the ones standing out the most are...

"Dear me Chiyoko, must you always wear leather armour, even on an occasion such as today? It's a feast not a battle."

"It shouldn't be a problem, big sister Honoka. After all, I'm wearing it beneath my kimono."

"This is not a problem of appearance so much as etiquette. If you keep behaving like this, no one will take you."

"Wha-! T-that's none of your concern! I'm just not interested right now."

"Chiyoko, a flower does not bloom when you tell it to. It is a labour of love and care."

"I don't see you with anybody, big sister."

"As a matter of fact, I'm already engaged. You'll be meeting him soon. Sigh, just who do you take after I wonder..."

Hearing those words, Takashi almost chokes on his cup of green tea, while Hachirou tries to rub his back. It seems I wasn't wrong to think of them as polar opposites.

"Gahahahahaha! We're here guys! Is everyone already- Oi, oi, are you okay father!? What just happened, Hachirou!?"

Without warning, the door almost slides out of the wall and some obnoxiously loud kobold comes barging in with a large party in tow. Three of them, including the noisy one, instantly rush to Takashi's side. I'm willing to bet they're his sons.

Looking closely, they seem rougher and more strongly built compared to the main branch or the mountain branch. Their clothes are notably plain yet durable, and their movements are more like a bipedal beast than that of a human.

"Excuse me Chiyoko, but where do your brothers over there usually travel?"

"If you're referring to big brother Ken's branch, they spend most of their migration traversing the Wastelands. Despite how he looks, he does extensive trade with the different demi-human tribes."

I see, in a magic-free zone it must be more valuable to hone your physical abilities. The differences between branches must be due to the different lifestyles they lead.

While I take note of this discovery, the final group of kobolds arrive. As I suspected, they're unique from the other branches as well. Their movements are swift yet silent and their forms are slim with tight-fitting, dark clothes beneath their otherwise standard kimonos. Chiyoko gives another explanation stating that they mainly live in the forests, and unlike the mountain branch, they're constantly on the move and rely heavily on hunting.


A dark brown kobold with a scar across his left eye, and two near identical female kobolds step forth to greet Takashi.

"We have arrived, father. Please pardon us for being late."

"No need to worry, Michio. The feast is still being prepared. Now come join us! It is a rare day for the entire Nomura family to be together."

Looking over the gathering, it is quite a sizable crowd with all of Takashi's children and grandchildren, their spouses and their spouses' own families. The atmosphere has sure turned lively, with the adults sharing their exploits, relatives welcoming new additions to the family and general gossip among the rest. Every now and then, a few of them shoot curious glances in my direction, but it seems they're well aware of my being.

I also spot quite a few elderly kobolds mixed in the meeting, although Takashi is still the oldest amongst them all.

Hrm? Wait a second, is it just me or are there notable differences compared to the younger kobolds? I would assume it's a matter of age, but...

"Takashi, why don't you have a longer snout, tail or canines like the other elders? Are you from a rare, um, "breed"?"

"No, I was born as a common kobold like the rest. The differences come from the fact they were either part of the first generation that helped establish the clan, or joined as adults and adapted to our ways."

"Then why are the later generations so distinct from their parents? Why did you start off differently from the rest? I know you're all family, but this applies to the entire clan as well."

"Hmmm, if I had to describe why, I would call it the physical manifestation of social Darwinism."


"It's something unique to this world, Enbos. You see, according to the nature and shape of the soul it can even affect the physical body. The reason I'm like this is thanks to my human sensibilities.

By creating the Nomura clan I was able to raise future generations to develop the same traits. As each generation passes, these traits will be ingrained in our descendents, each building upon the last. In time I hope all kobolds will become- no, reclaim their position as full demi-humans, and live alongside humanity."

Takashi says this whilst gazing over his family, envisioning a better future far beyond his time.

"... he even gave the kobolds a common tongue, our own culture and raised everyone to be more than mere beasts."

I remember Hachirou's words back from when I first met him, but to think he meant it so literally. Well, the fact Takashi said "reclaim" means that ancient kobolds were once demi-humans, probably before the events of the Apocalypse. It seems the effect of the soul can work against or in favour of their development.


Come to think of it, Yuki is a perfect example of Takashi's legacy. He was found outside the Nomura clan as an infant, and yet he has turned out no differently from the rest.

"Alongside humanity, eh... That's not an easy goal, Takashi. From what you have told me, the countries are pretty... resilient to the idea."

"That is fine, Enbos. Although I will not live to see it, I've already done all I can to prepare them."

Takashi's entire life's work may have been to plant this one seed. His time as a , or rather, the will of his last life has carried on in this world and carved itself into the very future of Aren. When I think about it like that, I can't help but admire the kobold sitting right beside me.

I wonder: will I be able to achieve something like that in my time?

"Huh, I just noticed but where did Hachirou go!?"

Hearing the loud lout raise this question, I do a quick scan over the busy room and find he really isn't here. I use and notice a solitary presence sitting just outside.

"Excuse me. Coming through..."

I open the door and step onto the porch. The entire land is dyed in an orange hue as snow lightly falls from the sky. I turn towards the lonely soul, and sure enough I see Hachirou.

"... Enbos? What are you doing outside?"

"I was going to ask you the same thing. Why don't you join the rest of your family?"

"No, I-I'm fine over here. It's a bit crowded, but I'll come back when the table is ready. Please, don't mind me and take this time to introduce yourself to the rest of my siblings."

"It would be a lot easier with you around, Hachirou."

I take a seat beside him, which surprises him at first. With the warmth of the fire and his family behind us, we continue sitting in silence as the snow grows thicker by the moment. I feel an equally cold barrier surrounding his heart, and as time passes his inner demons begin to resurface.

"... Enbos, why are you here? You shouldn't waste time on someone like me."

"I'm here of my own volition, Hachirou. Besides, you shouldn't avoid your own family."



"Please Enbos, just... stay away from me. I don't deserve your kindness. I would never be able to repay it."

"I'm not looking for payment, I'm looking for a friend."

"Then why? Why me? I'm a burden. Compared to my brothers and sisters, there is no reason to warrant your friendship."

"I don't give a damn what you're like compared to anyone else! I'm not befriending you as your father's son, I'm befriending you for what you are."

"... And what I am is despicable."

"Wh-what do you mean?"


"Please Hachirou, it's alright to share your pain with me."

"I-I'm sorry, Enbos. I just... can't. All I can say is... I'm not the person you think I am."

At that moment, I hear the door behind me open as someone peeks their head outside.

"There you two are! What are you doing in this weather? Please hurry inside. The family feast is about to begin."

We both nod in assent and put our discussion on hold. As we enter the room, the rest of the family is moving into the great hall. But before I follow them, I say one last thing...

"I won't give up on you. After all, I want everybody to be happy. So please Hachirou..."

As I turn around, my words are cut short as I notice the shock in his eyes. In the next moment, his expression returns to normal and he says the following under his breath.

"As I thought, you're exactly like Hayate."

"Huh? What are you..."

"Please go on ahead, Enbos. We... can talk about this later. For now, I'll help bring in the dishes."


There's something not right with Hachirou...

I enter the great hall where everybody is sitting around a low table that extends across the length of the room. As the head of the Nomura family, Takashi has to sit on one end of the table while I have to sit on the other as their honoured guest. The position of the family around the table is determined by their standing. As such, it seems the next successor to the Nomura clan head is the kobold with the scar, though I am surprised to find that loudmouth Ken is second in line.

"Hey, Enbos? Do you know where Hachirou is?"

"Don't worry, Chiyoko. He said he'll help bring in the dishes..."

But as soon as the words leave my mouth, I can't help but feel anxiety build up in my sternum. I find myself looking towards the door, which is why I immediately notice: Hachirou isn't among the attendants.

"... and it is my great honour to introduce everybody to my special guest-"

"I'm sorry Takashi, but we have to delay the feast. There is something urgent at stake here!"

"What is it Enbos?" Takashi replies in an equally serious tone.

"Hachirou... he's missing! I can't explain it, but I have a bad feeling!"

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