《Is it Reincarnation if I'm Still Dead?》Arc 2, Chapter 41: Backfire and Ice


For three days, we have been slowly trekking through the snow capped mountains of Dragon's Spine. The imposing chain of triangular peaks that coil like a gigantic serpent truly earns its namesake. And within this natural barricade is a branch of the Nomura clan who call this place home: a permanent kobold village. It's was established as a home for older kobolds, an intermediary between the different branches and, in general, a place to relax. Obviously, reaching such a secluded oasis is no easy task.

It is the beginning of winter, and for three days we have been shovelling snow and breaking ice as we journey along an ambiguous trail under freezing conditions. Fortunately, the weather hasn't been cruel, and our near perpetual clearing spree has resulted in solid progress. Still...

"... looking at all this white for days on end is driving me mad! Why the hell did I agree to work on all shifts?"

"Keep shovelling, Enbos. We received a Shikigami yesterday saying they're clearing the debris from their end. Just a little bit further and then we can all rest... Well, I guess you really can't."

"Please don't add salt to my wounds!"

Despite my outcry, I do feel genuine relief. After months of anticipation, I can finally begin my training. Takashi refuses to detail anything, claiming that the time isn't right. To be honest, his cloak and dagger approach is grating on my bones, but I trust him nonetheless.


"Not helping!" I mutter, as I turn around the corner to find...

... our way is completely blocked. There's a small gorge with no way around it and a huge pile of snow filling the gap.


"... This doesn't look good. There must have been an avalanche from the right side. With this much snow, we will not be able to reach the village by nightfall. Everybody-!"

"... Chiyoko."

"What is it?"

"Tell everybody to get back. I think it's time to use fire magic."

"We've had this discussion before, Enbos. The thawed snow will just freeze over. Besides, you don't have enough mana to melt it all."

"I don't intend to. I only want to reduce the workload. As for the aftermath, I'll use to clean it up."

"Do you really think is enough?"

"Not on its own, but I do have a plan..."


My study of magic wasn't limited to necromancy. I've also expanded my skill set.

Remembering Helena's spell, I decided to acquire it for myself. It literally creates "water" by using mana to imitate its properties. As a result, my started off as a greater rank skill due to my understanding of molecules and hydrogen bonding. While the effect is instantaneous, the mana consumption is too high and the "water" quickly dissipates. As a replacement, I decided to learn instead. It collects water from any nearby source, including the air. It's more mana efficient, but the skill depends on my environment.

As for my great plan to melt this wall of snow, I'm considering a spell that's still in development. Ever since my "performance" in Lennon, I've been trying to combine with my fire skills. However, since works by creating a small, static field, I'm working on a new custom skill specialised in improving combustion.


"I've seen your recent handiwork, Enbos, and from what I can tell you haven't succeeded."

"It's not like there is any harm in trying. Please, let me have a shot."

Chiyoko makes an exasperated face before giving me the green light. I take a stance before the blockade and begin reciting the incantation.

"[Spirits of Fire, heed my will. Let the son of the sun be birthed within my palm, and soar like a blazing swallow.] !"

With the still in my hand, I quickly activate my next skill.


is the custom skill I've been developing, but unlike my other spells it's not a self-contained ability. In theory, the process for should bind itself to , thus removing the need to channel a static field like in the case of . Well, at least that's the theory...

"Hey, Enbos. Isn't your growing too large? At this rate you're going to..."

"Oh sh-"


Well now, I haven't experienced this in a while. It reminds me of the good old days back in the Dellmore Forest.

I was having these thoughts as I flew through the air, before smashing into the cliff face and landing in the snow as a smouldering mess.

"Do you realise how close you were to dying?"

"Um... about 24 hit points?"

"That's not what I meant, Enbos. What were you thinking combining a non-archived skill with an offensive spell? Personally, I wouldn't have tried it until I've designed an incantation."


After that explosive display, I'm now consigned to the same tent as Takashi to "recover" from my injuries. However, without a fresh soul to rejuvenate me, I'm stuck with a fractured spine and a scorched arm. But what annoys me the most is the fact that one of my antlers is now charred.

"It looks like we'll have to spend another night on the side of the trail. How are you holding up Takashi?"

"Ah, this is nothing to worry about, though I must admit my old age is starting to get to me. I can feel my retirement approaching."

"Personally, I think you're retirement is way overdue."

Over the past seven months, Takashi has noticeably aged. At this rate, it's no joke to say he shouldn't be travelling. I half expect him to retire to the mountain village and leave the branch to Chiyoko, and yet his continued liveliness seems to suggest otherwise.

"Excuse me for intruding."

"Oh, hello Hachirou."

"How are you doing my son?"

"I am fine. The excavation is proceeding smoothly, such that my big sister has proclaimed we can afford to give Enbos a hard earned rest."

"That's awfully nice of her."

"Erm, to be honest, those were not her exact words... But I'm sure she meant the same thing! Anyway, I best take my leave..."

"Please, stay a while and- Ah, he's already gone."

"... Um, Takashi? Is it just me or has Hachirou been avoiding me lately?"

"He probably is, though I'm not sure why. I wish he would open up to me, or maybe I'm just too blind to notice..."

Giving a heavy sigh, Takashi rests his head on his hand.

Ever since the incident with the kids, I've been seeing Hachirou less and less, though it's no fault on my part. I have been trying to reach out to him, and yet I can never find the right time or the right words.

"Come to think of it, does Hachirou have anybody he can call a friend in any of the branches?"

"... No, he doesn't. While he's friendly to everyone, he's close to no one. He refuses to work with others, always performing basic tasks on his own. Outside of family, the closest one will have to be you, Enbos.

Honesty, I'm at a loss. I want for him to realise how much he means to all of us, and yet he always turns a deaf ear."

"Sigh, I wish we could just sit with Hachirou at the same table and have a nice, open chat without pressuring him."

"Actually, that shouldn't be a problem. Once we reach the village, there will be a grand feast celebrating our arrival. Better yet, all of the Nomura clan will be here, though our unexpected arrival will surely overburden the village..."

"Again, I'm sorry you had to change your entire migration for my sake!"

"Don't blame yourself, Enbos. I have my own reasons as well. By the way, have you checked your spiritual energy recently?"

"Well, I haven't paid much attention since... Huh?"

That's strange, my spiritual energy is less than a thought. I haven't hunted anything for 3 days, but I should have at least two day's worth. Instead, I only have one and a half.

"Did all that digging somehow waste my energy?"

"No Enbos, this is... Never mind, I'll tell you later, but for now..."

Takashi places a hand on my shoulder and I feel a sudden influx of spiritual energy. My automatically triggers and I sense several of my fractures begin to heal. It may not have recovered all my reserves, but Takashi has just added another day.

"How... What did you do?"

"That, my friend, was a demonstration of , the very spirit art I would like you to learn. Only difference is I transfused that energy instead of taking it for myself."

"... Takashi, why won't you tell me anything beforehand? You would think it will make things easier."

"Well, given your streak of rash experimentation, I don't think that's a good idea. In fact, you may even go off and attempt it without my knowing."

"Oh please Takashi, do you really think I'm that childish...?"

As I say this, I conveniently forget the times I practised on my own, the horror shows from testing necromancy, or how I "drowned" myself when acquiring .

"Besides, even if the spell backfires in my face, I'm more durable than a normal mage..."

"Enbos, I think you're taking this too lightly. If you mess up ... there's a very good chance you'll tear your soul to pieces."

As Takashi lets his words sink in, I feel my excitement tone down a notch.

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