《Is it Reincarnation if I'm Still Dead?》Arc 2, Chapter 38: Don't Talk to Strangers


"Welcome Takashi! You're a year early."

"Hello Finn. I felt like visiting your bustling village. It's almost like a small town!

"Hahaha, again with your silver-tongue. You wouldn't have changed your entire migration for our humble village."

"Though he did change it for a single skeleton," mutters Chiyoko under her breath.

While we were unloading our cargo at the storehouse, we were graced by a visit from the village head. He's a tall, brown haired man in his late thirties and dresses like the rest of the villagers. However, his presence feels just as overpowering as when I first met Takashi. Could he perhaps be a former travelling companion?

"And it's good to see you too, Chiyoko. It has been, what, three years since we last met?"

"Indeed, Mr Duwick. It is a pleasure to meet you again."

"No need to be so reserved. I almost didn't recognise you for a second there. As for you, I believe this is the first time we've met. My name is Finn Duwick."

"Huh? Ah, right. My name is Enbos. Nice to meet you."

"The pleasure is mine. As usual, I find Takashi has drawn another peculiar fellow."

Wait, did he already figure out my identity? What's with all these wise, middle-aged guys!? At this rate, I may as well change my name to "Skeleton".

"You're arrival is truly a godsend. The blessing of the earth was starting to weaken. We were in need of more hallowed roots for the restoration ritual."

"Blessing of the earth? Restoration ritual?"

"He's referring to the quality of the soil. The magic plants we brought are used in a ritual for nitrogen fixation and restoring lost nutrients. Of course, they have no idea how it really works and they wouldn't understand if I told them," explains Takashi.

Well that's convenient. If it were medieval Earth, they would have let the land rest or planted clovers. Then again, these hallowed roots are not easy to come by. I wonder, is the restoration ritual the product of thousands of years of trial and error, or was the knowledge simply forgotten?

"Shall we continue with the negotiations, Takashi?"

"Of course, Finn. Chiyoko, I'll have you accompany me for our discussions."

"I understand, father. After all, this is all for the good of the clan."

Are you still trying to tell yourself that?

"As for you Enbos..."


"Feel free to explore the village. We should be done sometime past noon."

"Thanks Takashi. Um, I'm sorry for borrowing your money."

"Please, pay it no mind. Consider it compensation for your share of hunting. Besides, I value our association more than human currency."

"Ahaha, I hope you feel the same about me!" interjects Mr Duwick.

I see off the pair of old friends, and the incredibly tense Chiyoko, before making my way outside.

That being said, the only things I can get from a distant farming outpost are carrots and eggs. With regards to weaponry, the best I can buy is probably a second hand knife from the local hunter.

Unlike Lennon, it wasn't built atop a life well and they don't have a particular specialty. With nothing better to do, I wander aimlessly and take in all the sights and sounds. If possible, I would love to listen in on the surrounding gossip, but my disposition is making things difficult. I have to use just to catch a word or two before they scatter like mice.

Hmmm, that's interesting. From what I can gather, some distant village has started a new tradition celebrating community spirit, and they plan to adopt it here. I wonder, what could have spawned such a recent event?


"Excuse me, traveller. May I interest you in my wares?"


As I search for the owner of the voice, I spot something so suspicious that it would make me look mundane. Contrary to the peaceful village setting, a large carriage has been parked by the wayside. It's beautifully crafted, with golden depictions of roses and thorns. At its front are two strongly built horses, with pitch black coats and crimson eyes. Actually, from a distance

I almost thought they were props. They're eerily still aside from the occasional flick of their tails. I finally draw my attention to the built-in counter, where the alleged vendor is watching me with a smirk.

"Don't be so wary. I assure you it will be worth your while."

"Why shouldn't I? Have you taken a look in the mirror lately?"

Like me, he's fully clad in black with a wide rim hat over his slick, dark hair, though the quality of our clothes is like night and day. Also, unlike me he isn't wearing a mask, and I almost think he should. His sickly pale skin and bloodshot grey eyes ruin his otherwise effeminate features. Moreover, that twisted smile and speech would put any Saturday morning villain to shame.

"Pfft-! Kuhahahaha!"

"What's so funny?"

"Do not worry. Your choice of words were rather... amusing. On the other hand, I do not believe you have any right to judge me."

Well, I can't argue with that.

"As for why I called you out, you seem like somebody with money in this desolate village. Judging by your equipment, I thought we could come to an agreement. Perhaps I was wrong."

Is this guy some black market dealer? My can't break through his carriage, so I can only assume he has anti-detection magic circles like me. I find myself instinctively taking a stance, even though he hasn't left the vehicle. Just how did he get past those soapy guards?

"... Who are you?"

"After you, dark one."

"... My name is Enbos."

"And I am Sepesh Balaur: traveller, trader, and spell reader."

"Spell reader? You have analytical abilities?"

"Indeed I do. Interested?"

I walk a little closer but with every step I feel as if I'm getting caught in his web.

"And why would you possess said skills?"

"Oh dear, I'm appalled by your doubts. Like I said, I'm a trader. People bring me unknown goods for a little coin, and I resell them at their true value. For example, your cloak..."

"... has a self-repair enchantment."

"Oh, you noticed. Pity. Anyway, after I inspect the item I offer a price, but for a fee I will share its secrets. Do you desire my services?"

So basically he's a second hand dealer, but to commoners without magical abilities, his services are actually a gamble. Luckily for me, Crest seems to automatically detect enchanted items. Checking my equipment, the gloves are the only things I do not know how to use.

"Okay, how much does it cost to identify an item?"

"It depends. What would you like me to inspect?"

You tailor your costs according to the item? What a greedy guy. Sigh, I may as well hear the price.

"I would like you to inspect my gloves."

"Certainly. May you please remove them?"

"No need. You already know, don't you?"

"Oh, I've been rumbled," he replies in a sarcastic manner.

Considering how fast he realised my cloak's enchantment, he's already analysed my equipment and can freely charge the price. I wonder, is he using some high rank version of ?


"The price for the information is 20 penz. I'm willing to buy it for a single fablar."

Hmmm, that isn't too bad. I have 2 fablars and 30 penz, and he's valued the enchantment at 20... no, wait a second. This is exactly what he wants me to think! The value of the information is probably higher, but he's deliberately charging less so that I would sell the gloves.

"If you like, you may buy a replacement for 10 penz."

That settles it. He's misjudged my intentions; I never planned to sell them in the first place.

"In that case, here is 20 penz for the information."

"Thank you. As for my analysis... your gloves are broken."


"Your. Gloves. Are. Broken. Whatever enchantment it once had has been destroyed."

"You're kidding?"

"I do not jest, Enbos. It was probably written in dark mana, but constant contact with holy magic has erased it."

When did it... Could it be from the time I carried Si's magic circle across the forest?

"... So what you're saying is I paid 20 penz for nothing when I could have sold the gloves for 50 penz worth and bought a new one for 10."

"Exactly, dear customer."

"You son of a-! Were you lying about paying a fablar?"

"I wouldn't dare. Whatever you may think of me, I'm a man of my word, which only makes the deal all the sweeter. Ah, it's a shame I can't see your face."

Well too bad, I don't have a face to entertain your twisted hobby! Good heavens, just look at that smile. It's obvious he enjoys this part of his job the most.

As I'm about to leave in disgust, I hear his aggravating voice call out to me.

"Please wait a moment, Enbos. Were you not looking for a weapon?"

I freeze at his words and slowly turn around to ask, "How did you know?"

"Kuhahaha... While we were talking, you took a stance where you could lunge at any moment, and I doubt you fight with your fists given the condition of your gloves. Your equipment suggests you're a mage, which is quite unorthodox for close combat. If I have to guess, I would infer you're an unofficial mage."

He's got a good eye. It probably comes with the job... Why the hell am I walking back to this scoundrel!?

"Just so we're clear, I don't have that much money for you to swindle."

"Then rejoice! I find you far too amusing to let go. I rarely have this much interest in someone outside the fair flowers that bloom along my journey."

"I'm finding you less and less likeable by the second."

"Please, do not squander my goodwill. Instead, let us have a gamble..."

He takes out a sheathed broadsword and applies a magic skill before offering it to me. I cautiously accept, but find he has magically bound the blade to the scabbard; it cannot be drawn.

"I think this sword will be perfect for you. I'm willing to sell it for just one, measly fablar."

That would be a good deal... if the blade were any good. A sword this size in mint condition would sell for around 15 fablars, according to Takashi. Going by the balanced yet weighty feeling, I can safely say it's a full blade. The hilt also seems rather intricate. However, since he deals in second hand goods, the chances of this being a chipped mess is more likely than not, especially given his character.

Even with a mask, my hesitation is as clear as day, as I look over the sword again and again. If I had any sense, I would put the blade down since he's deliberately testing my greed. Wait, what would he prove if it turned out to be any good?

"... Mr Balaur, I'll accept the gamble, and pay you 10 penz to remove the spell."

"Ku- Kuhahahahaha! So you noticed."

"Of course. If I hadn't, it would probably be stuck for weeks."

He removes the spell on the sheath and I steadily draw the sword. With each square inch revealed, I give an inaudible sigh. Still, the blade itself seems rather well forged... Wait, this is-!

Equipment Magic Broadsword* | Deer Mask | Cloak of Self Repair | Disenchanted Gloves | Boots | Standard Clothing | Travelling Pack

"Isn't this an enchanted blade!"

If I had to name a price, it would easily be worth 8 times the norm. It's a beautiful sword, with red markings along the fuller that portray a sense of eloquence. For some reason, I even detect a minor spiritual presence. I then notice a tiny inscription at the base: "Bloodletter."

"Well played Enbos, well played. I trust you are satisfied. I could tell you the effect, but it will cost more than what you paid," he says with a tender smile.

"Please pardon my rudeness Mr Balaur, but what exactly are you scheming?"

"Like I said, I've taken an interest in you. For that, I foresee a long association ahead of us and I'm willing to make the investment."

"You're quite an enigma, Sepesh Balaur."

"As you would phrase it: take a look in a mirror. Thank you for your patronage, Enbos."

Hm, maybe he isn't so bad after all.

I turn my back on his carriage and make my way down the path. After a while, I spot Takashi walking towards me.

"There you are, Enbos. Chiyoko is already at the wagon and... what is that!?"

"Hello Takashi. I see you noticed my new sword. You won't believe how much I paid for it!"

"I don't care how much you paid. I would have demanded a refund!"

Eh? Don't tell me that swindler...

"A-are you saying I got shafted?"

"Yes, but... are you sure you're okay? Wait, of course! Because you have ..."

"Please explain, Takashi. I'm getting both very worried and very angry right now."

"Sigh, you know the sword is enchanted, right?"


"Well, to be more accurate... it's cursed."


"The crafter has imbued a part of their soul into the blade. It creates a self-sustainable enchantment, but it affects the wielder's soul in return. In this case, I sense feelings of bloodlust that could drive anyone else mad. Still, if you're willing to overlook this, it's a really good..."


I dash back to his location, but find he is gone. Why aren't there any tracks from such a heavy vehicle? Goddamn it, I can imagine the smug grin he's wearing right now! I swear, next time we meet I'm going to hit you with a curse of my own!

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