《Is it Reincarnation if I'm Still Dead?》Arc 2, Chapter 37: Breaching my Second Town


"I feel troubled entering a village filled with... humans."

"For once, I wholeheartedly agree, Chiyoko."

"Don't be like that you guys. It's an important part of our livelihoods, and you both need practice associating with humans."

"... I understand, father."

"... Yes, Takashi."

That's right, we're going to visit a human village. It's located on the outskirts of the Reinsol Kingdom and the Nomura clan trades with them every two years. It is an important stop for buying tools and trading materials before crossing the border where security is at its weakest. Takashi is on good terms with this village as he singlehandedly crushed a nearby bandit hideout in his youth. He's done a lot of amazing things in his life.

Anyway, our wagon is now being loaded with dried plants and assorted hides from Elf Forest. The magic plants are especially interesting, as their roots naturally form magic circles that help draw nutrients. It's fascinating how evolution has made use of the World Stream, and it makes me wonder if early enchanters studied nature first.

As we finish our preparations and get ready to leave, we all notice the little ones hiding in the back.

"For the last time you guys, this is not a field trip! I don't want to babysit you lot while being chased by humans with pitchforks!"

"Eh? You too Big Bro?"

"Why can we never slip past Big Sis or Master Nomura?"

It would never work if any one of us are around, but coincidently, every person with is here.

"Sigh, please listen Yuki, Izumi, Kaito, Shou. We can't let you wander into such an evil place."

"W-what so evil about it, Big Sis?" asks Kaito in the back. Yes, me and Takashi would like to know as well.

"You see... it's filled with two legged wolves masquerading in the fleece of sheep. How can I possibly let children like yourself be tricked by such an undisciplined thing?"

Oi, oi, how biased can you be?

"We're not kids! We're smart enough to tell the difference."

"Yeah, and besides these sheep-wolf or wolf-sheep sound really cool! I want to see one."

Well that backfired. Her analogy flew right over their heads. But I seriously don't want to deal with Yuki and co while we're in town. I can picture Chiyoko and Takashi dumping all responsibility onto me.


"Hey guys."

"Yes, Big Bro?"

"If you four come along... we'll have to play a game of duck, duck, goose."

"Huh? Why did you say that last part in English?"

It doesn't matter, because those four got the message. They drop their cheerful demeanour like a stone and respectfully make their departure. Chiyoko and Takashi are left completely dumbfounded at their sudden obedience.

"... What did you teach them?"

"Nothing, it's just a bit of tough love. Anyway, let's get back to our journey."

An hour has passed, and the air is tense. Chiyoko is getting moodier by the minute and I'm a figurative bag of nerves.

"Why can't you bring Hachirou like last year?"

"It's because I brought him last year that it's only fair to bring you. Besides, this will also be a valuable experience for Hachirou to try managing our branch. I hope it will build some confidence in him."

I see. It's good to know Takashi is looking out for Hachirou and Chiyoko. I guess he's hoping this trip will help change them for the better.

Hrm? Hold on a second. Why are they trading now if they've already come last year? Wasn't it biannual?

I decide to ask Chiyoko, and sure enough:

"We changed our entire route for your sake! You should be grateful to father, otherwise you would have perished in the Wasteland. On second thought, you wouldn't have joined at all."

"Huh, really!? What's so dangerous about the Wasteland?"

"It's filled with bipedal wolves in sheep's clothing... Okay, all jokes aside, do you remember how I mentioned the Apocalypse? Well, the Wasteland was ground zero for that event."

"Oh, I get it. The entire Wasteland must be filled with holy magic from god's judgement... wait, that doesn't make any sense. Wouldn't it be sacred ground?"

"It's not holy magic. It's anti-magic radiation."


"I don't know what the Apocalypse was like, but it covered all of Aren. It weakened the connection to the World Stream and blocked the circulation of knowledge. That's why the magically superior civilisations of the past collapsed. Even now the world still suffers from that cataclysm. Species that once rivalled humanity degraded into feral tribes. Magical ability became limited to certain bloodlines. The entire history of a golden age now lies in ruin. Nowadays, the only traces still linger in the Wasteland and it's a haven for demi-human tribes. Do you see the problem here?"


"My was constructed from a spell, and I would fall to pieces if I step into the Wasteland?"

"That's right."

Still, that's one terrifying way to end the world. It would be like if all electrical devices suddenly stopped working on Earth.

Come to think of it, how do you get anti-magic radiation? I try asking Takashi, and as far as he knows, it cannot be recreated with current levels of magic. I guess it's worthy of being called a miracle.

Well, who's to say this world's Apocalypse was really an act of god...

Ah, there it is. The gate to hell. Maybe because the village is out in fringes, a low wooden wall has been built around it. The two militiamen stationed at the front evoke vague memories of desperation.

"Don't worry, the village elder is a good friend of mine. Look, you have to get over your trauma someday, and it may as well be today."

"B-but with my titles something will definitely go wrong!"

"Sigh, weren't you planning to go sightseeing so you could tell your girlfriend later?"

"Wha-! W-what are you saying, Takashi? Why would... Oi, Chiyoko! Don't look at me with those disgusted eyes! Our feelings are mutual."

"Ah, you just admitted it."

"Please, tell us more about this forbidden love between teacher and..."

"Like hell I will! Look let's just get past the inspection."

"That's the spirit, Enbos."

"... Why do I feel like I played right into your hands?"

Being the only visitors in sight, the two guards decide to stop our wagon. They seem familiar with the Yagi, but instead of making their way to Takashi...

"Please state your name and reason for visiting."

(Huh, why are they talking to me?)

(It's because you look human.)

(Stop whispering bones. I can see why you're stuck with that pathetic title.)

(Oh, right. Ahem...)

"So you wish for my name? Very well. My name is Enbos the..."

"What the hell are you playing at, and why did you change your voice!? As if you weren't creepy enough..."

"Enough with the insults already!"

"Uwaaah! It speaks Arenish!"

"Wait, that's what surprises you two? Seriously, this is why humans are so..."

"Please for the love of god, can you two stop making things worse!"

I'm sorry, but two wrongs don't make a right.

"Huh, hold on. Isn't that Takashi, the leader of the kobold tribe?"

"Indeed I am. It's good to see you again Simon. How is your youngest child?"

"She's in good health. In fact, Shelly is already starting to walk!"

"Good god, there he goes again with his kid. I'm sorry I didn't recognise you sooner, Takashi. I was wondering why this

wagon had your Yagi, but for some reason, I couldn't tear my eyes away from you."

"Sigh, let's just say you're doing a good job."

"Huh? Come to think of it, did your voice just change? Who are you?"

"Oh, please pardon me. I must be growing senile. Allow me to introduce them. This is my daughter Chiyoko, and this man is..."

Takashi goes on to make up a detailed back story on the spot. Supposedly, I'm an unofficial mage born under a village hunter. I tried mastering magic on my own, but scarred my entire body whilst practising fire magic. My father spent every penz trying to save my life, so I'm now on a journey to repay him and give him a better life. The reason I'm wearing such heavy clothing is due to the sensitivity of my burns. Even sunlight hurts my skin. That, and because I'm unsightly. My throat was severely damaged too, which is why I use .

For Pete's sake Takashi, can you make my past anymore tragic? There are two grown men on the verge of tears here!

Everybody is now looking at me in pity, though the root of Chiyoko's pity is entirely different.

"Please, Takashi... No more. I-I don't want to remember the pain that I passed onto my father," I say using the sappiest voice I can muster. Thank you Hollywood!

"No, just... go on. Never mind the toll."

"I'm rooting for you Enbos, *sniff*."

"No, please accept our payment. You have a daughter depending on you. A father must always be... their hero."

We successfully enter the village while the guard's sentiments usher us forth. What is this? I feel incredibly guilty.

Takashi gives me a thumbs up, as if saying, "That's how you do it." Chiyoko shakes her head at the absurdity of the whole situation.

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