《Is it Reincarnation if I'm Still Dead?》Arc 2, Chapter 36: Gone Like the Wind


"Kaito, pass to Izumi!"




"Did you really think you could trick me?"

"You won't get past me!"

"Good job, Shou."

A few weeks have passed since that first game of basketball. I've been keeping this group of four entertained between my regular activities. It's a great way to pass my time, and to them I'm an untiring playmate. It cannot be overstated just how useful limitless stamina is when dealing with hyperactive children.

Usually they're unfair games where it's me against them, however...


"Hey, that's cheating!"

"No it isn't."

Just because it's a greater rank skill with an automatic accuracy correction doesn't mean it's unfair!

"Enbos, technical foul. Yuki gets a free throw."

"Thanks Big Sis!"

"Oi! Are you going to overlook the fact Yuki is using !? And since when did you become the freaking referee!?"

More often than not, Chiyoko keeps cropping up whenever I'm around these kids. Does she doubt my childcare skills (for good reason), or...

"Score! Did everybody see that?"

"Of course, that was a perfect shot! Three points to Yuki's team," she says while rubbing Yuki's head.

... it's obvious, isn't it? In fact, I hardly see her relax anywhere else. Or could it be she only wears that perpetual scowl around me?

"What are you staring at, bones?"

"Oh, nothing. Just a fleeting illusion."

"What? Anyway, I best return to my duties. Don't play for too long, and tell me at once if he tries anything, okay?"


"Can't you at least give me some credit?"

We continue playing our game until lunch, and at the sound of the whistle we make our way to the village centre. My seat is no longer beside Takashi but with Hachirou, much to Chiyoko's mixed relief.

"Good day, Enbos. How was your morning?"

"I crushed- ahem, played basketball with the kids for a while. What were you up to, Hachirou?"

"Oh, I was helping out with the cooking. I look forward to hearing your verdict."


"You do know that my sense of taste will be directly tied to yours? As long as you enjoy it, then so will I."

Which is quite frankly a blessing. Even by kobold standards, Hachirou's dishes are some of the more... unique. I've noticed that the others suspiciously avoid his cooking, even though they taste perfectly fine from his perspective. To add even more confusion, when he eats the other dishes they still taste the same. What on Aren is going on? Granted, my is still a basic rank skill, so the reception is imperfect and I can only receive one sense at a time.

Speaking of which, is not limited to taste. I once linked Hachirou's sense of smell and was completely overwhelmed by all the aromas I never knew existed. Sharing sight is disorientating, as it overlaps with my own vision and I don't have eyelids to prevent it. The same problem applies to hearing as well. Linking the sense of touch only shares a part of their body, though it also transmits their sense of temperature.

I originally wanted this skill to ease my mental foritude. But now that I have it, I realise...

... I still feel cold. No, it's more accurate to call it a void in my soul. It gnaws at my conscience as I'm only sitting here for superficial satisfaction.


"Sorry Hachirou. I feel like doing more work."

"As expected, you are a shining role model."

I finish my pseudo-meal earlier than usual and make my way to the Yagi enclosure. In one week, the village will leave Elf Forest. I need to keep practising while I still have the chance.

"Big Bro!"


I turn around to see Yuki chasing after my back. For some reason he seems oddly anxious. Oh, as for the big bro thing, it's just a name those four have started calling me... Please don't become an actual title.

"W-will you be coming back?"

"Of course, I'm only fetching more water from the lake."

"Oh, okay..."


"What's wrong Yuki? You seem a bit worried."



"... Are you Hayate? I mean, in your last life."


"N-never mind. You wouldn't remember even if it was true."

"I'm pretty sure I'm not his reincarnation. Do I remind you of him?"

"Y-yes... that's because... Hayate was..."

He's fumbling his words. Considering his pained expression, it seems to be something personal and of grave importance.

How does this Hayate relate to me?

"Let's sit down, Yuki. You don't have to force yourself. Take as much time as you need."

We make our way to a nearby stump where Yuki takes a seat. He continues to stare at his feet as he tries to find the right words.

"Big Bro Hayate... used to play with us a lot, and he taught us many new things. He would lose his temper whenever we played a prank, but he would always forgive us. You're kind of like him in those ways."

"Was he Izumi's big brother?"

"No, he's Hachirou and Chiyoko's big brother."

Well that's a surprise! It's probably a sensitive topic among the Nomura family.

Come to think of it, should I really be asking him about this? Yuki is an orphan living with Mrs Tsubame, so I should be asking her instead. But before I could stop him, he begins to speak with downcast eyes.

"Two years ago... an illness was spreading through the village. There wasn't enough medicine and we couldn't get more."

"Did he... succumb to it?"

"No, but Hayate's mum, Mrs Nomura, was sicklier than anyone else. Big Bro Hayate was the fastest kobold in our clan, and he was really good at speaking Arenish. He wanted to buy medicine from the humans, but Master Nomura thought he shouldn't go alone. H-he didn't listen, and snuck away to find help, b-but...

... he never came back. Mrs Nomura later passed away."


I don't know what to say. I never knew Takashi experienced such a sorrowful event. To lose both his son and wife in such a short span of time. It's especially painful as Hayate left on a desperate journey against his father's wishes, only to fail in the end. It goes without saying that I can relate to his struggle.

Such a thing should have been traumatic to Hachirou and Chiyoko, though I have no idea how it has affected them. Actually, does the Nomura family really not know what happened?

"... Why are you telling me all this?"

"He left while everyone was eating, just like you!"

He looks at me and barks those words. His eyes are inflammed and his fur is damp around the eyes. I place my hand atop his head and gently stroke it. His body relaxes under my rhythmic motion.

I see, so that's why you were so worried. Really, I should have known.

Yuki was picked up as an infant by the village hunting party. He was abandoned by his parents due to his pure white coat, an oddity amongst the kobolds. As such, he is the only child in this community who wasn't born into the Nomura clan. His fear of being deserted must run deep, especially after Hayate's supposed death.

"Big Bro, please don't disappear like Hayate."


"Ne, say something already! Are you really going to leave us?"

"... I won't be leaving anytime soon, but I can't stay with you guys forever."

"T-then what can we do to make you stay!?"

"Calm down, Yuki. Even if I leave, I will not abandon you."

"Huh? But... That doesn't make sense."

"Even if we part ways, we can always meet again. I won't forget anybody, especially you."

"B-but what if you die?"

"I'm already dead, you idiot. You should worry more about yourself. What Hayate and I would ever want is for you to live a happy life in our stead."

Just like what Helena wanted for me.

"Big Bro..."

"Now, come along. If we hurry, there should be some leftovers. At worst, you can try Hachirou's cooking."

"What about the water?"

"There is still a full tank from this morning."

Once I finish Takashi's training, maybe I'll stay a little longer. After all, it's fine to enjoy life, right Helena?

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