《Is it Reincarnation if I'm Still Dead?》Side Story: Still a Stranger


"... and that concludes my report. We should have enough provisions to reach the forest."

"Very good. I was worried my impromptu decision would result in a shortage, but we managed to avoid it thanks to your

hard work. Well done, Chiyoko."

"Thank you father."

Though I'm sure you could have easily done the same without me.

Night has fallen and I'm giving the usual report to my father. He has entrusted me with more control over our branch, and yet it still cannot compare to his duties. I don't think me, Hachirou or any of our siblings can ever be like father, with his profound insight and wisdom, but I want to make him proud. I hope you're watching over me older brother.

"Now, onto the other matter at hand. Have you noticed any signs from Enbos?"

"No, he's keeping his spiritual energy around the same level. There hasn't been anything to suggest he's secretly collecting souls, however..."

"Sigh, his growth is still abnormally fast. I may have to consider training him at our mountain settlement."

"You want to divulge the secrets of your strength to an outsider!?"

"Chiyoko, he's one of us now, and besides, I don't intend to teach everything."

But why? First we divert our entire migration, and now we're openly sharing our knowledge. He has given us nothing, and yet my father is willing to offer so much. I just don't understand.

"My daughter, why do you keep trying to hate him?"

"He's as suspicious as a cultist and a disaster just waiting to happen."

"Those are hardly good reasons. While it's fine to be wary, I'm sure you realise it by now."

... Father is right. For the past few weeks, I've been keeping a close eye and yet he hasn't done anything that disagrees. In fact, I can easily understand why Hachirou holds him in such high regard. In some ways, he even resembles him. Even so...


"I-I still can't accept him, at least not now."

"It's alright Chiyoko, but next time you meet him, just ask yourself that question."

"I understand, father. I suppose I may have treated Enbos unfairly."

I politely bow and make my departure. As I make my way to my tent, I notice Sousuke running towards me with a grave expression.

"Miss Nomura! I have bad news!"

"What is it?"

"We did a head count and found four of the children are missing!"


How did we let such a terrible thing happen!?

"Rally the hunting party at my tent and ask their parents for one of their belongings. I'll go raise..."

"Erm, excuse me."

"What is it, skeleton!? Can't see with those holes in your head that we're..."

"If you're looking for four bra- ahem, kids, I've already "found" them. They were outside of camp."


Enbos points over to his tent where four small figures are laying side by side. Sousuke runs over to check them and confirms it's the ones who went missing.

"What were they doing and how did you find them?"

"N-not sure. The children were sound asleep (well, I shouldn't call it sound) by the time I got there. I found them by chance when I spotted a few tracks."

Hrmm, it all makes sense, but what is this feeling? I should be grateful, yet all I get from staring at his long, ceramic face is an indescribable sense of eeriness.

Was I wrong to distrust him? Of course not! Just looking at your creepy, suspicious form justifies everything! In fact, in the brief time I wasn't looking, he must have done something to those poor, adorable children.

I'm onto you, Enbos. I won't let anything else befall my family.

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