《Is it Reincarnation if I'm Still Dead?》Arc 2, Chapter 31: Home is Where the Humeris is


After the feast, all the villagers turn in for the night, leaving me alone with the Nomura family. We discuss the finer points of my joining and postpone my arrangements til tomorrow.

With nothing better to do, I lay in the middle of the village and gaze at the stars. I would love to keep studying necromancy, but I have this gnawing suspicion that I'm being watched. For now, let's just ignore it and think about something else.

Will Takashi use for breakfast? I hope so. I swear, if I ever go back to living alone, I'll turn delusional! Why am I looking forward to chicken flavoured souls?

The next morning, I am given a spare tent and a handful of Arenish books. They must have realised my sleeplessness last night.


"Um, Enbos? Are you sure you don't want me to do it?"

"No Hachirou, you've already showed me how. If I can't even pitch a small tent, I'll fail as a human being!"

"You already fail, skeleton. It's not like you need the cover, so stop wasting our supplies pretending to be something you're not."

Chiyoko chimes in with her antagonistic comment. Since the moment I joined, or rather, the moment we met, she's been

watching me like a hawk. The bags under her eyes only prove my point.

"Sigh, why must this pile of bones accompany our hunts?"

"You're the leader of the hunting party, so obviously you'll be in charge. Don't worry though. I swear I won't hold anybody back."

"You're already holding back the entire migration!"

"Enbos, please don't take what my sister has said to heart."

"Hachirou, stop associating with this skeleton!"

"Can't we all just get along?"

"Never mind, Hachirou. Like I said, I expected this reaction from anybody, even if they're not human."


"... don't..."


"Don't... compare me... to those selfish creatures!"

Everybody around us goes silent. Chiyoko's words and actions up to now can be explained by caution or disdain, but this is...

"... Please excuse me."

With hurried movements, she retreats elsewhere, leaving me and Hachirou alone with my dishevelled tent.

Naturally, I ask, "What's with her?"

"My sister... she doesn't like humans."

"I can clearly see that, but there has to be more."

"I'm sorry, but... it's difficult for me to tell you."

"... I understand. I won't force it out of you."

"Thank you. You are truly considerate."

"Still, I guess that explains why she hates me with a passion."

"I must disagree. If my sister truly disapproved, she wouldn't have talked with you."

Then why can we hold a conversation?

I pick up one of the tent poles, but stop and stare at my skeletal hand. It's obvious, isn't it? Chiyoko doesn't see me as human. Thus, I'm the lesser of two evils.

But what do I see myself as?

I'm acting like a human being because of my memories, or rather, the memories of Tyler Suesa. If I took that away, would I still consider myself a man?


Hachirou's voice breaks me out of my stupor. Let's not worry about it for now. Besides, I'm not alone. I can always turn to Takashi for counsel.

And so, I continue to work on my humble home. Does this pole go over there?

God bless this village, they have three square meals a day! Of course, I take a break from making my tent to enjoy breakfast and lunch. The soup was delicious, but I have to wonder if it's the same recipe as on Earth. The kobolds also have a custom of eating together as a village, probably to conserve supplies by cooking en masse.


Unfortunately, each time I return to my half finished tent, I find it has fallen over. It's smaller and lighter than the others, but was today really so windy?

Eventually, my hard work is rewarded with success. Did I forget anything? For now, I think I'll inspect the interior.

... Well, it could always be worse. I hope it's wide enough to-

Huh!? What happened? Why the hell did the tent collapse?

I would have attributed it to my terrible skills, had I not heard the sound of laughter. I pop my head outside and spot four small kobolds turn tail and flee.

"You punks! Do you know how long it took me to pitch this tent? I'll chase you til the ends of-"

"You better not, or I'll break your legs."

"Eh, Chiyoko? Have you been watching me the entire time?"

"Of course not. Otherwise, I wouldn't have let such innocent children near something so dangerous. I'm here to tell you about our hunting trip. I've got a special job in store for you..."

Chiyoko seems to have calmed down, but she is still as insulting as always. And why is this "special job" giving me the chills?

"Also, my father wishes to tell you something."

Hearing this, I immediately extract myself from my tent and follow her to Takashi's tent. Along the way, I admire everything Takashi has accomplished. He must have invested a lot of time and effort recreating these modern conveniences.

I notice most of the kobolds are busy packing and gathering food. Hachirou did say they're nomadic, and apparently I arrived near the end of their stay.

We reach the head's tent and announce our arrivals. He beckons us inside before we enter.

"Ah, Enbos. How was your first day in our village?"

"There were a few, um, nuisances. I ended back on square one..."

"I'm sorry to hear, but I'm sure you'll find a way."

"I just hope it's a one-off."

"Well, moving on. Two days from now you'll assist Chiyoko on her hunting trip. But before you go, there is something I must tell you."

"What is it?"

"Our clan follows a certain doctrine, and it concerns what you do with the dead..."

I listen to his words intently, but with every sentence I start to feel ever more distant. By the time Takashi finishes, I realise... I can't stay in this clan for long.

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