《Is it Reincarnation if I'm Still Dead?》Arc 2, Chapter 28: Nomura Clan


For several hours, I follow Hachirou across a hilly plain. It's almost night, and my guide is starting to worry about my condition. I tell Hachirou I'm fine with travelling at night and that I am not tired. Still, out of consideration he walks at a slower pace and avoids any rough terrain.

On our trip he tells me more about the kobold clan.

"We are a nomadic group of kobold families. My father is the one who united our kind and founded our clan."


"Indeed! Not only that, he even gave the kobolds a common tongue, our own culture and raised everyone to be more than mere beasts. He is also a kind and thoughtful father. I'm proud to be his son."

"I can already see those qualities in you. I look forward to meeting him in person."

"No, no, I can't possibly..."

He looks away with apparent embarrassment and remains silent.

We eventually reach a secluded valley, inaccessible by any road with land too uneven to build one. Nestled by a stream are a cluster of circular tents: the kobold village. Around its perimeter at large intervals are tall wooden poles with bells attached to the top. They appear to be magical alarms, and I muse on the fact that there is as much magic here as in all of Lennon.

Hachirou and I approach two kobolds on patrol. They relax upon seeing Hachirou, but tense up upon seeing me.

"?namuh siht si ohw dnA ?!neeb uoy evah erehw ,uorihcaH"

".ruoivas ym si ,sobnE ,nam sihT .ekusuoS ,gnigarof elihw dekcatta saw I"

".ees I-I"

".rethaf ym htiw ecneidua na mih evig ot hsiw I ,suhT"

".desaelp eb ton lliw okoyihC ?!yllaeR"

".lavorppa rieht kees lliw I .yrrow ton oD"


Obviously, I can't follow their conversation, but their words sound vaguely familiar. Is it derived from Arenish? No, it sounds like something from Earth, more specifically, Japanese. But where would they learn such a thing? Wait a second, Hachirou had said his father was the one who...

"Excuse me Enbos, but I need time to prepare your welcome. Please wait a little longer."

"Ah, okay."

Hachirou goes ahead into the village, leaving me alone with the guards who both wear uneasy expressions. I'm not any more comfortable than they are. After all, I spent most of today fleeing from the town garrison!

After a while, their ears suddenly perk up. One of them steps forth and gestures to follow him. It seems it's time to meet their leader.

The two kobolds guide me into their village as we head towards the largest tent. A crowd gathers, curious about their new guest. I start to feel nervous with all these kobolds around me.

Unlike my visit to Lennon, I suffer a distinct case of culture shock as nobody here speaks Arenish like Hachirou. However, I do notice a few things that seem awfully familiar. For instance, the group of kobolds in the middle of cooking appear to be taking ingredients out of a box... with traces of cold air. Next to them is a leather water hose connected to a tank with a pump. Also... is that an electric lamp? Sure it's made from different materials, but I'll never mistake that brightness! How are nomadic kobolds more technologically advanced than the most dominant species on Aren!?

My two guides stop outside a large tent and beckon me go inside. I steel my resolve and lower my back before I enter. It's troubling enough the door frame is too low for a human, but my antlers are making things worse.


I notice three sets of shoes by the entry and decide to take off mine as well. As I carefully remove my boots beneath my cloak and raise my head...

"Welcome Enbos. We are delighted by your presence."

I am greeted by an old yet spirited voice. The speaker is sitting on his knees in a dignified manner, wearing a silk kimono with intricate patterns over his aging white fur.

"My name is Nomura Takashi. I am the head of the Nomura Clan."

Without a doubt, he is the most powerful being I've ever seen. Somehow, I can feel the ghostly hairs on my neck stand on ends. A Blue Bear would cower in his presence. If he were an adventurer, I would undoubtedly consider him A rank, at the very least.

"M-my name is Enbos. It is an honour to make your acquaintance!"

He looks at me in befuddlement, but then I realise I haven't given him a surname.

"... Enbos?"

A distinctly feminine yet stern voice draws my attention. Two kobolds on either side of Takashi abruptly pop into view; I was so focused on him that I had ignored everybody else. On his left is Hachirou, happy to have arranged this meet up. On his right is a female kobold with dark-brown fur, possessing the same dignity as Takashi. Unlike Takashi or Hachirou however, she's wearing leather armour instead of a kimono, and she is staring me down.

"Ah, please pardon me for the delayed introductions. These two are my children. As you may already know, this is my son, Nomura Hachirou. On my right is my daughter, Nomura Chiyoko.

I am truly thankful for you for saving my son. We owe you a debt we may never repay."

"I-it was the right thing do. I'm satisfied by your gratitude!"

I deeply bow in turn, but just when I'm about to raise my head, clarity dawns on Chiyoko.

"You fiend!"

I suddenly feel a powerful stomp embed my skull into the floor. If I weren't a skeleton, my neck would have snapped...!

Actually, it has.



"Father, this undead dares to waltz into our village and introduce himself with such a condescending name! He must be destroyed!"

What's wrong with my name? Helena, just what does it mean!?

"You think I haven't realised? He is still our guest, Chiyoko. Stand down!"

Wait, you also figured it out? Am I overlooking something important?

"But father..."

"He bears not a shred of animosity, and it still doesn't change the fact we are indebted to him."

She reluctantly raises her foot and withdraws. I attempt to reconnect my bones before my head literally rolls off my shoulders. Hachirou appears utterly dumbstruck at this turn in events.

"Enbos, I am so sorry for my daughter's rudeness! Please forgive her."

"It's okay (ah my jaw). I think it's a natural reaction for anyone in this world."

"Of course, you pile of bones."

"Chiyoko, you will apologise later!"

"In fact, I'm more surprised by your open-mindedness, Takashi. Errrm... but if you wish, I will peacefully leave your..."

"No, please stay."

An uneasy silence follows soon after. Takashi observes me with great intent. It's nowhere near as murderous as Chiyoko's stare, yet his golden irises pierce my very soul.

He then opens his mouth and utters a single word...


... in English.

"You! Earth! Are you from Earth!?"

"What are you doing, you scoundrel!?"

I unintentionally grabbed Takashi by the shoulders during my excitement, incurring Chiyoko's wrath. She steps in and performs a powerful uppercut, and sends my head flying into the pale-faced Hachirou's lap.

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