《Is it Reincarnation if I'm Still Dead?》Arc 2, Chapter 27: Save the Monster... wait, what?


Phew, that should be far enough. I'm never going back to Lennon again.

It didn't take long for the town garrison to be put on high alert. Patrols increased across town and inspections became more thorough at the gates. Some of them even had enchanted lamps, which I can only assume reveals those in hiding.

Even with , , and an anti-detection magic circle, breaking out of Lennon undetected was no mean feat. I latched myself to the belly of a cart and used to change vehicles during inspections. Once the coast was clear, I rolled myself into a grove without alerting the rider and continued running into the wilderness.

Visiting Lennon was a master class in disaster. I'm sure neighbouring villages will hear or mishear something of it, before promptly driving me out.

Where do I go now? I refuse to seclude myself in another forest, and yet my reputation around these parts is in tatters.

There are only two ways I can rejoin civilisation: I travel to some distant territory and try again, or I happen upon a convenient game-like event and earn a noble or village elder's favour. Of course, the likelihood of that happening is...


... nothing short of a miracle. Hrm, did I hear something?

"Please show mercy!"

Nope, it's nothing but my delusions acting up again. When did I become so naive as to expect anything from this world?

... What am I telling myself? The fact that I'm crazy, or the fact that a convenient game-like event actually popped up.

Sure enough, in the distance I spot two figures and a bipedal beast. Without any ulterior motives, I valiantly charge forth, but as I got closer the situation got stranger.

I hear a voice in distress, but the other two are clearly laughing. Is one of them working with the monster?


I then notice both guys are armed, while the unarmed creature is flailing in desperation.

The creature in question looks like a light-grey, humanoid dog... with clothing. The amused pair of kids appear to be from a wealthy family judging by their fine, vibrant clothing and decorated knives. They've cornered the upright dog against a tree, and are enjoying his pleas and whimpers.

Um, what is this? Isn't this picture wrong? Of course it's immoral, but should I intervene with the intention of lecturing the kids, or the intention of saving the poor thing?

"Let's cut off its ears!"

"I guess that settles it. ."


One of the brats swinging his knife is stopped by a pale blue barrier. Both men and beast turn to face me and widen their eyes in shock.

"Greetings, I am-"

"A talking deer!"

"It's a mask, you blind- sigh, never mind. Anyway, you shouldn't torment this creature. It's unsightly."

"Why not? It's just a kobold."

"Yeah, nobody cares about it."

It's called a kobold, eh? It seems too civilised to be a mindless beast, though. But animal or not...

"You're no better than children plucking the wings off insects."

"Huh, who do you think you are? You're nothing but a commoner."

"Yeah, our father is the town mayor! You can't tell us what to do."

"Do I look like a commoner?"

I secretly use to add weight to my words. The two brats are scared senseless, along with the... oops, I better tone it down a bit.

"So you're the mayor's kin, eh? How unfortunate."

"W-w-what d-do you mean?"

"Since I don't see an escort, despite being so far from the roads..."


"... you must have snuck out of Lennon. Unfortunately for you, the town is currently on high alert. You won't be sneaking back so easily."



"Your father will be displeased if you dawdle any longer. If you hurry back then maybe you'll get away with just a scolding."

The two rascals hastily retreat the way I came. Once they are out of view, I turn to face the kobold and undo the spell.

He appears to be wearing a kimono, but I'm no expert on clothing. Still, it's clearly different from any other clothes I've seen.

"Are you alright?"

"Ariga-, I-I mean, thank you for saving me!"

"You don't have to bow quite so deeply. I can't see your face."


"My name is Enbos."

"I-I'm Nomura Hachirou. It's an honour to meet you."

"Are you alright Nomura?"

"I am healthy. I thank you for your concern. You may not be aware but Nomura is my family name. My given name is Hachirou."

"Interesting, it's just like... Anyway, can you tell me what happened?"

"Of course, Enbos-sa... ahem, I was foraging for herbs before I was attacked. I do not know how I wronged them, but my fate was all but sealed. I cannot thank you enough for your kindness."

"It's only natural, isn't it?"

Apparently not. His eyes glitter with admiration at the depth of my humanity, if that makes any sense.

"Enbos, please follow me back to my settlement!"

"Huh? Why?"

"I wish to introduce you to my father, the head of the Nomura clan. I must repay you for saving my life."

"... Okay."

I did say I want to build relations, though this wasn't what I had in mind.

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