《Is it Reincarnation if I'm Still Dead?》Arc 2, Chapter 26: A Hair's Breadth


What the heck were you spouting Tyler!? It's a miracle they bought your egotistical guise. Still, I have to admit it was fun imitating his voice. Should I try someone else? No, no, no, now is not the right time...

The town guards are avoiding me out of fear of my nonexistent status. Even the townspeople are avoiding me, which leaves a bad taste for my first foray into society.

So where's the adventurers guild? I guess I'll ask one of the patrols for directions.

Huh? Did that guard just hide around the corner?

I decide to keep tabs on him with , and I soon realise I'm under surveillance. They're even alternating between patrols to avoid suspicion.

Sigh, all I thought about was getting in, but now I have to keep acting like "Enbos the Black" while I'm here as well.

Would Enbos the Black buy an iron knife? No.

Would Enbos the Black stay at a cheap inn? No.

Is Enbos the Black anything like Tyler the Lowly? Damn it.

At the very least, I should register as an adventurer, then I can complete quests at another town as Not-So-Stuck-Up Enbos the Black.

I pass several branching paths which lead into cluttered alleys full of wooden homes. Most of the buildings have multiple stories that hang over the narrow alleys. For now, I'll keep walking along the main street to avoid getting lost.

So this is a medieval European-style town. It's quite interesting watching the townsfolk go about their daily lives, carrying water, pushing carts and going to the fields. There are fewer people than I imagined, much to my relief. After staying in the Dellmore forest for so long I'm now uncomfortable with crowds.

It's a fascinating step back in time, but there is one thing that disappoints: it all seems quite ordinary. Let's not forget this is a fantasy world, and yet there is a distinct lack of magic. I never thought mages would be so rare.

I begrudgingly pass the weapon shop and inn, but stop outside a certain store. It's a magic shop, and inside there are various enchanted tools on display. I quickly check with and find most of the items are imbued with low level skills. Well, I suppose it's convenient if you don't want to spend half a lifetime training.

It takes a lot of time and effort to imprint a magic circle, as I recently learnt. The power of an enchantment depends on the materials, inscription and mana imbued. The best ones are those with a magic core, which functions like a battery. They're harvested from magical beasts and vary in quality and sometimes functionality.


Hrm? There's a magic web covering the goods. More importantly, it's being powered by a mana link. If I follow it...

I do exactly that and sure enough, I reach the town square. Using I spy an invisible rainbow reaching towards the heavens: a life well. Back on Earth, I once read that towns are usually built for trade or religion, but in Garea it seems they are also built around life wells.

A large magic circle has been inscribed at its base, diverting pure mana to the closest buildings like an electrical grid. Since the rest of town is barren in magic, the range of this "mana grid" is likely very limited. As a result, only the wealthiest people or most important buildings reside around the town centre. Despite this, the most magical thing I can spot are a few enchanted lamps and hidden barriers.

There is an exception however, and its white stone walls stand out against the wooden backdrop: the town church. Engraved at its base are several runes that resemble Si's healing magic. I'm guessing those inside receive accelerated recovery. While it isn't a holy barrier, I would still take damage over time if I step within its hallowed halls. More importantly, the quality of this building just goes to show the power of the world religion, Path of Eden.

I give the church a wide berth and keep looking until I eventually spot it. At one of the corners of the town square is a large three-storey building with the words "Lennon Adventurers Guild" engraved on its sign. I suppose I'm in Lennon, as I never bothered to check.

Several magical nets are covering the entry. It's a good thing I studied that book, as it turns out there is an enchantment designed to bypass detection magic engraved within its cover. I guess that explains how cultists can hide within a magical society. Through trial and error, I managed to reactivate the enchantment, but it's only temporary.

Whilst remaining vigilant of my watchers, I enter the guild building without hesitation. My spell holds strong and no alarms go off, thank goodness. I redirect my attention towards the interior of this building.

... Now this is the medieval fantasy world I was expecting. Adventurers waiting in line for the receptionist. A billboard filled with subjugation and investigation requests. Parties of people wearing mismatched equipment, sitting around tables.


Apart from the defence nexus, there is again a noticeable lack of magic. Nobody gathered here has consistent mana flow, a crucial requirement for a mage. Is magical ability that scarce or is this town just too remote?

I approach the shortest line and immediately catch everyone's attention, except for the young man in front of me. My appearance practically screams spell caster, and my mask isn't very subtle either. The surrounding gazes and hushed whispers are making me nervous. The next person in line still hasn't realised and is mistaking himself as their target of curiosity. Look, I should be the one sweating, not you!

"N-next please."

I have a distinct feeling the receptionist is not looking forward to my turn.


"How may I help you?"

"I'm here to register as an adventurer."

How lucky, this will serve as a good reference! I lean in closer to listen, but intimidate the poor woman at the desk. The guy in front of me is as oblivious as ever, and I'm not even using .

"W-well then, may you please take this and fill out your name, address and, if applicable, your class. Do you have any commendations?"


"In that case, you will be registered as an F rank adventurer. Only F and E rank requests can be accepted at this level, with the latter requiring a party. If you complete enough requests you may increase your adventurer class. Promotion to A or S rank requires an audience with other high class adventurers and permission from the royal family or a representative."

Pretty standard adventurers guild affair, though the royal family requirement is probably a means of bolstering this country's military might. There should be some restriction or caveat to crossing borders in order retain their war potential.

It might seem fishy, but I plan on registering as a F rank adventurer. I have no plans on becoming anything higher than B rank and getting tied to this country's politics.

"... Here, I'm done."

"Thank you, Mr Bennet is it? I'll be back shortly with your adventurer crest."


The receptionist calmly retreats out of view. The young lad in front is ecstatic, so I congratulate him with the voice of a certain grey wizard.

"Well done."

"Thank you very-"

He finally looks back and chokes mid-sentence. Sigh, I guess changing my voice doesn't change my impression.

"Look ahead, adventurous one. The fair lady is back with your crest."


"I'm sorry for the wait. All we have to do now is to bind this crest to your soul."

"Bind to it my soul?"

"Of course. The adventurer crest is embedded with one half of a special magic core. In the event of death, theft or misplacement, the other half of the core can trace its location. If you die, the colour of both cores will change."

How convenient, although the cost to replace one is probably high.

"I see! So how do I link it to myself?"

He's almost done! Soon, I'll be next to...

"All I need is a few strands of hair."

I'll say this again: does this world hate me?

What about bald people? Do they have to pluck their eyebrows? Sigh, who am I even complaining to...

After that shocking piece of information, I'm currently pondering my situation inside the toilet. I can't be an adventurer because I have no scalp. I can't be a merchant because I'm too poor. I can't be a snobbish mage because I attract too much attention. My only choice is to become an aimless wanderer, scraping together as much change as possible.

With a heavy, figurative heart, I open the window shutters and use to teleport into an alley.

As I peek around the corner, I spot a well dressed, middle-aged man being escorted by the town garrison. They appear to be waiting outside the adventurers guild.

"So, where is this magician that has graced our humble town of Lennon?"

"My liege, according to our reports Enbos the Black appears to be in the lavatory."

"Well, I suppose all men succumb to the same daily needs. I shall wait for him inside."

Oh god, is that the mayor? Did my embarassing act really have to warrant his visit?

That was a close shave! I have to get out of here ASAP!

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