《Rise of a Rogue Dungeon》Core Chapter 5: The Beginning of a Dungeon Pt.4


As it thought of a way to draw the Bear into its trap, it felt a peculiar sensation like when it had drained Mana from the Pixie, and immediately it returned to its room, it's sight landing on the three Leechlings which were latched onto one of the smaller blood-roots in the room.

This scene made it feel like it was dumb because rather than assimilating those large blood-roots earlier it could've just drained them a bit leaving them alive and intact for using them later. It's thinking was interrupted as it noticed the blood-root they were latched onto started losing its coloring signifying it was nearly dead, so it hastily told the Leechlings to move onto another blood-root and avoid draining that one again. This discovery still made it happy as it watched its Mana rise by nine points rasing its Mana count to twenty-one.

Having sorted out the Leechlings for now, its thoughts returned on the Bear and how it would draw it into its trap. It thought of sending out its Leechlings to attack the Bear and get its attention, but it felt the Bear would just kill them then return to sleep instead of looking for where its attackers came from thinking they were all dead. Furthermore considering how hard the Leechlings were to spot it was unlikely the Bear would see any Leechlings sitting at the entrance behind the trap.

Realizing it would need to get the Bear's attention from a distance it pondered how to do so, it could try to throw pieces of Lakinite at it hoping it could throw far enough or it could attempt to condense its Mana into a form of attack.

A quick test in its room revealed it wasn't easy to throw Lakinite far especially in the Titan core area where it barely had any influence in the first place; this brought its focus towards making an attack with its Mana which proved to be incredibly easy whether it had influence or not.


Armed with a way to draw the Bear's attention it created two more Leechlings bringing the count to five and told the Leechlings to gather in the gap where they would stay behind the trap ready to pounce on the Bear when it falls into it.

Moving to the entrance of the Titan core's cave it began creating a ball of Mana using up six mana points and looked towards the Bear as it discharged the now glowing sphere of pure Mana which surprisingly grew in size spontaneously when it passed through the hurricane of Mana surrounding the Titan core.

The sphere started making a loud screeching noise as its hue changed from light blue to dark blue alerting the Bear to its presence who was only able to open its eyes for a second before being sent crashing against the Titan core which lay behind it, which remained unscratched by the powerful collision.

The Bear rapidly shook its dizziness away, scanning its surroundings for the one who would dare disturb its sleep and it quickly found another ball of Mana heading towards it, this one clearly much smaller than the first, the Bear swiftly dodged around the ball and charged in the direction it came from at blinding speed.

It watched as the Bear turned into a blur heading in its direction, the Bear's charge ended abruptly when it stepped on the thin floor which couldn't hold its weight and caved into the pit below. Gravity pulled the Bear's body downwards even as its stupendous momentum kept it going forward smashing its head against the pit's wall knocking the Bear out cold.

As it watched the dust settle and saw the Bear's unconscious body sticking out of the pit too small to hold its entire length, it shuddered remembering the ridiculous speed it had just witnessed, and thought what kind of stupid creature makes itself so fast it can't even control its own speed in the slightest?!


Shaking its metaphorical head, it watched as the Leechlings drained the life and Mana away from the Bear, it examined the black boxes which had appeared after it used its new attack properly for the first time.

New Skill Created!

Mana Discharge!

Effect: Causes the instant formation of a sphere of pure Mana using ten points of Mana and fires in the direction the user is facing.

Range: 30 Meters.

New Title acquired!

Mana Wielder!

Unlock Condition(s): Possess three or more Mana Abilities and create a Mana Skill.

Effect(s): Makes all Mana related abilities and skills cost 15% less to use.

(Title Note To User: This effect also applies to the increased Mana cost of foreign assimilated monsters.)

Dungeon Achievement Unlocked!

Skill Creator!

Unlock Condition(s): Create a Personal Skill of any kind.

Effect(s): Lowers the activation cost of Personal Skills by 10%.

It felt satisfaction in its victory seeing these boxes which always seemed to bring good news before its sight, and it will undoubtedly welcome the discount given by Mana Wielder, it was also happy it didn't lose any Leechlings thanks to the Bear being knocked out by its kiss with the wall.

Watching as the Bear's life finally gave away, it was ready to assimilate it but didn't hold any hope in being able to make one considering the cost of blood-roots which weren't affected by the price increase for creating foreign monsters it didn't select from the menu. Before it could start the assimilation, however, more boxes spread out before giving more joyous news making its Core shine in delight.

Level Up!

Level: 0 🠂 1

Maximum Mana Capacity: 27 🠂 37

Maximum Integrity: 30 🠂 36

Intelligence Stat Unlocked! Intelligence increases your skill in using Mana lowering the cost of any Mana related action. Wisdom Stat Unlocked! Wisdom makes Mana related abilities and skills stronger and also increases Maximum Mana Capacity separate from leveling. Luck Stat Unlocked!

Luck grants the random possibility for Mana or Stamina related actions not cost anything!

Unique Dungeon Stat Effect: Random possibility for creatures to evolve beyond their maximum rating.

(The Unique Dungeon Effect accounts for ratings raised by greater potential.)

It was surprised at the revelation that it could level up but still pleased as having a higher Mana Capacity was always good in its mind, looking away from the boxes it assimilated the Bear once all its Leechlings crawled off of it.

Assimilation complete! Storm Hide Bears have been added as an available monster and may now be created at the cost of 289 Mana points per Storm Hide Bear.

Sighing at the cost, it moved back to its room giving the Leechlings orders not to kill the blood-roots with their draining and opened its status.

N/A's Status Location: N/A's Dungeon Name: N/A Age: 9 Days Old Race: Rogue Dungeon Level: 1 Integrity: 10/36 Mana: 37/42 Intelligence: 6 Wisdom: 4 Luck: 3 Dungeon Size: 0.17/8 Current Integrity Status: Awful, Recovering From Mana Deprivation! Abilities: Appraisal, Mana Sense, Mana Sight, Mana Shaping, Mana Drain, Limited Telepathy, Matter Assimilation. Skills: Mana Discharge. Available Monsters: Tiny Lesser Mana Leechling (L-R), Pixie (G-R), Storm Hide Bear (UC). Titles: Pixie Slayer, Mana Drainer, Mana Wielder. Achievements: Solo Dungeon, Leeching Core, Rare Beginning, Divine Assimilator, Monster Progenitor, Novice Trapper, Skill Creator.

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