《Rise of a Rogue Dungeon》Core Chapter 4: The Beginning of a Dungeon Pt.3


Returning to its room, it set out to create its first Mana leechlings which would be instrumental in killing the bear which guarded the Titan core; it thought up its status to see how much Mana remained after its expansions.

N/A's Status Location: N/A's Dungeon Name: N/A Age: 9 Days Old Race: Rogue Dungeon Integrity: 09/30 Mana: 05/27 Dungeon Size: 0.16/8 Current Integrity Status: Terrible, Recovering From Mana Deprivation! Abilities: Appraisal, Mana Sense, Mana Sight, Mana Shaping, Mana Drain, Limited Telepathy, Matter Assimilation. Available Monsters: Tiny Lesser Mana Leechling (L-R). Titles: Pixie Slayer, Mana Drainer Achievements: Solo Dungeon, Leeching Core, Rare Beginning.

Deciding it would need to assimilate another blood-root to have enough Mana to create its leechlings it turned to go about its endeavor although it stopped before the pile of rocks which had the Pixie corpse beneath it just to appraise the being that would've been bound to it had it not died.


Pixies, first born along Dungeons they've since spread across the world and are recognized as lesser fae by the sapient races of the world. Within Dungeons, Pixies use their limited ability to convert Ether to Mana aiding in a Dungeon's initial expansion, they also teach and assist Dungeons in their decision making and serve as overseers of Dungeons stopping them from doing things which would harm the balance of the world.

Rating: Greater Rare.

Seeing that pixies were actually considered greater rare surprised it, thinking back to the tiny amount of Mana it had obtained from the Pixie it had drained, it felt something was off. It assimilated all the rocks laying on the Pixie only to be surprised by what these rocks were.

Assimilation complete! Lakinite may now be created at the cost of 460,128 Mana points per meter. Dungeon Achievement Unlocked!


Divine Assimilator!

Unlock Condition(s): Assimilate anything rated Semi-Divine or higher.

(This condition must be completed as an unevolved core.)

Effect(s): Discounts anything rated Semi-Divine or higher created via Mana shaping by 10%.

It felt happy seeing the achievement but its mind melted seeing that cost which it would only be able to dream about unless it restored the Titan core outside its room, it immediately appraised this ludicrous material wondering why it costs so much!


Lakinite, the stone forming the body of Earth Element Titans, with a coloring of dull lead-grey, Lakinite is often overlooked by sapient races for looking like ordinary stone. Lakinite is capable of hardening depending on the amount of Mana poured into it, and when forming the body of Titans, it becomes nigh indestructible.

Rating: Greater Semi-Divine.

Looking around its room, it came to the realization that its cave and the Titan core's area seemed to be made of the same type of stone leading it to think it might be within the body of a Fallen Titan. Recognizing it was getting sidetracked it returned to its original reason for assimilating that pile of Lakinite, looking at the mangled corpse of the pixie it began assimilating it fully aware by now that having a Pixie might be useful since they seem to have a lesser version of the Titan core's ability.

Assimilation complete! Pixies have been added as an available monster and may now be created at the cost of 600 Mana points per Pixie.

Considering the cost, it decided to ignore it ever acquired Pixies until it can actually afford them. Moving across the room, it assimilated one of the larger blood-roots which contained fourteen points of Mana within, feeling ready it prepared itself for creating its first leechling.

It scrutinized the creation process closely as a tiny black lump came into being before its sight, the creation came to an end without any fanfare and the appearance of a black box.


Dungeon Achievement Unlocked!

Monster Progenitor!

Unlock Condition(s): Create any available monster.

Effect(s): Makes the first created monster of any race more potent than the rest of its kin.

It was surprised at earning an achievement, but it welcomed anything that helped, it also thought of opening its status just to see how many mana points it costs to make a single leechling.

N/A's Status Location: N/A's Dungeon Name: N/A Age: 9 Days Old Race: Rogue Dungeon Integrity: 09/30 Mana: 14/27 Dungeon Size: 0.16/8 Current Integrity Status: Terrible, Recovering From Mana Deprivation! Abilities: Appraisal, Mana Sense, Mana Sight, Mana Shaping, Mana Drain, Limited Telepathy, Matter Assimilation. Available Monsters: Tiny Lesser Mana Leechling (L-R), Pixie (G-R). Titles: Pixie Slayer, Mana Drainer Achievements: Solo Dungeon, Leeching Core, Rare Beginning, Divine Assimilator, Monster Progenitor.

Surprised at the minuscule cost, it understood the leechlings were likely incredibly frail, and it'll probably need a lot of them to kill the bear directly. Creating two more leechlings which looked a tiny bit smaller than the first it comprehended that the previous achievement it earned made its first leechling stronger. Deciding to keep an eye out for this high potential leechling, it absorbed another large blood-root giving it fifteen Mana points which brought its Mana back to nineteen however instead of making more leechlings it went to the entrance of the Titan core's area and claimed two meters straight into the room at the cost of seven Mana points.

It began hollowing out a two-meter wide and two and a half meter deep hole beneath the floor of the entrance leaving only a thin sheet of stone covering its pitfall. Feeling pride at its creation, it was further made smug by another black box appearing before it.

Dungeon Achievement Unlocked!

Novice Trapper!

Unlock Condition(s): Create any type of trap.

Effect(s): Anytime you make something considered a trap you regain 5% of the Mana used in its creation.

With its trap built it now felt ready to kill that wretched bear which still slept happily before the Titan core.

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