《Dragon Child of Thunder》Hey



Sorry for not having update anything for a few days, had a accident a few days ago and things have been

a bit busy. That's not the entire truth as lately i haven't felt motivated to write like I used to, as everyday I'm being bombarded by negativity from reviews, comments and even PMs and to be honest I'm quite fed up at the moment.

I can't be spending hours to write stuff and only get back hate in return it's annoying. The other day I defended myself from a few comments and reviews and got myself a 10% warning, that's why I no longer read the comments and respond to anything. Give me until Monday and things will resume as usual as this break is thoroughly needed to refresh myself. If I feel better during the weekend I'll upload one or two.

Don't worry it's not being cancelled for those who are wondering, I intend to try and put this garbage of a FF to the top of the list to spite the people who hate it.

Thanks for your time and see you soon.

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