《A SH AI EL》Chapter 86: The Turning
“I still think it’s a bad idea,” Uncle Kiras said while peeking out from the carriage window. “Can they even guarantee your security with all these crows?” We were en route to the festival. I felt a little anxious.
“We can’t let the Demons take away even this!” I retorted.
“Demons love to exploit the little moments of joy to break us even further,” He said. “Don’t forget Remembrance Day.”
He was right, but were we still in danger? Could we allow demons to poison even our minds with constant fear?
I sighed.
Uncle Kiras was wearing a disguise. It felt weird to talk to him while having the face of a complete stranger.
“So, what am I supposed to call you on this occasion, Uncle?” I asked. Sometimes I wished I could just call him his real name, which wasn’t Kiras. That was the Inspector name he received when he cast away his affiliations to pursue his career.
His real name was Sigard. Sigard Val Arinn. But that name was taboo for as long as he remained an Inspector.
I didn’t like Kiras. Kiras was rude and scowled a lot. Kiras also insulted me in public, for keeping the image he said, but it hurt every time.
At least with this disguise, he didn’t have to fear “appearing too close” and “designating me as a target,” so we could normally talk even in public.
“Call me Rogart. I’m your bodyguard.” He said, changing his tone and mannerism.
I had asked around, and other Inspectors didn’t take things this far. Father said his brother had read too many novels about Inspectors, which had skewed his brain. The only concession I had attained was that he had stopped calling me “chick”. I’m a grown woman now.
“Is it worth going this far, Uncle?” I queried him, a little bit of exasperation in my tone.
He considered me in silence for a moment. “Is it worth making sure the ones I care about can steer clear of any danger caused by my activities?” He asked. “Yes. Every precaution is a blade removed from the hands of your enemies.”
He continued, “I would never forgive myself if my brother, or you, were hurt. When it happens, it’s already too late.” He said, with a tone of finality. “Humans can be monsters too.”
I shifted in my seat. The rhythmic sound of gallop would have permeated the carriage were it not for Uncle’s magical sound barrier, but I could still feel it from the movement and vibrations.
It had been an exciting winter. In a bad way. I had come so close to losing it all. Again.
But this time, it hadn’t been due to our inexperience. We had stayed put in the city we thought safe. All it took was just an unexpected surprise. It had been so unfair.
“Why are you making that face, my sweet Ellin?” Uncle asked, saving me from dark thoughts.
I shook my head. “Nothing. Just… thinking how fragile life is.” I said, discomforted.
I once believed things were simple as they looked. It was only recently that I had started to see the layers and depths. I am not ready. I don’t feel ready.
He put a hand on my shoulder. A comforting warmth.
“Thank you for telling me about your adventures,” He said. “I won’t tell your parents. But you have to promise me to be more cautious.”
I nodded. After the event had concluded, it had been Uncle Kiras who had come to rescue me.
By some Gods’ miracle, I had somehow managed to exorcise that demon. I still didn’t believe it. I had been so scared, my hands unsteady. It felt just like that time with the troll.
So, yes. I had managed to save the day, thanks to everyone. But…
Allen screaming and going limp, then twitching and moaning in defiance of the demon. Me, wrapping him with the enchanted chains and trying desperately to exorcise the demonic spirit, while Grastel and Namrick were out cold.
I had tried to heal everyone, including the Royal Guard, who had been stabbed on the skull, who was surprisingly still breathing. But I had remained alone. The wind touched my skin with a cold bite. The uncertainty that I could have failed, the corpses spread around me… It was all too much.
All that blood… All those people… I still had nightmares about it.
Who comes to the rescue of heroes who have to face the darkness? I had never thought of it before becoming an adventurer.
Just winning doesn’t wash away all the blood, the despair, and the tears.
The last time it had been Allen, he hadn’t given soothing words. Instead, he kept calm and looked after us while we got through the shock. That’s what matters.
This time, the one to rescue me had been Uncle Kiras.
He said he had suddenly woken inside his carriage feeling something wrong and demanded to be taken immediately to my location. He’d found me sobbing and trembling amidst the blood and death and wrapped his coat around me. Then he carried me back to his carriage and delivered me personally home.
All the while, he hadn’t said a word. I thought he was angry that I had disobeyed him and put my friends in danger. I felt so drained and ashamed then. But, when we dropped off at home in the courtyard… he gave me a big hug. “I’m glad you’re safe,” He finally said, his voice loaded with emotion. I broke into crying again.
When we met later, I told him everything. About what happened with the bodystealer, the troll… and everything else I had left out.
Perhaps I should’ve told Mother and Father as well. But they had already been informed about me exorcising the demonic spirit. It was already a lot to chew on. So…
“Thank you, Uncle Kiras,” I said, looking him in the eyes. “For being there for me when I needed it.”
He nodded. “This is just what any uncle should do for their niece.”
Even if he said that I knew I was lucky to have people who cared about me. Not everyone was so fortunate.
I regretted not warning my friends of the danger earlier… Maybe Grastel wouldn’t have been possessed if I had at least gotten them rings like mine to protect themselves. I didn’t think we’d run into the monster right inside the Academy. I had warned them of the danger when Uncle was out cold on the couch, but then it was too late to prepare. I had to apologize.
Kiras spied again outside the small window. “We’re there. Remember… Rogart, your bodyguard.”
“Ser Rogart, my faithful bodyguard,” I confirmed.
He smiled, nodding approvingly.
The cart slowed down, and the driver knocked twice to signal we had arrived. Uncle Kiras, or should I say Rogart, stepped down and helped me down.
The wind was still chilly, but the snow had been removed or melted during the preparations.
Street shops and lights, both magic and not, adorned the roads toward the plaza.
Today was the first day of the Turning, an ancient tradition held since time immemorial. A new year, a new hope.
The people would dance and sing for the magical days between Winter and Spring. Sometimes, like this year, it would last a day longer. A scholar had once taught me why when I was younger, but I had forgotten.
What I recalled were the tales of Fae and Heroes, and the Turning that everyone celebrated. Who knows, perhaps even the Demons took part in it. Nobody really knew their culture, except that they hated Humans.
“Ser Rogart, why do you think Demons hate us so much?” I asked my disguised uncle.
“Who knows, it has been thousands of years, young Lady,” I said. “It would not surprise me if no one actually remembers anymore. As often happens.”
We walked down the roads toward the place I had agreed to meet with the others. “You know, you should meet my friend Allen,” I said. “He can keep his cool even in the direst situation. Just like you.”
He grunted in reply.
“Don’t forget we have to stop by the plaza soon,” Uncle reminded me. “Your presence was requested.”
“Uhmm…” I replied uneasily. “What could they want?”
“You banished the demonic spirit. You stopped what they called the Madness.” He said, adjusting his clothes. “This alone warrants a public acknowledgment.”
I didn’t like attracting attention. “I don’t know if I want to be put under the light,” I said, my anxiety making my voice shaky.
“Don’t worry. You’re a Val Arinn. Stand proud, as we are of you.” Rogart said, with an encouraging pat on my shoulder.
I marched on until I spotted a familiar face.
The young girl, Lena, and I crossed our gazes. Her mouth turned into a smile, and she pulled at her aunt, Elaida.
“Lala!” She squealed happily. “It’s Elin!”
The woman turned and waved at me. “It’s Ellin, dear. Two Ls.”
“Hehe, whoops!” Lena said in a cute way, covering her mouth. I bent down to pat her head. A child’s smile was always a good recipe to heal a pained heart.
She hugged me, and I hugged her back. “Long time no see, Little Lena!”
“Missed you too!” She said back.
“Good to see you, Lady Ellin.” Said Elaida.
“Please, it’s just Ellin for my friends.”
Corgas joined us. “It’s been a while. We miss having a distinguished lady in our establishment,” He made a curt bow and smiled. He was dressed more elegantly than the usual cooking attire. “The others went ahead to check a few stalls,”
“You shaved your head.” I noticed.
“Oh? Haha, yes,” He said, acting embarrassed while passing a hand over his scalp. “Elaida said I would look better like this.”
“It suits you,” I agreed and saw Elaida nodding a pace away.
“Ellin!” A voice shouted between the crowd.
Namrick and Grastel separated themselves from the crowd in motion and rushed toward us. “Namrick! Grastel!”
We stared at each other for a moment, and then we hugged. “I’m glad to see you two all back in shape,” I said, my eyes watering up a little.
“Same for us,” Replied Namrick.
“Heya there! Don’t leave a dwarf behind among all these lankers!” Yusdrolir appeared beside us, his approach hidden by the taller humans moving about. “Sorry I wasn’t there with you guys. I felt kinda left out when I heard about what happened.”
“Sorry,” I apologized. “I was rushing there and only met Namrick and Grastel by pure chance. I don’t know what would’ve happened if we’d been late even by one breath more.”
The dwarf waved it away. “No matter. I woulda been afoot anyway. I can deal with things you can hit. But a body-stealing demonic spirit?” He shuddered.
He noticed Rogart and sniffed for a moment.
“Ya smell familiar. Have we met already ser…” The dwarf began.
“He’s Ser Rogart, my bodyguard,” I introduced him. “Here to protect me in case anything happens.”
“I don’t believe we have, sir,” Rogart said curtly.
Yusdrolir shrugged. “Must be wrong.”
I looked around. “Do you think he made it?” Asking to no one in particular. An important person was still missing.
“Look! Shiny armors!” Lena pointed excitedly at a group of royal guards that were parting the crowd in their passage.
“Isn’t that…” I said, recognizing the face in the lead.
The captain I met in the previous disaster stopped before me.
“I wanted to thank you for saving my life, my Lady,” He said, bowing. “Not once but twice.”
“S-Sure,” I said, embarrassed. “I’m sorry… for your men.”
A crowd of onlookers was staring at us. I felt like I was submerged to my chin.
“I should have brought more capable individuals, alas, the short notice…” The captain shook his head. “And I lowered my guard. Inexcusable.”
“You don’t need to apologize,” I said.
“Come on! Let me pass! These are my friends,” Another familiar face pushed himself from within the tight ranks of the royal soldiers.
“Allen!” Everyone exclaimed, almost in unison.
Allen waved and smiled, coming closer. “Ellin, you did a good job carving that mofo demon a new one,” He said, giving me a head pat.
I saw my Uncle tense next to me from the edge of my vision. Sometimes I think he’s a little overprotective.
I gave Allen a hug. He squirmed a little before giving up. “Thank you for believing in me… and for always keeping your cool.”
“I’m just glad that my friends are safe and sound,” He said, gently pushing me away. “Funny how the two mages are the ones always having to wrap things up.” Hew winked at Grastel and Namrick.
Grastel walked forward, face serious and a little hesitant. “Captain… I apologize.”
The captain shook his head. “It could have been anyone,” He said. “I made a poor display there myself… You have nothing to apologize, young man,” He clasped Grastel’s shoulder.
That done, the captain straightened his back and announced. “Very well. This is where we part ways, Allen Smith.”
He and Allen shook hands and saluted each other. “Had the enemy had another hidden card, they would’ve played it in the morning. Our temporary charge is over.”
The royal guards walked in another direction to resume their original duty. Allen turned back to us.
“So, I’m free agai-” He began saying but was soon smothered by a group hug. “Too many hugs! Too many hugs!”
I smiled. My spirits had been lifted. Namrick caught my eyes and nodded.
“Glad to see you again, Ellin,” He said. “I would’ve stopped by your family’s house more often but…”
I giggled. “I know, the gate guards are intimidating, aren’t they?”
He scratched the back of his head. “Yeah… And I didn’t want to be like a nuisance to your parents. I’m just an adventurer, after all. I can’t presume-”
“You’re my friend! You’re always welcome!” I reminded him, and he smiled in return.
“Lena, could you please detach from my leg?” Allen pleaded. “Is it my impression or have you gained weight?”
“Hehe~” She responded, not letting go.
“Looks like we’re all back together,” I said.
My uncle cleared his throat, “It’s time we reach the plaza,” He incited. “Young Lady.”
I nodded and let him guide me. “Guys, would you come to the plaza with me?” Whatever awaited me, it would feel less oppressing with friendly faces around.
“Look at all these people, wouldn’t it be better to stay cooped up and-” Allen was cut short, grabbed, and pulled by Namrick and Grastel in our wake. “Oof.”
We passed by the street performers, the smells from the stalls, the laughter of children. And finally reached the plaza.
A stage had been erected in front of the hourglass tower.
I made my way to the front and was beckoned by a priest who invited me inside. “We have been expecting you, Lady Ellinoria Val Arinn,” He motioned to other organizers to set up the stage. “We are ready for the announcement!”
I fiddled with my hands, suddenly aware of all the people looking this way. “What do I need to do?” I asked, not sure how to behave.
The last time I felt like this was my coming of age ceremony. But at least then, I was given plenty of time to rehearse.
“Worry not. You will only have to come up when called to receive the elegy. You can bow and do some hand waving if you wish so,” he said reassuringly. “We’re starting.”
A presenter took the stage, cleared his throat, and spoke with mana-enhanced volume.
“This day marks the beginning of yet another Turning!”
The crowd cheered.
“The Demons sought to break our spirits… To turn us against each other!” He paused for a breath. “But we persisted!”
Another cheer.
“This time, their deceitful tool was a demonic spirit… A cowardly tactic consisting in stealing innocent bodies and immolating them to spread fear…”
Boos filled the air.
“He sowed discord, inciting Dwarf against Elf, Elf against Human.” He took a dramatic pause. “Citizens against refugees.”
“They sought to weaken us! To drive a wedge between us! To fuel the power of the Nightmare God… And we let them!”
People lowered their heads in shame.
“This is another lesson for us,” He spread his arms wide, looking from left to right. “All of us… That in distrust we grow blind, that alone we grow weaker.”
Another breath of silence.
“Is this what we are? I ask of you…” The presenter riled up the crowd, who shouted back their defiance. “Have we forgotten the dream of the Three Kingdoms?!” More defiance.
I felt it too, the injustice, the anger, and defiance…
“The Demons targeted our food storage… but we were prepared!”
“The Demons release heir Nightmare creatures against our populace, but we vanquished them!”
“And last but not least… The Academy, where they sought to snuff our future generations of mages,” He said slowly, with raised hands and palms up. “Men and women who stand in our defense.”
Silence, as the presenter motioned me to come. After a moment of hesitation, I made up my resolve and walked up the wooden stairs to the stage. My heart was beating loudly.
I walked beside him, facing the crowd. Gods, there are a lot of people, I thought, feeling a knot forming inside my throat.
“I present you Lady Ellinoria Val Arinn,” The presenter announced loudly. “The one who banished the demonic spirit!”
I felt everyone’s gazes on me.
“No more madness!” He continued. “No more fear! An applause for this young promise from the Arcane Academy!”
He clapped, looking at me, inviting the public to do the same.
The crowd erupted in a cheer. I sought the faces of my friends and found comfort in finding them smiling back.
Edward was among them too!
I bowed respectfully, then the presenter pinned a medal on my dress. “A token of appreciation from the Kingdom.”
But I hadn’t done it alone. This prize belonged to us all. It was wrong to let all the glory focus on me.
The presenter bowed his head respectfully and motioned me to leave the stage. “Thank you,” I said, stepping down and moving behind the stage. I took a breath of relief as I walked off view.
The presenter resumed his announcements.
Edward waved at me from the sidelines. “Ellin!” He yelled. I asked the organizers around the stage to let him pass, and we hugged each other. I had missed him so much.
“It’s been so long!” I said.
“Same…” He replied. “I came back just yesterday! I heard about your ordeal, and I knew I had to attend. So much happened while I…”
I noticed Uncle Kiras, still disguised as Ser Rogart, watching me just beyond the cordoned area. He and all my friends were there. I felt safe.
Edward’s face looked haunted. No doubt he had overcome his own share of challenges.
“Come on,” I said loosening my embrace. “Let’s reunite with the others! We have so many stories to share!”
I grabbed his arm and pulled him behind me, smiling at him.
“Slow down!” He said, matching in stride. “Let my bodyguard catch up!”
The festival continued, washing away all the sorrows and doom. Magic lights danced in the night sky for the delight of everyone.
And for a few days, we forgot about the war. Finding comfort in each other and our bonds.
A day to remember.
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