《New Earth》Chapter 19


A rhythmic pounding in his head brought Azrael out of the blissful realms of nothingness. Bleary eyed he sat up and groaned, as the movement caused the pounding to intensify.

He felt like he had the world’s worst hangover. Beyond that, his entire neck was stiff as he’d fallen unconscious in an awkward position.

Surveying the destroyed scene, he felt like he was looking at the impact zone of a meteor. Radiating out from him were wood splinters, blasted out like shrapnel from the first explosion. Closer to him small bits of wood were charred, while the leaves had been completely reduced to ashes.

Highly anxious he opened his notifications tab and scrolled through the latest of his notifications. He remembered a flicker of fire near the end, but it was too brief before the blackness hit him. As the blue screens appeared he mentally crossed his fingers.


For dedicating time to learning something new you have gained INT +1.


For showing insight into one of the truths of this world you have gained WIS +2.


For improving your control over mana you have gained a level in [Mana Control]

[Mana Control] (Lv.7) has advanced to [Mana Control] (Lv.8).


For improving your manipulation of mana you have gained three levels in [Mana Manipulation] [Mana Manipulation] (Lv.5) has advanced to [Mana Manipulation] (Lv.8).


For improving your perception of mana you have gained two levels in [Mana Sense]

[Mana Sense] (Lv.3) has advanced to [Mana Sense] (Lv.5).

He was more than happy with those gains, but he flicked through in search of the real notification that he was looking for. He let out a breath he hadn’t even realised that he was holding when he saw the next ones.


Through a new understanding of mana you have unlocked the unique skill [Elemental Mana].


[Elemental Mana]

You may grant your mana an elemental affinity.

Current Affinities: [Fire].


For successfully harnessing one of the underlying arcane truths you have gained a level in ‘Sorcerer’ INT+1 WIS+3 END+1.

He looked at the stat gain for the last one appreciatively. During his experimentation he’d come to realise that wisdom was an indicator of how much MP he could regenerate in an hour. A big tank was useless if you couldn’t fill it fast enough.

Switching to his updated status he smiled. This was how games were meant to go.


Name: Azrael

Class: Runist (Lv.2), Sorcerer (Lv.1)

Race: Human

HP: 90/90

MP: 140/140

STR: 6

END: 9

DEX: 10

AGI: 7

INT: 14

WIS: 12


{Sinner}, {Heretic}, {Master of Status}, {Rune Master}, {God Watched}.

Unique skills:

[Status], [Elemental Mana]


Weaving (Lv.2), Crafting (Lv.2), Spear Arts (Lv.5), Mana Sense (Lv.5), Mana Manipulation (Lv. 8), Soul Sense (Lv.3), Mana Control (Lv.8).

Everything was slowly ticking up. Except his strength. That kind of bothered him, but from looking at his stats he was heading more of a mage route.

Although he wasn’t sure where dexterity fit in. Smoother hand movements? He hadn’t really used any so far. Maybe it was for shaping the mana? He shrugged. He had what he needed. He could worry about these things later. Now, it was time to implement his plan.

An hour later and he was seriously regretting his plan. He was currently sitting in the wedge of a tree, at the edge of a forest. Through the leaves he caught brief glimpses of figures trying to herd those bison creatures. Although from up close he noticed that a few of the larger ones resembled buffalo more than bison.

Behind them was the wooden palisade around the village. At least he assumed it was a village and not a large holding pen. Shifting position, he tugged the wolf hide on his back.


He was currently wearing the entire thing as a cloak, with its head on his own and the front paws tied around his neck. For a moment he admired the midnight hue of the fur, before shifting it again. It was itchy.

Back in the village one of the palisade gates briefly swung open, allowing for a change in guard. There were no guard towers, just two men holding watch in front of the gate.

Through the open gate he saw a small main road with wooden structures either side. That ruled out the holding pen. The gate swung closed again and he settled back in.

He’d planned to approach the village at dusk, hoping the uncertain twilight would add to his mystique, while the darkening skies created the perfect canvas for him to showcase his new fire magic.

He looked up at the sun. He had a little time for a nap, surely?

Time seemed to fly and the hour soon arrived, prompting Azrael to jump down from his perch. Twilight had fallen and they’d lit a small brazier by the gates. He straightened his midnight cloak and strode out of the forest with a regal air of confidence. He pulled the skull of the wolf lower, over his brow, hiding his face in shadow.

It was show time!


Niel was on watch, dutifully minding the gates. The crackling of the brazier lulled him.

He’d been stuck here for the past three hours. His feet were sore and he couldn’t wait for the changing of guard. Truth was he’d rather have been out rounding up the bison creatures – Bullas as the locals called them.

As the newest member to the group, he’d been placed in front of the gates. To guard the gates. Not like anybody would purposely come out here, to the end of the world. He shifted his sore legs a bit, wondering what he would do once off guard duty. Some Bulla stew and then maybe log off to have a shower in real life. He scratched his leg through the simple rough-spun clothing he was wearing. This village had none of the conveniences of modern life.

Valek, his partner, gave a sudden cry of alarm and Niel straightened from where he was resting against the village wall. In the failing light of dusk a silhouette emerged from the forest, heading their way. Unlike the usual wolves that occasionally stalked the plains this creature walked on two legs.

As it drew closer more details began to reveal themselves. In the light of the brazier the silhouette took on the visage of a naked man-beast.

This beast was covered from head to toe in strange and terrifying symbols, drawn on it in blood. On its shoulders sat a cloak of shadows, which swayed threateningly as it walked. Its head was that of a wolf, its dead eyes gazing at them unblinkingly. Niel readied his spear as Valek drew his sword. Neither of them dared to look away.

The creature slowly opened its mouth and spoke.

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