《Of Astral and Umbral》[B6] Chapter Twenty-Three: A Lari'xan's Concerns


Chapter Twenty-Three

A Lari'xan's Concerns

‘Maybe we should have said, “no.”’ I leaned against Nalithor’s side, a glass of wine in hand. He chuckled, squeezing me with an arm and his tail alike. ‘Honestly, I can’t decide whose parents are worse.’

‘Yours. You have three,’ Nalithor stated.

I glanced around the table, maintaining a pleasant expression. He was right. Lucifer, Gabriel, and Corentine were a bit much to deal with on their own, let alone all of them in the same room. Nalithor’s father was the most laid-back person present, while Ellena was… Well, she seemed intent on coercing Gabriel and Corentine to harass me about all sorts of things.

“You two will really be leaving so soon?” Ellena probed, leaning forward in her seat.

“We are. There’s a lot of work for us to do, and it’s best we do it while we’re still ‘allowed’ to,” I answered, giving her a pointed look.

“Be thankful we convinced them to remain another night to have dinner with us,” Father remarked, causing Ellena to pout. “I understand how you feel, Ellena, but Arianna and Nalithor have lost time to make up for—and not merely with their duties as deities.”

“Please. You want for an elaborate celebration just as we do.” Gabriel rolled her eyes, sitting back with a glass of wine.

“Yes, but I understand why they intend to prioritize their duties.” Father shot her a foul look, then turned his attention to Nalithor and me. “It may be best for you both to avoid towns and cities for a time, anyway. Those who weren’t swayed by Darius’ lies are ecstatic to hear that you have become, officially, the God and Goddess of Balance.”

“As they should be,” Sihix drawled, appearing on a seat beside me. “Am I going to have to return the lot of you to your rightful kingdoms myself? Arianna and Nalithor have preparations to see to before they retire for the night.”

“We wish to speak with our son before leaving,” Lysander spoke up, setting a cup of tea down before giving the Lari’xan a steady stare.


“In that case, Ari-mrii, why don’t you see the other three out?” Sihix suggested with an amused smile.

I took the hint and rose to my feet along with Lucifer, Gabriel, and Corentine. The Lari’xan followed close behind me, shutting the doors of the sitting room behind him.

As we walked away, I briefly caught the sound of Lysander telling Nalithor he was proud of him. I raised an eyebrow, then shook my head and hurried to follow my own family through the temple.

“Arianna, goddess or not, I want you to be cautious,” Father stated, turning to frown at me. “Darius’ lies continue to spread like wildfire, even with the announcement that you and Nalithor have officially taken the role of Balance.”

“He’s a troublesome brat,” Sihix remarked, crossing his arms. “Yilty and I are going to see what we can do about him, but there are many other matters for us to address that are, frankly, more important.”

“More important than mending Balance’s reputation among the people?” Gabriel scowled up at the Lari’xan.

“Quite.” Sihix shrugged.

“I’ll be careful. We know our targets are dangerous and we can’t simply rush headlong.” I looked to my father, nodding to him. “Besides, Nalithor will be there to keep me from going overboard.”

“That instills me with so much confidence.” Father sighed, his shoulders slumping.

“They’ll be fine!” Corentine laughed, her ears perking forward. “Nalithor balances Arianna out fantastically. Their job is so incredibly important, you know this, Lucifer. I want to see everyone celebrate their marriage, shower them gifts, and so on too—but if they don’t get to work, we won’t have a suitable world to live on anymore.”

“And then it will be destroyed and made anew, again,” Sihix chimed in with a dangerous smile. He slung an arm around my shoulders. “Ari-mrii and Nalithor are quite capable of righting this mess…if given the opportunity and time to work.”

Father and Gabriel bristled in response to Sihix’s tone, both growing paler.


After saying our goodbyes, my father and Gabriel both left through the shimmering portal on the first floor of the Temple of Balance. Corentine gave me a tight hug before sauntering off toward the door so she could walk back to the Sihix Forest.

I stretched my arms over my head, yawning, then turned to look up at Sihix. He looked less than pleased.

“What?” I asked flatly.

“To truly fix matters, you and Nalithor will have to slay many of the self-proclaimed Elders,” Sihix replied, turning to face me fully. “With how few people, even deities, understand that the Elders are meant to be the Lari’xan… We’re concerned about what that will do to you and Nalithor’s relationship with the Vorpmasian Empire.”

“We don’t have much choice in the matter, do we?” I pointed out, sighing. “It isn’t ideal, but neither was me getting stabbed and sealed away on a flying island. We’re just going to have to work with the cards we were dealt. If the empire hates us for a time, then so be it. They’ll get over it, eventually.”

“And if they do not?” Sihix frowned.

“Then they’re idiots.” I rolled my eyes. “We agreed that the Elders, or their boss, must be doing something to fool the other gods so thoroughly, didn’t we? With all the bastards killed, I would think it would break whatever spell they cast. If it’s something magitech-related, then we can disable and destroy it.

“With that done, you and the other Lari’xan can exert your power to help right things. Of course, that hinges on finding their other domains and cleansing any corruption that’s crept in.”

“Sending you through the fairy springs would be foolish,” Sihix remarked, rubbing his chin, before glancing toward where we had left Nalithor with his parents. “I will discuss it with Yilty, Ceilail, and Xiinsha. We have time, after all.”

Sihix vanished into the shadows, then the door he’d been staring at swung open. I glanced over to see Lysander and Ellena striding toward me, with Nalithor slightly behind them.

“I expected Gabriel to be here, still fawning over you,” Lysander remarked, arching an eyebrow at me. “Am I to assume Sihix managed to scare them off?”

“Indeed. The Lari’xan are getting impatient.” I nodded. “Honestly, I’m itching to get to work as well.”

“As am I.” Nalithor nodded, coming to a stop beside me. “We will leave early in the morning and cover as much distance as we can.”

“You had best keep in touch!” Ellena huffed, putting an arm around both of us. “Even if you can only send a Vulin, I want to know that you two are doing well.”

“Of course, Mother,” Nalithor sighed, a small smile on his lips. “You two best be off before Sihix decides to return and take care of matters himself.”

After a few rushed goodbyes, Lysander and Ellena both left. I leaned up against Nalithor’s side and let out a sigh of relief.

“Sihix seemed…twitchy,” Nalithor remarked, putting an arm around me.

“He’s worried about the possible repercussions among mortals and gods when we see to a rather specific part of our duties.” I shot Nalithor a sidelong look. “Though, I think it’s a little too late to worry about that.”

“Agreed.” Nalithor grimaced. “Let’s retire for the evening. I want to make certain we’re both well rested before we leave for the desert.”

“I won’t say no.” I nuzzled up against him. “Our dinner made me sleepy, so did the wine…”

“And the conversation?” Nalithor chuckled, leading me toward the stairs.

“You said it, not me.” I laughed.

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