《Of Astral and Umbral》[B6] Chapter Four: Reassigned


Chapter Four


When I strode into my father’s study I was greeted with a dangerous, piercing look. His guards closed the doors behind me. The moment they shut, he strode across the room and swept me into a tight embrace.

“Are you alright?” Lucifer asked quietly.

“I should be asking you that!” I winced when his hug caused my spine to pop. He lessened the pressure but didn’t let go. “I’m fine. What’s this about?”

“One moment.” Lucifer wrapped one arm around my shoulders and raised his other hand, summoning a barrier around the room, before escorting me toward his study’s sitting area. Once I was seated, he sat heavily in another chair and pulled out a Draemiran pipe. While preparing it, he began to speak, “While you were gone, one of my informants brought me troubling news. You’re to pack your belongings, and Nalithor’s, and board an airship to Eormir tonight.”

“What? Sure, I miss Nalithor, but there’s so much—” I started to protest, but my father’s sharp gaze made me stop.

“Rabere is planning to kidnap you, take you to Beshulthien, and forcibly make you his empress. The safest place for you to be right now is at Nalithor’s side.” Father’s tone kept me silent, even as he paused to light his pipe. “They’re planning to act tomorrow, so we will get you out of the city tonight. I have someone briefing the Claws and Fangs already. Eyrian, Fyris, and some of your female guards will be accompanying you to Eormir.

“While I wanted to give you and Nalithor some time apart, to make certain you both truly knew what you wanted, I didn’t expect the two of you to propose to each other on his departure. It’s pushed Rabere—or the entity controlling him—over the edge. The Elders have started to make moves favoring your brother, as well.”

“You think moving me out of Rabere’s reach is enough to salvage Alliance relations?” I arched an eyebrow at my father. “I think you and I both know it isn’t that simple, yet you don’t seem like you’re preparing to go to war against him, either.”

“I would rather it didn’t come to that.” Father sighed, exhaling a cloud of smoke. “Once his men fail to capture you, we will see how he behaves. For now, we will continue to act as Beshulthien’s ally. In the long-term, the Alliance needs to remain strong. My intent is to apprehend your would-be kidnappers and confront Rabere. It will allow me to leverage him into a more favorable position, or otherwise determine his intent.”


“And if he’s truly been taken over?” I suggested, earning a nod in response. “I can’t really explain why…but I have this feeling we need to consider that Darius may be involved somehow. Of all the regions for the ‘other one’ to be, it’s in Beshulthien territory? And the Beshulthiens are the ones who ‘saved’ my brother from Draemiran justice? It seems too convenient to me.”

“Don’t let your mother hear you say that.” He grimaced and shook his head. “I agree with you, Arianna, I do. However, as well-intentioned as she may be, Gabriel hasn’t the damnedest clue of how to run her own kingdom, let alone raise a child.

“Besides, if it truly isn’t him ‘at home’ there’s no need to coddle.”

“Well, if I’m going to Eormir… Orders?” I asked, but he just shook his head in response. “None? Really?”

“Just to stay by Nalithor’s side at all times. Seek him out the moment you are there.” Father narrowed his eyes at me. “You’re close to becoming the Goddess of Balance officially, now that you and he are engaged. The Beshulthiens won’t be the only ones after you.

“If you want to help him as he rebuilds Eormir, then do so. Whatever keeps you by his side and under his care. The two of you are stronger, fiercer, when together. Furthermore, Djialkan and Alala will be able to perform better if not forced to separate.”

“So, you want me to collect all of our things?” I asked.

“Yes. There is every possibility that Nalithor will want the two of you to operate out of his domain, now that the Lari’xan have strengthened it.” Father nodded and then released a heavy sigh. “While he could, in theory, use his domain to return here and gather his things—it makes more sense to have you do it now.

“I would rather avoid exposing either of you to unnecessary danger.”

I sighed and leaned forward in my chair, giving my father a firm look, “In that case, when do you want me to get started?”

“Immediately.” He rose to his feet, his expression torn. “I want you out of harm’s way as quickly as possible. While my informant stated that the Beshulthiens will wait until tomorrow to act, there’s nothing to say they won’t try sooner. The airship that will take you to Eormir is ready and waiting to go.”


“I’ll respect your wishes.” I nodded, rising to my feet as well. “But I need you to be careful, even if Gabriel won’t be. My instincts tell me there’s more going on with Darius than we know. He needs to be treated as a possible enemy, not as your long-lost son. You’ll have to endure for as long as the Lari’xan intend to use him for information.”

“I will be cautious.” He nodded to me before taking my face in both of his hands and kissing me on the forehead. “Be safe, Arianna, and relay my regards to Nalithor. Tell him that if things must move forward, you have my blessing.”

After a few more exchanged pleasantries, Lucifer released me, and I headed for the door. When my father released the barrier surrounding the room, the guards opened the doors for me and bowed. Someone I didn’t expect to see was standing on the other side and shot me an uncomfortable look the moment he saw me. Xander.

“If Your Excellency has a moment…” Xander glanced past me and then turned to give me a very deep bow. When he spoke, his voice was so low I almost didn’t hear his Draemiran murmurings. “Please…let Nalithor know of the situation, Your Highness.”

I shot him a sideways glance as I moved past him but chose not to acknowledge him further. By the sigh he released, it seemed the small notice was enough to satisfy him. My father adopted a cheerful demeanor as he called the Vampire in to meet with him.

‘So, the “informant” is Xander?’ I considered it for a moment. He had always struck me as being more loyal to Vorpmasia—or more specifically, Dauthrmir—than he was to the Beshulthiens. After all, he hadn’t truly chosen to become a Vampire. He’d had it forced upon him by a starved Rabere. ‘Well, he’s certainly in a good position to act as an informant—to both sides. I can only hope the misinformation he’s feeding is to the Beshulthiens and not us.’

“You look troubled.” Eyrian pushed away from the wall he’d been leaning against, keeping his arms crossed. His expression told me everything I needed to know.

“We have our orders—let’s get to it.” I nodded to him as he fell into step with me. “Aside from you and Fyris, who else is coming?”

“Ijelle and Satrr, that I know of. A few of the Claws and Fangs are already in Eormir working on other matters, Your Highness,” Eyrian answered in a formal tone as we passed a group of palace servants. “They may have been reassigned.”

“Very well, let’s get this over with,” I muttered, displeased. ‘I’m glad that I get to see Nalithor again ahead of schedule, but the reason doesn’t sit well with me. Kidnapping me? Forcing me to become the Beshulthien Empress? To what end?’

‘It keeps you from becoming the Goddess of Balance, strikes a fatal blow against Nalithor, and allows the Jivyador to run free,’ Eyrian offered, his voice shaking with rage. I glanced over at him, impressed that rage wasn’t spilling over into his outward appearance. ‘We don’t know how connected you and Nalithor are, but if you were forced to marry someone else, it’s possible that both of you would die. Erist and Arom’s “laws” shouldn’t kick in if you aren’t already married, but…’

‘But we don’t know that the Lari’xan haven’t already made us an official pair?’ I suggested, grimacing. ‘That wasn’t why you think it would be a lethal blow to Nalithor.’

‘…if he lost you, I’m not convinced he wouldn’t turn the Godslayer against himself—or at least try to,’ Eyrian replied uncomfortably. ‘He’s a strong man, a good man, that’s undeniable. But for something like that to happen so soon after finding you again, let alone your engagement…I think it would break him.

‘I’ve known Nalithor a long time. Your “death” almost did him in on its own.’

‘Then let’s make this fast so that nothing does happen, shall we?’ I shot the anxious Draekin a stony look. ‘I agree with my father—we should err on the side of caution. Stay with me as I move everything to my shrizars. Let’s leave nothing to chance. Have Satrr and Ijelle join as well, if they’re done with their own preparations.’

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