《Galactic Fist of Legend》Chapter 60.1: Return to Imperial Garden


The journey from Whisperton was a brief affair for the travelers. While there was no need to actively hide the fact that Scott could transport himself through self-created warp gates it was best not to add to yet another rumor.

A short stop-over at his home point led immediately into the return to a world that Scott had not visited in quite some time. In fact, he had only been there once during the first few days of his new life as a system champion.

Yellow Blossom, a quaint little town designed like a live-action garden salad pre-toss. The streets were immaculately kept cobblestone, but that was where the similarities with normal housing ended. Many buildings looked to be designed like giant mushrooms. A few of the fancier structures took on the shape of other edibles, including one jalapeno shaped building that served as a restaurant.

Not particularly large by the standards of any city that Scott had visited, Yellow Blossom was still much larger than Whisperton. However, despite the size of the place world 3-2 was not so large that Scott would not be remembered even despite his changes.

"Goodness! The big one has returned to me, and he brought our dearest sir as well," said a short busty woman who wore a mushroom cap for a hat. She stood outside of a building shaped like a giant bell pepper. On the shingle out front the name of the establishment was available for all to see, 'The Saucy Bella.'

Scott laughed a little at her antics. They had only spoken once in passing a few weeks back but it was hard to forget a girl like Bella. She wore her fanciest mushroom cap that day. Lace and silk fringe lined the edge. Unlike their last visit she was not wearing lingerie. Instead, she wore a business suit that barely constrained her particular assets.

"Beloved.... who is this person?" asked Saelil. She drifted forward in an elegant manner then slipped in beside him as though to mark her territory.

Kitty hopped over to his other side then lightly took his hand. Her supposedly gentle squeeze of his hand that came after, however, was more like the grip of a vice. "I'd like to know that, too."

Samantha rolled her eyes, but she did not look away. She refused to get caught up in another one of Scott's philandering episodes. It was only natural for her to keep an eye on the situation. He was her employer, after all.

Vita slowly turned her head toward Chaine and gazed at him with a flat expression. "Dearest, sir?"


He looked away and coughed into his fist. "No idea, princess."

"Ah. Saelil. This is Bella. She helped me out on my first trip through here," said Scott.

"What manner of help did she grant you?" asked Saelil, a hint of an edge in her tone.

A playfully mischievous light danced in her eyes as Bella placed one finger to her lips then said, "Oh my. Oh my..."

"She gave me directions to the mayor's office," said Scott.

Kitty squeezed his hand and pulled herself toward him a little. "And?"

"I took them?" asked Scott as much as he told her. He could try to play it off as no big deal, as it truly was not. However, he did have a tendency to wonder off and show up with new ladies in tow. Either directly in tow, or merely learned about after the fact.

Bella's smile increased in proportion to her delight at the events transpiring before her. It was a slow day at the Saucy Bella, after all. "Oh my. I must admit. You're even bigger than you were the last time that I saw you."

Samantha made a snerking noise which did not go unnoticed. Saelil arched her eyebrow elegantly as she looked back at her. "Hmm...."

The bounty hunter waved her off without looking at her. No story to tell. None at all.

Scott did not know Bella at all beyond the directions that he had received previously, but the situation had grown to the point that proper introductions for everyone seemed to be in order. After he finished explaining who everyone was, they all chatted amiably for a moment before the group headed off to visit the mayor.

Bella bit her lower lip and swiveled her hips a little as she watched them walk away. "Third time's the charm maybe?"

While one might think that a princess and her entourage might be able to travel directly to the castle, Imperial Garden was currently at war. They only allowed people to travel into sensitive areas under escort, or with permission. The mayor, Turnipos, was the one who allowed general admittance in Yellow Blossom to allow travelers to approach the castle gates. Of course, to go beyond the entrance to the castle they would need to be announced to the castellan or a member of the royal family should they be in attendance.

As fortune would have it, the mayor was not in his office. Once again, he was at the castle.

"So, we can't just go to the castle?" asked Kitty.


"No. Unfortunately, this is an unannounced visit. Given the state of emergency, we would be seen as possible spies despite my long association with the imperial crown," said Vita.

"That's madness," said Kitty. "Can't they recognize you?"

"They can, but unless the guards who patrol the bridge leading to the gate feel inclined to help us out, we could be in for quite the wait," replied Vita. "We should try it, even so."

"I was let through previously," said Scott.

"Yes. Did you not receive permission?" asked Vita. She perked her head to the side and gazed curiously at him.

"I just told them that I needed to deliver a report on enemy troop movements to the mayor," replied Scott. "They made a few calls then escorted me in to see him."

"We have no such reason, but given what has happened we may be able to get inside if a member of royalty is in attendance. The Castellan is... unlikely to help us given his tendency to follow the rules to the exclusion of all else." Vita sighed softly. "That Waldo character has really caused many problems for us. I do apologize."

"You did nothing wrong." Scott waved her off then looked to the others. "I've only been here once. So, we'll have to see if anyone's home. Otherwise, I guess we'll have to wait for the mayor to come back."

They headed off toward the castle with high hopes, but were soon turned back at the gate. Chaine, for once, looked to be legitimately angry.

"Chaine, put it away..." said Vita slowly.

Chaine growled a little then slowly slid his sword back into its sheath. "They have no business speaking to you like that, princess."

"Like what, a threat to the empire?" A short man who wore a white modern style combat helmet with red spots on it looked Chaine up and down. "You aren't on the list, and royalty is always on the list."

"We told you, there was an emergency. We are just trying to return to Ha'Ruul Castle," said Chaine. "Princess Vita is a long-time friend of the Empire."

"Of course she is, and we do not deny that. However, she is not on the list and you do not have permission to approach the castle gate," said the guard.

"Can I talk to the mayor again?" asked Scott. "He needs to know about this situation, given the fact that these long-time friends of the empire were preyed upon by someone who knew they would be taking the path that they took."

"What is it that you are saying?" asked the guard. His eyes narrowed and his body became tense. It was an expression and set of mannerisms shared by the two dozen guards who waited beyond. "Be certain of your words."

"I'm certain that someone had to know that the Princess of Ha'Ruul would be traveling the route that she took, as she was ambushed after leaving this world," said Scott.

"Now, you listen here foreigner..." spat the shroom soldier. However, his words died on his lips even as his eyes widened. Something behind Scott caught the man's attention.

The group turned back to see what the guard was looking at only to see a tall man dressed in green. He was a lanky individual with an incredible mustache and a flat expression on his face. "Is there a problem with-a foreigners a-visiting the castle?"

"N-no sir. You're on the list, of course," replied the guard nervously.

"I didn't call ahead, though.... won't-a that be a problem?" asked the tall man.

"U-uhm..." stuttered the guard, "I could call in your arrival..."

"Ah. That's-a so nice!" exclaimed the tall man. His mustache twitched one way and then the other. "Be sure to-a let my friends in as well."

"Your friends?" asked the guard.

"Mama Mia! You-a saying you don't recognize a da princess of Ha'Ruul?" asked the tall man.

"No, sir... I mean, yes! Her party isn't on the list for today, though..." said the guard.

"Ah. That's-a no good. No way to treat friends," replied the green-clad man.

During this entire exchange a slow squeaking noise had continued to rise in pitch. Slowly everyone turned to its source. Scott, seeing their eyes on him, coughed into his hands a little and looked away.

"What was that about?" asked Samantha.

"I just work here," said Scott in a slight high-pitched tone. Though, there was a certain light in his eyes. As far as he was concerned, this trip was getting better and better.

Samantha pursed her lips then snorted at him. Of all the things he might have stolen from her, her personality was not the one she would have considered.

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