《Galactic Fist of Legend》Chapter 59.7: Adventures in Princess Sitting


As the world returned to its normal hue and saturation levels, Scott looked to the giant squo-bloo. The thing hadn't attacked, yet, but it was obviously agitated. Perhaps they could get it to just leave? If it weren't a sapient creature, just a giant octopus, he wouldn't have bothered. However, it could speak so it was clearly more than just a normal animal.

"Sorry about the noise. We did need to speak with you, though," said Scott.

The others stared at him a little. Was he intending to converse with this murderous tentacle waving monstrosity? Chaine closed his eyes and shook his head.

"Oi! I don't care about none o' that, mate. Clear out of 'ere, if you know what's good for ya." The squo-bloo raised a tentacle in a menacing manner.

"We hear that you've been smashing the rafts that the people from Whisperton use to travel down river," said Scott.

"That's nunya business, mate. Those sloshed turkeys are always floatin' their merry day down the river pissed as a fart and ten times as loud," said the squo-bloo. He blew out a loud breath then shuffled one way and then the other as though he wasn't sure of how to continue, "Them and their damned music and all that rootin' round atop their little boats like they're starving rabbits in heat. Bloody loud and disrespectful, is what they are!"

"If we tell them to keep it down, will you stop wrecking their rafts?" asked Scott. "Because that needs to stop."

"Oi, who are you to tell me what I can and can't do in my own river?" The squo-bloo puffed himself up a bit. "Look 'ere, mate. The way I sees it, they have no business on the river anyway. They walk on the dirt. I live in the river."

The squo-bloo eyed Scott in a menacing manner then continued, "They're the ones sailing over my house all sloshed and banging away like a buncha rabbits. Tell them to clear off my river!"

"They've been using this river for generations," said Scott coolly. He then blinked and asked, "You have a house?"

"Well, they can bloody well get over it. Not like they can't just walk to where they want to go. Right?" asked the overgrown octopus. He chose to ignore the crack about him having a house.

"It's too dangerous, and takes far longer, to walk down river," replied Scott. "You do understand that they need to use their rafts, right?"


"Yeah, nah. That's their problem isn't it?" asked the squo-bloo. "I have problems of my own, mate."

"There's no reason that this can't be worked out. You can all get along," said Scott.

"Well, now. The way I see it, this 'ere's my river." The squo-bloo drew back its tentacles then peered ominously down at Scott. "Those turkeys have been carrying on like a pork chop for weeks now, and they've made me crack the shits! I've been bloody damned patient until now, but there's only so much a squo-bloo can take, mate. Now clear off, before ya cark it!"

Scott sighed and drew his sword. He had tried to reason with the overgrown bit of sea food, but he just wasn't interested in discussing the situation. "You claim the river as yours, but you clearly came from somewhere else. You're going to have to go back there."

"You wot, mate?" The squo-boo turned bright red and sloshed around angrily. "You think you lot can take me down?"

The squo-bloo turned quickly to the side and with enough force to send a wave of water rushing across the lake. It was not a particularly large wave, but it was a testament to the creature's strength in the water.

Samantha fired off a fairy bolt that slammed into the side of its head like a cannonball.

The squo-bloo shouted at her, "Oi!" then took a deep breath and spat out a boulder the size of a small car. The slow moving projectile arced gracefully through the air, but its size was its only strength. On a raft, people were easy to take down. They could only move in very small ways. It as far too slow to hit anyone who could move around on the ground, however.

The squo-bloo raged impotently as its rocks failed to hit their targets time and time again. The waves of water it could produce would normally swamp a raft, but again its opponents were running around on dry land.

Scott fired off a few feroki ice blasts that barely reached the thing's closest tentacles. Chaine lobbed another bomb its way, while Vita pointed at it and imperiously told Chaine to do what he was already doing.

Kitty mainly sighed, and occasionally threw rocks at it. Her skills were mainly close range, after all. She did not even have grenades on this trip.

Chaine threw his bomb and it exploded right next to the overgrown bit of calamari. Its screams were drowned out by the explosion.


"Oi! Ya think this hurts me, ya damned galahs! You gotta do better than that!" The squo-bloo puffed up and fired another boulder. However, he also drew further out into the water. He was no boss monster, and had no special powers other than what a normal squo-bloo his size would have. That explosion had hurt!

"Everybody out of the pool," cried an ecstatic female voice from on high.

Scott had wandered into the water a short distance. Realizing who had said it, and why she had probably said it, Scott rushed out of the water as fast as he could manage it.

"Right... so...?" The squo-bloo was uncertain of why everyone was running away for a brief moment. However, a strange tickling sensation atop its domed head caused it to look up in annoyance.

High overhead, Saelil hovered in the air with staff in hand. She hand one leg wrapped around it, even as she cried out blissfully.

The squo-bloo's eyes widened comically as a massive sphere of electrical current began to form above her. Stunned by the surprising development, its pupils opened wide even as its large and proudly erect beak shrank a bit and dropped down.

Eyes shimmering with what might very well be incredulous tears, the octopus whimpered out a startled, "You... Wot, mate?" just before a torrent of lightning shot down from the sky and crashed into the massive beast with thunderous ferocity. He screeched in a high-pitched voice then flailed its tentacles about wildly as his muscles spasmed over and over due to the extreme electrical current that surged through his body.

Even so, a single blast was not enough to kill the beast. Saelil, face flush from her exertions, twirled around in the air and cried out ecstatically once more as yet another crashing wave of thunderous lightning shot down from the sky.

"Squo-woo-woo-wowo!" screamed the monster while its tentacles flailed about. This time its eyes rolled back a little and it lost consciousness. A third lightning bolt finished it off.

Scott watched the steam rise up from the thoroughly baked octopus even as motes of light rose up from its gargantuan body. In truth, it was not much of a battle but mostly that was due to Saelil's absurd type advantage. Briefly, he joked with himself that if she was a Pokémon people would think that she was too broken to use for competitive purposes.

He watched as she descended from on high like a moderately aroused goddess of death. "Saelil OP, please nerf," he mumbled lightly.

Scott praised her for a moment, but then blinked as he saw Chaine run into the water. "What's wrong?"

"Can't talk! Looting!" called back Chaine before he reached the edge of the shore and leapt into deeper water with a grin on his face.

"Looting?" Scott noticed that as the squo-bloo dissipated little gemstones were falling into the water.

"Holy shit!" Scott's eyes widened and a ridiculous grin spread across his lips.

He made a beeline for the water, and cried out excitedly. "Treasure here I come!"

Samantha rushed off, a hint of drool on her lips that she was sure no one would see. Free money? Yes, please!

Kitty frowned prettily at the water, but then shrugged and offered Saelil a grin. "My shoes won't buy themselves!"

Saelil laughed at her then floated after the feisty feline, her face still flush with the exertions she undertook took unleash her magic. Even if she intended to dive in and collect a few crystals of her own, a lady had to maintain her dignity, right? On the way she glanced over to Vita. "You're not coming?"

"I have money..." said Vita haughtily.

"I have no doubt of that, princess... But this is free money ripe for the taking," said Saelil with a smile on her lips. She floated over to the dissipating carcass and snatched at a few crystals before they could fall into the water.

Scott surfaced long enough to take a breath. He held up an odd looking whip that he had found among the crystals then shouted, "Hell yeah! This stupid squid was loaded!"

He threw a handful of crystals into the air for emphasis then cackled madly before he dived back down once more to recollect them. They had plenty of light left. Why not have fun with the treasure hunt!

Saelil chuckled at his antics, but continued to collect her portion of the loot. As she could catch the crystals before they fell into the water, she managed to gather quite the modest haul.

Vita acquired a thoughtful expression then clapped her hands together and nodded her head. A bright smile on her lips, she trotted toward the water in a lady-like manner that only a princess might trot while her hair swung back and forth merrily. "Free money is the best kind of money, I suppose!"

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