《Galactic Fist of Legend》Chapter 59.3: Adventures in Princess Sitting


The team took a moment to freshen up, just as the ladies insister. Of course, this moment turned into over an hour due to the fact that there was only one bathroom. In the end, Scott left the cleaning to the robotic household staff and they returned to his home point.

A quick search of his database told him what he needed to know about the Ha' Ruulian currency exchange. He groaned aloud at the price. "Twenty experience points for a single crystal. That's worse than Imperial Garden."

"Friggin' boat ride would cost thirty-six thousand experience. I'd rather swim!" he groused loudly.

While the exchange rate made sense given the cost of items from the Ha' Ruulian world-setting it was still irksome to him. The worst part about it was that the crystals from Ha' Ruul weren't like the essence crystals from Fear Rune. They were just money and could not be converted into experience points.

He returned to his companions then told them the bad news. They would have to either head directly to the castle and just travel for ten days, or hope for the best when it came to the Ha' Ruulian embassy.

"We should still try to take a ship first," said Vita. "If, in the end, the trip takes twice as long then so be it. I'm certain that my family would love to hear about how one of our embassies denied the princess a trip home."

"I agree. Let's shamelessly use the princess to get a free ride," said Chaine.

"What's that?" asked Vita. Her eyebrow rose upward even as her lips quirked downward ever so slightly.

"Hmm?" asked Chaine in a lightly hummed tone of voice.

Scott chuckled at them then went to the door. He set it up so that everyone could go through, but of course there was a problem. He looked over to Samantha. "My level is too low. You won't be able to use any of your equipment in Ha' Ruul."


"Even my armor? It's attached to me now, you know," asked Samantha.

"Thing told me you wouldn't be able to call it out. I could loan you my bow if you want to try your hand at old timey magic weapons," he replied.

"Sure. Why not," she said with a shrug.

Scott pulled out his bow then handed it to her. He then went to the exchange and got her some cheap non-descript clothing. Her body suit was too hi-tech as well.

"How about our garments, beloved?" asked Saelil.

He was the one to shrug this time. "You're all fine. It's just stuff beyond a certain technology level that is deemed inappropriate."

Samantha took the odd clothing items in hand then went to her companion room to change, an action that no doubt marked the first legitimate use for one of those rooms.

She returned after a few minutes. She now sported a white tunic laced at the chest, a pair of dark brown breeches, and black leather boots. "This stuff is itchy," she said quietly. She reached down and scratched her stomach for emphasis.

"You've dealt with worse, I'm sure." Scott grinned at her then turned away before she could answer. He wasn't about to spend more on fancier clothes! Armor might be worth it, but he was not certain that she would wear it given the fact that she was used to a far higher quality. More to the point, it would just become trash later anyway. A normal outfit could be re-used but if they intended to continually enter Ha' Ruul she would need better equipment. The cheap types of armor that he could buy was not much better than just being naked, in all honesty.

Ready at last, Scott called the door of light. What he saw on the other side caused him to blink. "That's not Whisperton."


"Is that just some random spot in the woods?" asked Vita.

"Yeah. I think it's the last place I was at. The door opened and closed there," he said.

"Hmm. How far is it from Whisperton?" inquired the princess.

"A day at a steady jog. Two at a normal walk..." Scott rubbed his chin. They had to enter either way, so he gestured toward the door. "Might as well go ahead."

Everyone walked through the door, and then looked around at the calm pastoral scene. There were no truly notable landmarks save for a large pile of rocks in the distance.

"Is that music?" asked Samantha. She tilted her head to the side and listened carefully.

"You can hear it?" asked Scott, Chaine, and Vita at the same time.

The Ha' Ruulians looked to him then back to Samantha. Chaine spoke up, "Normal people can't hear the world song.... Though I suppose neither of you is actually all that normal."

"Bum bum. Bada dada dum..." said Kitty. She swayed from side to side, a smile on her face.

"You too?" asked Chaine.

They all looked at her then slowly over to Saelil. She offered them a warm smile. "Yes. I too hear this world song of yours."

"Given the good champion's status, perhaps his companions are afforded the ability to hear the world song as well?" asked Vita. "Hearing the voice of the goddess Ha' Ruu is not something usually heard of outside of the royal family, or perhaps the occasional great sage."

"Heroes hear it as well..." remarked Chaine. He then looked deeply into her eyes for a moment. Once Vita bit her lip slightly due to a strange influx of shyness, Chaine flexed his nostrils rapidly then grinned.

"Ugh!" cried Vita with a groan. "Such a child..."

Chaine laughed in good natured fashion then offered Scott a grin as well. Shall we get started?

"We still going to try to catch a boat? We're probably a couple of days closer to the castle than we would have been otherwise," said Scott.

"I'd love to ride on a boat," said Kitty.

"I thought your kind hated water?" asked Saelil.

"I'll have you know, I love being wet..." She purred giddily at Saelil and the dark elf's eyebrow quirked upwards in concerned alarm.

"If you like water so much, remind me to turn the hose on your," suggested Samantha.

"No thanks. I already know how it goes when you offer me a shower." Kitty pouted at her then lashed her tail in annoyance. For a moment it looked as though she might pounce of her temporarily unarmored companion.

Vita and Chaine quickly discussed the situation while Scott looked back and forth between the two conversations happening amongst his companions. He had no particular dog in this fight. He fully planned to train for a few weeks before he pursued another mission. He no longer had to go on a mission every day, or even once every week, just to live. He could spend time actually working on methods to grown stronger without the system. It would make the missions that much easier since the system largely only took system related upgrades into account.

In the end, the decision was made. They might still save at least two or three days of travel time were they to seek out the ship. Plus they would not have to camp out in the wilderness as often since they could stop at Whisperton, and then once again at the Skulla-Tutu village.

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