《Galactic Fist of Legend》Chapter 59.2: Adventures in Princess Sitting


While Daedra was in the midst of an existential crises, and possible play date with her brother, things had progressed back in the land of Bounty Star. Once Scott and the gang conversed and shared their mutual stories, it was time to prepare themselves for the journey to Ha' Ruul.

"So, you are uncertain where exactly we will arrive?" asked Vita in a curious tone. "That seems generally unfair."

Scott raised his hands and shrugged his shoulders. "Can't be helped. I can try to tell the door where I want to go, but some worlds have their own rules. Ha' Ruul is a premium setting with special restrictions. I did not see something obvious, like the obelisk we used before, but even then I can only appear in certain places."

"Ah, like how you only seem to be able to appear here in my home reality?" asked Samantha.

"Yeah. Could be anywhere in Hellespont." Scott scratched his chin lightly then nodded. "Seems like towns and the like are my common destination. We may have to start from Whisperton and travel to the castle."

"Ah, I see. The village of Whisperton." Vita offered him a pleasant smile then nodded her head. "That is a fair distance from Ha' Ruul castle, and on the border that we share with the Kaizo Trade Nation..."

She seemed to think about her words carefully for a moment then nodded once more, and in a far more decisive manner. "If we moved at a steady pace we should arrive at our destination within a week."

"More like ten days," said Chaine. "If we run all the way we could do it in seven."

"Are you certain?" asked Vita.

"I've had to travel on foot across the kingdom pretty often." Chaine acquired a thoughtful expression. "I could get a horse easily enough, but Whisperton doesn't trade them."

"I can drive, but I don't know how to ride a horse... probably faster for me to run," said Scott.

"That wouldn't do..." Vita's words trailed off for a moment then she looked Chaine in the eyes. "So, it'll take more than a week."


Chaine shook his head once more. "By foot? Yes. There's a better way."

He took a breath then began to make little gestures with his hands while he spoke. "We should get a raft and go by river down to the Skulla-Tutu Island Estuary, then walk over to Hildira Harbor."

Chaine made a decisive gesture with his hand, a chopping motion that cut off alternatives. "We take a ship from Hildira Harbor to Eagleton; they leave pretty much every day. Time it right and we could be back at the castle in four days at most, maybe three if we catch the boats at the right time.... though it will cost us."

"How much?" asked Scott. "I might be able to exchange for enough currency."

"Typical passage is three hundred crystal per person..." said Chaine.

Scott blinked at him. He then turned to look at the others. "Ladies, I don't suppose you'd like to—"

"Go see a fantasy world castle?" asked Kitty. "Sure."

"That's not—" he began, only for Samantha to chime in that it would be best to come along just in case they got into a fight.

Scott sighed softly then looked at Saelil. "How about you?"

"Goodness. I had thought to stay behind to save on travel expenses. However, since you asked I will go," said Saelil with a smile.

"Eighteen hundred crystal... Let me check on the exchange rate," said Scott.

"Ah. It is possible that we can appeal to the Ha' Ruulian embassy in Hildira. If a royal ship is in port we can commandeer that. If not, the treasury can be billed," she said.

"Now, that sounds like a heck of a plan," agreed Scott. He saw absolutely nothing wrong with letting her pay for the trip. His group had already paid quite a bit in time and effort to help her out. Not to mention the fact that it removed a lot of the burden from his shoulders. He would be able to enjoy the trip more, if he was not the one who had to pay.


"I'll check the exchange rate before we leave, anyway. If something weird happens I can come back and get the money we need hopefully," he replied.

"Weird in what way?" asked Vita. She gazed upon him with her soft cerulean colored eyes. In those eyes was concern, curiosity, and a bizarre innocence he had not seen her express before. The way the light caught her face in just the right manner caused his words to falter then die on his lips. The princess was almost ridiculously pretty. It made sense that Chaine would cross the countryside with sword in hand to save her so often.

Scott's jaw dropped slightly and he froze up for the briefest of moments. He'd been caught off guard by her sublimely innocent expression.

Samantha reached over and whapped him lightly on the back of the head. His jaw rose up with an audible clack of his teeth and he blinked twice.

Chaine tried his best not to laugh, but he was forced to turn away for a moment in order to do so. His snickering echoed through the room.

"What?" asked Vita, her eyes wide and curious. She bit her lower lip slightly then looked around at her new companions. "Has something happened?"

Scott coughed into his hand and made certain not to make eye contact with the princess. He let the words roll freely from his lips, and partially a-jumble. He began to make odd little gestures with his hands as well. "No. No. Nothing.... Anyway, something weird always happens. Weird is my business, and I'd know. So... yeah."

"I see," said Vita. She nodded softly then turned toward Chaine. "Weird things do tend to happen during travel. We got into this mess because of such a thing, as I recall."

Chaine managed to stop snickering long enough to nod. It was true. Weird business started their entire journey together.

"Ah! before we leave perhaps we should all freshen up," said Vita.

Several vocal feminine agreements were intermixed with two apathetic male ones. Scott and Chaine could take it or leave it. Chaine further suggested that they leave after a good night's sleep as they would not get a proper one for a few days.

Once the girls wondered off, Scott quietly moseyed up to Chaine. The faux-elf tried his best not to laugh once more. Scott sighed deeply and said, "You could have warned me, you know."

Chaine slapped his hand over his mouth and did his best to hold back his laughter. Scott nodded lightly and took it all in stride.

"Sorry," said Chaine after he got most of the giggles out of his system. "It's just nice to see this sort of thing happen to someone else for a change."

Scott laughed in good humor then sighed. "What's the deal with you two, anyway? I can't figure you out."

"Those games you played didn't tell you?" asked Chaine.

"They're all over the place. Different timelines, alternate realities, reincarnation stuff." Scott rubbed his chin. "Sometimes you're lovers. Sometimes just good friends. At least once there was a strong possibility you were brother and sister."

Chaine nodded. "It's complicated, especially since we aren't officially allowed to know the truth."

"Should I ask?" inquired Scott.

"I'd prefer not to talk about it," said Chaine. "No offense intended."

"I'm the one being rude. I shouldn't be asking things like that," replied Scott.

"No. It's fine," said Chaine. "Just something that's been hanging over our heads for a long time."

Scott nodded to him. He definitely wanted to press for answers, but at the same time he did not want to alienate Chaine. He was his only hope for a bromantic buddy comedy adventure in the incredulous pit of estrogen fueled ridiculousness that he currently called a life. Plus, he seemed to be a legitimately good guy.

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