《Galactic Fist of Legend》Chapter 59.1: Adventures in Princess Sitting


In the depths of space it is said that no one can hear it when you scream. This is only true if you are not an irate deity who just learned of the most ludicrous thing that she has heard in many years. If you are such a deity, your voice will be infused with the power cosmic or something to that effect. Those who are not as durable as the screaming goddess will inevitably be torn asunder by such a hellish bit of caterwauling.

"Will you cease your pernicious shrieking you ridiculous woman," cried Emeritus. His hands pressed tightly to his ears, he did his best not to blast his sister into another dimension.

Daedra stopped screaming as directed, but she followed it with a loud huff and a petulant little pout. "No."

"No?" asked Emeritus. "What do you mean, no?"

"I refuse to do it. You can't make me do it, either!" exclaimed Daedra.

"Dear sister, you're his agent... You have certain responsibilities," said Emeritus.

"No! I only have to be his agent for as long as he is part of the game. If he dies I can return to my rightful place by your side," she said irritably. "I refuse to be without you for longer than I must, my dear brother."

Emeritus eyed her coolly. This was one hell of a sticky situation. On the one hand, he did not give a damn if the champion was slain. It was his part to live and succeed, or fail and die. No, his problem was exactly as Daedra spoke. If the champion died, Daedra could come home. He had just started to get accustomed to a life where his little sister did not try to perve on him all of the time. He could not lose such a feeling! Not now. Not after having achieved his dream.


"I cannot force you, dear sister. I can only say that it would mean ever so much to me if you did me this favor..." said Emeritus. "I would owe you so much..."

"Y-you would... owe me?" she asked, her eyes widening with each syllable spoken.

Emeritus fought down an involuntary shudder that tried to work its way upward along his spine. That champion had best be more capable than he seemed. At the very least he needed to keep his little sister occupied for a few more weeks. A few lifetimes would be better, but a little more peace and quiet would be nice.

"Yes. I would owe you." He looked into his sister's eyes. "It would make me exceedingly happy if you did this for me."

Her face reddened, even as her nostrils flared slightly. "Will you spend time with me, if I do?"

"Once your assignment is over, yes," he said.

Daedra slapped her hands together then flashed a toothsome smile. "It's a contract! I get to go on a date with big brother."

Emeritus failed to prevent his innate need to shudder this time. She was a sweet girl, all things considered, but her obsession with him was quite disturbing.

"Very well, but won't this look bad to the other party?" asked Daedra.

"It might, but they are the ones who insist on this challenge. I've granted them inordinate leeway. The least I could do is even the playing field," he said. "There is a certain agreement that I negotiated between Team Devil and The People. What I intend for you to do is acceptable to them due to the number of chances they get for their assassin to take the champion down, and your own limitations in the matter."


"What if he dies anyway, though?" she asked lightly.

"No date for you," said Emeritus. "At least not unless he died due to his own stupidity, or during one of those three challenges. Provided you aren't directly responsible for his death."

"Boo!" she cried loudly. However, he dislike for the situation died down quickly as she realized what he had said. He only had to die during an appropriate time! She could be free of him soon; that darned monkey with his strange monkey mannerisms.

Their business completed, she would normally now head back to her dreary life of trying to promote a monkey. However, this was her chance to be near her beloved brother. She could not waste the opportunity.

"How is it going? The game?" asked Daedra.

"About as would be expected. The number of champions dying through mishaps and stupid decisions has dwindled, but there are fewer than a million of them left now." Emeritus frowned slightly then shook his head. "It will be a while before the second phase begins, even so."

"Because of their starting weakness?" asked Daedra.

"No, because most of them have gotten comfortable in their role." He chuckled softly. "There's no reason to challenge the Grand Emissary at all if all you have to do is go on occasional missions and pay for the continuation of your life."

"Won't that cause problems with the invaders?" asked Daedra. "I mean, they won't want to wait around forever."

"That's a concern that is entirely none of mine. I don't care if they have to wait for the end of all existence. They agreed to the terms of the battle." Emeritus snorted loudly then turned away from Daedra. "Frankly, it makes more sense for the remaining champions not to rush their development. There is no special prize for winning early, and everything to lose if they challenge the Grand Emissary and fail."

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