《Galactic Fist of Legend》Chapter 56.5: Gifts From the Past


Several hours passed after Samantha located her loot, but the researchers on the station above had heard nothing from her. Concerned, the head researcher went to visit the security office in search of answers. Still quite some distance from the door to the office, he heard curious noises.

"Bet you a hundred credits she blows up the big one next," exclaimed a familiar voice. It was the sergeant who had belittled the deadliest bounty hunter in the galaxy.

"Nah. She's going to jump and fire at that small one next. You'll see," said the security captain.

"Let me in on that," said someone else.

"Me too!" called a fourth voice.

He stopped short. What were they doing in there? He adjusted the goggles that he wore to hide his receding hairline then walked through the door.

Loud cheers and the agonized wails of defeat echoed through the room as credits changed hands among several people, security personnel and research staff alike. The head researcher looked at the scene for a moment, his eyes never blinking even once.

"What is the meaning of this?" he asked suddenly.

He was absolutely ignored. The indignity!

"She's going again!" called the sergeant.

The head researcher marched forward, his eyes narrow. Fully intent on tearing into them with a scathing series of lectures about propriety and the need for a proper work ethic, he stopped cold when he saw what was on the monitor.

"What?" he asked in confusion. Samantha Jeran, the most feared woman in the galaxy, was on screen with one fist in the air. She trotted around in a victorious circle then hoped to the left and back to the right.

Suddenly, she spun around to the left and unleashed a gleaming metallic object that rocketed through the air. Two seconds later it impacted against a small pile of rubble some distance away then unleashed an incredible explosion.


The monitor was overwhelmed due to the brightness of the explosion for a split-second but soon it regained the image only to reveal a massive crater where the rubble used to be. "Was that a nuclear explosion?" he asked quietly.

"No! The crazy bitch has anti-matter missiles!" exclaimed the sergeant excitedly.

"Anti-matter miss... Impossible. Those things cost half a billion credits each if you want one that can do that level of damage!" There was no way she could afford to launch so many of them just for fun. Was it true? Was she really a psychotic planet killer? Was that what she was doing right now? Did she intend to destroy the planet one pile of rubble at a time?

"She's running!" called someone.

All eyes turned back to the screen. "She's moving so fast..."

"Yeah, it's incredible. I didn't know power suits could out run a ground vehicle..." said the captain. He started to say something else, but stopped and squatted down briefly before she launched herself high into the air in a flash of light. At the apex of her leap, she leapt upward yet again and easily doubled the height of her impossible jump.

"She. That's impossible...." said the sergeant in surprise. The fact that she fired off another missile mid-jump did not even register. She had easily leapt several hundred feet into the air, with the bonus jump included. "Where did she get that suit...? I want one."

"Good luck. That's Dillozouan technology," said the captain. "That crazy woman right there was raised by them."

"Surprised the federation lets her out of their sight," replied the sergeant.

The head researcher spoke up. "She was held for questioning at one time, but that time and every time it has been tried has turned out to be a poor decision."


"How so?" asked the sergeant.

"The reports say that she does not like to be confined, and frankly her knowledge and ability are too valuable to force her to live like a lab specimen when she could easily break out and turn pirate due to her annoyance," he replied. "What better use would she be than to be out there using those abilities to stop space pirates and the like? The alternative is to have to kill her, and she would not go down easily."

Another explosion overwhelmed the monitor, but no one was looking at it. The thought of a woman who could leap hundreds of feet, and hurled anti-matter missiles for kicks, becoming annoyed with them was more than a little upsetting.

"She wouldn't last long... The might of the federation military is—" began the sergeant only for the head researcher to snort as him disdainfully then interject his own ending to the man's statement. "Nothing compared to the Dillozou."

"There are many missions that she goes on alone that entire teams of space marines would fail to complete." He shook his head then sighed loudly. "It would take an entire regiment to do what she does on even her simpler missions, and even then the cost to the federation in lost lives, resources, and credits would be astronomical."

"Bullshit... I mean, she can't be more powerful that an entire marine regiment. She's only one person," said the sergeant. "I know she has that planet killer reputation, but I checked into it! All those times involved destruction protocols and federation technology. The engine cores blew those planetoids apart, not her."

"Don't underestimate that creature. If it wasn't for the Dillozouan gene blockers she is regularly required to take, she would have been far stronger than she seems to be even without that suit," said the researcher. "Whatever the Dillozou did to her, it's not repeatable with our technology, but that woman is so genetically superior to us that she barely counts as human."

"You sound like you know her personally, doc," said the captain.

The others grew quiet in the expectation that the researcher would continue, but he merely shook his head and waved them off. "Get back to work, and don't you dare do anything to anger that thing down there."

"Do not mistake my words," he said while he looked at each of them. "She'd kill us all as soon as look at us if we angered her. We're not even remotely on the same biological level as that creature. We might as well be a bunch of hairless monkeys swinging from the tree branches for all the similarities we have with it."

A few of the staff members balked at the idea of being seen as such a lowly creature. Others balked at the idea of no longer watching the show. Even so, it soon became apparent that even Samantha intended to do the same. She had left her little arena of destruction and was walking toward her ship. Mission complete, it was time to get her reward and to head home.

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