《Galactic Fist of Legend》Chapter 55.3: Luau' Ra


Unlike the time with the skeletal guardian, no special side mission offer appeared. This was part of the original mission side mission taken to find Luau' Ra. Since there was no time limit, Scott took a moment to determine the creature's range of attack instead of barreling into the fray. As much fun as it was to rush in and smash whatever he saw, it was a bad habit that he needed to avoid nurturing.

The skeletal giant's spear shot out with great force, and moved a prodigious length across the floor. The amount of range that the monster got with that simple thrust was deceptive. The spear was easily the size of five or six grown men laid end to end.

Scott craned his head back slightly to get a good look at the monster's face when he dodged its next attack. Its eyes blazed with hellfire just before it struck for a third time in rapid succession. Was it an obvious tell? He needed to draw the creature out a little more.

Sharp steel half the size of his body narrowly whizzed by Scott as he quickly turned to face the creature side-on. There was no doubt in his mind that an actual hit from the monster would do serious damage. Much faster than the guardian, though still a little slow to be a threat if he remained wary, Scott drew out several more attacks from the creature in order to gauge what it could do.

"Stand still, fool!" snarled the beast. Its eyes suddenly brightened and a wave of energy washed over the battle field. Scott blinked, but found to his horror that his body had become sluggish.

As though he moved through molasses, he tried to avoid the next attack. However, it moved at regular speed for the spear wielder. Unable to fully avoid the blow, Scott felt the blade slice heavily into his tunic. A sharp stab of pain lanced through his body even as blood trickled from a light wound on his stomach. A single glancing blow of that spear head had cut completely through his tunic! Worse, it was strong enough to actually cause him a slight injury despite the fact that his hit points would greatly diminish any damage actually taken.

Scott's eyes narrowed. Very little Feroki had returned since his battle with the skeletal guardian, but he had no choice. Even though it cost him his minute amount of regained energy, and several precious hit points he burned his life energy to fuel his next dodge.

The energy that the beast produced continued to bear down on him, however. As much as Scott hated to admit it, the situation had equalized. A few good hits from that monster would be all it would take to end his life. There was only one option, one he detested as it would impact the remainder of his mission over the course of the next few weeks.


"Feyah!" cried Scott as he burned hit points in order to throw himself clear of that hateful spear. From his storage, he drew out a gravitas flower. Originally he had no intention to use it, but it was there for emergencies. This should count as one!

He shoved the flower into his mouth and chewed like his life depended on it, because it did. The difficulty level of his actual mission, and this side mission were possibly a little at odds with each other. Either way, his level had a lot to do with it. The cannon fodder skeletal drudges were easy opponents, as was the skeletal guardian after he figured out its pattern. This boss, while not particularly difficult so far did have an annoying ability. As much as he was loathe to waste something so precious, not to mention the fact that he would be dealing with the ramifications of it after the flower power wore off, he needed the boost.

The pupils of Scott's eyes dilated suddenly and a sense of raw euphoric power washed over him. As the spear head rushed toward him once more, he laughed wildly then hurled himself into the air with wild abandon. Gravity was his friend once more. Flower power coursing through his veins, he easily dealt with the weakening effects of the special attack used by the boss.

While the overwhelming wave of weakness was still in effect, his flower power could raise his stats to an absurd degree. A few points difference would not matter at all now. Even if the effect was a percent based drain on his abilities, his raw scores would easily allow his prowess to far exceed his previous ability.

"This... what is happening?" asked the giant in surprise.

Scott hopped madly around the room easily avoiding every strike the creature launched. Once he found the perfect moment, he hurtled forward then leapt into the air and came roaring down atop the beast's horned head.

"Feeeyah!" he cried as a force far beyond even what his full powered feroki blast could produce crashed down atop the monster's skull.

The beast, driven to the ground, tried to stand up once more. A testament to its obscene durability, it was no match for Scott's continual head stomping action. At least, that was what should have happened.

Scott hopped on the big bastard's head several times, each time he leapt back into the air and shouted something that sounded like, "Boing!" after it was translated. Yet, the monster simply would not die.

After what had to be his twelfth stomp in a row, the giant whirled around and swatted at the air. Partially caught mid-leap, Scott was sent flying off to the left. Had it been earlier in the battle, the result might have been catastrophic. However, with the flower power coursing through his veins he had limited control over gravity. He reversed his personal gravity just enough that he was able to glide to a stop near the far wall.


"How dare you!" roared the beast. There was no Gyahaha involved this time. "You think a mere mortal creature like you can defeat me with such pathetic attacks?"

The spear wielding giant threw itself to its feet then roared once more. Scott's eyes widened slightly as the beast leapt into the air. It came hurtling toward him spear at the ready. It was clearly no longer interested in playing games.

Scott threw himself quickly to the side and hopped away with powerful backwards leaps that cleared a great distance between them. By the time the monster crashed down, spear first, to produce a small crater and cause the entire cavern to shake, Scott was well outside the damage area. A shower of small stalactites were knocked loose by the force of the monster's diving attack and came raining down around the room.

"Wah!" cried the fairy as she narrowly avoided a falling stalactite. "Careful, you big bone head! There's a lady present!"

"Feh. Some lady," said the giant with a grunt.

The fairy grew enraged and stomped her little feet in the air. However, the giant was no longer interested in her antics. There was a miserable rabbit that he had to prepare for dinner. "Hop all you want little bunny!" cried the giant before he leapt into the air once more. "I'll tenderize that meat before dinner!"

Scott hopped away again. Once he dodged the falling stalactites sent raining down by the attack, he presented his backside to the monster and slapped himself on the ass. "Yaht!"

"Meat!" snarled the beast before it jumped toward him once more.

They hopped around the room several more times each time stalactites rained down. Things were going nowhere fast for Scott. He had used very little floral power to overcome the weakening effect produced by the boss. In truth, he barely used more than the bare minimum. He could literally go all day at the rate they were going. Unfortunately, the boss was an undead being. It would not grow tired either.

A change of pace was in order. Scott hopped away from another incoming spear dive then pulled out his fairy bow. Maybe he could plink away at it from a distance.

Scott did just that. He fired off rapid bow strikes, most of which went wildly around the room due to his lack of skill with the weapon and need to fire while he kept moving. However, the boss was huge. More shots hit that missed.

Unfortunately, despite the numerous strikes to its head and ribcage, the beast showed no sign of damage. Scott grew suspicious. There was no way a monster this durable would be part of a low grade challenge. If he were a level three or four human noob he would be dead by now, and that's more in keeping with the challenge rating the thing was supposed to represent.

Something was wrong, he had suspected before but was now sure of it. The big bastard should not be this durable.

Scott fired off a few more arrows and finally noticed something. There was a slight shimmering effect when an arrow struck bone. His eyes narrowed. The giant was cloaked in an illusion?

He hopped around while the monster tried to skewer him once more, and charged up for a stage three shot. Of course, his first shot missed wildly and he had to try again and then again. The fourth shot was the charm, however, and he managed to tag the jumping pile of bones in the hip.

The giant roared in pain then fell to its knees. The massive pile of bones released an impressive amount of steam for some reason, and then became a semi-translucent miasma of fog shaped loosely like a skeleton. Inside that fog a large red orb released a pulsating light.

Scott's eyes narrowed. He could be wrong, but given how much the worlds he visited tended to operate like video games, it was obvious to him that he saw the real monster now. That glowing red ball was the core of the monster, the equivalent of the big shiny part of a boss that needed to be hit in order to actually damage it.

He did not know how much time he had, but he rushed in to strike. Sword drawn in place of his bow, he managed one solid hit due to the amount of space that he had to cover before the creature began to recover. Scott tried for a second strike and nearly paid for it in blood, as skeletal fingers tore through the air in a powerful strike.

Caution needed, he dodged back and began to the task of baiting the monster once more. He could not afford to get greedy. Even one strike at a time was bound to be worth the effort. Sure, if he were better with a bow he could probably do a lot of damage in short order but he lacked the skill to hit such a small object at a distance with any regularity. The orb was perhaps twice the size of a basketball. It was a big target for a practiced archer, but a hard shot for someone like him despite his enhanced coordination and senses.

Scott set himself to the task of slowly whittling the beast's life force down. In an actual Zelda game such a creature would only need a few strikes, but things might be different here.

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