《Galactic Fist of Legend》Chapter 55.1: Luau' Ra


In the depths of the underworld Scott and his new companions fought a particularly easy series of battles as they worked their way toward their end goal. So far they had searched a massive swathe of the labyrinthian corridors, but there was no sign of Luau' Ra.

"Are you certain that light wisp of yours isn't leading us on a merry goose chase?" asked Etragar to the fairy.

"I fairy well hope not!" exclaimed the fairy. "She's probably just moving around, so the wisp does as well."

Scott kept his own counsel, but he was annoyed beyond belief at the moment. The fights were easy experience for him, and he even gained a few bits of the local currency in the process. However, there was a time limit on this side mission. It would soon run out.

Another few minutes passed in the claustrophobic tunnels before they found their way to a new room that offered a bit of space to stretch out. Several rocks were arranged in suspicious formations, but the room appeared to be a dead-end. The wisp of light flew around in a circle like it could not figure out what to do.

Curious, Scott stepped around the room and checked the walls. There was no sign of hidden entrance or exit.

"We are wasting time, my prince. My daughter needs to be found as quickly as possible," said Etragar.

Scott waved him off dismissively and went to inspect the rocks. Etragar became annoyed at his dismissal and nearly spoke out in an angry tirade. However, the moment he saw that one of the rock formations was easily pushed aside he could not help but remain silent. Rock formations that grew from the earth should not be so easily moved!

The fairy, the prince, and the fat fish man began to check the rocks and soon noted a series of scratch marks on the floor. Scott tracked them around the room and learned that there was one trail where the scratches were most prominent. The rocks were moved frequently, it seemed.


Confident that he had solved the puzzle, Scott moved the triangular looking rocks around the room until they were lined up in the shape of an arrow. A quirky little midi tune played in the air and a section of the wall rumbled open. The wisp of light immediately went over to the new exit and journeyed beyond the room.

"Yah!" said Scott excitedly, while he pointed to the door. Zelda and its puzzles. He was glad they remained easy even in this parody world. Though, for all intents and purposes this mission was classed pretty low. These puzzles damn well should be easy!

"My prince! You've done it... I hope!" Etragar waddled after the fairy and the prince, and the trio moved on into the next room.

Inside that room there was no other door, though one section of the wall did seem slightly discolored in comparison. The light wisp once again flew in circles. However, there was a bright white treasure chest trimmed in gleaming gold. Scott looked around the room for a moment then shrugged. It seemed to be one of those treasure rooms he might find in such a game.

"My prince? You intend to open it?" asked Etragar.

Scott nodded lightly as he walked toward the chest. He kept an eye out for traps while he fiddled with the latch. The chest opened readily, and inside he discovered something quite interesting. It was a tiny little bow. The world slowed to a halt and turned black and white while a blue screen appeared before him.

You have discovered a new treasure of this world!

- You got: Fairy Bow!

- The fairy bow does not use ammunition, as it draws on ambient mana in the atmosphere. However, it will require you to charge each shot for a certain amount of time. The longer the shot is charged, the stronger the shot. It does have a maximum power capacity and damage output, however. The most powerful charge carries an additional effect that allows it to dispel illusions.



Fairy Bow

Level: 1/5

EXP: 0/400

Damage: 37/ 54/ 90

Durability: 23/23

Special Options

Fairy Shot – [3-Stage Charge]

Stage 3 Illusion Dispersal

"Pretty weak compared to my pistol even, and I have no idea how to use the thing, but five levels of growth tells me it could be decent." The window disappeared. Before he could say anything, however, two things happened. One, he lost control of his body briefly. He was forced to raise up his new bow to the heavens. It elongated outward into a bow sized for him, though still delicate looking, and a heroic musical score played in the background.

"A fairy bow!" cried the fairy excitedly. She fluttered over and offered him a kiss for finding such a lovely discovery.

Etragar moved in to shoo her away. They had no time for fairy foolishness. "This room appears to be a dead end."

Scott looked to his bow then over to the slightly discolored section of rocks. His gamer senses were tingling. What better place to teach a new player how to use their cool new bow than in the very room it was found?

He took his bow over to the wall then began to fiddle with it. There was no ammunition, so he tried simply pulling the string back. As he pulled the string, motes of light began to stream to the space between the bow string and the bow.

Certain he had the right of it, he drew back further and the light intensified. Soon the shape of an arrow began to form. He released the bowstring and a bolt of green light shaped like an arrow flew outward. It struck the wall and produced a slight shimmer. His curiosity piqued, he repeated the maneuver on another section of wall, but saw no shimmer.

"Yah. Feyah," said Scott with a nod of his head. Clearly the bow reacted to the discolored section of wall!

"My prince? Have you realized something?" asked Etragar.

Scott drew back on his back and did his best to aim at the wall. It was a fairly big target, so even an untrained archer should be able to hit it. The arrow formed, roughly a second later the arrow began to glow brightly. After three seconds it blazed with a powerful light that lit up the darkness of the room.

"Feyah!" he cried as he unleashed a stage three fairy shot at the wall. It hit with great force and the wall shuddered. A terrifying wail echoed outward from it, as though it were a living creature that had been slain. Beyond it, a set of stairs were revealed.

The wisp of light that they had been following went down the stairs once more. The journey continued, though Scott did wonder at how Etragar's daughter would have gotten down there without going through all of the puzzles. Was there another way that the wisp had not led them down?

Down further into the darkness they went. While there was no sign that the mission was close to its end, Scott could not help but feel a sense of anticipation. Despite lack of physical evidence, he believed that their excursion would soon be over.

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