《Galactic Fist of Legend》Chapter 54.3: Mercenary of Love


Despite the rapturous hubbub of Scott 'Money' Davidson attending their local high school, the day continued onward like any other for young Samantha Jeran. She went to class, thankfully no considered to be any later than the other students for once. She totes studied, and never once looked at the messages on her cellphone despite what anyone might have had to say about that little factoid otherwise. By the time the lunch hour rolled around, she had become quite the educated lady. She could totally be a congressperson, a doctor, or maybe even a fashion model! The sky was the limit.

"Oh my gawd! Samantha! Have you heard about the ozone layer?" asked Vita, her eyes wide.

"Yeah?" she asked Vita. Quickly she remembered something that she had heard about it and acquired a knowing expression.

"Oh! Yeah. We totally need to get rid of that," said Samantha seriously.

"Right! Someone should like..." Vita spread her hands open wide and spoke emphatically, "do something about it!"

"Yah. Global warming is a thing. So, like, maybe if we get rid of the ozone layer it'll let some of the heat out. Right?" asked Samantha.

"Right!" exclaimed Vita excitedly. "You'll make a great president someday."

Samantha offered a self-satisfied and charismatic smile fit for any professional's camera. "Well, I did just solve global warming."

Chaine sighed a long suffering sigh then closed his eyes. "Each day, and in every way, my brain dies a little more."

"Whoa... You might need to go get that checked out," said Samantha. She offered him a concerned expression that truly expressed her desire not to see him become braindead a little more each day.

He shoved his head between his hands and tried not to cry. He was far too cool to cry into the weird little box of food that his sister called a special lunch. What guy who was too cool for school, even if he totally was at school at that moment, would eat raw squid... especially at school and for lunch? The damned thing even had a smiley face drawn on it with food coloring.

"And the rice..." mumbled Chaine to himself, "So much rice..."

"What's that?" asked Vita in a cutesy manner.

Chaine was not fooled. He say the tension in her eyes and the slight curve of her lips. His brat of a sister wanted an excuse to tear into him for daring to disparage the food she had loving had their mother prepare for them the night before.

He glanced down at her lunch box, saw fried shrimp, a piece of steak and all manner of vegetables. His expression sour, he sighed loudly once more then shook his head. "I didn't say anything."

"Oh?" she asked him, the tension in her expression still evident. "I guess I was wrong."


Chaine eyed his sister. Vita eyed Chaine. Visible currents of electricity formed in the air then began to zap each other. Forced to stop in the space between them, the tension began to grow as the sparks increased in intensity.

Samantha, oblivious to the lightshow, totes enjoyed her pizza. The day was set to be quite ordinary indeed.

In the middle of their kitbashed scene of typical American and Japanese school lunch scenarios, the outer wall of the cafeteria that stood across from Samantha's table exploded inward. A cloud of purple smoke rushed through the hole left in the wake of a strange monster's appearance.

"Onion!" cried the oversized purple onion. Strangely, in one of its little root feet it held a pitcher of grape Kool-Aid.

The people in the cafeteria were all far too surprised to scream in the manner that any normal person might scream should an eight foot tall onion bust through their cafeteria wall. The onion looked around briefly as though it were searching for something in the crowd, tilted its body to the side as though it were confused, and then said, "O-onion?"

In a strangely apologetic tone, it mumbled, "Onion," once more. Soon, it went back to the other side of the hole.

"Well, that's something you don't see every day," said one guy near the hole.

The students and faculty performed a collective blink, then slowly got back to what they were doing previously. It was as though a giant onion bashing down the wall was no big deal really. Some of them had AP Calculus next period. That was the real nightmare.

Chaine and Vita went back to arguing, but Samantha acquired an expression most strange for her. She briefly seemed to have a thought.

She scarfed down her pizza like a girl possessed then waved off the curious looks sent her way by her friends. "Near death experiences make a girl hungry," she said through a mouthful of pizza. She began to laugh obnoxiously to seal the deal. There was no way they would see through her true purpose. She totally had this!

Chaine glanced at the hole in the wall then sighed. "Let me guess... You suddenly have to go to the bathroom."

Samantha's eyes widened to a ridiculous degree. "No way... how did you do that?"

She leaned forward and peered into his eyes intently. "Do you have like, ESPN or something?"

Chaine groaned loudly then slapped his palm to his forehead. "Why do I ask questions?"

Samantha nodded to him then smiled at Vita. "Careful! He can read minds now!"

Vita acquired a properly scandalized expression then glanced at Chaine. "You so do not know what I'm thinking right now!"

"I know those photos of me that you take while I sleep can get you in legal trouble if you keep selling them to the girls in class," remarked Chaine dryly.


Vita gasped in surprise. "You can read my mind!"

Samantha used the distraction of their conversation to make her escape. She had to go check on that weird onion thingy. As she rushed toward the bathroom, the conversation remained within earshot just a little longer.

"Chaine. I can't really get in trouble can I?" asked Vita, in surprise.

"Only if you don't cut me in for half the money, and get better lighting equipment," said Chaine.

"You really don't mind?" she asked him curiously.

He glanced over to a nearby table that just happened to seat a small group of girls. The girls wore cheerleader uniforms, though they were designed more like something out of an adult film than something for actual cheerleading. Several of them gave him knowing glances and eyed him like a piece of meat. One girl ran her tongue sluttily across her lips. After the journey of her tongue was complete, she bit her lips cutely and winked at him.

He looked back to his sister, his expression implacable. "Nah. I'm good."

Samantha did not learn her best friend's response as she turned down the hall in that moment. Once she was out of sight, she picked up speed and raced down the hallway. She bypassed the bathrooms altogether and headed for the stairs.

She climbed several flights of stairs and reached the top floor. She opened the door to the school roof, hoping to use the height advantage to help her discover the whereabouts of the onion. However, what she found instead was the end results of a short-lived battle.

A dozen men in black suits were sprawled across the roof, while the Onion jumped up and down and clapped. At the center of the roof, a familiar figure knelt on the ground before the onion. Scott 'Money Davidson panted heavily, though there was a sense of certainty and resolve set in his eyes that belied his current position.

Samantha's hands flew to her face. "Oh no!" she cried. "My money is in trouble!"

All eyes turned to her in that moment. Surprised, Scott looked to the new arrival. Had some poor unfortunate girl Keen caught up in all of this madness? Something about her though, he could not speak the words that he wanted to speak.

Scott wanted to cry out, "Get out of here, you idiot! It's not safe!" Instead, his heart began to pound inside his chest. There was something familiar about this girl, something important. Instead of telling her to leave, the words that poured out were, "Who are you?"

Samantha took a deep breath then struck a more commanding pose. "Who am I?"

She threw one hand to the side and called out, "Sometimes I'm an innocent school girl who wants to live her life in peace."

She took a step forward and drew her arm back. She then threw her other hand out sideways for emphasis. "Sometimes I'm a fan girl who crushes on her secret boyfriend."

"Uh..." said Scott.

"O-onion?" asked the onion. A large drop of sweat appeared near the top of its purple dome.

She drew her hands back then stepped forward and pointed straight ahead. She threw her head back and flashed a winning smile. "But who am I really?"

"The truth is..." cried Samantha, just before she threw her hands upward above her head. Suddenly she was born aloft in a mighty wind that seemed only to influence her hair and her skirt. Panties flashing for the whole world to see, she began to spin in place in time to music that began to play in synchronicity. A cheerfully overdone pop tune played in the background as Samantha rotated in the air. She moved through a choreographed airborne dance while streaks of light raced around her body.

"Bounty... Flash!" she cried at the end of her aerial dance routine.

Her close disappeared in a flash of light, leaving her stark naked while she hovered in the air. A brief instant passed where she was frozen in place in a leaping motion. Once that moment passed a pink body suit appeared which covered all but her head and hands.

She landed atop the roof, her pink stiletto heels tapping the roof top daintily as though she weighed practically nothing. She spun around in place then made a gesture with her hands and body that basically screamed, 'Come at me bro.'

"I'm the gorgeous mercenary of love, Bounty Star!" called out Samantha with great confidence.

"Onion?" asked the purple onion. What was all of this then?

"In the name of young girls with secret boyfriends everywhere," she said before she crossed one arm over her chest and pointed extra hard at the onion. "I'm gonna kick your ass!"

Scott blinked twice then acquired a rather goofy expression. This was definitely not something that he saw every day. However, his eyes swiftly narrowed not long afterward. There was something about that girl and her ridiculous transformation. Less than a second passed before his body began to grow hot. There was something going on inside of him, and for once he was certain it had nothing to do with puberty.

He eyed Bounty Star once more then noted the way that body suit hugged her luscious frame. His certainty regarding puberty not being the cause for his temperature beginning to rise was left shaken at best.

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