《Galactic Fist of Legend》Chapter 52.1: Somewhat Silent Protagonist


Procrastination, the true bedrock of any good working relationship for some but the bane of all people who had to get their work done according to a schedule. The same was true for mortals as well as for the gods.

Emeritus gazed thoughtfully down at the screen before him. It was a bold move on his part, perhaps an overplayed hand, but if it solved the legal issue then it would not matter. Unfortunately, it could be cause for other concerns.

"Of course they're angry," he remarked blandly. "It was not their fault that one of our staff members caused such a serious issue."

The Grand Emissary, as portrayed by the owner and CEO of Team Devil IRLLC, had been accused of playing favoritism in the most recent endeavor to right the wrongs done to the world-setting of Dead Men Walking. The game that the Earthlings play was billed as a true test of their drive and character, one that the invading aliens see as a fair means to test their will to remain free as a people. Granting incredibly rewards to one champion did seem like favoritism.

More than the CEO and owner of the corporation, he was also an arbiter class being. The aliens who chose to try and claim Earth as their own were in a bit of a snit because he authorized a Life Werx to be granted to someone who had not earned it through merit, but as compensation for dealing with a network issue caused by a Team Devil staff member. Had the champion in question declined the compensation, none of this would be a concern. Sadly, it seemed that he held an aberrant mental state.

"I thought for certain that given recent machinations, he would turn the bonus reward down." Emeritus released a languid sigh. "Truly, what goes through the mind of those monkeys? Who would read such a reward offer then gleefully throw away everything they worked for on a poorly worded gamble?"

Scott choosing to accept such a ridiculous offer aside, the leader of Team Devil could only read his messages in growing frustration with the situation. "Can't be bothered to see how not granting him at least the offer of something significant would possibly lead to a legal claim of forfeiture, and they continue to send me polite but strongly worded letters..." Emeritus sighed quietly then dismissed the screen. "Perival, you foolish creature. Your fuck up continues to haunt us for the foreseeable future."


He closed his eyes tight then slowly opened them. "Very well, given the situation, it is their right to be angry..."

Emeritus snapped his fingers then suddenly shifted from his normal CEO form into one designed to be the Grand Emissary of the game. His hair turned blue-green in color, and his eyes became bright yellow. His skin took on a ghostly white hue, and his clothing became fabulous robes reminiscent of a space-faring Sultan.

A simple gesture of his bejeweled hand caused him to leave his office behind. He reappeared within the confines of a grand throne room. People in bright red power-armor, the race of aliens seeking to own Earth, all snapped to attention.

He strode up to his luxurious red and gold throne then sat upon it casually, one foot propped atop his knee. "Your Grand Emissary has heard an unsettling rumor. Who speaks for the people?" he intoned quietly, though his voice boomed across the massive throne room.

A set of massive doors open with a pneumatic hiss. A man whose features were similar to the current version of Emeritus strode forward. "Your imperial grandeur, it is I Arcolest who speaks for the people."

Emeritus gazed down at the man imperiously. Prior to their request to conquer Earth, Arcolest XII was one of the great speakers for the people, a position akin to a king. His sister was the empress of their people, and such would normally grant him far more power than he currently possessed. However, part of the agreement for the challenge of Earthly ownership required Emeritus to take command.

"Proceed, Arcolest. Speak to me of the troubles that the people now face," commanded Emeritus.

Formality and protocol; that was what the scene amount to at the moment. Emeritus could have remained in his office, but due to the situation he felt the need to make an official appearance as the Grand Emissary. What he spoke while in this form was both the word of Team Devil and that of the official position of the attack fleet.

"Great one, the people are afflicted with doubt and concern," began Arcolest, his yellow eyes narrowing slightly as he spoke. "A notable champion has arisen among the challengers. He possesses one of the great treasures of the game, and has proven capable of using it."


"A single champion is a cause for concern? What treasure could he possibly have unearthed that would sew such discord among the subjects of the Eternal Empire?" asked Emeritus, as though he did not know what they were talking about already.

"Yes... Your eminence," replied Arcolest. "This unruly simian has managed to acquire a Life Werx..."

Suddenly, a great uproar echoed through the throne room. Dozens of voices cried out in shock and surprise. Such a thing could not be! Earthlings were far too weak to have achieved the power necessary to accomplish such a task so quickly.

Those voices were honest, at least. Only the true upper-echelon of the empire knew of the legal meanderings behind the scenes. As far as the common people might know, this was a serious concern based around the competency of Earth humans. Had they misjudged their race entirely? If so, it could spell disaster for the fleet.

"This is unsettling news indeed," said the Grand Emissary. "What do the people suggest in regards to this matter?"

Arcolest nodded. The true reason for this meeting had begun. "We cannot strike this champion directly, not yet. However, we can appeal to the gods and ask that they grant us the Right of Challenge due to this unforeseen event. If this right is granted, we can test that champion to see if he is truly deserving of such a reward."

"The Right of Challenge... Are the people certain? Did this champion somehow come by his Life Werx through nefarious means?" questioned Emeritus.

"The people cannot say that the means were nefarious, Great One." Arcolest opened his hands, his palms facing upward, then spread them sideways as though he wished to grant something to the emissary. "However, none of the Earth champions should be even remotely close to having obtained the power and resources needed to acquire such a treasure at this time. Even the known strongest among them would perish quickly if they sought to undertake a challenge that would warrant such a reward. This champion does not even number among those elites, though he does seem to be in their upper echelon."

"The people make a good point," said Emeritus.

"There is no going back, should the gods see fit to grant such a request," replied emeritus coolly. "Are the people aware of the price to be paid if this champion somehow manages to pass such a trial?"

Emeritus watched Arcolest keenly while he considered those words carefully. In the end, the current dethroned ruler merely inclined his head then said, "The people understand. The people are also inclined to risk the price of failure if it will eliminate a possible nefarious element from the game, your eminence."

"So be it." Emeritus stood up quickly then cast his hand in a wide sweeping gesture. "Send for the Grand Vizier. Bid him prepare the great ritual. Tonight, we call upon the gods on behalf of the people."

Arcolest's eyes lit up. He at least knew that the entire conversation was merely theatrics. If the Grand Emissary saw fit to prepare the great ritual, then the decision had already been made. The people would have a chance to cull a significant threat.

The Grand Emissary looked down to Arcolest. "Should the gods see fit to accept our righteous plea, have the people selected a champion to challenge this upstart simian?"

"Indeed, your eminence. The people have chosen a champion fit to defend the rights and interests of the people," replied Arcolest, darkly.

Enthusiastic cheers erupted wildly from dozens of throats. Should the gods feel it proper to acquiesce to the will of the people, things could become quite interesting.

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