《Galactic Fist of Legend》Chapter 51.2: Life Werx


A few minutes passed in silent procrastination before Scott took a breath and nodded his head. He reaffirmed his current thoughts succinctly.

"Man, this better be fucking worth it..." Scott groused loudly due to his stark weakness. Naked as the day he was born, he reached up and sent his status screen away. In its place, he brought up the exchange. "Spatial Storage still doesn't show up on my list... Better check to see if it actually still exists, soon."

"Oh, this is good news at least," Scott grinned at the exchange. In the discount section, he discovered a few of his former items, all priced at one experience point each. Scott repurchased his Nano-Cloud Mark II suit, his reward tickets for things like epic items and companions, and his revival token.

He squinted lightly then tried to store one of the items in his spatial storage. Success! He took his revival token out of storage once more then promptly spent the thirty thousand points needed to max his storage. "Cool. I can take anything, anywhere, now... Though, I still can't take out items that are disallowed in certain settings."

Scott shrugged after a moment of contemplation. At least his storage space was vastly increased. He could now store a flat one hundred pounds worth of items within his storage, plus an additional ten pounds per point of strength.

"Now, let's see if I was right about buying things..." He checked his exchange listings and his eyes lit-up. "They're on the list now! Expensive as hell, but on the list!"

The hoped for opportunity, and primary reason he saw the bonus offer as a good chance, was the fact that the system message claimed that he would be able to purchase destroyed items. A simple repurchase of a single reward ticket would have been annoying, but part of him had wondered whether those items would be permanently added to his list or not. His curiosity was rewarded in a way beyond even his expectations. Epic class reward tickets were great. They were nothing compared to the other item that he could purchase now, revival tokens. "Fifty thousand each, but... extra lives are on the menu."

The tickets were all roughly the same value at forty thousand each. He fiddled through his exchange in search of other items. Essence crystals could be purchased, but there was no discount for them. Most of what he lost could be repurchased at a reasonable price. His bloodlines and lifestyles were nowhere in sight, however.

"So, where's this home upgrade?" he asked. A beam of light shot out of his exchange point then formed into a gloved hand that pointed toward the nearby hall. "That way, huh?"

Scott followed the pointing finger and soon came to an intricately crafted door. In keeping with the sci-fi motif of his home-point, it was a thick metal door that slid open with a hiss and a motorized whir.

Inside the room beyond, he saw six large glass tanks typically seen in sci-fi movies when people did human experiments. Five of the tanks were against the wall, while one tank stood tall in the center of the room. "The hell is this?"

The pointing hand led him to a bank of nearby computers then pointed at a big red button. Curious, Scott pressed it, and a holographic screen appeared before him.

"This..." he said slowly, his eyes widening. His lips spread into a feral grin as he continued to read the onscreen prompts. "Holy shit! When you pay off your whores, you spare no expense do you?"


[Life Werx]

Welcome to the Life Werx, an upgradeable lifestyle and bloodline enhancement facility. Quests to reset your bloodline getting you down? Tired of having to struggle with corrupted mutations? Well, all of that is in the past! This work-station will allow you to combine aspects of each of your acquired bloodlines into superior mutation-free bloodline options, or even provide speculation on positive mutations. Just choose the combination of traits that you would like, and a new body will be crafted for you free of charge. Of course, you only have a small number of tanks to house your bodies. Disposal of an unwanted body will come with a minor fee.

Utilizing the latest soul transference technology, your old body will be destroyed during the first time that this system is utilized, and you will be transferred into the new one. Afterward, you may select the body that you desire from your tanks, step into the central tank, and switch whenever you like. This, of course, will cost a nominal fee of one thousand experience points per transference.

If you wish to add new bloodlines or lifestyles to the matrix, bring a material sample to analyze. Analysis also costs one thousand experience per sample. You may also update a body with new materials after its creation, but this act will drastically increase the possibility or undesired mutation or negative physical repercussions.

- You are now a true premium account holder.

- You may now have five alt-bodies. Upgrade this facility to acquire more space and then purchase new tanks. Warning: You must compete in the battle dome prior to either option becoming available to you.

- Each body will start from level zero upon its creation, but will contain aspects from its bloodline infusions. This includes the chance for positive and negative mutations. View diagnostic tests to determine mutation probability prior to body creation.

- You now have an inherent power: [Bio-Material Acquisition] This power will not show up in your status menu. It cannot be upgraded. However, defeated enemies will rarely drop bio-materials as loot now. Further, bio-material may appear as treasure items or mission rewards. It will also appear as a Battledome item purchase on occasion.


Scott shook his head, bewildered. "So much to take in, but this should be great... Right?"

He quickly began to scan through the listed information. Unfortunately, the only bloodlines and lifestyles listed were Feral Kai Third Class and Earthling for bloodlines, and Shroom Soldier for lifestyle. "No zombie, elf, and all that... Lost that hedge mage, or whatever, lifestyle as well."

The upgrade only took what he had already and added Earthling as well. Perhaps that latter addition was why he needed to be reset? It would possibly be the only way to get his pure genetic structure back.

"Start from the beginning, but better off all the way around?" asked Scott. Had they mentioned this damned upgrade properly he would never have hesitated! This thing was like the holy freaking grail!

He could not wait to try it out! Scott immediately reached over to choose Ferakai as a baseline for his new body, but his finger slowed to a stop. Memories of recent events lessened his joy. He could make up to five bodies and hold them in storage, but none of the materials that he had to work with at the moment were without their flaws. The Earthling bloodline had a hard limit on how high he could raise his stats with experience points, or through training. The Feral Kai bloodline caused him to lose control during lunar events. During a full moon he could kill his friends or himself. Hell, his lack of control actually did lead to his death recently.


He loved being a Feral Kai warrior, there was a sense of confident strength in the core of his being when he acquired it. Yet, that fatal flaw would remain a problem. It was the best baseline, hands down, but Earth granted him absolutely nothing that he could add to the Ferakai base material that would improve it.

Briefly, he thought to just regain his Feral Kai body and try to find useful bloodlines. It would not be a good idea, however. He had a mission that would last for weeks. He would definitely see the moon during that time. Originally, he intended to try and avoid looking at it since the enemies should not be fliers. Yet, there was no guarantee that he would not see a full moon and end up burning down Ha-Ruul. In all honesty, it was the main reason that he had procrastinated until now. Resting between missions was needed, but the possibility of murder-nuking a parody of one of his favorite childhood settings was not high on his list of desires.

Scott stared at the screen for a time. Feral Kai was were the power lied, but it literally led to bestial madness and absolute destruction. Nothing he had at hand would lessen that factor. He looked to the pathetic Earthling bloodline.

As much as he loved the feeling of being a Feral Kai warrior, the issue with the moon was too much of a problem right now. If he ever found a bloodline or lifestyle that granted exceptional willpower or mental resistances it could become a truly potent tool in his arsenal once more. Obviously, if he could get material from a second, first, or even elite Feral Kai it would be better.

A loud grunt of annoyance echoed through the room as he chose Earthling as the base material. That grunt repeated, but this time with a mildly confused tone that shifted into one of happy intrigue, when he noticed something interesting.

[Earthling Hidden Variables]

It is known that Earthlings are a race with mediocre skills and power. Cosmically speaking, they are consider to be nothing special. However, that is not entirely true. The baseline Earthling is pathetic in regards to other races, but they do have one unique racial feature to be discovered in their bloodline. Earthlings have a tendency to produce superior hybrids when additional materials are added to their base bloodline.


"That was possible?" he asked lightly. His eyes widened. "Just how superior? Because if I'd gotten this thing without reallocation I wouldn't have had Earthling as an option."

The Life Werx took only the Feral Kai that he was before reallocation, according to system records, and the earthling that he became again afterward as allowed materials. "Hell, I gleefully threw my old body in the trash as soon as possible. I'm sure most of the others will do that too, if they haven't already."

"Must be something to do with all those fantasy and sci-fi shows that make human and non-human hybrids seem so much stronger than either parent," said Scott. It was pretty common in fiction, actually. The fact that anyone who acquired a Life Werx would need to survive a truly high-end mission was quite telling. It meant that nearly all of them would have long since abandoned their original nature purely to survive. It was almost like a penalty for failing to remain true to one's self.

"It kind of makes sense. This is supposed to be a game to show the fitness of people from my world to continue to live free... If we all throw away a significant part of what originally makes us human, then in the end doesn't that just prove we weren't good enough to do it on our own?" Scott contemplated that for a time.

It occurred to him that the situation was akin to a secret bonus and hidden reminder of what they were all ultimately fighting for during their missions. Base stats could be low-end, but extreme high-tech or magical items could make up for it to some extent. It was entirely possible that a few tech upgrades could allow someone to retain Earthling status all the way up until they earned a Life Werx of their own.

Was it worth it, though? Maxing out at four points in all stats and then being forced to rely entirely on limited upgrades and expensive equipment would have been a serious struggle.

Scott immediately decided to test the possibilities, and began to add Feral Kai DNA to his base human form. Existential dilemmas about the nature of humanity aside, he did need more power. He was not sure if humans outside of his own people were able to break past the four-point attribute limit through training, but he suspected it was possible in various world-settings where supernatural and super-science means existed. He would need a pure human sample from another world to see if there were differences.

Diagnostic information appeared next to him that he only vaguely understood, but from what he could glean from the provided information he would maintain a bonus to any selected Feral Kai attributes if his earthling bloodline was not reduced below ninety-five percent. It also suggested that the Feral Kai sample was inferior, and that a higher grade of Feral Kai DNA might allow for a superior infusion rate without the loss of Earthling genetic bonuses.

"I see, bonuses are available for up to five percent infusion which grants one minor aspect of Feral Kai DNA. Beyond that there is a zero chance of negative mutation up to twelve percent, which grants me more variety of options but no Earthling genetic bonuses," said Scott. "There's also a one hundred percent chance of a positive mutation if I keep it below five-percent infusion."

He set the bloodline infusion for five percent then noticed a slight uptick in the suggested vital signs. His senses and physicality would be increased slightly. Most of the aspects of a Feral Kai were denied, however. He would not be able to transform at all, for instance.

The infusion alone would allow him to increase his stats to six points each through stat purchases, and break that limit through rigorous training due to the superior hybridization of Earthling genetics. In fact, he would actually grow stronger through training faster than a pure third class Feral Kai due to the genetic bonus. There was no bonus to the sudden increase for surviving a severe beating, however. That was actually severely reduced in capacity since it was tied to his transformation abilities. He would need to give up the bonuses and become a watered down Feral Kai human hybrid if he wanted something like that at full strength, not that a full-strength version was particularly potent at the moment. Even pure blood Feral Kai third class specimens did not gain much power from near death beatings. That was more for the higher grade variants. The training bonus would easily make up for the weakened near-death boost, however. At least for now.

Beyond that, he could pick one bloodline aspect from a small list. He could choose to further enhance coordination, senses, or feroki powers. He could not increase or add additional pure Feral Kai bloodline abilities with experience points due to the limited amount of DNA in his new body, though he could repurchase some of the human ones that he used before. Albeit with limitations since he was less Earthling than before as well.

New hybrid upgrades designed specifically for the new body would be listed as well. Those upgrades would apply only to the new body, however. He would have a separate set for different bodies. It became apparent to him then that transferable equipment and learned knowledge would be more important in the future than simple body modifications.

"So, I can break basic human limitations and train stats directly regardless of what I choose." Scott rubbed his chin. Enhanced coordination and senses were nice, but Feroki powers were a different story altogether. Besides that, he could actually purchase lesser variants from his earthling bloodline. Feroki was the only thing he could not get much of a bonus for otherwise at the moment.

Scott nodded. It was decided. A serious downgrade, all things considered, but the future potential was phenomenal. He saved the body design then cracked his knuckles. "Initialize!"

The central tank began to fill up with a bright green liquid. Once full, the liquid in the tank started bubble wildly as beams of light speared through the liquid inside the chamber. A small spot of squiggling material appeared. It grew quickly until it formed arms and legs. Soon, it was shaped like a human baby. The baby then began to grow rapidly as well. After a few minutes it became a six foot tall man with perfectly toned muscles and a wild shock of bright blue hair floating lazily upwards in the liquid.

"Not as big overall as the slab of man-beef that I used to be, but definitely better than right now!" Scott walked around the perfected version of himself with slight alien DNA upgrades. There was no tail, but there was a solid sense of strength to the body.

A beep caught his attention. Scott wandered back over to the display then grinned. "So, that's going to be my positive mutation?"

[Elemental Feroki Blast]

Earthling genetics are as fascinating as they are basic. Their DNA possesses many latent abilities that most of them can never awaken. This is not the case with you, however. Elemental Feroki Blast is a minor genetic enhancement that will allow you to combine mystical elements to your life force to craft elemental attacks. However, you may only choose one element. The decision, once finalized, will allow you to imbue simple Feroki blasts with that element. Specialty moves will not be viable options for the inclusion of this ability. This ability will be permanently added to the list of possible upgrades for any Earthling, Ferakai, hybrid body that you create and may be purchased after creation of the body as a standard upgrade. For additional cost, you may add it to a pure Earthling body as well.

Viable Elemental Options: Lightning, Fire, Ice


Lightning and fire sounded great, but ultimately he could use shroom soldier for fire. Lightning versus ice? It was a hard decision. Recent memories gave rise to certain thoughts, however. Fire and lightning were certainly quite the damage dealers, but it was the ice attacks and grenades that helped the most during the lead up to the battle with Waldo. Crowd control through ice manipulation. Was it better than pure damage?

In the end, he chose to go with the ice element. It probably would not do as much raw damage, but if he worked with it enough then it was possible that it might grant the very crowd control ability that he desired, or allow him to freeze water when needed it.

Once he made his decision, the computer beeped once more. Another beam of light shot into the tank then spread apart as it slide down the body inside. Once he worked its way down past his toes, it stopped altogether.

"I may now enter my new body?" asked Scott as he read the onscreen prompt. "Cool..."

He spent the thousand experience points necessary then moved to a nearby chamber in the back. He stepped into it then waited patiently as the glass rose up around him. A beam of light shot him in the forehead a moment later and he lost consciousness. When he woke up he found that he now stood inside the empty central tank, the glass containment having disappeared.

Scott marveled at his new body for a moment then smiled. "A downgrade, but I can work with it."

As long as it kept him from going insane, why cry about it? It was still better than what he had to begin with, or even the pure Earthling that he was prior to his life as a Feral Kai, and it was something akin to a future promise.

He stepped out of the central tank, moving as though the body had always belonged to him, then headed over to the tank against the wall. Inside, a scrawny earthling body floated in suspended animation.

"I'll hold onto you, just in case. Who knows if I'll end up with a mission where I have to be pure Earthling?" Scott lightly stroked the glass while he looked at the somewhat perfected recreation of his original body. It did not matter in the end, but there was no possibility of ever becoming the person he was before the game began. That body had been torn apart many times over, and then discarded. The scrawny naked man floating inside that tank was the closest that he could ever be to the person he was in the beginning of it all.

His brief flirtation with existential dilemma at an end, he returned to the matter at hand. "So, upgrades?"

Scott did not want to go too crazy with physical upgrades given the fact that he would soon have different bodies tailored to specific mission needs. Life would become extraordinarily expensive. He could do upgrades from the computer interface, but it would be better to use the exchange point. He would not need to use the chamber for those upgrades if he did things that way.

Before he did anything else, he spent three thousand points to max out his current attributes. Immediately, he felt the increase in strength and capacity. In fact, the surge of power was momentarily disorienting. Weaker than his Feral Kai body, but infinitely better than it had been a moment ago, Scott reveled in his renewed strength and vigor.

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