《Galactic Fist of Legend》Chapter 50.2:


Saelil stared at the so-called ship that Samantha called home. It looked nothing like the sort of ship that she originally envisioned. A proper ship came with a mast and sails. This strange vessel held an altogether different appearance.

"You live inside of a giant metal crab?" asked Saelil.

Samantha shrugged lightly then said, "Seemed appropriate. Crabs use their shell to protect their soft squishy interior, just like me."

"Why not a turtle then?" asked Kitty.

"I like crabs," said Samantha coolly.

Saelil and Kitty waited a moment, but no further explanation was offered. Samantha simply preferred crabs to turtles.

The trio entered the ship and Samantha gave her companions the grand tour. The ship was not particularly large, cramped actually, but it was well-appointed for a single traveler. The entirety of the ship was perhaps the size of Scott's luxurious apartment.

Samantha ran them through the necessary steps to make use of her shower, and explained that they needed to use sonic mode due to water rationing. Her explanation quickly garnered Saelil's attention.

"You mean for us to bathe with the power of sound? How does that get one clean?" asked the dark elf with a curious and intrigued expression.

With a shrug Samantha replied, "I don't really bother with the science. I just know that if you make sure to put it on the highest pitch setting possible, there will be a delightful surprise."

"Delightful surprise you say?" asked Saelil. "I do enjoy those..."

"Mhmm," said Samantha, her face a cool and expressionless mask. "Start with a lower setting and then jump immediately to high, that's the best surprise of all."

"Rraow..." said Kitty in a plaintive tone, "How am I supposed to use this..."

Samantha glanced down at the cat. The cat glance up at her and then over to Saelil. Kitty eyes widened and began to glitter softly in the light.

"Do not give me that look," said Saelil in a mildly haughty manner.

Kitty's eyes widened further and she raised up one paw toward the heartless dark elf. Saelil drew back, a slightly disturbed expression on her face.

"Cease that at once, you foul creature..." said the elf.

The little fuzzy orange cat cried a little and batted at the air. "Mew..."

Saelil's left eyelid back to twitch a little. "This is the epitome of unfair..."

Kitty mewled at her and offered her most adorable expression. "Please..."

"Ugh," said Saelil in disgust at both her own weakness and the cat's manipulative power. "Fine. I'll help you, you hateful furball."


The little cat rose up on her hind legs and offered her forelegs up toward her bathing buddy. "I really do appreciate this..."

"Yes, yes..." muttered Saelil, before she picked the cat up and held her lightly to her chest. Kitty immediately began to nuzzle into her new furniture and started to purr.

"Well, I'll leave you two to it...." Samantha casually wandered away while Saelil prepared to take her shower. She placed Kitty on top of the adjoining sink while she disrobed.

"Mew..." said Kitty softly after Saelil slipped her robe off. Her voice held a strange quality to it that caught Saelil's attention. The dark elf turned to her, a snort of disdain ready but held back for emphasis.

Saelil blinked at blew out a breath in surprise, thoroughly ruining her dramatic snort in the process. "Are you injured?"

"Wha...?" asked Kitty, her voice slurring slightly.

"You're bleeding from your nose a little..." said Saelil slowly. The thoroughly nude elf maiden leaned forward, her unrestrained feminine assets swaying heavily with the motion.

Kitty's eyes darted from side-to-side briefly as they kept time with the swaying motion. While she did in fact open her eyes wide before in a bid to get her way through the power of cuteness, her previous efforts could not be compared to her current expression. Her eyes were comically widened to the point that they gave off the impression of nearly bulging from their sockets. Ears folded back, and eyes ridiculously wide, Kitty could do nothing but stare at the glorious sight and mewl plaintively.

"Are... you alright?" asked Saelil once more. She placed her arm across her chest when Kitty's tongue darted out slightly and she began to pant.

The magical moment ended the moment the glorious visage was obscured. Kitty shook her head quickly then blinked a few times. "What happened?"

"I'd like to know that myself!" asked Saelil, an accusation in her tone.

Kitty tapped a paw to her nose then drew it away. "Blood?" she asked, her voice filled with confusion and a mild sense of wonder.

"Do you need to go get a healing tonic or something?" asked Saelil.

"No... No," said Kitty. "I'm sure it's nothing."

"Has it happened before?" asked the elf.

"Only when I don't allow my dreams to only be dreams," replied Kitty with a strange sort of smug expression that only a cat might make.

Saelil tilted her head sideways and regarded the cat coolly for a moment. "I'd better keep my eye on you."

Kitty snickered a little, but her impromptu response quickly became a happy giggle. "Oh, I'll do the same. Trust me."


Saelil's eyes narrowed slightly and then she muttered, "If I wasn't dirty before..."

"That's why we're going to take a shower, right?" exclaimed Kitty in a perky manner. She then stood up on her hind legs and offered herself to the dark one.

Saelil took the cat in her arms, but muttered under her breath, "Yes. Somehow I doubt I'll ever be clean again."

Kitty merely laughed in her cattish way. Her tail flopped a little and she wriggled happily in place.

While that bit of ridiculousness occurred, Samantha had quickly grabbed one of her fancier beers from her mini-fridge and made her way back to the bridge of her little interstellar crab. She sat in her command chair, turned on the intercom system so that she might listen in on her shipguests.

Legs crossed and both feet on the console, she leaned back in her chair and began to sip on her beer. She listened closely to the end of the conversation where Kitty perved on Saelil then took another sip. Her face a cool mask that betrayed no emotion, she waited patiently.

"Now, we were supposed to do this to start it up..." said Saelil's voice over the intercom.

Kitty spoke up and babbled something about the color codes for the shower. Samantha never said a word, she merely took another sip of her refreshing beverage.

"Goodness. This does feel quite good," said Saelil as the tell-tale sound of lower-pitched sonic waves echoed slightly through the intercom system.

"Oh.... Oh meow... it's like Scott is massaging every part of my body at once..." said Kitty.

Samantha said not a word. Her face did not betray any emotion, though her hand did tighten ever so slightly around her beer. Not long after that she reached down and fiddled with the controls on her command chair.

"Ah, did Samantha not say that we should adjust it to the high-pitched setting as well?" asked Saelil.

Samantha took a small sip of her beer, but neither said nor did anything else. Kitty, however, did respond. "Oh, right! There'll be a delightful surprise if we do."

"Yes! I don't know how it can be any better than this..." said Saelil with a hint of reluctance.

"Just do it," demanded Kitty in a cutesy tone.

"Fine..." said Saelil, "Just stop looking at me with those ridiculous eyes."

A brief few seconds past and Samantha took about swig of her beer, this time she poked her little finger up. She was the lady of the manor, after all. No sooner had she done so than did a hellish screech echo through the intercom system.

Shouts, curses, and cries of, "Cold! Cold!" echoed through the intercom.

Samantha's eyes took on a slight shimmer as she drew the expensive bottle of hooch away from her lips. A self-satisfied smile appeared just before she released a loud languid sigh of contentment. "Delightful."

"Hey, it won't turn off!" cried Kitty in a panicked tone.

"The door won't open," exclaimed Saelil.

Samantha casually took another drink of her beer. On the armrest of her chair, a careful observer would note that the bathroom commands had been overridden and could only be accessed from the command room. They occupants could not simply open the door or turn off the shower at will.

"Turn it off! Open the door!" cried Kitty. "Cold!"

The sound of frustrated cries echoed from the intercom. Samantha's smug smile became a wry grin briefly. "Better let them out..."

Samantha never had the chance to release them from their hilarious captivity. A sound reminiscent of thunder boomed through the intercom, followed by a static crackle.

"Well that doesn't sound goo—" began Samantha, only to hear a loud angry feminine warcry roar down the hallway.

Saelil and Kitty appeared before Samantha, the girls trembling with both the fake impression of cold and unbridled rage. Samantha raised up her bottle to them and offered them a hearty greeting.

"You—!" snarled Saelil as she advanced toward the cocky bounty hunter. Lightning danced between her fingers as her face became alight with a murderous expression.

Samantha's smug smile never left her face as she rose from her seat. "Guess the shower's free?"

Whatever spell she'd intended died on her lips as she entered into a blind rage. Magic be damned. A manic look in her eyes, she cried, "With my own two hands!"

Saelil lunged toward the hateful pink-clad woman. Death was too good for her. Samantha must know the true meaning of pain! She must suffer! Suffer as she had suffered.

Kitty merely huffed at them in disdain as Saelil began to physically chase Samantha around the ship, murder in her eyes. The blond destroyer of worlds laughed merrily, and freely, for the first time in quite a while. No matter what hateful deaths Saelil decreed for her, Samantha continued to smile her happy little smile. Not since a certain spaghetti incident had she managed to have so much fun without killing something.

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