《Galactic Fist of Legend》Chapter 50.1:


A divergence like night and day greeted the weary companions as they stepped foot into Scott's glorious apartment. The accoutrements of Bounty Star were of far finer quality than anything Dead Men Walking, or Scott's Home space, had to offer.

"So, this is your actual dwelling?" asked Vita as she admired the small amount of polished marble floor just inside the entrance area.

"I figured it would be less expensive than upgrading my home point," admitted Scott.

The sextet entered the apartment proper. The newcomers were immediately drawn to the large bay window on the other side of the room. Vita's eyes widened as she caught sight of the buildings beyond, and the star-filled sky above.

"This is extraordinary," she breathed in delight. She held an expression akin to a child who had discovered chocolate for the first time.

Vehicles floated lazily through the air. A man who wore something that resembled a jet pack without the jets hovered outside of a nearby building. Soon it became apparent that he was washing windows.

Scott took note of the man, a curious thought flitting through his mind. Why would they still use people to wash windows? Couldn't a society capable of interstellar travel create self-washing windows, or use robots?

He watched the man flitter about for a moment while he went about his job then turned away. It was an interesting tidbit to learn, but there were other things to do.

"Make yourselves at home," he said. "Figure out who is going to get a bath first. I'll be a gentleman and go last."

"A gentleman?" asked Samantha, a wry smile on her lips.

"So gentle," agreed Scott. He offered her a cheeky grin then lashed his tail.

She snorted a little a shook her head. "I'll go shower back at my ship. So, that's one less person for the queue."

"Your ship? Can I go shower there, too?" asked Kitty immediately.

Samantha glanced at her. "Don't cats hate water?"

"I love it when I'm wet," admitted Kitty in a saucy tone of voice.

Samantha acquired a flat expression then snorted at the cat. "Do you even need a shower? You can bathe without water, remember?" The obvious reluctance in her tone was more humorous than hateful.

"I'm really small, so I'm closer to the floor... that's where the dirt is..." said Kitty. She widened her eyes and offered Samantha her most adorable of looks.

Samantha's hand rose up and lightly cradled her face for a moment then she sighed in defeat. "Fine, but I'm going first."


"Yes, madam. What might I make for you today?" asked a robotic voice from nearby.

"Ah, yes. You are the golem chef, correct?" asked Saelil. "Please make me the dish known as spaghetti."

"Yes, madam. How many will be dining?" asked the robo-chef.

Saelil's hand rose to her lips. Her eyes began to sparkle as she said, "Two..."

Samantha's face remained a cool mask of indifference for the briefest of moments, but then her nose twitched slightly. "You're going to go shower with me, too."

The dark elf gasped softly then placed her hand to her lips. "This is so sudden..."

Saelil looked to Samantha, the top of her nose and her cheeks slightly reddened. "Goodness. You have many fine qualities, but surely you know by now that my heart belongs to another?"

Samantha's nostrils flared slightly. Her expression remained one of expressionless detachment, however.

They each regarded the other for a moment then Saelil offered a bright smile. "Well, if you're going to be so insistent..."

The bathing decisions decided, the trio left. Vita watched them leave, a mischievous smile on her lips. "Amusing."

"What's that?" asked Chaine.

She glanced toward him. "When I'm not part of it, that sort of thing has a certain amusing charm to it."

Chaine rolled his eyes. "Since when are you part of anything like that?"

Vita snorted at him then crossed her arms over her chest. "Just how many women have you dragged back to the castle in the last few years?"

"Can I help it if the strays like to follow me home?" Chaine asked her, lightly. "Besides, there's no reason for you to be jealous. Right, princess?"

"Who said I was jealous?" asked Vita. She rounded on Scott. "Did I ever say that I was jealous?"

Scott threw up his hands, shook his head, and then did his best Samantha impression. "I just work here."

She leveled a feminine snort of annoyance in his direction then turned back to Chaine. "I'm not jealous. We are not any sort of romantic couple, after all."

Chaine snorted as well. "You sure act like it at times."

Her voice rose to a high-pitch and sounded slightly strangled. "I do not! We're practically siblings!"

"Practically," said Chaine.

A complicated expression flashed across Vita's face briefly. She turned to the side, her movements causing an unnecessary jiggle in certain areas. "Since the good champion has allowed himself to be last. I shall bathe first. You can be second, Sir Chaine."


A complicated expression crossed Chaine's face for an equally brief time. "Yeah, I'm used to that."

Vita frowned prettily, but said nothing. The apartment remained silent for time as she stared at the city beyond the window. Scott watched her for a moment then realized something. "Ah, yeah.... bathroom's this way."

She nodded lightly then said, "Thank you for your hospitality, kind champion."

He led them both to the bathroom area and opened the door. "Alfred can explain how everything works."

"Alfred?" asked Chaine.

"Greetings, sir! I am Alfred, your butler for this glorious event. Ask anything of me. I am quite happy to serve," said a crisp British voice from inside the room.

"The... that chamber pot is speaking to me," said Vita.

"Since when are you a sir?" asked Chaine lightly.

She sniffed loudly then haughtily asked, "Would you like to continue being one?"

Chaine snickered slightly, but said nothing. There was a limit to how far he might press his princess without causing a serious issue. They were nowhere near that point at the moment, but there was also no need to make things worse.

"His name is Alfred. He'll take good care of you," said Scott.

"Thank you for the vote of confidence, sir. I'll endeavor to do my best," said Alfred.

"So polite," said Vita. "It's nice to meet someone with manners after being rescued by a crude lout."

Chaine grunted. "Remind me again why I do that sort of thing?"

Vita offered him a wry smile. "Because you love me dearly?"

"I was thinking, free room and board, but sure let's go with that," said Chaine with a smug look.

"Oh, you!" cried Vita. "Who'd want to be loved by a ruffian like you, anyway!"

"Well, excuse me! This ruffian had to slog through an otherworldly city of undead to save the princess... again!" said Chaine heatedly.

"Who asked you to do that!" snapped Vita. "Ha' Ruul would have sent someone for me in due time!"

"Yeah, you do have a ton of castle guards! What do they do all day, again?" said Chaine with a snort. "An entire army at your family's disposal, and I'm the only one who ever bothers to get out of bed and go get you when you forget your medication and wander off into the bushes!"

"You take that back!" exclaimed Vita. "It takes time to mobilize the army, and neighboring kingdoms might take offense if they did not know the truth."

"I think you just like it when I come to save you!" snarked Chaine. "Bet it makes your eyes roll back in your head and your tongue hang out."

Chaine rolled his eyes back in his head, allowed his tongue to loll out of his mouth briefly, and then clutched his hands to his chest and cried out, "Save me! Save me, Chaine! Make me feel like a real princess tonight!"

Her voice caught in her throat for a moment as the words refused to come. A look of incredulous denial crossed her face as she began to splutter. "Y-You! Chaine, you... Oh, you!"

The hero of Ha' Ruul ran his hands up and down his body and made his eyes roll back in his head once more, and then flopped his tongue out. He wiggled it around obscenely for a moment.

Scott blinked at the scene as a thought crossed his mind. His eyes began to sparkle with fanboy delight as he fought down an absurd laugh that tried to break free from his grasp. 'Well, now I know why the games make it so he never talks.'

"Who'd enjoy being a helpless trophy for some hateful villain, or swaggering ruffian who thinks too highly of himself and his 'magic sword'?" said Vita, her hands coming up to make air quotes for the last two words spoken.

"My sword gets the job done," said Chaine, his smug look intensifying. "Ask anyone."

"I'm the next ruler of Ha' Ruul, not some notch on your hero belt, buster!" snapped Vita, her face reddening intensely.

Unwilling to allow him to speak again, she lurched forward, almost drunkenly, and thrust a finger toward him. "You're practically my brother anyway! Such thoughts would be obscene."

Scott looked back and forth between them for a moment then lightly rubbed the bridge of his nose with a crooked finger. "Not to pry into your affairs, but is there a reason why you two are shouting at each other right outside my bathroom?"

Vita blinked slowly then turned to look at Scott, shock evident in her expression. "Ah, my apologies dear champion.

Chaine winced slightly and looked away. He'd allowed himself to get caught up in the moment. It seemed that even he could become embarrassed on occasion.


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