《Galactic Fist of Legend》Chapter 28: Welcome Back


AN: Hello gentle readers. Welcome back to Galactic Fist of Legend. Maybe your booty always be epic.

Chapter 28: Welcome Back

Scott stared at the little floating orb briefly before taking a deep breath. "Resurrect Saelil... That's what's important."

He made his selection and the little glowing light immediately went to work. He watched as a series of lights flared outward from the center of the sphere. Layer by layer, a body began to come into view. Starting with the tips of her dainty little toes, and then progressing upward. The prismatic light printed a new body for the dark elf who referred to him as her beloved.

"Ah... Damn," said Scott as the process continued upward. He coughed once and turned away from what was shown. As a ghost Saelil was beautiful in a semi-transparent sort of way. Her real body was far meatier than he would have imagined. She was in no way overweight, merely more substantial in her corporeality.

Several minutes passed before he looked at her once more. She was recreated perfectly. Everything from her toenails to the tips of her overtly erect nipples... "Is.... it cold in here?" he asked after a moment.

Saelil rotated in the air like a three-dimensional character model from a video game. Somehow it was different than when she was a ghost. She was a bit more... well, more.

"Damn, stop staring at her like you've never seen epic dark elf booty before," muttered Scott to himself. Just because it was true did not mean that he needed to be a pervert about it.

He took a moment to consider the other ladies on his payroll. Neither Samantha nor Kitty would lose out to Saelil in the category of curves or personality. The new dark elf in his life was blessed with excellent character design, but that didn't mean that others were not equally blessed.

Eventually she stopped rotating in the air and slowly floated down to the ground. Scott started to greet her but something stranger than normal happened. His ring that held her contracted to him grew hot. He was forced to rip it from his finger before it burned through his hand.

It hit the floor with a light tinkling noise. Scott stared at it briefly, confused at the turn of events, before looking up at Saelil.

For a moment he expected her to have transformed into a monster, or to have a cruel smile on her lips. Strangely, she merely looked confused.

"Beloved... Where are...?" She blinked then looked down. She raised her hand up and her eyes widened in shock. "Flesh?"

"Yeah. I resurrected you... There's a lot to talk about," said Scott.

Saelil looked around at the dark and gloom. "Are we perhaps in the underworld once more?"

"Ah, no. I've brought you back to my home. I need to explain some things about me that you don't seem to realize," said Scott.

"I see... Please, do explain."

"First, let's get you dressed..." said Scott, "And, do you know what's going on with that ring?"

"I suppose that clothing would be a good idea, but are you one to speak on such matters?" she asked while eyeing him critically. "Also, what do you mean about the ring?"

"Hmm?" asked Scott. He did not know what she meant for a moment, but then he looked down. He was wearing his skin tight nano-cloud suit. "Well... At least I'm wearing something."

The newly revived elf placed her hands to her hips, and then kept them in place while she strolled forward casually. "And do I appear so hideous that I need cover myself for the sake of your eyes?"


"Hideous isn't the word I would use, no." Scott smiled at her lightly, after she came to a stop a short distance from where he stood.

She tilted her chin up slightly and offered him a curious smile. "What manner of word would you choose?"

"Dangerous..." said Scott without missing a beat.

A soft lilting laugh escaped her lips even as her curious smile filled with warmth. "Is that so?"

"Yes, definitely..." Scott laughed a little, but before she could respond to his bit of friendly banter he spoke again. "Seriously though, you need to know what is going on."

"By all means."

"Well, first, what about this ring?" Scott leaned down and grabbed the ring. It was not cool to the touch. "When you were revived, it became incredibly hot and I had to take it off."

"Ah, I don't know. Maybe, there was some sort of energy transference? A reaction to whatever power revived me?" she asked. "I was not conscious when it was happening."

"Well, maybe," he said before sliding the ring back on his finger. The action caused Saelil to smile softly.

Scott nodded to her then began to pull items from his spatial storage. He handed them to Saelil one after the other.

"These garments seem familiar, beloved." Saelil equipped them one after the other. Soon her glorious nudity was replaced by mysterious sensuality. Her robes were open at the neckline, and the collar flared upward a little to frame both her head and her robust cleavage. The color of her silk robe was so darkly red that it nearly looked black. The material clung to her in impressive ways that accentuated her femininity. Her hemline and the edges of her sleeves were highlighted with gold.

"Someone certainly knows how to dress for success," said Scott.

She took a half-step forward, allowing the slit in her robe to expose her left leg in a calculated manner. "What? This old thing?"

"Yep. Dangerous..." said Scott while smiling. She smiled in kind. For a time they simply stood where they were while smiling like fools. Eventually, Scott passed her the staff that he held for her. The thunder staff was no doubt going to prove quite useful for her.

Once she had staff in hand, it was time to drop the bomb on her, so to speak. Scott looked her in the eyes and said. "We are no longer on Fear Rune. I've brought you to my home between the worlds."

Her expression was blank for a moment, but her eyes slowly widened. "Beloved, are you serious?"

"Yes. It's a long story, but I am one of those champions that you claim are a myth," he said.

"Surely you jest!" she cried, obvious laughter on her lips.

"No. Not only that. A lot of those people who were just chasing us are also champions," he said.

Saelil blinked owlishly then leaned away from him a little. "Are you perhaps, a little mad?"

"Probably. Not for the reasons you think, though. Let me tell you everything..." Scott nodded to her then began to relate his story. He told her of his home known as Earth. He spoke of his life there briefly, and then the day that the aliens, or gods, or perhaps they were alien gods had shown up. He was a little shaky on exactly what they were supposed to be.

He reiterated a bit of his adventures in recent days. He spoke of the game and the deadly nature of it, how even the innocuous world-settings can lead to his death if a time-limit is missed.


Scott told her about Kitty and Samantha. He did not go into detail about the spaghetti lesbian explosion dinner. However, he did explain that their existence was the reason why he asked if she was the jealous type.

Saelil kept her thoughts on jealousy to herself. Instead she asked questions here and there about things that he'd said. In the end, she wanted a little more proof.

"Alright, well I do need to finish my upgrades. You won't see much while I'm doing that, but I'll think of something."

"I see, and these upgrades... They make you faster and stronger?" she asked curiously.

"Yeah. You should have your own little exchange point if you're considered my companion. I'll show you in a moment," said Scott.

"Very well..." she said, only slightly convinced.

Scott turned away from her and checked on his remaining EXP. He considered options for a moment then decided to look at his feat list. He'd lost several of his abilities when he changed races, but he could reacquire a few of them. More to the point, his enhanced senses feat also increased his dexterity by a point and he got that for free. It replaced his old coordination feat quite nicely.

"Not bad... I can get a few things cheaper through my racial feats than my lifestyle..." mumbled Scott. He immediately replaced his lost abilities with the versions he saw on his racial feat list. In order to acquire the feats that he needed, Scott had to increase his vitality and resilience to seven points each. He did so without regret.

After his statistical upgrade, he selected Improved Regeneration II and Improved Hit Points II for only two thousand EXP total. Purchasing through the shroom soldier lifestyle would have cost twenty-five hundred for the improved hit Points alone.

Another thousand EXP disappeared forever when he chose the Improved Feroki I upgrade. A few more minor decisions were made, and then he looked to Saelil. "I don't suppose you saw anything happening right then?"

"No, nothing more than you touching that sphere of light and tapping at little squares of light," she said.

"I see," said Scott. He needed something more tangible. At a loss for a moment, he tried to decide on a good way to show her what he could do. The problem was that anything flashy would require a lot of EXP.

He happened to glance down at her exposed leg and noticed something. She was barefoot. Even if he did not do anything flashy to show her the truth now, he could just take her with him to meet the others. Traveling between worlds should convince her. At the moment though, there was one thing he could do.

Scott looked into his companion menu and noted that Saelil was there. He purchased her a set of dark red high-heeled boots to match her outfit. He also purchased a pair of socks. She had no EXP at the moment, so he could not simply have her do it.

He started to purchase underwear as well, but realized that he already had a set. The plus three panties.

Saelil watched in quiet interest as simple clothing items appeared out of thin air. She'd seen people pull items out of their storage for most of her life, so such a thing was not particularly impressive. However, the fact that her beloved handed her those items was quite endearing.

She accepted the panties with a smile then drew her robe back into storage. Scott coughed loudly once and turned away. Showing no shame, she chuckled warmly at his antics then took her time sliding on the panties. They were a lacey affair that matched well with her feminine sensibilities.

After that, the socks and boots were equipped. Her robes were brought back out and she wiggled in place a little. "Each of them is a perfect fit. Thank you."

"Ah, yes... Anyway. I need to show you a few more things," said Scott.

"Oh, do you?" she asked with a soft purr in her words.

"Not those things... I need to give you a tour," he said with a smile.

"Well, I suppose that will be interesting as well," she said with a smile of her own.

He picked up his fruit basket, and then used it as a sort of barrier between him and his new companion. She was an interesting sort of person, but at the moment there was a lot going on and he did not wish to cause more problems in his group through misunderstandings.

Scott explained his home point, and then gestured toward the doors in the room. He told her where they led. The doors that led away from his home were ignored for now. Instead he took her to his command room. She was suitably impressed even if she did not know exactly what a computer monitor was. Still, it looked quite professional.

He showed her to the companion room area and then to a new room that was created just for her. Her eyes lit up upon seeing her own private exchange.

"I can purchase anything that I wish here?" she asked curiously.

"For the most part. My exchange has the most variety. The Battle Dome that I mentioned has even more. Your personal exchange will mostly be items tailored to you, plus a few random luxuries," said Scott.

"I see... I also need this EXP as you call it?" she asked with growing interest.

"Yeah. Think of it as a like forty essence per point, or like it's the essence used by the gods. That should help."

"Ah, so EXP is the essence of the gods... Now I understand a little more," she said while nodding slowly.

"Yeah, something like that. If you choose to join us on our missions, you can earn your own EXP. It's really none of my business what you buy, but I do ask that you focus mostly on becoming stronger instead of all luxuries."

"I certainly do wish to engage in adventuring with you, beloved. How does this device make me stronger? Will it merely be my status?"

"Stats are simple enough, though you'll have a racial lock on your maximum statistics I suppose. Spell books and skills can be purchased directly for large sums of EXP. You can also upgrade your lifestyle, or change your race."

"I see... Interesting," she said. "Could one even become a champion like you?"

"No, not like me. Though, you can become a god or something I suppose. It just takes an obscene amount of EXP."

"How much?" she asked, her interesting piqued.

"I'm not sure. The closest thing to an actual god that I saw on the exchange list was in the ten million EXP range. It was more like a demi-god. My own race change was purchased at a ninety percent discount, and it still cost me twelve thousand."

"You are not human then?" she asked curiously.

Scott unfurled his tail from around his waist and whisked it back and forth. "No, not anymore. At least not physically. My soul is still human I suppose."

She eyed his tail for a moment then placed a finger to her lower lip. "This becomes more interesting by the moment."

They chatted freely for a moment, and then moved into the other sections of his home. Scott purchased eleven hundred credits with his remaining EXP, and then checked his status one last time.

[Name: Scott Davidson]

[Age: 20]

[Race: Feral Kai Warrior][Third Class]

[Lifestyle:] Shroom Soldier

[Level: 3][850/3000]

[EXP: 0]

[Life Span: 10 Day(s)]

Hit Points: [104]516

Feroki: 45[60]

Floral Power: 18[24]


[Strength: 3.00[5.00][Resilience:7.00[8.00]

[Vitality: 7.50[10.00][Dexterity: 4.00[5.00]

[Concentration: 3.00[4.00][Charisma: 3.00[4.00]


[Lunar Revelation]

[Undying Beast Revelation]

[Altered Beast Revelation]

[Feroki Attunement]

[Improved Feroki]

[Improved Regeneration II]

[Improved Hit Points II]

[Feral Kai Warrior Enhanced Senses]

[Soldier's Resolve]

[Improved Floral Power I]

[Improved Floral Power Regeneration I]


[Gravitas Super Jump][FP: 3]

[Burning Smash][FP: 0.75]


"Oh that's nice..." said Scott with a thoroughly pleased smile. He was already much better off than before. His EXP was completely empty, but his capacity was much greater. He did not yet have a feroki skill to use, but he would be able to acquire a few simple ones with no trouble once he had the EXP. What was important was his foundation. All it would take was another good run like the last one, and he'd be able to completely max out all of his stats, and acquire most of his lifestyle and racial abilities for his current level.

Shroom soldier was surprisingly good for now, even without the floral powers. The automatic boost to strength and vitality meant that his stats would max out at a point higher than his Feral Kai racial stats. There were a few racial feats and shroom soldier feats that could be purchased to push things even higher. Without undying beast revelation even being brought into play, he could easily get his strength and vitality to sixteen or so before his EXP based stat boosting options ran out.

"Shit, with no training at all I could be four times stronger than the strongest man who ever lived on Earth..." mumbled Scott while looking at his status.

"What was that beloved?" asked Saelil.

"Ah, nothing... Just planning world domination or whatever," he said with a chuckle.

"And you did not invite me to plot with you? Shameful..." she said with a soft smile.

"You'd probably have taken my plotting seriously."

"Oh, certainly," she said.

Scott closed his eyes briefly, but smiled while doing so. Saelil was quite the interesting girl. He was blessed with such partners recently, and it was nice to be around them. Thinking of first Saelil and then the others made him feel a bit antsy. Even though he was supposed to be inserted back at the exact moment he left, it still felt like a long time since he'd seen Kitty and Samantha. It was time to get the team together, and get started.

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