《Galactic Fist of Legend》Chapter 27: Ferakai, Ferakai Z


AN: I have no idea what happened, but the other day I came down with something that causes headaches, sniffling, and all that jazz. It's either a head cold or allergies again. I swear I don't know what the heck the problem is, but this chapter barely happened. If you see a lot of typos or mistakes, I apologize.

Anyway, some of you will love this. Some will be like.. wtf? Others will just be happy to see a chapter. Enjoy! :)

Also, remember that this story is a work of parody and you'll understand. :P

Chapter 27: Ferakai, Ferakai Z

The temptation to burn through all of his experience points was hard to resist. Even after purchasing healing items and restoration, he was only a little shy of twenty thousand EXP.

"A little under thirty-eight hundred points to resurrect Saelil. It's a big chunk, but she would help a lot in the future..." The biggest issue for Scott was not just that failing to resurrect her would be a waste of her potential, but a large number of specialty items would be lost.

Before he clicked the selections necessary for her resurrection, however, he noticed something new in his list. Curious, he clicked on that function instead. His eyes lit up gleefully for a moment, but then returned to normal with a sigh. "I unlocked new bloodlines, but none of them are much better than human..."

Scott frowned at the list. He now had access to dark elves and a stronger form of zombie known as a ghoul.

"Dark elf maxes out at half a point higher in concentration, charisma, and agility, but everything else maxes out a half point lower than human..." Scott ran through the information carefully. A dark elf was a class of being not too dissimilar to a human, at least the common form that he was able to access now.

Average life span of six hundred years, resistant to dark elemental attributes and fire, but weak to light attributes. I he took the dark elf route he would also acquire both dark and infrared vision, the ability to engulf an area in a sphere of darkness, and improved senses of sight and hearing.

There were few downsides to the upgrade, and it was by far the best bloodline change he'd seen so far. But it was not dynamic enough for him. If he was going to cast aside humanity as a racial basis, he wanted to cast it aside for something that would be stronger on the whole, and not just slightly better.

The ghoul bloodline caught his attention briefly, but other than being a slightly better zombie it was not worth acquiring. He would still be a rotting corpse, but he would also have a few predatory upgrades. Triangular shark-like teeth, claws, the eyes of a hunting cat and an ability to be immune to a lot of status effects were the main claim to fame for the race. Still, he did not want to be a rotting corpse.

"Damn, how about letting me be a Saiyan, or a freaking Kryptonian, something that doesn't lock the stats down in the single digits!"

Scott remembered something after a moment. "Man, how could I forget that!"

He cried out, "Nano-Cloud Activate!"

A swarm of tiny nanomachines formed around him in a cloud of frenetic activity. The old black and gold suit formed around his body in its skintight manner. "Oh god yes!" cried Scott as he felt power surging through his body.

His suit, his glorious suit was back! All stats upgraded by one point! Base durability was high enough to completely negate mid-tier firearms and lesser damage. Base attack boost high enough to mimic a weak shotgun with every punch! Enough extra hit points that he could take multiple shotgun blasts to his unarmored face without taking more than a few bruises! The suit was back, baby!


[Name: Scott Davidson]

[Age: 20]

[Race: Earthling]

[Lifestyle:] Shroom Soldier

[Level: 2][1281/2000]

[EXP: 19714.63]

[Life Span: 9 Day(s)]

Hit Points: [41]443

Floral Power: 7.6[10.6]


[Strength: 2.49[4.99][Resilience:4.00[5.00]

[Vitality: 4.00[6.50][Dexterity: 4.00[5.00]

[Concentration: 1.9[2.90][Charisma: 1.00[2.00]


[Improved Regeneration I]

[Improved Hit Points I]

[Improved Coordination I]

[Soldier's Resolve]

[Improved Floral Power I]

[Improved Floral Power Regeneration I]


[Gravitas Super Jump][FP: 3]

[Burning Smash][FP: 0.75]


"There are still upgrades that I can get for my standard human bloodline and the shroom soldier lifestyle." Scott rubbed his chin while looking at the options.

"I also have that necromancer lifestyle to consider..." The champion decided to check on that particular outlet for his point expenditure then grunted loudly. "God damn, put me in the poor house why don't you?"

He shook his head rapidly from side to side. The hedge wizard red necromancer lifestyle offered some good stuff, but the cheapest ability was eight thousand exp! "Shit, I have to study those damned books for a while before the prices come down."

What was worse, the necromancer lifestyle did not come with vitality, resilience, or strength upgrades. Until he acquired a new lifestyle slot in the Battle Dome, switching over to that lifestyle would drastically reduce his stat possibilities through the shroom soldier.

"Hey, yeah... the Battle Dome. If I can unlock a second lifestyle slot then I can equip both of my lifestyles... Most of my stats could be increased a little more by combining the two..." said Scott thoughtfully.

He had not gone there yet because of his need to check out every other option and to build up his infrastructure. However, the Battle Dome supposedly offered unique opportunities that even included the ability to purchase lifestyles and bloodlines outside of what he had unlocked to date.

"Yeah, no need to spend on either of my lifestyles at the moment. Maxing my base human stats and resurrecting Saelil would be best," said Scott.

"Fuck that even... I don't know how much anything costs there... " Scott immediately abandoned his thoughts on using his personal exchange and went to the mission door.

He touched it to see what would happen. A window screen popped up asking what he wanted to do. Currently, time was halted in his home point with certain exceptions. He only had a little over half an hour to get back to his home point if he wished to resurrect Saelil without losing those items. However, he was curious about the Battle Dome. His curiosity caused the system to send up a new message.

Battle Dome operation rules:

There are three major areas of the Battle Dome, the primary exchange, the hidden exchange, and the battle arena. All champions may go to the primary exchange without time passing in their home point or other locations. Entering any of the other area of the Battle Dome will cause time to synchronize and flow normally.

Regardless of where the champion goes, the Battle Dome area may only be entered once per day.

The Battle Dome uses its own currency, Battle Points. EXP can be exchanged for Battle Points at the primary exchange. Battle Points may also be acquired through combat in the area, or through betting on matches. Battle Points may be converted into EXP.

"Cool, so I can go to the primary exchange with no problem?" Scott wasted no time in going to check on that. His intent was to pop over and see what would happen. He could always just go back tomorrow with the whole team.


The door opened and he walked through. He was greatly surprised to see that the so-called battle dome was nothing more than an endless white field with another floating orb in the center. "How is this any different than back home?"

Scott walked over to the orb and touched it. Immediately he was given two options. One option would allow him to enter the Battle Dome Arena. The other would allow him to use the primary exchange. He chose the latter and was inundated with dozens of new list options.

Most of the new options were greyed out, but they were available to be views. Scott looked through a few at random for a moment. The pricing seemed off for a moment, until he realized it was all in battle points. Each item in the selection literally costed one hundred times the list price in EXP.

"Shit, so expensive..." muttered Scott.

His estimation of the prices fell even further when he went to view the bloodlines. "Hundreds of thousands of battle points for the highest tier available?"

Tens of millions of experience points were required for things like the greater succubus that Daedra utilized so well against him. It was much easier to unlock things for free by meeting certain requirements.

"Man, how am I going to afford even a low-end bloodline enhancement like this?" asked Scott in annoyance.

After a few minutes of scrolling through offerings ended in frustration, he was about to turn away. However, a flashing list item caught his attention. There was a counter underneath that rapidly counted down from one thousand. Curious, he clicked on it.

"Hourly discount sales list?" asked Scott. He was listed as one of the ten lucky people to click on the sale this time. He could pick anything from the list at an incredible discount.

He looked at the list and immediately grinned. There was a bloodline section! Scott clicked on it, but to his horror, he discovered that the listed items were rapidly becoming grayed out. Other people were purchasing things and removing them from the list!

Almost at random he stabbed his finger repeatedly at anything he could find that was still lit, but each time he tapped the item someone else bought the last one. It was not until nearly all of the lights were gone that he managed to tap one that popped up. There were only five available, and three were already sold. He had one minute to decide on whether he would buy it, or it would return to the list.

"God damn..." muttered Scott. It was obvious that a lot of people waited for the hourly discount sale!

He read over the bloodline he had a chance to purchase then blinked. He laughed slightly then grinned. "Even at a ninety-percent discount, this thing will still set me back over twelve thousand EXP?"

Scott now knew exactly why people went nuts for the discounts! They were ninety-percent off! It was the only chance to get a high-end upgrade at a price anyone could afford.

"It's so expensive, but damn... It's like someone was listening to me..." mumbled Scott. Had he really gotten this by accident?

Precious seconds ticked by. He would have no chance to buy anything else at the sale, and he'd need to head back for the day after this anyway. The cost was extreme, but the results, plus there were two other perks that came with it!

Hesitant, but hopeful, Scott burned through his wad of experience points by accepting the bloodline upgrade. Twelve thousand five hundred EXP flew away in an instant. His purchase was added to a cart as it was called.

However, he did not want to spend more at that moment. He still needed to resurrect Saelil, and the purchase he'd previously made weighed heavily on his mind.

He exited the primary exchange list and to his surprise a large prize wheel appeared in the air next to the floating orb. "Spin to win?"

Scott span the wheel since it cost nothing. The brightly colored triangles radiating out from the center of the wheel rushed around rapidly. After several seconds passed, the wheel's motions began to slow. The pointed at the tip made a clicking sound as it slapped against each of the pegs as they passed.

"Winner! Winner!" cried a masculine voice. A ball appeared in the air and then popped open. Confetti fell free from inside the hovering sphere and little party favors appeared on the sides of the wheel. They rolled out with a loud zvheeewm sound and then folded back up.

"Seriously?" asked Scott in a flat tone of voice.

A little box appeared on the ground with the label, purchases, written on top. The moment that he picked it up, he received a message that told him that he needed to take his purchases home and open the package in order for them to become properly available.

"Alright, let's see if I was a moron or not," said Scott before choosing to head back to his home point. His previous desire not to spend most of his points made him feel like a fool, but now he could see what he would really be working with in the future.

Back at his home point, he opened the package. A glowing white sphere floated up from the box then over to the main sphere in the center of the room.

The word, updating appeared above the sphere and flashed in and out of existence for a brief few seconds. A loud fanfare erupted throughout the area a moment later followed by a beam of light shooting out to skewer Scott directly between the eyes.

He lost consciousness for a time. His body dispersed into motes of light like an old school game character being destroyed on screen. Another beam of light shot out a moment later and began moving rapidly back and forth in a narrow field of motion. Starting from the tip of his toenails, Scott's body was recreated at the quantum level. The quantum becomes the sub-atomic. The sub-atomic became atomic. Atoms moved together to form molecules, and molecules eventually became protein strands. Protein became cells, and those cells rapidly became organic tissue.

In the space of two minutes, Scott was completely reborn. While he looked largely the same as before, he now had dark and wildly spikey blue hair, bright blue eyes, and slightly taller stature. Where before he was fit and muscular, he was now practically the epitome of human physical perfection.

Scott floated down to the ground as the light began to die away. For roughly one minute he breathed in a deep rhythmic manner. The awareness in his eyes kicked up a notch as he realized that he was conscious once more.

"Oh wow... I'm, this is weird..." said Scott. He felt both stronger and weaker than before. It was strange.

He touched the home point orb and he was given further information about what happened.


You kicked your basic humanity to the curb and acquired a new racial bloodline! You are now a third class Ferakai Warrior!

The Ferakai Warrior race, also called the Feral Kai, is known throughout their home universe as a fearsome people. The most powerful among them blow up planets for fun, or depopulate them for wholesale resale on the galactic market. During mating season, they like to chase each other around in an attempt to grab the tail of their preferred mate. If someone grabs the tail of a Ferakai Warrior, that warrior will become extremely aroused, so aroused in fact that they will be unable to battle.

While known to be vicious thugs with overly spikey hair who constant desire to eat large meals, the elite class is at least considered to be honorable. Members of the elite will often wait several episodes for a worthy opponent, even if they have to run all the way to the battle from another dimension.

Prone to arrogance and overly dramatic mid-combat posturing, the Ferakai race is all but extinct now. An evil alien overlord blew up their planet while their king was off monologuing during an important battle. Five days later, when the monologue finally ended, King Fera Ferakai received word of his planet's destruction. He was somewhat unsettled by this fact, and took a nap.

Now the once proud race of the Ferakai roams the universe looking for random people who are willing to engage in proper dramatic dialogs during one-on-one martial arts battles, and for good home cooked meals.

Ferakai legends speak of... the one. This legendary warrior was so powerful that he rendered all other warriors superfluous and relegated them to mere side characters in the great historic battles of the past. He was known as the legendary Super Feral Kai. His hair was spikier and shinier than any other, and his ability to stretch out a battle with random dialog was beyond all other Ferakai combined.

Your level is reset to 1.

Your human racial feats are removed.

Your maximum attribute cap has risen from 4 to 10.

You may now purchase racial feats, traits, powers, and attribute boosts for your new race.

All attributes are reset to three.

You may directly purchase racial upgrades for your race.

You now have access to innate Ferakai Warrior racial traits and feats.

"Are they seriously referencing battle dialogs and episodes?" asked Scott with a laugh. They really went all out with the ridiculous background lore on his new race.

New powers have awakened:

Lunar Revelation – When the full moon rides high in the sky, you may transform into a giant beast.

Warning: As a third class Ferakai Warrior, you will have no innate control over yourself during this time. Resist the revelation if you wish to prevent injury to companions or innocent bystanders.

Undying Beast Revelation [Third Class] – What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Literally. If you survive a hard battle that taxes you greatly, you will receive minor attribute growth without the need to expend EXP.

Note: This power works through being broken down and healing naturally. Medicine, magical powers, and home point regeneration will negate upgrades earned through these means.

Altered Beast Revelation – You can shift between a normal human form, and an alternate humanoid beast form. As a third class Ferakai Warrior, you may only awaken the beast under the light of the moon.

"Well, that certainly sounds awesome," said Scott with a grin. One more window came up for him to peruse.

New traits have awakened:

Feroki Attunement – You can now use Feroki, the beast life force, to perform incredible feats of strength and power.

Enhanced Senses – You now have much greater sensory ability than a normal human. Your innate coordination and sense of balance is increased as well.

Tail – You now have a tail. This prehensile appendage shares characteristics with different animal species, but mostly resembles that of a great hunting cat such as a lion when in standard form. During a beast transformation it may take on a different appearance.

Be careful, this new appendage is sensitive and is a weak point. Should it be removed, you will have poor balance and lose coordination. Also, erectile dysfunction may occur.

Scott blinked then looked down behind him as best he could. A sinuous tail rose up to greet him. "Oh wow, how did I not notice that?"

He lashed his tail back and forth then reached back to grab it. The moment he gripped it, a wave of delirious euphoria raced up along his spine. "Whoa..." he said, his mouth hanging open.

"That... could be useful later," said Scott.

There was still a lot to do, mostly resurrect Saelil, but he already felt as though he'd made a major step forward. There was no way to know what would come in the future, but for now he could easily build himself into a more durable and capable individual.

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