《Galactic Fist of Legend》Chapter 26: L-Lewd


AN: So, here we are with a lovely and I consider to be mildly humorous chapter 26. We begin moving into the rest and training period before the final push through the actual story mission of this volume. Anyway, enjoy.

Chapter 26: L-Lewd

A strange place between home and the worlds beyond. Scott visited similar before. It was a bit like a holding area before traveling. The truly strange thing about the situation was that he was not alone. Though, he was also not with Saelil.

In the center of the void, a light shined down from above to illuminate a single object. Naked as the day he was born, Scott walked forward. Uncertain that he actually saw the bizarre thing that hovered in the air before him, his movements were hesitant. He was cautious.

There was a card attached to the innocuous little thing that drew his attention.

Valiant Sir

For your heroic service in the cause of keeping my little sister busy. I reward you.

You have my eternal gratitude. Please don’t die for at least six months.

~ Grand Emissary Emeritus Hellborne

Scott blinked at the card then looked down at the fruit basket that he’d received as a reward. “What?”

“So, this… Is… What now?” Scott was a little confused regarding the situation. Of all the things that he’d expected upon entering the door of light, a congratulatory thank you note and a fruit basket were not among them.

“A little joke,” said a soft feminine voice, “at my expense.”

“Who?” asked Scott.

The speaker appeared before him in a glorious shower of light and pink flower petals. “It is I!”

Scott stared at the new arrival for a moment. How could he not? It was nearly impossible to look away from her.

She possessed bat wings, a long thin tail with a heart-shaped spade on the end, and shockingly pink hair. She was in possession of other notable assets as well, but her sad expression detracted from her glory a little.

“That’s… still not helping,” said Scott. “Who are you?”

The pink haired girl huffed a little then shook her head. “I’m your new personal manager. Name’s Daedra.”

He coughed slightly and forced himself to look away from her through a great act of will. It was genuinely difficult to look at the girl despite the fact that it was equally as difficult to look away. The mere sight of her caused his heart to start racing in his chest. The girls that he’d met so far were quite beautiful, but this weird sad girl was almost ridiculous in her beauty.

Daedra rolled her eyes then crossed her arms over her chest. Her tail lashed from one side to the other. “Seriously? Can’t even look at my level one avatar without your heart wanting to explode? You really need to step up your game…” She frowned at him then continued, “Is what I’d like to say.”

“Wha—” said Scott. He knew that he could not have heard her properly. When she spoke previously she’d said many words, but what he’d heard were the words, “Seriously, you make my heart want to explode…”

“Does… Does it really?” asked Scott, his mouth hanging open slightly. His face turned bright red and he began to pant a little.

She blinked at him then tilted her head to the side. “Are you drooling? Seriously? That just sad. I’m watching a grown man pant like a dog in heat. Have you never had a girlfriend?”

“This is so sudden…” said Scott before placing his hands to his cheeks. When she berated him previously, the words that he heard were. “I’m sad… You make me drool like a panting dog in heat… Seriously, can I be your girlfriend?”


“The hell ails you, monkey?” she asked him when he hugged himself tightly and giggled like a moron.

Her left eyelid began to twitch. She moved closer to inspect him, but doing so only caused him to clutch his head and begin to pant more rapidly.

“S-stay back…” said Scott between panted breaths, “Something’s wrong. I don’t… I don’t want to do anything…”

“Look. I don’t know what your problem is, but we need to discuss the terms of your contra—” her words were cut off the moment she stepped within arm’s reach of Scott. He leapt upon her like a love starved wild man.

Daedra cried out and started to push him away, but to her surprise he whispered in her ear. “I’m sorry… I just can’t stand being so far away from you…”

Her eyes widened and her tail lashed a little. “Hey, you seem fun and all, but I sort of have a boyfriend…”

A window screen appeared that neither noticed.

No she doesn’t.

~ Grand Emissary

Scott kissed her gently on the ear between panted breaths. “I can’t… can’t control it… I don’t want to hurt you… but I want to break you.”

“Thanks for that, I think. But—” she began, only to gasp loudly when Scott’s hand slid down to grasp her perky posterior.

“Hey, no!” she cried out. She tried to push him away again, but could not quite manage to find the strength. “That’s for my lord only…”

“S-something’s wrong… I swear I’m not like this…” panted Scott. “I swear…”

His fingers slipped down past the cleft of her ass to lightly stroke something far more sensitive. Her lips fell open and she gasped loudly. “No one’s ever… Don’t touch such a place…”

“Stop me,” said Scott heatedly in a warm masculine purr.

“You perverted primate…” she whispered huskily. Her tail slipped down and twined around his leg. “No one’s ever touched me like that…”

“S-stop me…” he whispered again, this time with a hint of desperation in his voice.

“Such aggression…” she replied in kind.

“Stop me, p-please…” he panted into her ear. “I can’t…”

She laughed softly then said, “Cute… But don’t you think it’s time to get down to business?”

Scott’s eyes snapped wide and his nostrils flared. He gripped her luscious backside with both hands and lifted her up.

She gasped loudly in surprise. “That’s not what I meant!”

He silenced her outcry by taking her to the ground then kissing her passionately on the lips. Her eyes went wide in surprise but then closed partially. Tears welled up then slid down her cheeks, but she made no effort to dislodge the hornball who was currently kissing her like his life depended on it.

“My innocence…” she whispered softly, a beautiful smile on her lips, “It’s going away…”

Scott’s thigh slipped against her maidenhood. Daedra gasped out tenderly then said, “If you keep doing that… I’ll become…”

She gasped once more, louder this time. Her lips remained parted and her eyes shimmered in the light as she cried out, “Dirty!”

She slipped her arms around his waist, even as her face darkened slightly. The redness of her cheeks increased and she murmured something sweet. “So warm…”

Not long afterward, however, she blinked. This was not a normal mildly erotic situation. Nothing in his champion file indicated this sort of sexual aggressiveness… not that she minded.

Daedra patted him lightly on the back then scanned his status. Everything seemed to be in order until she reached the status effects section.

Status Affliction: Love Sick – [Severe]


“This guy… He fell in love with me to this extent…?” The redness of her cheeks intensified and her nostrils flared a little. “So sweet…”

Scott nuzzled the side of her neck with his nose then trailed kisses along her throat. His hand slipped down to caress one of her perky breasts, his thumb caressed her pert nipple through the fabric of her dress in a slow casual motion.

Daedra moaned softly then bit her lower lip. However, a moment later she blinked. Why had he fallen for her to this extent? That made no sense… The premise of their interaction was flawed! Why, the viewers might even think it was scripted, or forced.

After a moment of consideration she realized what must have happened. “Oh, this isn’t good…”

She checked her status then sighed. “Race, greater succubus… This poor sweet fool never had a chance.”

Daedra logged out from the server, leaving Scott alone in the area. He continued to massage the air with one hand while he kissed at a neck that was no longer there. It took quite some time for the effect of her presence to wear off to the extent necessary for coherent thoughts to begin to surface.

Scott sat up while still panting softly, “The hell…?”

A few minutes later, she reappeared. She looked no different than before, but the overwhelming urge to love her was muted to some extent. A strange sense of arousal did rise up within him, but it was nothing like before.

“So, are you still in love with me?” she asked curiously, a warm smile on her lips.

“Who wouldn’t be?” asked Scott seriously. His pupils were heavily dilated to the extent that one might think he could see the future. Yet, he was able to speak more coherently now.

She laughed lightly then lightly touched her lower lip with her finger. “I had to downgrade my avatar to a lesser succubus to keep you from claiming me by force… You should thank me.”

“How?” he asked, while trying to normalize his breathing. The panted breaths were slowing now.

She smiled brightly then tilted her head to the side. “I don’t wish to inconvenience you, but would it be too much trouble to ask you to die?”

Scott stared at her for a moment, the heavy flushing of his cheeks still in full effect. “I almost did, I think…” He was more coherent, but it was also apparent that he was not yet fully in control of his senses.

Her soft pout and the placement of her hands to her hips emphasized her disappointment. “It’s not a big deal. I just need you to die.”

“I’d prefer not,” said Scott. One eye blinked, and then a moment later the other one blinked as well.

“Well, why not? You were ready to do just about anything for me a minute ago,” she said in an annoyed tone.

“I think I would have done it a minute ago…” he replied. Admittedly, if he was more coherent he would probably have answered her differently. He was still absurdly aroused at the moment, and quite confused.

She snorted loudly then lashed her tail from one side to the other. “Well, poo.”

“Who are you, anyway?” asked Scott.

“Now you ask my name?” she said with a pout. “My purity and innocence are forever lost, but you only now care about my maiden heart?”

“I don’t care about your heart,” he said with a snort.

She gasped loudly then clutched at her chest. “No! Say it isn’t so… What about my hopes and dreams as a woman?”

“Wha—?” asked Scott intelligently, before he rose to his feet. He wobbled a bit due to the pain of moving his body. The source of his pain was revealed to be something quite obvious once he was fully erect.

Daedra took a step back and threw a hand up to her face. “Hey… Don’t point that thing at me!”

She then turned her head to the side, placed her hands to her cheeks, and closed her eyes. Her face became flush and she sweetly said, “Unless you mean it.”

“Sorry…” said Scott. He attempted to turn away, but to his surprise he found that he could not.

“The hell?” asked Scott, rhetorically. He expected no answer, but when he twisted his abdomen he expected his hips to turn with it.

“What’s wrong?” she asked him curiously.

“My hips won’t turn…” said Scott.

“Right… Whatever, just turn around then…” she said.

Scott tried to comply with her request, but his body would not register his command decision. “I can’t…”

“Fine. I’ll move then,” she said with a snort. She walked to the side a short distance then snorted.

His eyes widened in horror as his lower half twisted toward her. Once again he was pointing at her in his lewd manner. “Seriously!”

“This isn’t funny,” said Daedra, a pout threatening to rise up on her lips. “We have important business to discuss!”

“I can’t control my body!” cried out Scott in shock. He looked at her, his eyes wide. “My hips are moving on their own.”

She snorted at him and shook her head. “Are we going to act out an erotic scene? What’s with the bad porn dialog?”

Daedra moved to the side again, but Scott’s hips continued to track her. Neither of them thought it was funny.

“What’s wrong with you!” she snapped after a moment. “I mean… I should be flattered, I guess, but this is stupid.”

“I can’t stop it!” snapped back Scott in irritation. “Don’t blame me!”

“Who do I blame then?” she asked in a casual tone.

Scott gripped his hips tight and said, “Try to move again. I’ll do my best.”

She snorted once more then took a few steps to the left. Scott’s hips tried to move, but he grasped whatever he was standing on in the void with his feet. He did his best to force his hips to stay in place with his hands as well, but a bizarre thing occurred. His swollen manhood leaned in her direction. Even if his hips did not move, his genitalia refuse to give up the cause.

“Oh wow…” said Daedra after she noticed it. She immediately began walking back and forth just to see his penis try to continue to point in her direction.

“That’s not the most pleasant thing, you know!” growled Scott. It took everything he could muster to keep his traitorous hips from moving.

“How are you doing that?” she asked curiously. He was so talented!

“I’m not! It’s like the damned thing has a tractor beam locked onto you,” said Scott through clenched teeth.

She blinked slowly then a warm smile spread across her lips. “I guess it knows what it wants.”

“Ha. Ha.” enunciated Scott. “You try dealing with the homing boner from hell…”

Daedra looked at him for a moment. She threw her hand to her mouth and laughed. “Pfft. Oh, you got it bad, don’t you…?”

“Who’d want it?” snapped Scott in annoyance.

“Hey…” she said, softly, “There’s no need to be mean.”

“Weren’t you just asking me to go die?” he asked her. Now that he was no longer trying to control his traitorous lower half, he could focus on the task at hand.

Her eyebrows pressed together gently and she looked to the side. “Yes, but it’s nothing personal. I just want to go back to my beautiful lover.”

A message screen popped up immediately afterward, but she slapped it away with the back of her hand before either of them could read it. The message window went flying through the air and disappeared.

“How… Did you do that?” asked Scott. Of all the strange things that he’s seen, even today, that was the strangest. Since when could people bitch slap message windows?

She shrugged. “Not important. What is important is the fact that we need to speak seriously for a moment.”

“Seriously…?” asked Scott. The pussy fumes or whatever it was that previously ravaged his mental faculties were now diluted to the point that he could remember more of recent events. “Hey wait…”

He glared at the pink haired seductress. “The grand emissary mentioned in that note…”

“Yes, the final boss of this little death game. He is both my lord and my eternal lover,” she said in a serious tone. Another window popped up and she bitch slapped it away as well. There was no need for her to read it when she had a good idea who sent it, and why.

Scott’s homing boner died swiftly upon hearing those words. He was finally face to face with one of the assholes that started this whole thing! “You people… What the fuck is wrong with you?”

She bit her lower lip for a moment then shrugged. “Can we skip the whole bit about you blubbering angrily regarding your planet and your derailed life goals? There really isn’t much you can do about it at this point.”

“The fuck I will!” snapped Scott. He ran toward her, hell bent on taking her down. This time it was not a sexy desire, either.

With a loud sigh of annoyance Daedra threw up her hand dramatically and faded from sight. Scott barreled through the spot where she used to be standing and nearly fell over.

“It seems you are not as bright as I’d hoped,” she said while remaining invisible and intangible.

“You people are trying to take over my planet!” snapped Scott.

She laughed loudly. A clear and musical sound, her laughter carried easily through the void. “Trying to take over? We’ve always owned it. Not that it matters.”

“It matters to me,” he said, angrily. “It matters to a lot of people.”

“Good. That’s the spirit,” said Daedra. “When you calm down, we’ll discuss business.”

“Fuck you, lady,” said Scott.

“I’m not sure my heart is ready for primate love,” she said with another laugh.

They were silent for a brief moment. Scott had many questions to ask, but he already had the idea that most of them would not be answered.

“Well, anyway…” she said after the moment passed, “As fun as that was, I need to tell you why I’m here.”

Scott remained silent. He was uncertain what to say or do in this situation. One of the people responsible for everything, including the shit that the NPCs were dealing with on their individual worlds, was close at hand. Yet, despite knowing that fact there was nothing he could do. At the moment it was impossible to even find the pink haired woman. She might not even physically be in the same area anymore in spite of the presence of her voice.

“I’m your new personal manager. You’re my personal responsibility until you’re dead, or I manage to convince my brother to set me free,” she said. Her voice echoed through the area.

“The only thing that you really need to know about that is that, I’ll be around at times to give you updates on the progress of your brand recognition,” she said. “Also, if you become popular enough to receive sponsors, I’ll personally deliver their gifts and products to you.”

“Sponsors, personal manager… Seriously, is this for real?” asked Scott. He frowned at the empty void.

“More real than your love for me,” she said with a laugh.

He looked around for the source of the laughter, and noticed the fruit basket that he’d received as a reward. Suddenly, he remembered the note that he’d received. “Grand Emissary!”

“Yeah, what about him?”

“Did he send this fruit?” asked Scott.

“Yeah, it’s his twisted way of thanking you for keeping me busy. The sexy jerk…” she said.

Scott’s fingers curled into fists. “This the same guy who’s supposed to be the final boss of this damned game?”

“The one and the same,” she said without hesitation.

“I don’t even know what to think anymore,” muttered Scott.

“I know those feels… I used to be innocent until I met you,” said Daedra.

“Right…” said Scott.

She did not answer for a moment, but when she did there was a touch of sadness in her voice. “Think what you will… Just be sure to take responsibility for our future…”

“Nothing happened,” said Scott flatly.

“Really?” she asked in a drawn out manner. “I suppose I’ll have to change my underwear for no good reason then…”

Scott sighed loudly. He could already tell that this girl was going to be trouble. There was another series of questions and answers that followed, but she refused to answer any question that was too interesting or useful. Though she did admit the size of her breasts and hips, despite the fact that Scott never asked her what they were.

The confused interdimensional warrior soon found himself in his home point, fruit basket in hand. He was still naked, though now he sported the ring that acted as his link to Saelil.

“Saelil?” asked Scott.

He heard a soft whisper that sounded like her voice, but he could not be certain. He was worried about that situation, but he could do nothing about it for the moment. First, he needed to check his home point for information about his previous mission. He put his hand to his orb, because he did not get a mission complete message previously. The long awaited message appeared the moment he made contact.

Mission Score

You have completed your introductory mission. Congratulations!

After much trial, error, and dedicated focus on general ass-kickery you have successfully completed the task set before you. Due to your actions in being the first to complete this mission properly, you receive the first prize reward. A new champion power will be unlocked!

Grade: B

Base Reward: 400 EXP

Grade Bonus: X4

Total: 1600 EXP

Elimination Bonus: 26 EXP

Settings Bonus

Beloved Champion: You not only completed the mission, but caught the attention of the mission boss, Saelil Lothuialeth. This route is determined as the Best Ending route for the mission. Due to discovering the best end route, you will receive a further bonus.

Grade: A

Route Bonus: 2800 EXP

Special Bonus[1]: You defeated a powerful opponent

Bonus: 2000 EXP

Special Bonus[2]: Hero’s Resolution – You killed no champions, nor did you kill non-aggressive NPCs in a premium world setting designed for team play and competition.

Bonus: 4000 EXP

Total: 8800

Entertainment Bonus

You proved to be highly entertaining on several occasions. This reduces the annoyance of our people as they wait for your race to fail their challenges and become our property.

Entertainment Grade: B

Entertainment Bonus: 1600 EXP

Fan Following: You have acquired new fans. Once you have 100 fans, you will be granted a one percent bonus to all EXP earned. Each additional 100 fans will increase your EXP by one percent as well.

Fans: (727)

Fan-Base Bonus:841.82

Total EXP Earned: 12867.82



Due to the fact that you have been taken under the care of a personal manager, you have earned a special one-time bonus.

EXP +5000

“H-holy shit!” Scott ran his hand down his face in surprise. With the eleven hundred or so EXP he had remaining from before, he was now nearly back to what he’d had after his story mission! It was unbelievable that an introductory mission would provide such a boon. He was not done receiving rewards yet, however.

Unfortunately, not all of your premium equipment falls under the category of treasure items. They will be destroyed. However, due to their premium world-setting nature, you will receive EXP credit for them. Items pertaining to Saelil Lothuialeth will not be destroyed for one hour.

If you choose to resurrect her as a true companion, she will be able to equip those items in most world-settings and they will not be destroyed.

Resurrection and Companion Acquisition Cost: 3763 EXP

Her power level will be reset to level one upon resurrection. All knowledge will be retained.

“So, ghost girl can live again if I pay the price,” said Scott.

It really was not much of a decision. The system deemed her as a true companion which was basically a companion that was tied permanently to him. A permanent team member with a lot of magical knowledge was a great boon.

He did not immediately resurrect her, however. There were more messages to sift through.

All non-treasure items from Fear Rune, or items not associated with Saelil Lothuialeth, have been destroyed.

EXP Compensation: 987

“Now that I think about it, where is all that stuff?” asked Scott. He looked around, but he did not see any of it.

Curious, he searched within himself then blinked. “I still have my internal inventory?” As it turned out, the next message cleared up that mystery.

Champion Ability Unlocked: Spatial Storage I

Spatial Storage is a rare ability earned only by those who complete missions in premium world settings that allow for such usage. Unlike items that provide similar functions, this ability will scale with strength directly. In order to carry non-system generated items or non-treasure items, upgrade to Spatial Storage Type II

Load Capacity: 40 lbs. + 10 lbs. per point of strength.

“This… No fucking way.” Scott threw back his head and laughed. He now had an internal storage!

He checked out the upgrade for the spatial storage feature then grinned. Five thousand EXP would allow him to have personal carrying capacity that would let him carry items from one world to another without those items being destroyed when traveling through the home point. The only exception was for premium world items. He would need to upgrade to the third spatial storage ability first.

There were four total spatial storage upgrades, but the last one was only a massive upgrade in carrying capacity.

He checked his status briefly then nodded. He now possessed just over twenty thousand EXP. That was enough for several serious upgrades. A large chunk of it would go to his spatial storage upgrade and the resurrection of Saelil, but that still left far more EXP than he’d had before his latest adventure.

Unlike the last time that he acquired such a windfall of EXP, he did not want to spend it on infrastructure. His real need at the moment was serious permanent upgrades. Rather than spend half of his points at that moment, he preferred to heal his lingering injuries and purchase a handful of healing items from the system.

“I’ll need to resurrect Saelil in order for the special equipment not to be lost, but there’s no need to spend more points than that until I’ve introduced Saelil and brought everyone back here,” said Scott.

It was his best chance for massive personal improvement. Rushing things would not be good. His infrastructure was taken care of, and his team had grown considerably. The words of his so-called personal manager returned to him in that moment. He did need to step up his game even more.

Barely surviving was something he’d decided was not good enough a while back. Now he knew that he needed to focus on developing abilities that could work in a large number of locations. He needed to be ready for anything.

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