《Friendly Neighborhood Necromancer》Chapter 27: Minor Inconvenience


Unfortunately my speed was not what I had hoped, and lacked the time to properly sell my Livewood oil. I’d been in a rush to capitalize on my profit to get ready to make even more, but now that time ran out it would be better to invest in the future by gaining knowledge. I could also run the oil by him to make sure it worked, so as not to attain a swindler’s reputation.

Perhaps in that situation I should have been paying attention to the reputation that already existed for me.

Walking east, the crowds weren't particularly stifling and I easily shifted between the pedestrians and carts. Considering the population density of a real city, sprinting through this sort of area would be a piece of cake. So when a leg interposed itself in my path, and the shoulder followed into my subsequent course correction, even in my tumblr to regain balance I avoided hitting anyone.

It helped that the small stretch of street I found myself on had a lower density, but I quickly realized there was a quick increase near the edge. The river of people flowed around the obstacle of myself and the familiar looking man

I was bad with names, but sure I'd never learned his in the first place, he probably wasn't someone worth noticing. By his rough and dirty clothes, and scar across his somewhat squat(but still decent) face, he fit the image of a thug. And where would this thug have come from in Glaucen but the old city?

Oi, the way you're fiercely staring me down, how bad is the public order here? Look, I can see several Disciples off in the distance! I guess that’s only because of my height, but nevertheless this place needed some real law enforcement. You members of the church may be everywhere, but if none of you are out patrolling, what’s maintaining order? Some poor tourist will get mugged!

“Mage, you think you can come and go as you please?” Thug crossed his arms and squared his chest before me. Definitely trying to intimidate me, but for what reason I didn't know.

“Ehh, I’m pretty sure you have me mistaken for someone else.” Rubbing the back of my head, I recalled my ponytail. That had been a bad choice of words, because from the outside that would seem like such a lie. Those not moving past the scene with all speed had been uncertain whether to side with the mage or the ruffian, and given their reaction it looked like I just lost a lot of supporters.

Those of Glaucen needed to have more pride as law abiding citizens. I went, followed the rules and got a haramaki; I was definitely the one in the right!

“Hah! Sure, it must have been some other Brannish mage sneaking about Ghel Square. You're coming back with me to see the boss. You can talk to him about it; obey the Poran!” Thug confidently shouted out, and despite not reaching for his weapon, he stepped back into a fighting stance. I racked my brains and recalled poran blood and hooves. The poran was a carnivorous horse with three sections to its front legs.

Obviously a man-eating horse wasn't requesting my presence(though after thinking of Ruffles I just deemed it highly improbable.) Going by the nervous look in the eyes of the spectators, The Poran were likely a criminal organization of some sort. Probably a big one, if general public knew the name, and from Street Rat’s story, the backing or at least tacit approval of a Disciple.


“I really don’t have any business with you Poran,” Trying to back out of the confrontation, another poor choice of words flowed off the tongue. With a growl Thug grabbed his weapon and stepped forward, and I back.

“You don't really need your hands to talk, do you? In fact won’t everyone be safer if you just let me cut them off?” Great, he was definitely coming for me. The audience didn't seem sympathetic to my plight either, mages really didn't have a good standing. Some people were cheering for thug as he readied to rush forward.

What’s not right?

This may have only been in my head, but that is still a sort of experience. Within or without, humans still make the same kinds of actions. As Thug hesitated, I looked him in the eyes, which I hadn't done to appear meek and back away. Since conflict was guaranteed, I gazed forward to see his eyes flicker off of me.

Seemingly drawing the broken goblin spear out from my hand, I was now armed with a crappy wooden staff. Casting , I tried being clever and charged forward as a feint. Thug and I were still a bit away, so there was distance to stop and swivel outside his range. A crack resounded, and I was left with half a poor wooden spear’s haft.

The bait worked, and I heavily impacted a goon that had emerged from the crowd. With Thug’s wandering gaze, it could hardly be called an ambush. In the end, I'd been too caught up in the first stage of success. Though the hit was solid, the shoddy haft was what broke. Only a little winded, Goon slashed at me.

From the many VR games, I’d accumulated some experience dodging. Every system has its limitations and augmentations though, and more importantly I didn't have any practice dodging with the body at hand. The result being a solid, but not deep cut across my left arm, approximately 6% damage.

Without time between I lept to the side, avoiding Thug. Following that I dove hard, skidding across the stone ground for 2% damage as a third ruffian appeared, almost grazing me with his dagger.

Three on one? I call foul!

Heh, but be it skill, strength, or numbers, if you're destined to lose you will. As someone who forges his own destiny, why would I give victory to you nameless thieves?

“!” Best not to use a spell I hadn't listed, so I silently cast before aiming another at Thug. Charging him again, a pulled at Goon’s pant legs. Though the force was weak, it was enough to overextend his stride and force him to fall into splits position. There was no crack, but the thud and howl of pain was satisfactory for the moment.

But if the enemy lacks healers, it’s best to put the DPS totally out of commission. Since I didn't really want to kill anyone, I just landed my running kick across his chest, sending him him flying. Two or three feet backwards.

Still a wizard, such a physical feat shaved off a fifth of my stamina, and though I expected it, the pavestones impacted my chest again. 4% decrease due to poor rolling form, and I also felt my hitpoints decrease when I landed my kick, but sensing my health was still fairly vague. 85% left was still more than enough for these mobs.


They were hesitating too much once the tables had turned. I played meatshield before, and they lacked the dedication to their moves. Ruffian only started moving again as I myself was rising from my fall. With both hands on the knife, it looked like he was going for solid hit to the abdomen.

As if I would just let him hit me, even if all I was wielding was a stick. Shifting back, interposing Goon’s body between us upset his footwork. A thwack to the side and the haft partially fractured, failing to topple him. Turning with the thrust that approached, I ended up with a gash half a foot, 15% damage, nicking my haramaki, and wrecking my shirt. Instinctively, I knew I was [Bleeding], not just bleeding, but it the rate of decrease was tolerable. Since my intestines were still inside my abdominal cavity, all in all the wound was superficial.

That much damage did send me slightly reeling, and dropped my Stamina by around 10% as well. Ruffian relaxed too much after the strike though, and I almost managed to sweep his legs out from under him. With a Strength of 8 though, I only managed to start to send him staggering forward.

He wasn't my only target though, and after yet another against Thug, I had a second to set up a solid elbow strike to his neck. Inhaling deeply, my body felt like it was warning me I approached the limit, but I knew that already. Landing a cheap shot on the concussed Thugs stomach, he keeled over.

Two down for the count, Ruffian assaulted me right as I finished Thug. He’d gotten in too close, and my pathetic excuse for a dodge was sloppy and late. Reflexively raising my left arm to absorb the blow, another significant slice landed. The strike exposed flesh, but surprisingly only dealt 8% damage. On the downside muscles were severed and again I knew this arm wouldn't be working for a while, debuff [Crippled-Moderate:Hit Point].

With both his shady comrades eating dirt, Ruffian entered a frenzy of slashes and jabs. Unrestrained, but fully focused on me, I doubted I could continue evading, striking, and retreating. Rage in his eyes, he didn't give me time to pause. My speed coming from being quick witted, Ruffian closed in on me.

Grappling, it wasn't as if he lost his sanity and still had sight of his mission. With his left hand he smashed us together, hitting his head on my chin for negligible damage. But of course his real intention was to pin me, and jabbed at my weak left arm. Tilting, I tried to keep the limb from being ruined for ages.

The hit landed, but in a spot just a shy better than permanently crippled.

58% more of my health vanished, causing me to involuntarily gasp. The knife was lodged in the side of the upper right, hitting my heart for quadruple damage and hitting other stuff on the way. From the damage taken, it wasn't a light hit, but as long as I wasn't too crippled, things were fine.

Besides, it was already game, set, match.

“*Tit for tat.*” In my good right hand, I jammed the rough goblin spearhead into his side. Minuscule, but constant damage to myself built up while gripping the blade tightly to stab him two more times, but nowhere vital of course. Choking and coughing up a little blood, Ruffian fell over.

“*Ahahaha! Only stab if you are prepared to be stabbed! Three on one and you lose to a wizard in melee combat! And a Level 1 at that! Your weakness is a disgrace, but at least you suffered defeat at my great hands!*”

Giving them each a solid kick to the gut, I judged combat to be over. Taking a few deep breaths, my mental state returned to being a sea of tranquility. Cutting off Goon and Thug’s shirts and taking their belts, I cinched myself together a roughshod bandage. It probably wouldn't work for a real body, but as long as the blood flow was being slowed, the already low severity of bleeding continued to decrease.

I thought about properly looting them, but they likely didn't have anything of value. Besides the crowd was backing silently away from the scene, at least those who hadn't screamed and fled already. Even as they tepidly retreated, they weren't removing their eyes from either myself or one of the Porans. The atmosphere hadn't turned bad at the moment, but in a moment the tension could snap, and someone would be struck.

Taking advantage of the calm, I withdrew the remaining Callus ointment in my possession. Rubbing it over my wounds sparingly, my hitpoints were coming back at an ever so slightly quicker rate. I guess if I can tank way more damage then it's only fair I'm not healed the same amount.

Luckily the act of tending my wounds didn't build up any more stress among the crowd. They continued to slowly disperse, with the occasional one finally deciding to get on with their life and move at a normal pace away.

I too just wanted to get on with my day, and ambled towards Alchemist Alley. Going slowly enough boosted regeneration rates, but mostly I just wanted the bleeding to stop so I could take off my embarrassing hack job of a first aid treatment. With a few s I cleaned myself up, so at least I didn't look all bloody and filthy.

People parted before me with looks that ran the gamut of emotions. Well, I guess there wasn't anything like romantic or familial love, probably no sentimentality either. People’s expressions were various, but only those applicable to the situation, but none of them blocked my way.

Once moving far enough away, the crowds no longer knew what had transpired and I had to move more carefully to get to Theodore's. So much time that could have been spent learning wasted.

A/N:AHHHHHHHHHHHH would like it if you commented on your opinions on the combat. I do vary things in the chapters I have written already (to 46), but I'd like to see what you guys prefer. The styles all have pros and cons, so just wondering what you all think.

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