《The Daily Life of a Divine Soul》Chapter 9: Communication Disorder


Chapter 9: Communication Disorder

After Yu and Yaya left the street, the entire crowd felt limp as a few even fell down!

Terrifying! Even without releasing his aura, he’s this terrifying! Everyone on the street thought. Sadly, it was nothing more than mass hysteria! They were too caught up and afraid in their own thoughts that they paid no attention to Yu and Yaya’s lighthearted and confused conversation. Even thoroughly forgetting Yaya’s beautifully prominent figure on Yu’s shoulders as they were far too focused on Yu!

The first few in the crowd to react after Yu left were Xiamen Ru and Meng Batien, regaining their composure as they immediately started to look all over to find Yu’s figure on the street.

As it was broad daylight, the father and daughter duo’s silhouette stood out like a sore thumb, allowing the two to chase after.

But as the two grew closer, their bodies immediately froze, sweating profusely as they were unable to move. As if there was a great barrier that prevented them from moving forward.

They did their utmost to glance at each other, not knowing what to do as they could not move an inch.

What’s going on?! Why can’t we move forward!!! The two thought as they start to garner attention from the surrounding pedestrians.

Finally, after Yu’s figure vanished from their line of sight, they were able to move. Then, they realized it.

“”We fear him….”” The two whispered at the same time, realizing that their bodies stopped due to instinct as if it was trying to prevent them from jumping off a cliff to their deaths. Once they realized it, they wondered if it was Yu’s doing. But remembering that he spared their lives, they concluded that it was unlikely.

Yu and Yaya, who were unaware of the two’s existence at the time carried on their way, merrily enjoying the scenery as the two headed for the city hall, happily greeted by a few of the citizens as they could not help but smile under Yaya’s wonderful aura of joy!

There would be times where Yu would bring Yaya to a nearby stall to buy some snacks or even something to drink as the two proceeded at their own leisure.

Meanwhile, Xiamen Ru and Meng Batien followed them desperately! Yet they would instantly freeze up the moment they enter a 6 meter range around Yu.

They could not tell how many times they froze in place as they were about to approach Yu, but determined to talk to this Rogue Saint Stage expert, they persevered with all their might! But as they were prominent figures, they were given all sorts of looks as they struggled against their innate fear of Yu.

Actually, Yu has already noticed their presence a while ago. But he disregarded them as he believed them to be nothing more than a pair of individuals that seem to really enjoy performing the city’s strange custom of freezing in place in front of others.

Wondering why these two would perform this custom so much, his interest was piqued, deciding in his heart that he will ask Lanruo about this strange custom later.

But as the two had been following them for a long period of time, Yaya became suspicious of them.

Bending her head down to Yu’s ear, she whispered: “Papa, there’s a pair of strange people that have been following us for a while now… What should we do?”

“Hmmm, for the meantime, let me talk to them, okay?” Yu replied.

“Okay!” Yaya whispered back as Yu turned around, instantly making eye contact with the two strange individuals.


“Is there something that you two need?” Yu asked in a calm friendly manner, he didn’t want to cause trouble after all.

“W… wu…” Xiamen Ru tried his absolute hardest to speak but as he could feel his body spasm out of instinct, telling him to get out of there, could not.

The same goes for Meng Batien as he opened his mouth yet no words came out, repeating the process a few times as he started to look like a fish gasping for water.

“Wu wu? Is big brother crying?” Yaya innocently asked as she tilted her head in confusion.

“I believe he’s trying to say we.” Yu explained and as he did, Xiamen Ru and Meng Batien fiercely nodded their heads! Causing Yaya to be amazed at Yu, letting out a voice of admiration.

“Oooh! Papa could tell what they were saying with just that!” Yaya exclaimed, amazed at her father.

Though Yu became embarrassed as he heard her praise him, but coughing lightly, he continued.

“What about you guys?” Yu asked, feeling pitiful for these two. After all, in his previous world, there were people with certain disabilities that made them unable to properly communicate. As this world seemed to be similar to his previous world, he assumed that they belonged to the group that had a communication disorder!

But even after he asked them, they just stood in place, still as a rock. Assuming that their communication disorder must be immensely severe, Yu sighed, walking forward as he gave the two a pat on the shoulder out of pity.

“Must’ve been hard for you guys. I’m sure that you can overcome this!” Yu exclaimed as he encouraged the two.

Yaya, realizing Yu’s intent, heaved a sigh as well to imitate her father, patting their heads as she couldn’t reach their shoulders, saying: “Un! Papa is right! Don’t give up!”

They realized we were scared stiff… They’re encouraging us to overcome it… The two thought as they completely misunderstood their intention!

If the two realized the reason why Yu and Yaya patted their head and shoulders, I fear they might’ve vomited enough blood to send them to a very deep sleep! A very deep sleep they’ll never wake up from!

But as the two completely misunderstood their intention, they felt their very hearts touched as this man and his child were the embodiment of a saint! Not only did he not ridicule them for their pitiful attempts to talk to him, he was considerate enough to help them overcome their fear of him!

As Xiamen Ru and Meng Batien calmed down due to Yu and Yaya’s comforting acts, they no longer felt their body freeze up when they approached Yu.

Heaving a sigh of relief, the two bowed deeply as they greeted at the same time: “”We thank senior’s benevolence!””

“Ooh!” Yaya exclaimed as she was surprised by their sudden change in attitude.

Yu who thought that he managed to alleviate their communication disorder gave a satisfied nod as he spoke: “It’s fine, you don’t need to thank me.”

His words caused the two to truly praise him from the bottom of their hearts as they maintained their perfect 90 degree bow!

Benevolent! Kind! The true embodiment of a saint!

But Yu did not know of his image in their eyes, thinking that they were just emotional over the fact that they can properly converse without worries he turned around as Yu and Yaya left the scene.

Sadly, Xiamen Ru and Meng Batien were too caught up in expressing their gratitude that they didn’t realize that the father and daughter duo has already left! They forgot to tell him that they wanted to ask if it was possible to talk in private!


Shocked, the two fiercely dashed forward at incredible speeds! Causing a strong gust of wind to blow as they tried to find Yu’s fleeting figure.

But to no avail as they could not find a single trace of him!

That’s to be expected, after all, the two are searching too far ahead!

They completely overtook Yu’s walking pace as they started frantically searching for him a few streets ahead.

“Heee, so those two were actually experts.” Yu said as he stood in place, resting his chin on his left hand, placing his right hand on his hip.

“Mhm! They look strong too! Though they’re not as strong as papa or mama!” Yaya exclaimed as she had the same posture as Yu, although still on his shoulders.

“Ah well, they seem busy so let’s leave them be. We’ve done good today Yaya!” Yu exclaimed.

“Un!” Yaya replied with great vigor.

“We’ll go and visit a good restaurant after we finish getting you an identity stone okay?” Yu excitedly said.

“Restaurant? Papa, what’s a restaurant?” Yaya asked.

“Hmmm, it’s like the store that sold delicious sweets, though they sell a different kind.” Yu explained.

“Ooh! I want to go! I want to go!” Yaya excitedly said.

“Hehe, okay! It’s decided then!” Yu exclaimed as the two of them happily went on their merry way.

As they did, Meng Batien and Xiamen Ru were utterly confused!

Quick! He didn’t leave a single trace behind! As if he was never here in the first place… The two though as the level of reverence they had for Yu reached an unfathomable height!

Sighing, the two gave up their search as they went on their own ways, bidding their farewells as the two returned to their respective clans.

Their mothers and clansmen, upon seeing their haggard appearance, became speechless! Asking them what happened, they got the same answer.

“”We experienced the immensity of the heavens and the depths the earth could reach. Not only that but we’ve experience how broad and forgiving the human heart can be.”” Saying so as the two heaved a sigh before deciding to meditate in their rooms as they received great enlightenment! Causing them to have a breakthrough the next day, sending their clans, as well as Nantian City, into a frenzy!

While this was happening, Yu and Yaya made it to the city hall without hassle. Going inside as Yaya’s gaze wandered about, interested in the building’s interior.

Yu, with Yaya on his shoulders, made his way to the girl from before, causing her eyes to widen as she saw Yaya.

What an adorable child! She thought as she had the impulse to pull Yaya into her embrace.

Coughing lightly as Yu noticed that the girl was in a daze, he spoke: “I came to pick up my identity stone, as well as to get her one of her own.”

“Give me a second.” The girl replied as she went to the cabinets behind her, grabbing a few sheets of paper as she picked up a small green stone along with it.

“Here’s your Identity stone as well as the form for the young lady. You should already know how much it is to make an identity stone.” She said as she gave Yaya a sweet smile.

Yu ignored her as he gave her a light nod, grabbing 5 gold from his bag as he placed it on the counter, grabbing the nearby pen as he filled out the form.

“Big sister’s smile is very pretty!” Yaya exclaimed as she gave her a heartwarming smile in return.

“Thank you! What’s your name?” The girl asked, keeping the 5 coins on the counter.

“Yaya!” Yaya exclaimed.

“What a wonderful name! This big sister is called Liu Lanruo!” The girl said, making Yu leak out a voice.

“Heee…” Yu whispered, making Liu Lanruo annoyed, but she decided to swallow her annoyance as he assumed him to be Yaya’s guardian.

“Is there something wrong, mister Leng Yu?” Liu Lanruo asked.

“No, nothing at all.” He calmly replied as he continued writing on the form.

“Big sister’s name is similar to mama’s name!” Yaya exclaimed as she seemed to show a liking to her.

“Really? What’s her name?” Liu Lanruo asked.

“Uhmm... I forgot the first part… Papa! What’s mama’s full name again?” Yaya asked, after all, she’s only ever heard Xue Lanruo’s full name once or twice as Yu calls often her Lanruo. Not only that, but Xue Lanruo in her mind has always been mama.

“It’s Xue Lanruo.” Yu replied as he was still busy filling the form.

“Eh?!” Liu Lanruo exclaimed in shock!

“Is there something wrong with Mama’s name?” Yaya asked in confusion.

“N-no… Though to think that mister Leng Yu is your father.” Liu Lanruo explained herself.

“Eh? Papa is papa though…” Yaya said as she can’t seem to understand why people think that her father was anything other than her father!

Hearing this made a vein pop out of Yu’s forehead as it’s the third time today that people gave this kind of reaction. Although he understood that they might’ve thought they’re brother and sister or even guardian and child, it’s can still get slightly annoying if repeated enough times.

Calming himself down as he rolled his eyes, he placed down the pen as he finished filling up the form.

“Here.” Yu said as he handed over the form.

“Okay, Yaya can you give me your hand?” Liu Lanruo said, grabbing a small bottle of ink.

So she’s not going to extract her blood? I guess she has a soft spot for kids. Yu thought.

“Un!” Yaya nodded as she brought her hand forward.

However, as Yaya was currently on Yu’s shoulder, she can’t reach down on the counter! Realizing this, Yu lifted her small body from his shoulder, grabbing her from under her armpits as he placed her near the counter.

Finally imprinting her small thumbprint on the form, the two left after giving their thanks. Yaya even waved at Liu Lanruo as she was carried off the City Hall.

As the sun was already starting to set, Yu decided to ask around to see where would be a good place to eat dinner. After the two asked a good amount of people, with the help of Yaya’s wonderful smile, they narrowed down their choices to two restaurants.

“The Heavenly Pavilion or the Chef God’s Domain. Their names are quite something…” Yu mumbled as he gave his opinion.

“Yaya, which would you pick?” Unable to decide as he doesn’t really feel like it’ll make a difference, he let Yaya decide.

As he did, Yaya whispered a few words as she played with her fingers “Hmmmm… eeny meeny miny… Mo! Heavenly Pavilion!”

“Okay!” Yu exclaimed as he went around again, asking for directions this time around as they eventually made their way towards the Heavenly Pavilion.

Yu was surprised! What a beautiful restaurant! The exterior was that of a 7 story pagoda that stood in the middle of a wide open lake, making it stand out. As they crossed the bridge to get inside, he was pleasantly surprised that the interior looked just as pleasing!

It was tastefully decorated, not too excessive yet one could feel that everything here was expensive. Although Yu was a man who did not enjoy spending money blindly, he made an exemption for today as he wanted Yaya to taste some good food.

As they entered, they were greeted by the Hostess. A beautiful woman in her late 20s who wore a dark red dress. In her hands was a beautifully crafted notebook, making one realize that it’s not so simple at a glance!

“Welcome to the Heavenly Pavilion, do you happen to have reservations sir?” The woman asked.

“Sadly no.” Yu replied with a slight smile on his face.

“Hmmm, a table for how many?”

“Two, just me and my daughter.” Yu replied as Yaya gave a nod.

“I see, then please come this way.” The woman replied as she didn’t react to Yu’s statement just now. After all, she’s a veteran in handling eccentric personalities! Seeing a duo like them wasn’t much in her eyes.

Leading them to their tables, the two reached the third floor and was seated nearby a large open window, she gave the two a menu each as she went back downstairs.

Picking up the menu, Yu sat next to Yaya as he read each dish out aloud to let her understand what each line meant. Although they attracted a few gazes by doing this, it wasn’t as bad as before as the moment they saw Yu reading it out for the adorable child beside him, they didn’t think too much of it.

Eventually, Yu and Yaya settled for two dishes.

“Flood Dragon Steak and Lake Spirit Soup… Is that correct sir?” The waiter trembled as he read their order out loud.

What a terrifying youth! Ordering two of the most expensive dishes in the restaurant! There are some noble families that can barely afford one of those dishes yet he bought two!!! The waiter thought as he could not fathom how deep Yu’s pockets are.

Little did he know, he picked those dishes based on Yaya’s reaction as he read out all the items on the menu. As she showed the most positive expression when he read those two dishes out, he ended up ordering them.

700 gold for both? It’s a lot I guess, but I have to make sure Yaya’s first meal is special! He thought as he justified his own train of thought. After all, Yaya wasn’t the only one who was interested in these dishes.

After ordering two glasses of ice cold grape juice, the waiter went downstairs and after a while, he came back with their food.

Quite fast! Yu exclaimed in his heart as he praised the restaurant, but in actuality, it would usually take an hour or so to make one of these high ranked dishes! But as he ordered two high ranked dishes at the same time, the kitchen went into an uproar! Making his order the absolute priority.

After all, someone who could order two of these high ranked dishes at the same time must have a terrifying backing! Or at least an immensely deep pocket. Wanting to get on his good side, the entire kitchen staff did their absolute hardest to serve it as quickly as possible without making the dishes feel rushed or underdone.

After placing Yu and Yaya’s order on the table, the waiter left with a smile.

“Okay, let’s dig in!” Yu exclaimed as he was excited to taste these exquisite dishes! Yu was not alone as Yaya’s mouth was wide open, as if she wanted to devour these dishes whole!

On one plate was an oddly large piece of steak, it was well done as the grill left beautiful streaks of charcoal across its surface, beautifully dressed with herbs and sauce, making the dish look extremely appetizing!

Next was a bowl with steam drifting on top. Its soup was crystal clear as it had a tinge of blue as if it was water yet gave the feeling that it was not! What a mystical bowl of soup! Yu thought as he saw the strands of a blue leafy plant floating on the surface of the soup as well as a few cuts of meat that’s been well dressed with herbs and spices.

“Un!” Yaya exclaimed as well as she was excited to dig in!

Sadly, before they could pick up their utensils to eat, a loud and arrogant voice rang out.

“Who are these two fools that dare take my favorite table in the house!”

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