《Gnosis Academy》Chapter 26 – Didn’t see that coming


Michael was really starting to hate the whole popularity stuff. It was useful, kind of. But only for minor stuff, like obtaining information of a not very private nature, getting someone to lend you a book, finding out the location of a not so important room. But not for something truly important. Not unless the things you were interested in were exactly stuff like being adored by others, getting girls’ attention, having people smile at you while you walked by.

In short, Micah’s wet dream.

At least Bob had been mature enough to never enjoy the feeling of being famous by association. Though Michael did notice that Bob quite liked not being judged, simply because Michael was his friend. That being said, both Bob and Micah had pestered him this past weekend. The gaindel because he was interested in the magical experiment and the lycan was interested in what Michael did with their professor. Their gorgon professor.

The story was short. Gnosis being Gnosis, Michael’s exploits from the past Friday became widely known fast. Maybe the speed at which they would have become common knowledge would have been slower if Erea hadn’t lost it when Michael was whisked away and hadn’t proceeded to lay the mother of all beatings on the Ascentionalist mage, who himself carried no blame, but the elf sped things up anyway. She had been apparently punished by being forced t spend the next Friday on cleaning duty. She would have spent the next four Friday’s, but the Martials intervened for one of their own.

And that was how the most gossipy students started to follow Michael’s exploits that Friday. Including Micah. They found out he had been in Narh’s care for some time, before both of them were whisked away to Sinestra’s chambers. How they found out, Michael had no clue. Even he only managed to observe a slight blur as he was relocated to another part of Gnosis entirely. But the most damning thing was still to come. Because, after the centaur left, Michael remained. For an entire evening.

Who cared what Michael really did there, they were all too busy speculating.

Including Micah. I shouldn’t be disappointed, but I still am.

And that’s how Michael punished his two friends by depriving him of his presence, for the next two days. Bob may have been a collateral victim, since the gaindel was honestly trying to speak about his experience with the martials and was only asking about what information Michael uncovered. As was their agreement. But Micah had enraged Michael enough with his constant pestering and lewd innuendos for the young man to sequester himself in his room for two days.

That being said, while Michael was somewhat annoyed, this was also a ruse.

He actually needed time to think and practice. After all, what Sinestra taught him couldn’t be mastered by a simple snap of his fingers.


“You have to admit, altering your own memories to reflect his truth is the stroke of a genius. As my kin are sometimes known to be. At least, in matters such as these.”

“Yes, professor.”

“Sinestra, Michael. And please be more relaxed. Me and mine stand less on ceremony than most other races.”

“Will try. Sinestra.”

“Well, at least you’re trying.” The gorgon quipped, making him laugh.

“But, what did he promise you? And how will you hide the truth from Narh?”

“Well, I don’t need to offer Narh a price just yet. Maybe I never will. But between me and my elder, I believe we can concoct a successful enough cover story. As for what he promised me, well, that is valuable information. Would you care to make me an offer?” the gorgon sweetly smiled.


“I’m guessing he didn’t tell you what he offered me?” Michael asked, smiling.

Sinestra shook her head, caught a little off guard.

“He offered me the same knowledge he is currently offering you.” Michael grinned.

“Bu- How? That doesn’t make any sense.”

Michael actually had the gall to laugh a little.

“I’m sorry, Sinestra, but he was the one to reveal to me I could barter from a position of strength. It was normal that I would have, right? But, I should mention, your elder really did drive a hard bargain. Every piece of knowledge that pertains solely to gorgons, as in magic and Skills only you could posses and information that would be dangerous for gorgons if another species found out, all of that falls under a clause that states you cannot tell me that. You can, I won that at least, but you are not forced to by the same |Oath| you and him made.”

“And you haven’t made an |Oath|?”

“I did. But I am not forced to disclose it.”

“Clever.” The gorgon laughed. “Still, Sharaz’Ad must have been at least a little desperate. Otherwise, he would have just waited for a better target.”

“Maybe.” Michael shrugged.

“But I must warn you, Michael. A lot of what my elder is willing to teach me can only be learned by accepting a new Class. And I am unsure if I wish to do that.”


“Why what?”

“Why don’t you want a new Class. I mean, you’d receive more Skills, correct?”

“Oh. So your access to information is not so widespread. Good to know. Well, Michael, what I am about to tell you is a part secret. But since we are already allies in a conspiracy and have an |Oath| guarding what we discuss between us, I can tell you that I already have two Classes. Taking on a third is… risky.”

“May I ask why?”

The gorgon watched him and for a second Michael could swear her eyes turned serpentine again.

“There are downsides to having multiple Classes. More downsides the more Classes you have. That is all I will say for now.”


“Good.” She said, after a moment, before smiling again. So, knowing that much of what I can learn and therefore teach you is hidden behind a risky Class, would you like to convince me to take it?”

“Mmm, no.” Michael said.

“What? Why?”

“Because even if you don’t learn that, what your elder can teach you will be enough to occupy you for a time. And me as well. Maybe by the time I learn all that I can this way, I’ll find something to barter with instead of a promise of help. Or secrets, knowledge of ascentionalists and so on. But I’m also betting on the fact that you will accept that Class, sooner or later. It sounds much more important to you than it is to me.”

The gorgon peered at him for a few seconds and Michael was afraid he might have overdone it. Well, that and he was afraid of Sinestra turning into a real gorgon again. But she just gave out a pleasant laugh and shook her head.

“Quite right. It seemed meeting my elder has taught you of subterfuge. Or perhaps you were always like this. Yes, it is more important to me. Given how such knowledge will most likely not impart the same Class on us both. And how, given my heritage, my Class would be of a much more valuable type.”


“I’m glad to hear that.”

“I as well. Well then. I will give you a communication artifact, so as to keep in touch. How does a necklace sound?”

“Uhm… I suppose it depends on the style.”

“Are you saying I lack style? How rude. But yes, a… pearl? A pearl, yes. It will allow us to both see and hear each other. And you will now spend the first part of your Saturdays with me. Now this one, but starting from the next.”

“And how should we justify this? I mean, I’m just a first year. Is it normal for me to receive private tutoring?”

“Justify it to your faction or to the academy at large?”


“Just tell them we’re having an affair. That usually shuts them up.”

“Uhm… No.” Michael said, as diplomatic as he could in that moment.

“Are you having sensibility problems too? I swear, if you were a gorgon, teacher-student etiquette would already be damned. Might still will be.” She said, fussing around, searching for the artifact.

“Sinestra, should you really be telling me this?”

“We are going to spend a lot of time together. And I am a gorgon, not a human. I’m just warning you of the possibilities. Aha!” she said, retrieving a light blue small sphere and handing it to Michael.

“Thanks. And the story.”

“Fine, fine. We’ll go with you being exceptionally gifted and needing special tutoring in order to learn how to control your magic. It’s… already half true.”

“I just hope the ‘exceptionally gifted’ part stands under scrutiny.”

“Oh, it will, Michael. Given what we’ll be learning, it’ll definitely will.”

He had to smile at that.


That was how Michael spent the rest of his Friday. And large parts of his Saturday and Sunday. By trying to master the first Spell Sinestra had learned and was now trying to teach Michael, since her elder would now only speak to her. It was a simple enough spell for her, but for Michel it was the kind of thing that would require a lot of effort and determination.

Oh, it was more than Spell that he was learning. To that he was adding a way of thinking about his magic, as well as channeling magic throughout his body. But Spells were easiest, even if only by comparison.

|Heat Vision| would allow him to add a new sense to his repertoire. It should even allow him to fight under low light conditions. As long as he could keep up the mana expenditure. He needed to focus magic in his eyes and try to will himself into feeling the heat given off by what he perceived.

He didn’t manage to learn it by the end of the weekend.

He thought he’d learn it by the end of Monday’s first Class, since it was with Sinestra as a teacher, but the gorgon didn’t give him any more tips. What she did do was act much closer to him than they previously discussed. Always speaking his name in slow syllables, thanking him for everything he did, laying a hand on his shoulder once she passed by him.

She was acting like a reptilian version of Marylin Monroe.

And she knew what she was doing. Michael managed to catch her eye, when nobody else was watching and she gave him the most wicked grin he had ever seen. It seems the gorgon was having fun at his expense, after seeing how easy she could twist his ‘sensibilities’. And she was using an entire classroom as tattletales.

“But why can’t you tell us?” Micah complained, as they were heading to the day’s second Class.

“Because there is a magical oath preventing me from saying anything. I couldn’t tell Registris himself, not even if I wanted to.”

“I heard of such things.” Bob said. “Used to safeguard secrets. Very hard to break. And risky.”

“Thank you, Bob.” Michael said. “You are a true friend.”

“But you told us that you went inside Sinestra’s private quarters. So, some things you can tell us.” The lycan insisted.

“Yes, but I’d rather not risk it. I don’t know what the limit is.”

“Michael.” The lycan seriously said. “Are you and Sinestra sleeping together? Because I swear, I wouldn’t tell.”

He chose not to dignify that with an answer, which was an apparent mistake.

“I knew it!” he exclaimed, grinning like mad. “You are sleeping with Sinestra!”

Which, going by the sudden silence, the entire hallway heard.

It’s safe to say that Michael walked into Nahlil’s Class alone. Bob had to actively shield Micah from getting singed by Michael. Even when they took the seats next to him, Bob stayed between them. At least Micah looked like he was feeling sorry.

Good. Maybe this way he’ll learn not to scream things.

Something else that he noticed was that Erea was smiling at him. Which wasn’t that unusual. She was Nahlil’s helper for Battle Magic and she knew him. But she was smiling the same smile she smiled she first saw him in this class. The shark smile.

The lessen ended without a hitch. Michael tried and failed to learn the new Spell, but at least he confirmed that he could give himself a headache if he wanted to. He had forgiven Micah and were ready to leave when Erea approached him. She didn’t even glance at the other two.

“Hi Michael.”

“Hi Erea. What’s up?”

“…up?” the elf asked, momentarily disoriented.

“I mean, how are you?”

“Oh. Good. And you?”

The shark smile is back. Is this because I left her back there?

“Good, good. I’m sorry for leaving you on Friday. I didn’t have a say in it. Though I heard you made the other mage pay for it.”

“Yes.” She grinned. “I did. He had no chance against me. Like some don’t have against others.”


She looked at him a little more, still smiling and Michael could feel the hair on the back of his head standing up.

“Alright then, think I’ll go now. It was nice seeing you, Erea.”

“Likewise. Oh, but, Michael, before you go.” She said, taking something out from her pocket. “Do you mind holding on to this for me?”

“Uhm, yea, sure.”

She passed him something and looking down he saw it was a small silver bell.

“What’s this?”

“A trinket.” She shrugged. “A gift.”

“Michael-“ Micah tried to say.

“Shut it!” her eyes burned, silencing the lycan. “You too, Bob.”

“Yes, miss.”

“Erea, what’s this about?”

She turned her eyes back to him, her smile going back to normal. Well, normal-ish.

“I heard you visited Sinestra last Friday. In her room. Is that true?”

“Yes.” He sighed. “Does the entire school know by now?”

“Only those interested. Did you find the experience interesting?”

“I guess? Look, I can’t really talk about it.”

“Oh, you can’t, can you? Tell me, have you talked with her since?”

“Yes. Why?”

“Just wanted to see if this was serious.”

She had lost the smile in her eyes, it gradually fading away. In its place came a new feeling. Cold anger and… hurt?

“I’ll quit the act for both of our sakes, Michael. Did you sleep with her?”

“Wh- Are you kidding me?” he asked, in shock. “Does everybody think that?”

“Nice try, but I’m not letting you avoid the question. I’ll even make it simple for you. Did. You. See. Her. Naked?”

“No!” he said, realizing after a second that his answer was technically a lie.

The bell in his hand must have sensed that too, for it gave out a loud ding. He saw the blood drain from Erea’s face and a slow type of madness trickle into her eyes.

And he also heard Micah. Again.

“You really did sleep with her! I knew it! Good for you, you dog.”

“Micah, would you please just shut the fuck up!” he screamed at the lycan.

Which was a mistake. Since he had to turn his head.

And didn’t see the punch coming.

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