《Spartan》Chapter 8: Dominating the ring


Sorry about the wait, I had to plan ahead a bit about how I would explain the functions of the world soon. Well anyway, enjoy!


The class stiffened up, no one daring to to make a sound in case Thor takes it as a challenge. Captain Cross was smiling while looking at Thor, proud of his new 'student'.

Amelia: "Th-Thor, I think that you might have over done it with Harry, j-j-just a little..."

Thor turned to Amelia, "We are not in school anymore, We are in a war zone. If you wish to be babied, your in the wrong neighbour hood."

Thor's words were hash but true, they were in a place were the inhabitants didn't even bother to count casualties. This was not a place for the weak hearted. And Thor was also angry at himself for saving that group from the van, he needed to stomp out all unnecessary emotions, only focus on the mission, as his old military instructor used to say.

Cpt Cross: "Alright bitches, enough chat time. You over there, yes you, get into the ring and try not to soil your pants anymore than what you already have please."

A boy who looked like he was about to faint from how pale his face was, walked over to Thor and weakly said.

Wuss: "P-p-please g-go easy o-on me."

Thor just looked at him with disdain and beckoned him to attack, but wuss just stood there in fear though, too scared to move a muscle.

So Thor just walked over to him.

Thor just looked him, watching the fear swirling around in the boys eyes.

Then he punched the boys shoulder lightly, causing his arm to pop out of its socket.

Before the boy even had a chance to scream though, Thor hit his other shoulder and then his neck. Causing the boy too fall to the floor, paralysed and with two dislocated arms. Then Thor bent down and lightly sucker punched him, knocking him unconscious.

Thor: "Next"

Each and every boy walked into that dreaded circle, only to get pounded into the dirt and then healed by some priests on standby. So far, not one boy had been able to so much as scratch Thor.

After Thor had finished breaking one boys nose, it was time for the last victi*cough* Competitor.

It was a rather quiet boy called Jake. Thor remembered that throughout his school days with him the boy was almost invisible. Never standing out during anything.

Thor watched as Jake stepped out and into the circle, he didn't look scared or confident, just apathetic.

He walked into the circle and took a stance that Thor knew well from one of the martial arts he practiced, this one was even one of his favourites.

Thor: "Ninjutsu huh?"

A brief look of surprise appeared on Jake's face, but it disappeared just as quickly as it came.

Jake: "Let us fight."

Thor grinned and took his own stance he gleaned from Muay Thai kickboxing.

Cpt Cross: "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannndd, BEGIN BITCHES!!"

After Cpt Cross's annoyingly extended signal, Jake immediately rushed at Thor, ducking down low as he did. Thor watched him approach with interest. He was starting to like this Jake kid.

Once Jake was almost within striking distance of Thor he jumped up and started to initiate a jumping spin kick, but halfway through the process he immediately dropped his leg and fell tumbling to the earth.

As Thor was calmly bringing up his arm to block the feint he looked at Jake in admiration. It was extremely difficult to execute a feint mid air and then bring yourself to the ground so quickly, it required a lot of practice and skill.


As Jake was tumbling along the ground he suddenly lashed out a leg at Thor's kneecap, Thor responded with a front flip before the blow could hit, as he was level with the ground mid air he brought out an arm and grabbed Jake's outstretched leg and brought him slamming down and onto the earth.

Thor smashed him so hard down into the ground it caused. small cracks to snake out from underneath Jake.

Thor landed with a loud *Thud* and looked down at Jake.

Jake: "*Cough* Why, when I kicked you, you should have just let me hit you *cough* I seriously doubt that it would have harmed you."

Thor looked at Jake it amusement.

Thor: "Where's the fun in that?"

Jack grinned at him, then fainted.

'He's very skilled in the art of ninjutsu, maybe even better than me. But it still looks like he belongs in the shadows, killing his enemies through the art of assassinations' Thor thought while looking at the unconscious Jake.

Two priests walked over and picked him up by the arms and legs, carried him out of the circle and started healing him, then placed him down next to all the other groaning injured boys.

Cpt Cross: "Okay, well that was brutal and nasty Thor, just the way I like it! You get a few brownie points for that. Now girls it's your turn. You there, yes you, no you, I mean her, OH FOR FUCKS SAKE JUST TWO OF YOU GET IN THE GOD DAMN CIRCLE! And you can keep your shirts on, just tuck them in or something."

Akane confidently walked into the circle with a nervous looking girl in tow, once Akane reached her corner she turned around and bowed to her rival, waiting for Cpt Cross to signal the start of the fight.

Cpt Cross: "Start!"

Akane rushed at the girl who was just standing there shivering, once Akane reached her she hit the side of her neck, just hard enough to knock her unconscious, then Akane caught her before she hit the ground and placed her down gently.

'She's quite skilled, hitting that nerve is actually harder than it might look, it requires excellent hand-eye coordination.' Thor thought to himself.

Cpt Cross: "Okay, that was anticlimactic. Next!"

For the rest of the unarmed sparring contest between the girls, Akane dominated. She did however, do it a lot more softly than Thor.

Right now, Thor was leaning against a scarecrow, talking to Jake to pass the time while their 'instructor' was ordering around some servants to grab as many different types of weapons as they could.

Thor: "So how long have you been learning ninjutsu, and why?"

Jake: "I've been learning ninjutsu since the moment I could walk, and I learnt it because I was supposed to be the successor of my families dojo, before I was brought here that is. What about yourself? I saw you use a martial art that I've never seen before, but I felt like it was familiar.

Thor: "I myself have been learning any and all combat techniques since I could crawl, over the years I've developed my own fighting style that incorporates several different martial arts. You probably thought it looked familiar because ninjutsu was one of them."

Jake: "That's interesting, I too have learned 6 different martial arts."

Thor: "That's cute, I've learnt 73 different martial arts, ranging from traditional to hybrid martial arts that have originated from all over the world. Places such as Africa, Asia, America, Oceana and the Middle East. Africa even has some very interesting styles of spear and stick fighting.


Jake: "Holy shit, just how the hell did you manage to do all that in just 16 years!"

Thor: "Umm, well you see I ju-"


Thor was cut off before he could finish his excuse by the sound of captain Cross screaming at them all to gather at the weapon racks. Jake looked at Thor like he wanted to know more, but he didn't end up pressuring him.

They jogged over to where the captain was standing before a huge group of weapon racks that had almost every weapon imaginable.

Cpt Cross: "Okay maggots, and Thor. Take a look at the weapons laid before you, I want you to grab the weapon that you think you would be best suited to, don't grab something that looks cool, think about the practical use of them. Those of you who have a spirit weapon, grab a weapon that is similar to it."

Thor walked over to the weapon racks and started contemplating which weapon he should use.

A spear would be a good idea, but it wastes Thor's strength. A hammer or an axe would put Thor's strength to good use, but it wouldn't let him use the full range of techniques that he had at his disposal. All the halberds they had would snap whenever Thor used his full strength on them, a sword would be great and it would put Thor's speed and technique to good use, but it would also put his strength to waste. A bow just didn't agree with Thor and daggers he refused to even look at.

Shields too would be a waste of his movement because he already had strong enough armour.

Then Thor's eyes rested on two gigantic swords. Their blades were as thick as Thor's biceps and were almost as wide as his torso. The blades were as dark as the night with a streak of crimson red running down the spine of the blade, the ends of the swords blades were also a bit thicker and wider than the rest of the blade, signifying that they could also be used like an axe or a hammer with the weighted ends, but still maintain the versatility of a sword, if the user was strong enough. The handles were quite short for a two handed longsword, which made a new thought dawn upon Thor.

Thor: "Could they be..."

But just then captain Cross walked up beside Thor and looked at the swords.

Cpt Cross: "Ahh, those swords are extremely fine swords indeed. When we found them in the ruins of an old dungeon, when realised that they were made out of an unknown metal that was extremely durable we were ecstatic, but it was incredibly heavy too. It took days to drag them out of the dungeon. And ever since no one has ever taken them, because no-one was strong enough to hold one of them for an extended period of time, let alone use it in battle."

However, just as he finished reminiscing, Thor took a step towards the swords and picked one up in each hand. They felt nice to Thor, they made fantastic use of his overwhelming strength and they were also very versatile. He could feel that they were very heavy, he could at most fight using these for about 2 hours before needing a rest. He guessed they weighed about half a ton each.

'I knew it, these were actually made for dual wield purposes.' Thor thought.

Captain Cross could only watch flabbergasted as Thor started to juggle the colossal swords between his hands, captain Cross himself could only barely lift one of them with both his hands and yet here was one of the more weirder heroes juggling both of them were sticks for Brono's sake! He didn't even know what to think anymore.

Thor watched the instructor wobble off and over to see what the other heroes were doing, so Thor decided he would acquaint himself with the huge swords. He started by doing a simple downward strikes using both of them at the same time in order to get used to the weight. Then he started doing some of the techniques he learned from several martial arts that focus on duel weaponry.

He brought one sword screaming around in an arc at incredible speeds, then using the momentum he spun around and sliced his imaginary opponent with the other sword, but he changed the trajectory of the blade and abruptly brought it swinging down towards the ground, he then jumped into the air before the sword impacted the ground and used it to spin himself around, gaining more and more momentum before he brought the weighted end of both of the swords smashing down and onto the earth, causing a minor earth quake to reverberate throughout the training yard.

At this everyone who was either practicing with their chosen weapon or still choosing one, turned around and stare at Thor in amazement and fear. Harry looked at him in jealously and anger at how easily he was crushed earlier, but quickly quashed these feelings because he knew Thor was just doing as they were ordered.

Jake looked at him in respect, he really did respect Thor's fighting prowess. He was always taught in his clan to respect the strong because they often went through countless tribulations to get to that point.

Akane looked at him in silent amazement with a blush emerging on her face, she quickly turned around and started to train harder than ever before with her practice bow though, trying to get the blush off her face.

Everyone else had either fear or respect on their faces, or both.

Thor paid them no heed though and continued his terrifying dance of death. Slashing, bashing, kicking and punching his imaginary foe. He had learnt the ability to almost create a foe in his mind and then project it into his vision during his earlier days as a martial artist. He was currently fighting an imaginary Vin Diesel, he would have fought the rock, but he hadn't seen him fight that much in the movies he watched.

*A few hours later

*BOOM* With another earthquake inducing strike he finally finished off his famous foe. Thor stood up straight and with a *Thud* stuck his swords in the earth and leaned on them, gasping for breath. He had just trained for 2 hours straight. He wiped the sweat off his brow and thought about how he would also need to practice while wearing his armour soon.

Captain Cross looked at the exhausted Thor and marvelled at what the boy had just accomplished, he had trained for 2 hours straight and didn't slow down his trainings the all as time went on, he might have even gotten faster! All the other students had given up and went for some food and rest a while before Thor finally stopped. Captain Cross then used magic to amplify his voice and yelled out as loud as he could.



I read all of your wonderful comments and saw that a lot of you wanted swords, a lot also didn't want swords, a lot wanted hammers and axes and a lot of you wanted shields and spears.

Then I had an idea while I watched the new episodes of Overlord (you should all watch it, it's amazing!) and I saw Ains owl goawl (I spelt that wrong I know, but you get the idea, it's the Skelton lick main character dude) and I saw him use these two massive great swords, and I was all like BINGO!

Please don't be too mad at me.

And yes, it's time for some magic training!

Tell me in the comments below what magic you want Thor to use, or if you don't want him to use any!

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