《Spartan》Chapter 2: Spartan in school


Hehe, I'm all nervous now that i have to live up to all your expectations.

Also sorry about all the halo references, I love halo. I'll also be sure to put something in the description about halo. Sorry about that halo. My most sincere apologies.

well anyway, please enjoy and give me some constructive criticism!


The tortured existence known as Thor walked out of the desolate research facility, he trudged out of the huge hidden trapdoor that served as an entrance point for aircraft. Once he had walked far enough to see the sky through the dense trees, he sat down. His hospital gown was now drenched completely Crimson from the blood of every living creature in the facility.

After killing the man who was the bane of his existence, Thor proceeded to hack into the facilities main frame. Deleting anything and everything on it, then he took the huge bank account that the board director, or Mr Krim had used for the funding of his research.

This account had an astronomical amount of money on it, this was because of a deal that he had made with the president of America during the time when his research had just started. This was so because they didn't want anyone finding out about what was happening, and if they constantly took out money then people might get suspicious.

So they made the account and told the masses that it was being used in America's emergency services.

The president even took the secret of the research facility to his grave after he left office and died of cancer. This left Thor to do whatever he wanted with the money, as long as he didn't take out any amount that was too large and made people suspicious.

After doing all this, Thor proceeded to walk out the front door. Which brings us back to the present.

Thor watched the clouds slowly crawl their way across the expanse of the blue sky, he watched birds flying through the sky, free as the wind. He listened to the sounds of the animals and other creatures in the surrounding jungle, as he looked and listened to all of this, he said one thing to himself, as if he still wanted to confirm that this wasn't a dream.

"I'm... Finally free."

Despite being 24 years old, he still had the mind of a child. This was an 'unfortunate setback' as the scientists would tell Thor. His mind would mature at the same rate as his body.

He took in a huge breath, tasting the air around him. Marvelling at how good it tasted compared to the stale air in the facility.

He wanted to stay like this forever, he wanted to forget the horrors that happened to him in hell, he wanted to start his life anew.

He wanted to be free.

As he was thinking this, he was looking around the jungle. Which brought his curious gaze to the ground near him, he saw a large ant carrying a huge leaf that was more than 5 times his own size.

He then saw something that inspired him, the struggling ant was missing two of his legs. But that didn't stop the ant, he struggled forward, never looking behind him. As Thor watched the ant with amazement on his face, he saw the brave ant fall over from the weight of the leaf on his few remaining legs.


But he watched as it pulled itself back up, grabbed his oversized load and proceeded forward. The ant struggled forward until he disappeared into the jungle.

Thor, after watching the awe inspiring ant, made his own resolution. Just like the ant that never gave up, despite how hard it became. He would never give up too, no matter the weight that threatened to bring him down. And just like the ant, he would always look forward. His past was behind him, he needed to look forward and proceed vigorously.

Thor sat up, and decided to do the first thing in his list, find food.

As he headed into the jungle, he thought something.

'Wouldn't it be nice, to go to school.'

*Some years later

"Thor, stop spacing out and tell the class the answer to this question."

"Yes Ms Silver."

A youth who looked to be only 16 got up from his desk, and walked over to the teacher with a straight back and even steps. Habits never die.

A few of the other youths in the classroom snickered at his posture, but he paid them no mind. He walked out to the teacher's white board and started to scribble away at it, gradually solving a math question.

Once he finished the reacher nodded at him, signalling him to walk back to his seat. She then started to explain to the class what the youth did.

The youth got back to his desk and sat down, he then started to write down formulas for advanced algebra in his worn out note book.

But his sensitive ears picked up some of the boys behind him whispering to each other.

"Hey, if you hit Thor in the back of head with this rubber, I'll give you 5 bucks."

"Easy peasy."

Then the classmate waited until the teacher had turned around, then he hurled the rubber straight at the back of Thor's head.

But to the astonishment of the boy, and everyone else in the class that had been watching the ordeal, Thor brought up a hand and caught the rubber just before it was about to impact into the back of his head.

And he did this without even looking up from his book, or without stopping his writing. He then amazed his classmates once again when he threw the rubber straight into the tiny waste bin that was in the other side of the room, hidden from view by everyone's desks.

"Wow, did you see that!"

"Holy crap, I thought that only happened in movies."

"Thor did it again."

Yes this was Thor, the Spartan super soldier.

After living closer with nature in the Amazon jungle for a while, his urge to experience high school life got the better of him. He had heard of high school from the scientists who would experiment on him.

So he waited a few years until he looked old enough to enrol in a high school. He then went to one of the big cities and tried to get enrolled.

But the outcome of his attempt left much to be desired. When he reached the city he started getting extremely nervous and fidgety. He didn't know why so he proceeded further into the city.

His symptoms kept getting worse and worse though, until they reached a breaking point.

He was in the middle of crossing a huge road, surrounded by hundreds of people. When he suddenly had a panic attack.


In his fragile mind everyone was shrouded in darkness, but when the darkness receded everyone was dressed in surgical attire, lab coats and anti-radiation suits. Then they all turned to him and said one thing simultaneously.

"It's time for a quick check up, Thor."

Then they all took one step towards him, the darkness that shrouded them inching closer and closer to Thor who had been reduced to a quivering mess.

Then Thor snapped.

He doesn't remember what happened, but when he woke up he was back in the Amazon rainforest.

Thor, understanding that he had a panic attack. Decided that he would need to get over his fear of humanity. So he went from city to city, all over the world. Slowly getting the upper hand on his fears.

But he never truly conquered them, he still had horrifying nightmares of the night his parents were brutally murdered in-front of him, or the hundreds of days when he was forced to watch his own stomach get slit open right in-front of his eyes.

He had eventually conquered it enough to enrol in another high school though. Which brought Thor to were he is now.

He had shoulder length dark Crimson hair, it was so dark that it could almost be classified as black. His dark green eyes hidden beneath his locks, he had a face that you couldn't call ugly, but not quite handsome. Also hidden under his baggy clothes was a toned body that was made for power, muscles rippling all over his body, he even had 8 pack abs and biceps that were thicker than most boys his age's thighs. And he had a domineering height of 6.5 feet, he was also still growing, he suspected that he would eventually reach 7 feet.


A loud bell sounded, telling the hungry students that it was lunch time.

Unlike most schools, in this school it was more popular to eat in the classroom. So the students grabbed their lunch and walked back into the classroom, forming into their friendship circles.

Thor himself didn't have a friendship circle, he guessed that it was because everyone felt too intimidated to approach him. This partly made him disappointed, and partly relieved. Thor wasn't very good with people.

He gazed across the classroom, eating his lunch until his eyes landed on the circle that was known in his school as the 'famous 5."

It consisted of a boy called Harry White, who was a good looking guy with a nice personality. The girls of the school think that he's really 'cute' with his extremely strong sense of justice that seems to cloud over everything else in his mind.

A girl called Amelia Jones, she was a pretty girl with a kind personality, her chest was relatively small and so was her height. The boys adore her because apparently she has a natural aura that makes you want to look after her. She was the child-hood friend of Harry White.

Another girl called Mia Grove, she was a natural loli that looked like she shouldn't be in high school for a few more years at the least. She was also the smartest person in their year, and maybe even the school. She's heralded as the genius of their generation

The other boy of the group was Lucas Hall, he was an average looking guy but he was the student council president. He's loved by all because he's a natural born leader of the masses. He has this aura of authority around him.

The final girl of the group is called Akane Violet, she's of Asian descent and is a natural beauty with an hourglass like body that has all the curves in all the right places. Her chest is big, but not too big. The same goes for her butt. She's loved by everyone and is a sporting champion, she's won kendo tournaments in even nationals. The girls of the school call her 'big sis.' She's also known for her unforgiving personality.

After watching everyone having fun and talking to all of their friends, Thor started feeling tired. Thor normally didn't need sleep for weeks on end but he had been staying awake for several weeks practicing his martial arts. Thor had been feeling old memories surfacing again, so he practiced his fighting skills.

Martial arts was probably the only thing that kept Thor sane during his times as a lab rat. He loves martial arts, he's practiced them all, may it be kendo, teakwondo, Muay Thai kickboxing, karate, judo and many others. When Thor is practicing it's like his mind goes off into another world, a world without pain, without his dreadful memories.

It's his own little paradise.

While Thor was thinking about what martial arts to practice when he got home, he slowly fell into sleep's embrace.

Akane, listening to Harry tell everyone a story about the time he went on a school trip and got lost, turned away from his funny story and saw Thor slumped over his desk, breathing steadily.

Akane never understood Thor, he was always alone. It was like he had his own barrier of emotions that kept everyone from socialising with him, well that and his huge height, Akane thought.

She got up and walked over to his desk and looked down at him, his face was currently covered with his unkempt hair, but she could see his back rise and fall in a rhythm.

She reached down and tried to gently shake him awake, which didn't do anything.

'Aurgh, this guy sleeps like a rock. So freakin lazy, I should kick him outta the class room.'

She shook harder, and harder and then harder! Until finally Thor's eyes shot open.

He sat up in surprise, causing Akane he nimbly dodge out of the way.

She looked at him and was about to say class is about to start when she saw his eyes.

They were wide open and had a wild look to them. She new what she saw in his eyes, she had seen it several times on people before a kendo tournament.

It was fear.

She saw him look down at his desk and then curse under his breath. She followed his gaze down at his desk and her eyes widened in surprise.

Their desks were made out of dense steel, and he had crushed a deep handprint into it with just one hand.


Hehe, I hope I didn't do too badly.

Just out of curiosity, could you comment below which girl out of the famous 5 you would want our super-soldier to have a bit of romance with? Btw, no gay love. (I've got nothing against gays but my mc will not be one)

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