《Spartan》The Spartan


Underneath the centre of the Amazon rainforest, a top-secret research facility was going into lockdown. Deafening alarm bells rang through the underground facility, signifying that something bad was happening.

A tall but rather skinny man with a trimmed moustache and thinning hair was sitting inside a nicely decorated room, made to look as homely as possible, complete with a warm fireplace. However, this man was not relaxing.

He tapped away at a large laptop at almost inhuman speeds, with an extremely angry look on his wrinkled aged face.

"Shit! Why is this happening to me now!"

He continued to swear at his screen like it was its fault, as he tapped way several warning pop ups appeared on his screen.






"Fuck, get the hell outta my way you fucking pop ups!"

The mans face was glistening with sweat and his eyes had a crazed glint to them. Then his eyes widened in sudden horror as he realised what was happening.

"Dear god, he's headed straight for my office."

The man then closed his laptop with a snap and grabbed the handgun he kept under his desk for emergencies, if this wasn't an emergency then he didn't know what was.

Just as he stepped away from his desk though, the door to his office was blown off its hinges with a loud *snap*.

From the wreckage walked out a youth that could only be 12 years old at the most, he was dressed in a hospital gown that had been splattered crimson with blood. His green eyes locked onto the old man and a smile blossomed on his face. But this smile didn't look friendly, with the large patches of blood that covered his face the youth looked like someone out of a horror film.

From behind the youth the man could see several bodies of his best guards and scientists spread along the hallway, their bodies mangled beyond repair.


"Th-Thor, p-p-please think this th-through."

The youth looked at the mans pathetic attempt to plead for his life, which caused his face to grimace into an angry look, like the devil himself had stepped in dog shit.

"Oh don't worry Mr Krim, I've thought this through. I mean, I had all that time while your pet monkeys stuck me with syringes and pumped me full of shit!"

Once the man realised that bargaining wasn't going to do jack-shit he pulled out the hand he was hiding behind his back, as he brought out the handgun the youths eyes narrowed and he started lower himself into a low crouch.

The man yelled at the youth, bits of spittle flying out his mouth in every direction.


He swung the gun around and trained it on the youth with a smile on his face.

The youth launched himself at the man as soon as he aimed the deadly weapon at him, his bare feet causing cracks in the ground with every step, trying to reach the man who was 6 metres away.


Three projectiles were fired out of the gun, ripping through the air straight for the youth. However, just before the man fired the youth jumped with a powerful leap that cracked the wooden floor boards, he shot forward like an arrow in a spinning motion, dodging the bullets my mere centimetres.

As he made it past the bullets and reached the man, he stretched out his hands and executed a spear tackle on the man.

They rolled along the floor until they hit the mans desk, or more accurately, the back of the mans head hit the desk. The mans vision went blurry as he looked into the face of the youth.

Then he looked on in despair as the youth raised the handgun that he snatched from the mans hand and pressed it against the mans forehead.

The last words the scared man ever heard rang through his head.

"Die you sadist."


He felt his life flash before his eyes as he heard he boys words.

He was a genius scientist, like the world had never seen before.

When he graduated university, he went on the make hundreds of breakthroughs in the field of genetic science. His brilliant work had eventually brought the interest of the president of America.

The president, feeling that the other countries would soon be making their own breakthroughs in the world of military hardware. Gave the brilliant scientist one job, one objective.

To create the ultimate super soldier. The scientist agreed and started working, he wanted to make a man that was stronger, faster and smarter than any other man on earth.

After some time he managed to make a breakthrough, he found a method that would make a mans muscles, bones and ligaments (among other parts) several times stronger than the average human. He quickly tried to put this into practice on a few willing test subjects.

But he ran into a problem, no matter what he did, they all died.

He found that their very dna was harshly rejecting the treatments. He quickly went into despair once he found out that the correct dna pattern he needed just simply didn't exist anywhere on earth, nor could he artificially create one.

He soon became desperate, he needed to finish what he started. He felt that if he didn't, it would be like denying his very own existence.

Just as he was about to give up a few years later, he found that child. He instructed his men to go through every single birth and medical checkup ever, he thought that maybe, just maybe. He might found someone.

And he was right, he found him. He was a five year old boy who had his precious dna pattern, in his crazed state he sent hitmen to the boy's family to abduct him. The hitmen did as they were instructed, they killed his entire family and kidnapped the traumatised boy.

Then the mad scientist sent the young boy through hundreds of mind-bogglingly painful treatments while he was conscious, because if the boy was unconscious then his cells might reject the treatment, and the scientist couldn't take that chance.

This boy was very almost certainly the only one of his kind on earth, so the scientist treasured him greatly.

The boy also went through other treatments to make sure he didn't go mad.

The result was even better than what the scientist hoped for, after almost 19 years of treatment the boy was strong enough to lift a 2 ton car and throw it half a kilometre, run at twice the speed of Usain Bolt and was a genius martial artist of the highest level.

He also got an increased regeneration of his cells from the treatment which caused him to age much slower, so once he was 25 he still had the appearance of a muscular 13 year old.

For his accomplishment he named the boy Thor, after the Norse god of thunder and lightning. And his last name would be Spartan, after the name of the project he was forced to be apart of.

he then was about to make the test subject go through the last treatment, which would make him into a mindless warrior that would only follow his command, this procedure had to be last otherwise it could influence the other treatments in a bad direction.

But he let his guard down, a naive mistake which cost him his life. Thor went crazy and killed everyone around him the second he was let out of his confinement.

Then slaughtering everything in his path until he reached the scientist who was scared shitless in his office. Which brings us back to the present.

The youth sat their with his gun against the mans forehead, then he grinned.

The scientist heard a loud *BANG* then his world went dark.

The last thing he ever saw was the number tag on the youths chest.


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