《Violet: Overpowered Magic Goo》OMG 15


“I apologize for that unsightly scene,” Gort said, bowing his head to me.

I didn’t know why everyone in this world kept bowing but it made me feel pretty awkward, especially when I wasn’t really offended by… anything.

It was weird. I took everything in stride; I wondered why this was the case at first and eventually just concluded that it was because of a lack of hormonal influence in my thought process. Well, that just meant I could think clearer and enjoy my new life to its fullest.

“No, no— there’s no need to apologize.” I bounced up and down, showing the Goblin Chieftain that I was completely fine. “Actually, I’m more worried about you guys, you know?”

He offered me a placating smile, but I could see some exhaustion and uncertainty seeping through the creases on his face. “We’ll be… fine. There would be trouble. A few soldiers from Fort Erkaed will come knocking around, but I’ll be able to deal with them.”

“How will you do that?” I asked dubiously. “You’re barely Level 10.”

“Sometimes, Violet, violence is not the answer,” he said, shaking his head. “There are other solutions aside from death and murder; dialogue can solve many problems which would otherwise lead to said outcomes. That is how we Goblins have always survived.”

I wasn’t sure how much I agreed with that. Everytime I tried to talk things through, the situation would escalate and devolve into chaos. It wasn’t my fault I was a talking Slime monster!

“You need not worry yourself about our problems.” Gort leaned on his cane as he got to his feet. “Although, part of me is glad we had this conversation.”

“You wanted to… see Fissyah and Szen get into a fight?”

“The Gremlin I mentioned, Oblec, may still be alive. I ventured into the Karhid Caves over a decade ago, searching for him, hoping to apologize for not defending him when he was exiled. But I got lost— I nearly died. And he saved me.”

I watched as the Goblin Chieftain hung his head and inhaled deeply.

“I do not know what happened after. My memory is hazy as I was barely conscious at the time. All I remember is that Oblec fought through hordes and hordes of monsters to bring me back to Korukh. That his arcane magic was truly a sight to behold.”

A melancholic— almost regretful— expression passed through Gort’s face before he covered it with a hand. He hobbled to the doorway, facing me one last time.

“If, somehow, you find him, you can ask him to help you master the arcane arts. And… maybe tell him that I’m sorry.”

With that said, I was left alone in the room.

I watched Gort leave. That was a lot of things to take in at once— finding Oblec would be high on my priority list, but something else bothered me. It was about Fissyah, Korukh, and the consequences of what happened at Fort Erkaed.

While things could supposedly be resolved with mere dialogue, I could tell that Gort was trying to appease me as much as he wanted to believe his own words; he didn’t want to bother an outsider with the troubles of his village any more than necessary.

But I liked Fissyah, and the Goblins of Korukh were the first group of people in this world who were nice to me. If there was even a chance of things going awry, then I was going to step in and do something about it. Only problem was that my intervention might cause even more issues to pop up.


Dialogue, huh? I considered Gort’s suggestion— then I thought about Fissyah and her father. There could be the potential to kill two birds with one stone here; I just had to get the girl to agree to this plan.

* * *


Fissyah knew what she wanted, but her Papa didn’t approve of it. There were two evolutions she could undergo, and one was clearly better than the other. Becoming a Gremlin would not only raise her Combat Power by 100, it would also give a static net increase to her Combat Power for each level advanced.

This was all thanks to Arcane Essence. Magic, but from within. Not supplied by Drasel. And that would make Fissyah a monster.

She didn’t get it— why would that make you a monster? As a child, she’d questioned it as well, but even asking about it would raise a few brows. It was simply ingrained in everyone’s mind: embracing Arcane Essence into one’s life would be heading down the path of evil.

But, for the girl, it would also make her stronger. She raised a hand and breathed life into her palm. Fire. No larger than a candle flame. It was still new to her— [Basic Fire Magic]. And yet, she eyed it with hope, because it prefigured what she could become.

No longer would she have to rely on others to suffer for her own shortcomings. She’d never lose anyone ever again because she was weak and had to be protected, even if it meant becoming a monster.

Mama, I… her thoughts trailed.

Sitting beneath the cap of a giant mushroom just outside of Korukh, Fissyah made her decision. She resolved herself, her mind focusing on the option

Goblin -> Gremlin

A Gremlin is a Goblin that has strayed into the path of the unknown by learning the arcane. You have unlocked a power that is not readily available to those who are not considered monsters, and by choosing this path, you risk making yourself a pariah to your kind.

- 100 Arcane Essence gained!

- For each new level advanced, Arcane Essence +10!

- Skill [Lesser Appraisal] gained!

- Passive Skill [Arcane Restoration] gained!

Do you wish to evolve into a Gremlin?

Y— she started, but was promptly cut off by a cheerful voice.

“Aha! Found you!” Violet bounced into the girl’s lap, her jelly-like body jiggling for a moment before settling down. “So, this is where you ran off to. Your father’s worried sick, you know?”

“Papa can worry all he wants,” Fissyah said, crossing her arms. “But I’m going to become a Gremlin.”

She was expecting the Slime to protest— probably say something along the lines of, “You should really listen to your elders,” or even say, “They know what’s best for you,” but much to her surprise, Violet just nodded.

“Good, that’s exactly what I wanted to hear!”

“Uh, what?” Fissyah blinked. “You’re not going to stop me?”

“I mean, I can’t really stop you if that’s what you want— and becoming a Gremlin is what you want, right?” Violet peered at her, and she bit her lower lip.


“Even if it means you have to leave Korukh and abandon everything you’ve known until now?”

That made the girl hesitate for a moment. But it was only a single moment. She had already made her decision earlier. With her determination clear on her face, she placed Slime down and stood tall.

“I will do whatever it takes to become stronger.”


Violet beamed. “Great! Because between the Dark Elves and Korukh and your troubles, I have a plan that’ll ensure everyone comes out… mostly happy. And you have, uhm, a major role in it.”

“I do?” That intrigued Fissyah. Someone was finally relying on her. It made her happy.

After hearing about the plan, she changed her mind. Her cheeks took on a crimson shade as she backed up to the giant mushroom stalk.

“Must I seriously do that? Can’t it be less… embarrassing?” She buried her face in her hands.

“Didn’t you say you’re willing to do whatever it takes?” Violet said, wagging an appendage. “You’re going back on your word, Fissyah. Are you really sure you want to do this and you’re not just a rebellious teenager who does the opposite of what her father tells her to do?”

Fissyah closed her eyes and straightened. “I’m sure.”

“Alright, now that that’s settled, we just have to wait for those jerk Dark Elves to show up...” The Slime turned around and slowly slid back to Korukh. Then she paused and glanced back at the girl. “And don’t you forget the most important part of this plan, m’kay?”

It was the hardest part but—

“...I won’t.”

The decision had already been made from the very start.

* * *

It took a day, but soldiers from Fort Erkaed eventually did show up as predicted. They were led by a familiar Dark Elf, Phigilvel. I already knew his level and that I could easily take him on in a fight, but as Gort said, sometimes you needed to find a solution that didn’t involve killing everyone to solve a problem.

A dozen Draken rode into Korukh— around twenty Dark Elves in total. They stopped right in the center of the village, making an announcement for all to see and hear.

“A day ago, Fort Erkaed was assailed by a Goblin and a Slime,” Phigilvel said, reading from a scroll. The gathered Goblins stirred with worry, and he continued. “Captain Rioke is dead, and the former Second Lieutenant Aisha has taken his place. She has ordered me, as the new Second Lieutenant, to find the culprits responsible for what transpired. If any of you has seen a young Goblin, roughly five years of age, or an intelligent purple-colored Slime that is capable of speech, we ask that you speak up immediately.”

I peeked out of a window in Gort’s hut as a susurration ran through the crowd. The Goblin Chieftain himself stepped forward, hoping to placate Phigilvel.

“Our village is small, Sir. We lack in numbers where other of our kin flourish. There is no one in Korukh who meets your description.”

Phigilvel’s eyes narrowed. “No one, you say?” He hopped off his Draken and stared down at Gort. “Somehow, I do not believe this claim of yours, old man.”


“Search them,” the Dark Elf said, waving a hand at his men and they obeyed. He folded his arms across his chest as he stood there. “Do not worry, Chieftain. We are under explicit orders not to harm any of you Goblins unnecessarily. But I will turn this village upside down if it’s what it takes to find the two who killed our Captain.”

Gort was unable to stop them. I watched as the Dark Elf soldiers shoved their way through the crowd of Goblins. They barked orders, bringing any young Goblin they could find to Phigilvel. The Second Lieutenant shook his head each time, dismissing them back to their families.

“Too old. She was a girl, not a boy. Nope, too old again. That is a toddler, Feven, you idiotic reprobate.”

“But you said they were all too old…”

This continued for a while, until, eventually, Fissyah was ripped from the crowd.

“Wait, I—”

“Stop, that’s my daughter!” Szen cried out but was kept back by a pair of soldiers.

Phigilvel cocked a brow. “You… you’re her, aren’t you?” He inspected her hand, eyes flickering in recognition. “These injuries—”

“Please,” Fissyah said, cutting him off. She dropped to her knees and slammed her eyes shut. “It’s not my fault. I was…”

I waited as she steeled herself with a deep breath.

“I was under the control of that evil Slime! I couldn’t resist it! It possessed me! It controlled my body against my will!”

“What are you talking about?” Phigilvel frowned, and Fissyah slapped his arm away.

“Oh no,” she said, voice monotone. She twirled back, dancing awkwardly towards where I waited. “It’s doing it to me right now!”

The Dark Elf soldiers were too confused about what was going on to even stop her. They exchanged quizzical glances as she came to a halt. She swept one foot back, bringing an arm forward as she bowed just before the Goblin Chieftain’s hut.

“Mwahahaha! You’ve found me out, you heroic Dark Elves.” I leapt out of the doorway, landing right before the girl. Everyone gasped as I spread my appendages wide, cackling maniacally like a villain. “That is right! I am the evil Slime who infiltrated this village! With my magical powers, I have corrupted this girl and turned her into my minion, and now, I shall do the same to the rest of you!”

Fissyah flushed as I gave her the signal. It took her a moment, but she eventually followed up on the cue. Placing a hand on her forehead, she fell to the ground and said, “T-the corruption. Oh no. I can feel it taking over me. I can’t feel my… urk!”

That last part was genuine, I could tell. Her body shifted as she finally accepted her evolution. The watching Goblins backed away as they saw how her skin changed in color, losing the green pigment and turning from a dark green tint to just a dark shade. Her ears grew longer— pointed even, although shorter than Dark Elf ears.

Szen’s eyes grew wide as the Hobgoblin, Dyrx, backed up in horror.

“She’s becoming a Gremlin!” someone said.

“That Slime is turning her into a monster!” another screamed.

The Goblins of the village hid behind the Dark Elf soldiers, relying on them for their protection for the first time since I came here.

“You fiend!” Phigilvel shouted, grabbing the hilt of his sword. “You’re—”

“Oh, hey Phigilvel!” I waved at him. “How’s Cibsacu doing?”

“He’s doing fine— he was actually promoted to First Lie… wait why am I talking to you?” He drew his blade. “Kill that Slime!”

I turned to Fissyah, nodding at her as she writhed on the ground. Her evolution wasn’t complete just yet.

“I’ll distract them,” I said, and she barely raised her head in response. “Now it’s all on you to finish the plan.”

She closed her eyes and fully embraced her evolution as I charged the Dark Elves.

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