《Whispers of A Dead Empire》Chapter 121



I waited to hear the door closing before I opened my eyes and sat up. The surrounding sheets were a ruffled mess, and mother's scent was heavy on the air. I covered my mouth as a yawn escaped from my lips.

But just as the strength to do anything came, it melted away, and I flung myself back onto the bed. I was far too aware of the grin that had taken residence on my face as I stretched out as much as possible and claimed the bed for my own. Yes, this was all mine now. I rolled around for some time, basking in the sheer size of the bed. Big was good.

After a while, I grew bored with claiming the bed as my own and sat up once more. My mind wandered back to the scene that I saw between mother and Alessia. The way they interacted with each other was different, but it made sense. I've seen the gazes that Ms. Alessia would give her, and at first I thought it was weird. But my mother said little about it.

I crossed my arms and thought about it, but the right word didn't come. I needed more information on the matter. Perhaps Mr. Kharon would know more. Yes, he would; why wouldn't he? I would need to find him immediately. With my mind made up, I jumped off the bed and quickly smoothed out my dress. Otherwise, mother would throw a fit.

I skipped to the door and pushed it open, revealing a dark hallway. Motes of dusk caught the faint rays of light that radiated from the guest room and danced ever so softly on the nonexistent wind. The walls, though I've seen them dozens of times, I could pick out each slight cut and every tiny ridge. I sniffed a few times to lock onto mothers scent to see what direction she went. It differed from anyone else here. It was lively, with just a hint of flowers. Much like the place that we went to earlier in the day.

Once I was happy, I looked around, and my eyes fell on the two guards that stood by the door. The ones that stood as still as statues and didn't really react too much. But they were an obstacle to cross. Mother said I had to beat them to prove that I could take care of myself, and I would no matter what it took. I told her I would beat death one day, and I meant it.

"I'm going to go find Mr. Kharon. I require his assistance on some matters." Without looking at the two, I walked down the hallway, trying to discern the scent of my teacher.

It wasn't easy; with the hundreds of unique smells that filled the air, picking out one was difficult. But I kept walking, following just behind my mother's trail. Until finally, I picked it up. It was faint and smelled like dried bone, with a touch of cloth, but what really set it apart was the small splash of stagnant water that seemed to permeate it.

I skipped down the hall, humming a tune. I didn't quite know what it meant, but mother seemed to hum it often enough, which meant that it was good enough for me. Now, where is Mr. Kharon at? I paused at an intersection and gave another tentative sniff, trying to discern his scent once more. Here, it seemed a little more pungent.


My head whipped to the left as I locked onto the scent, and I followed down the hall. A few of mother's soldiers were here and were gazing at each other, no doubt locked in conversation. For the most part, I was left in the dark on what they were saying, but Kharon taught me a few key things when it came to what the undead was saying. For example, a quick chatter of the jaw in roughy quarter-second intervals conveyed slight annoyance. But a chitter at half-second intervals was amusing. It was complicated, but I forced myself to learn it. I enjoyed the experience of learning; it made me feel strong. I wanted to be the strongest dragon there ever was, and I won't let anyone stand in the way.

I skipped further down the hall until I came to the path that led to the classroom. Mother's scent here was faint, which told me she hadn't been down there in a little while. Perhaps she and Miss Alessia went outside. Good, maybe I could get back to the guest room before she returned. I shrugged, knowing that if Mother caught me out, she might be angry, but I had questions I needed answered before I saw her again.

I glided down the hall and towards the enormous double doors of the classroom. Without a second thought, I reached out and pressed the doors open. At first, they resisted me, but I kept on pushing. The dull sound of metal scraping against itself filled the room and reverberated in my ears. It was a heavy door, but that was okay. It wouldn't stop me.

Once I finished opening it, I stood triumphantly in the middle of the classroom. It was entirely empty for the first time since I've been here. Save my teacher, who was sitting on a chair, reading a book. His flowing black cloak was utterly flawless and without a single wrinkle and drank in all the light that touched it. His hood was down, revealing his bones. On them I could see dozens of small cuts and imperfections that lined them, and with each day, it seemed like a new one was added.

"Hello, Mr. Kharon!" I called out as I rushed into the room. Excitement coursed through my veins as I crossed the room and clambered onto the desk near the front.

"Oh, hello there, little dragon. I didn't expect to see you again so soon." His words were steady and didn't roll the same way everyone else did. But I could hear a faint sense of surprise based solely on how his jaw moved.

"I had some questions that I needed answered, but I wanted to do it in private." I settled into my chair and eyed the two guards that flowed into the room. They were utterly silent, and the only way I knew they were there sometimes was based on their clothing.

"Is that so? If your mother discovered that you ran off at a time like this, she would be furious with you." He reached out, took a thin piece of paper, placed it on the book he was reading, and closed it. His red eyes flickered softly, and his jaw chittered in amusement.

"I know, but I should be back in bed before she returns. She went out with Alessia not too long ago. She said something about running errands, so I figured I had some time." I stretched out across the desk and yawned slightly.


"You are a troublesome child." He clicked his jaws together and set the book to the side. "So, what is it you want to know?"

I felt a grin cross my face as I set my chin down on the cool wooden desk. He often called me trouble, but I knew he didn't mean it. After all, I'm a dragon, which means I'm perfect. "Mr. Kharon, what is mother and miss Alessia's relationship? Mother started acting strange when she woke up, and I've never seen her like that."

"Did you bother to ask her?" He crossed his arms slightly and regarded me slightly. The flames in his eyes gently burned this time, much like a freshly lit candle.

"No. She hasn't told me. But I'm trying to understand. I saw them do something strange with their lips, and it didn't make sense. In all the time that I've known mother, I've only seen her do something like that with miss Alessia." I felt the muscles on my face scrunch up a little as I tried to figure out what it meant. Clearly, mother cares about Alessia, but in a way that differs from everyone. Just like how she cared about me. I felt a strange feeling coil in my chest, and I wasn't sure how to feel until I heard Mr. Kharon chuckle.

"Ah, is that jealousy that I hear? He asked as he leaned forward.

As he said that, the name and the emotion clicked together, but I wasn't sure why I was feeling it. "I think so, but I don't know why." I was struggling to put it together, or at least understand why.

"Is it because you are perhaps threatened by Alessia?" Though his voice was as monotonous as ever, I could tell that he was trying to coax me into the right path. Something he often did during class when I was struggling with something.

"No, never. I adore Miss Alessia." But I really thought about it as I tried to put the words together. "I.. think I feel jealous because I want all of my mother's love. The thought of sharing just feels.. strange."

"There is nothing wrong with that. Due to how busy the mistress is, you don't get to spend as much time with her as you like, so you feel left out." He nodded his head slightly as he softly mashed his jaw together.

"Exactly!" I was finally happy that I figured out a portion of what I felt. I wasn't jealous because of Miss Alessia. It simply bothered me because mother doesn't spend as much time with me as she should. Perhaps I should have a discussion with her about this when she returns. But I still had more questions. "But why does mother treat her like that? I've never seen her do that with someone else."

"That.." He trailed off for a moment, and his eyes seemed to shimmer for a split second before he continued. "Is something that you need to discuss with the mistress. However, it's nothing to worry about."

That answer was rather annoying. I huffed at him as I sat up and crossed my arms. "But Kharon, I want to know."

"Sometimes, little dragon, you need to be patient. Let them figure out what they are first, then when your mother is ready, she will tell you. If you rush it, it could lead to some problems down the road."

I hated that he was right. He often told me that mother was impulsive and wasn't patient at times, and it usually led to paying for it later on. It was something that I still struggled with since when I wanted stuff, I wanted it then, not later. But I couldn't deny the pleasure I felt about finally getting it. "Fine." I relented, for now at least. But I still couldn't deny the curiosity that burned within me. "Also, I have another question for you. When mother and I went out earlier today, she mentioned something about death and how it comes for us all. Is there a way to stop it?"

"Many have tried, many beings far more powerful than your mother and me. But death always claims what it is due." He adjusted himself slightly in his seat.

The thought of something taking my mother from me made me angry. So very angry. She was my mother, and I refused to let anything have her. "But there has to be a way. What if I get stronger? Could I fight death?"

He chuckled once more and sat forward. "Years ago, the mistress fought death to wrestle control of the souls of her people. Because she did that. We live once more, but you need to realize that to deny death is unnatural, just as it is unnatural to bring death earlier than it is intended. To live, there needs to be balance, and that balance happens to be death."

I listened to his story, fully enthralled. I always knew that my mother was strong, but hearing it reaffirmed that thought. It made me proud. "I think I understand. But it still doesn't make me happy. I don't like feeling powerless."

"We all feel powerless at some point in our lives, and there is no shame in that. It's what we do about it, that matters the most."

I nodded my head in agreement. Good, I was glad that I came to Mr. Kharon for help. He was wise indeed. I got out of my desk and walked over to him. A Lot of what was troubling me had vanished, but it still left me with all kinds of thoughts that still needed answers, but those had to wait. I needed to get back to the guest suite now.

I threw my arms around him and pulled him into a hug. "Thank you so much! Oh, before I go, I have one last question. Mother often refers to you as a grandfather. Are you really her grandfather?"

"Perhaps I am little dragon, perhaps I am." He gave me a soft chuckle, and one of his eyes flickered as if he just winked at me, leaving me with another question that I sadly didn't have time for.

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