《Whispers of A Dead Empire》Chapter 116


I kept walking down the path, following Nyx's sounds. I was lost entirely in my own thoughts at the moment. Pondering on what this all meant. I killed a man yesterday, and I was heartless about it, but why couldn't I bring myself to care more? It's because they threatened Alessia. Why should I spare any extra thought for them? But I was still conflicted nonetheless. Was this my path? Was this path laid out for me because of the desire of others? I didn't know. I needed to figure this out.

"Mother!" Nyx's voice tore through the underbrush as she burst through like a bullet. In her jaw were many flowers. Some looked like a type of orchids, while others were utterly alien to me. "What are these?" The flowers that were packed into her mouth muffled her words a bit. Her draconic face was alight with joy, and she was covered in grime and dead leaves.

"These are flowers. Though as to their names, I can't tell you." She bounded in front of me, dropped the bundle, and sat back on her haunches.

"They are so pretty. Why is nothing colorful further in?" She tilted her head slightly and regarded me with a soft gaze.

"Because everything further is in a different stage. Here, everything is in full bloom and full of life." I squatted down and reached out to take a flower that had caught my eye. Its outer petals were snow white and enshrined an inner set of violet petals. I brought it to my nose and gave it a soft sniff, enjoying the floral scent.

Nyx, watching what I was doing, attempted the same, though it looked like a struggle in her current form. So instead, she transformed back into a human. Her scales melted away like ice on a hot summer day, and her wings were pulled back into her body. Her snout shrunk in size as it formed back into a human face, albeit one covered in dirt and grime.

She reached out towards one flower with a now human hand and copied me, trying to get a scent on the flower, only for her to almost inhale it. She coughed violently as she tore the flower away from her face. I laughed so hard I almost snorted as I watched her struggle. "No Nyx, like this." I brought the small flower back to my face and sniffed it softly once more.

She looked at the flower quizzically before attempting to sniff it once more. This time it was with better results than before. Her face lit up slightly, and a dopey grin crossed her face. "These smell good. Can we keep them?"


"You can, yes, but you need to give them water. However, they won't be like this forever." I stood up and walked over to her, brushed her hair back, and tucked the flower that I was holding in right next to her ear.

"But why?" She asked, and she pouted once more. Her hand, in the process, reached upwards to touch what I had just recently placed.

"Because with all things, they will eventually die." I gave her a soft pat on the head before I stood up.

"What does that mean?" Her hand lingered on the flower, and her gaze seemed distant, like she was trying to put together a puzzle in her mind.

"Well, death is the opposite of life. These flowers here are all alive, but they will wither away and die in a day or maybe even weeks if you are lucky. They will cease to exist as they are, making room for something else to take their place." I struggled to explain to her the meaning of life and death since I wasn't sure how to explain it in a non-technical point to her.

"Does that mean one day you will die too?"

Her words struck a strange chord with me. My death wasn't something that I thought about. "Well, nothing ever truly escapes death. So yes, one day, but not for a very long time." But I also knew that I had quite a while left in me. But lying to her and telling her that the day would never come felt wrong. Death is always there, waiting for us. To say otherwise was foolish.

"No!" She rushed forward and wrapped her arms around my waist. "I won't let you die."

I was touched by how she felt. I truly was. "There, there, Nyx. You won't have to worry about it for quite a while." I reached down and gently patted her shoulder.

"No. I won't let anything take you away from me. I don't care who or what it is. I'll fight death even if I have to." Her words were muffled as she spoke into my stomach, but her conveyed threat was as clear as day.

I chuckled as I ran my fingers through her hair and held her close to me. "Do you want to know another secret?"

She pulled her head away from my stomach. Her emerald eyes were a little puffy and slightly bloodshot. "What is it, mother?"

"In this place, death can claim nothing unless I allow it. In here, I am stronger than death." As I spoke to her, she looked up at me in awe. The awe of a child who sees their parents as a flawless hero. Oh, I wish it could stay like that forever. I dread the day that she realizes that I'm not infallible.


Her sorrow drained from her face, and a smile covered the sadness that had taken residence on her face. "Come on, mother, let's go further in. I want to keep exploring!" She stepped back and took my hand in hers. Our last conversation was overwhelmed by her excitement to see more of the place she called home. Though if I knew her well enough, the conversation wasn't done. It was just put on the back burner until she figured out how to approach it again. But that was a topic for another day. For now, I just wanted to spend some time with her.

"Mother, look! That is much bigger than our bath!" She slipped her fingers out of mine and bounded towards the lake. There were a few fireplaces scattered around the shore and abandoned equipment. It really marred the beauty here, but I held my rage back at that. They were like a plague that destroyed everything they touched.

"That's a lake. It's one of my favorite spots here, though I can't visit it often." I explained to her as we walked down the shoreline. I kicked aside some of the equipment left there, thoroughly annoyed by its presence. I would have to consume it in my spare time.

"It's so pretty." She giggled as she ran ahead and played in the sand, further sullying her clothing. Her raven hair, now filled with sand, and her face covered in dirt. Her violet dress was crusted with water-laden sand, but none of that seemed to matter to her. She was as happy as could be. Her happiness acted as a counterbalance to the depression that lingered in the corners of my mind. Honestly, I was still sad, but doing this with her was enough to hold it at bay. For now, I'll just do my best to enjoy it.

A few hours later:

Nyx and I were walking down the road together. Her hair was still slightly damp from the time we spent in the water, and now she was thankfully clean. It seemed a lot of her energy was spent, and now she was just content walking with me, humming quietly to herself. She still had that flower that I placed on her ear and took great care to ensure it was okay.

The stronghold was coming into focus, and my happiness was fading, much like the gentle flame of a candle drenched by a torrent of water. My heart ached for what happened here, and trying to feel otherwise was impossible.

Thankfully, Nyx seemed content to sit in silence, though I questioned a few things about her. She was brilliant and seemed to put things together quickly. It was scary, really. At some point, she would surpass me, whether I like it or not. I might need to kick things into overcharge if I want to stay a step ahead.

We both walked quietly towards the stronghold, and I found myself unable to wait to get back to Alessia's side. It was like a driving force that spurred me to hurry and return. It ate away at me and weighed on my mind like a thousand bags of stone.

After what felt like an eternity of walking, we finally made it back to the guest suite. The two palatines stood at attention by the door. Both were as still as statues. Not even the ambient draft coursed through the hall could make their clothes budge. Just two statues of perfectly unrelenting duty.

The one on the right reached out and opened the door for Nyx and me without a word. We both stepped in, and Nyx rushed across the room. In a flash, she was already on the bed, ready to stretch out and go to sleep. I, however, went back to the chair and sat down.

Alessia was still out cold, but she looked more solid than before. Where her flesh was once an etheric blue, it was now becoming more corporeal, much like when I saw her in those dreams I have. I sighed as I settled in and reached out to touch her face. My beautiful Alessia.

The more I thought about it, the stranger it was all to me. I was falling more and more for a spirit. I couldn't understand why, but I was. She was becoming more and more vital to me with each passing second. In that same thought process, I was furious with her for risking her life. How dare she think she has the right to leave me? She was stuck here with me, and I'll be damned if she thinks she can get away. I'll find her and drag her back here, and there won't be a force that can stop me.

I glanced over and saw that Nyx had quickly fallen asleep, curled up next to Alessia. A faint smile crossed my face as I looked over at her before resting my head next to Alessia and reaching out for her hand, quickly interlacing our fingers. I passed out a few deep breaths later, but not before I heard Alessia's voice mumble. "Quintus, how could you betray us?"

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