《Whispers of A Dead Empire》Chapter 110


I was shocked when I got that letter from the carrier pigeon. At first, I didn't know why Kharon had done it, but I realized as I read the note. Nyx was in danger, and he couldn't reach me any other way. Even my teleport function was disabled if I attempted to get into combat. So I ran. I ran as fast as possible to get to the stronghold and to Nyx.

But here I was, standing in the middle of a now paused battle. Many of my soldiers are lying dead. Many of those who had dared to attack this place suffered the same fate. All that was left were a few handfuls of survivors trying to fight against my legion. But they would fall, and there would be no escape. There can be no mercy for you if you threaten my daughter.

"I won't ask again. Where the fuck is my daughter?" The rage that coursed through my veins was like an all-consuming fire. Not even the exhaustion from using my soul shout could quench it. Not even the fear that I felt from that ent could smother it. No, I was angry. So very angry, yet I was still scared. Scared that something had happened to her.

Everyone stood around me, frozen like statues, undead and living alike. I didn't know who these people were, but I didn't care. They violated the treaty that we had in play at this moment. I will have a long talk with Redrick as soon as this is all resolved.

"For Velcrest!" A man raised a golden sword high into the air, and the remaining men all cheered in unison before they gave one last charge to my troops.

Ah, so Velcrest was behind this then. They were making moves faster than I thought they would. But it wouldn't matter. They will die here. However, before I could retort, all the remaining of the legion gathered around me. Dozens of soldiers bore their weapons, and Aaron sat at the front. His armor broke in various places, and his gloves were haggard and falling apart.

The two sides clashed one last time. With many tree-like monsters falling a few quick seconds before, the fight was now more in my legion's favor. But I didn't have time to take part. No, I needed to get to Nyx. Quickly, I broke away from the fight and ran in the stronghold's direction. The stronghold wasn't breached from the look of things, so she must be in there.


Quickstep after quickstep, I covered the distance in seconds. Ignoring the pain that ate away at my legs and chest. I've covered well over three kilometers in a few minutes, but I couldn't rest. Not until I found Nyx. I quickly scaled the wall and threw myself over it, drawing a few gazes from the soldiers arrayed around the wall. I could feel hundreds of gazes as they burned into my back, but I ignored them. I landed and dashed through the stronghold. The world around me was but a blur as I moved through, my eyes set on only one area.

Not even a split second after I reached the doors that lead into the central H.Q. I pushed through them and entered the main lobby. Dozens of soldiers were standing here. Swords and spears were drawn and pointed towards the door. Zombies and skeletons alike were shoulder to shoulder, with shields up, as they stood guarding the door.

I activated a chain of quick steps, quickly vaulted over their lines, and hurried down the hall without pausing. Stationed at every central hall or intersection was another batch of troops, ready to defend whatever lay behind them. But I didn't stop. Barely even sparing them a glance, I kept running down the halls. With each passing second, the troops that guarded here grew thicker and more experienced, until finally, I came across my honor guard as they filled the hallway that led to the classroom. Hoplites stood at the ready with their spears pointed down the hallway. Their shields interlocked, radiating light golden energy. The few battle mages that were here stood just behind them, with magic dancing across the tips of their fingers. Blade masters stood positioned around, ready to intercept whatever threat may come.

I slowed down just as the giant double door came into view, with the last bit of my guard that was here stationed right in front of it. My heart thrummed in my chest as I picked up my pace once more; as I rushed over to it. The two that stood at the guard here saw me and opened the door. I pushed past them and into the classroom and glanced around, fearing the worst.

In the middle stood Kharon. His violin in hand, just behind him, was a bunch of other undead, and at the front of it, all was Nyx, who saw on the floor. Her legs brought up to her chest. "Nyx." Relief broke through the anger coursed through me, and I rushed over to my daughter.


Her head shot up as soon as I said her name. Tears streamed down her face, and her eyes looked a little bloodshot. Seeing her like this broke my heart just a little. "Mother." She jumped up and rushed over to me, tackling me in a hug. "I knew you would come." She squeezed me tightly and dug her head into my stomach.

"Are you okay? Did they hurt you?" I bombarded her with questions as I broke away from the hug and squatted down to quickly look her over, checking to ensure she wasn't hurt.

She shook her head, wiping away some tears that had formed in the corner of her eyes. "I'm okay, mother."

A sigh of relief left my mouth as I threw my arms around her and pulled her back into me. I clung to her, terrified that something else would happen if I let her go. "I was so scared."

She wrapped her arms around my neck, and we sat like that for a little bit. Her presence did wonders to calm the anger that I still felt simmering just below the surface. "Did I do good, mother?" She sniffled slightly as she pulled away from me.

"You did wonderfully." I gave her an encouraging smile as I ran my fingers through her hair before bringing it to rest on her cheek as I wiped away most of the tears that were spilling from her face.

"Alessia told me that it was my first job as the princess to let everyone know that the fog was coming. But I was so scared." She sniffled again as I froze. Just like before, I felt my blood run cold.

"Where is Alessia?" My eyes quickly glanced around the room, looking for her. Now that I was calmer, I realized she wasn't there.

"She..She stayed behind. She told me to get here and tell everybody. But she said she would be right behind me. But she never came." She wiped away more tears that threatened to pour down her face.

But my heart dropped. No, no, no, no. Alessia, why would you do that? I wrapped my arms around Nyx one last time and held her close. "I'm gonna go get Alessia, okay? Can you tell me where she was last?" I fought desperately to contain the white fiery rage that reignited in my chest.

"The northern path. In the forest." She murmured in my chest as she clung to me, her hands constantly squeezing me.

"Okay. I'm gonna go now. Alright, and I'll bring Alessia back when I return." I pulled away from her and my fingers through her raven-colored hair, trying to reassure her.

"Please come back." Her emerald eyes gazed up at me with fear and sadness, further breaking my heart.

"I promise I will." I pulled her close and gave her a kiss on the forehead before standing up. "Kharon, I want Redrick here. Now." My words came out harsher than I intended, but I couldn't help it.

"Of course, Mistress." He replied, but I was already moving out of the classroom with my eyes locked on the map. I really hope I got there in time.

I quick-stepped all the way to the northern forest. My muscles screamed at me, and exhaustion was quick on my heels. But I couldn't stop. Not yet. Not until I knew Alessia was safe. All around me, trees were cut down and destroyed. Azure flames lapped at destroyed trees, and the hair was heavy with the stench of fire and blood.

My heart pounded in fear and anger as I pushed further into the woods. A few bodies lay strewn about, cut in half, in pools of freshly spilled blood that had yet to be absorbed by the ground. A few ent-like creatures lay shattered and strewn about in dozens of pieces. The sound of fighting grew closer as I ran through the forest. I burst through some foliage and fell into a small clearing.

Alessia was there dancing through a small group of the same soldiers from earlier and some ents and what looked to be dryads. Her white hair was wild in the wind. Her clothes were tattered and burnt. The weapon I crafted for her was chipped and slick with fresh blood and shattered wood. But the thing that broke my heart more than anything else was how low her health bar was. I felt the rage in my chest explode into an outright storm. How dare they hurt what belongs to me?

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