《Whispers of A Dead Empire》Chapter 104


I unfolded the map, placed it across the table, and pointed at a few spots I had marked. “So, for starters, I plan on creating various traps here, here, and here.” The first was on the main road and would comprise a few poltergeists that would pin down the army, while a force of undead that I would raise would hit the main army.

The next zone would be closer to the city and act as a minefield, something that would bog down the advancing army while I bombarded them with more undead. Not enough to harm the crusade, but enough to halt the forward advance for quite some time.

The one after that would be a twofold trap. The first part was something that took some finagling to do, but once I did, it was relatively simple. I positioned various flames and explosions around the ground to emulate an artillery barrage. Something that would serve a few different purposes. The first being that I wanted to shock and awe anybody who tagged along with my soldiers. The second is to show off military prowess. But primarily since I wasn’t well versed in how wars were fought in this time period. So I could be creative with what I did.

The second part of the trap would be set up with many kill zones, which would catch anyone who wasn’t paying attention. There were dozens of variants that I had in mind. All the way from spiked paddles that would fly out of walls to giant balls of iron that would crush anything that went in their path. But many of them wouldn’t be present until they hit the main city, which unfortunately wasn’t made yet. But I still have time, for now at least.

“I understand what you are going for. However, my question to you then is how will you deal with the large mobs?” He drew his slender skeletal fingers across the map as he gazed at it.

“Well, I have created a core group of undead that will function as traitor forces, mostly to counter the military coming their way. With that being said, I will not be pre-making any more mobs than I need to, mostly to save on the essence.” I sat back in the chair in which I felt rather smug with myself. I planned everything on my own, and it made me feel great.

“Interesting. Everything looks well thought out. Then, the last question I have is, who will lead the traitor forces?” He withdrew his finger and sat back in his chair, and regarded me with his gaze.

“Well, I will be commanding all the mobs through my interface, and there will be a boss made to match.” I reached forward and carefully grabbed my map, and folded it back up.


“You have taken all of this pretty well.” He adjusted the cuff of his cloak before he stood up.

“For the most part, yeah. It’s becoming all the more natural for me.” I stood up as well and carefully placed the folded map back into my bag.

“It’s amazing watching you grow up. In a way, it’s like watching a daughter take her first few steps.” His teeth rapidly clicked together yet revealed nothing of how he truly felt.

Hearing him talk made me feel warm. Having someone here who was like a father to me, telling me, he was proud of me, touched my heart in a way that few could. It was all that I ever wanted. “Thank you, Kharon.” I walked over to him and threw my arms around him, pulling him into a hug. His skeletal figure felt so fragile under my arms like they were on the cusp of shattering under any significant weight.

He tentatively gave me a pat on my back and a few bones ground together, mimicking a chuckle. “It’s unlike you to show emotion like this. Perhaps that mini-vacation was really well needed.”

Maybe. I was slowly healing from all the years of trauma, and it felt like my life was coming together. No longer was my life consumed by work and constant self-hatred. Nor was I drowning my emotion in bottles of alcohol or people. Now, I have a daughter and someone who I fell for, not to mention a legion of undead that saw me as their leader. “Yeah.” I sighed in happiness as I pulled away from him.

“Anyway, mistress. I will get back to dealing with the delegates, so please let me know if you have any more need for me.” He smoothed out the wrinkles on his cloak and gave me a slight bow.

“Of course, Kharon.” I was a bit sad we had to cut everything short, but that was the nature of the beast. One of these days I will have to spend more time with Kharon. It’s been far too long. “Oh, before you go, are you sure you are okay with dealing with Nyx for five days out of the week? I don’t want it to burden you with more work than you can handle.”

“It’s no bother at all. I enjoy spending time with her, though she can be a bit of a handful.”

“Thank you so much, Kharon. Once we get some time, I’ll let you take a few days for yourself, and I’ll take care of the delegates for a time.” I adjusted the straps on my bag as I brought up my map to teleport over to the next expansion.


“That would be lovely. Stay safe, mistress.” He gave me another bow, and I gave him a nod in response as I teleported away to keep chipping away the expansion. After all, the crusade was only a handful of days away.

A few hours later:

My day was long, to say the least. We finally finished many of the roads, and construction on many of the outskirts was going pretty well. The outskirts should be finished by the time that the primary force arrives, though my most significant source of concern will be the city. But I think I’ll dip into my essence reserves a bit to speed that process up.

I appeared in my office and gave everything a cursory glance. Alessia was nowhere to be seen, and Nyx wasn’t here either. I opened up my map to look for them and saw that they were in the training room, and Alessia was teaching her how to use a sword. I smiled happily as I watched. Nyx looked like she was having the time of her life. A part of me felt like I should be concerned watching her swing a sword around, but I also knew I could trust Alessia.

I yawned and quickly stripped out of my cloak, placed it on the back of my chair, and threw my sports bag across my desk. Once all of that was done, I meandered over to my bedroom. Once I arrived, I quickly threw myself onto the bed and slithered under my blankets. I was alone once more, but this time it was okay. I wanted to have some time to myself. After fluffing my pillow and rolling over on my stomach, I relaxed before darkness dug its claws into me and dragged me into its loving embrace.

“Alessia, what of the angel?” Words that I recognized as my own filled my mind as a scene materialized in front of me. I sat at a table, and on that table was a chessboard. However, instead of the standard pieces, there were dozens of small effigies. All of them looked familiar, yet I could only place a handful.

“The angel’s loyalty is yet to be determined. A being as prideful as he is powerful.” A hand reached out and grasped a small gray statue of an angel and placed it on the side of the chessboard.

I found my eyes wandering to the face of the woman who sat across from me, and I felt my breath leave my body. Alessia sat here, her flesh instead of the ethereal blue and green I know. There was flesh that looked as if it were an equal blend of caramel and paleness that was kissed by the natural light of the sun. Her golden eyes flickered in the torchlight as they gazed at me, filled to the brim with adoration and love.

“The inquisitor?” Words left my mouth once more as I reached out towards a small statue of a man who bore a sword in one hand and a strange gun-like item in the second. He wore a set of chains across his simple robe, though his face was obscured by a strange helm that hid any identifying futures.

“His faith blinds him to the darkness that tries to sway him.” In her words, I took the statue of the man and placed it on my side. “Though faith so blind is as much a sword to us as them.”

“So be it. A man of faith is a potent ally indeed.” I reached out towards another statue. One that I recognized as Alessia. “My champion, ever so loyal.” My words were but a purr as I gazed at my champion and placed the small effigy of her next to a smaller version of myself.

Alessia said nothing, but yet she didn’t have to. The smile that adorned her beautiful face said it all. I reached out again and grabbed the effigy of a monster. Hundreds of tentacles crossed its body, hiding away lumps of misshapen flesh. “The Test-Subject?

“An unknown variable. A conglomeration of science and magic, more rabid than sane. Easily swayed by the darkness that wishes to consume us all.” With a sigh, I reached forward and placed the effigy next to a small statue of a being clad in a flowing cloak, and in its hand was a large scythe. Its other hand was outstretched as if we were beckoning us forth into its embrace.

“Perhaps it was our fault it fell. It could have been stopped, but now, It’s too late.” I reached out and grabbed another piece. This one of a knight who rose a sword high into the air, clad in plates of darkness that radiated violet energy. “The Eldritch?”

“A knight who seeks power not meant for mortals. Though he has much to lose in the face of the coming fog.” I placed the knight on my side of the table, directly in front of everyone else on my side.

“The enemy of my enemy is but a speculative ally.” I crossed my fingers as I looked at our current rosters and weighed the strengths and weaknesses. Though thankfully, we still had a few more effigies to get through.

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