《Whispers of A Dead Empire》Chapter 95


A few days had passed since I last met with the Empress. In that time, I sat in the stronghold and observed how the military was acting. Come to find out, what I heard earlier was true. They were acting much like the Adventurer parties that visited here, but at the same time, they turned it into something unique. Each group was called a 'Squad," and they all seemed to function as independent entities, yet at the same time, they seemed to support each other and shore up various weaknesses.

As I watched the various war games they were doing, a sense of dread coiled around my heart. They skirmished relentlessly for two straight days, and with each passing second, they seemed to grow more robust, and their reactions became smoother. Almost as if an invisible hand was guiding them from above.

The first time I saw them fight, I watched for a few hours. At first, it was comical how they shambled together, but they slowly changed. The squad grew to five members, with the addition of an extra mage that served as a defense unit and would intercept incoming magic and provide support to the rest of the squad. However, the most amazing thing was that they interchanged units without an issue and quickly redeployed. A feat that many nations would struggle to contend with. The more I watched them fight, the more I realized that trying to declare war on this domain would be a lengthy and costly endeavor. One that I was sure would not be worth it.

I've also been pondering on this new boss that has been spoken about. I have yet to see him in my time here, but I've sensed him, and what I've felt was indescribable. Across from the main building was an entirely constructed overlook that sat high above the courtyard and, in the shadows, radiated a palpable presence even from where I sat. The air felt heavy and thick and seemed like it wanted to strangle me with the amount of force that was pressing onto my chest. The feeling of relentless bloodlust filled every bit of space and sat on my exposed flesh. Whatever was in that darkness was a monster I wasn't sure I wanted to meet.

A rap against my door tore me from my thoughts as I gazed out across the courtyard. "Enter." I turned around just as the door swung open.


"Cato, it's a pleasure to see you again." The honied words left my mouth as I reached my hand out.

"Redrick. How do you fare?" Cato took my hand and gave it a firm squeeze.

"Well. How was your trip?" I asked as I walked into the small room set aside for me. In the middle was a small cot, a desk with an array of pens, various other writing materials, and the stuff I brought to work on. After all, being an overseer for a bustling dungeon town is no simple task.

"It went well. I managed to grab a few delegates from a couple of kingdoms that wish to enter into an entente with Asteria. Namely from the Empire of Sartok, The Thelia Confederacy, the Tezcacoatl Dynasty, and a couple of smaller kingdoms. The most notable would be the Principality of Artan." He walked close behind me and pulled out a chair as I walked across my room.

"I was hoping for a few bigger players to try and secure a spot, but I suppose it's to be expected. Velcrest has a chokehold on many kingdoms." I sighed as I sat in my chair and thought about the various delegates he mentioned. Sartok came as no surprise. They have been on the decline for many years, though a comeback may be in the works with the new king at its helm. The Thelians were a bit of a surprise since they were isolationist, but with mounting pressure from Velcrest, they may be trying to secure a base of power to make a stand. The Tezcacoatl presence was unexpected but not entirely unwelcome. They keep to themselves, so I wonder what drove them to send delegates here. As for the principality, well, that makes me entirely weary. They are almost as xenophobic as Velcrest, and they may cause problems down the road.

"Personally, I'm quite happy with the turnout. If we can broker agreements between Corinthia and them and keep Asteria in the mix, we may threaten the theocratic confederations to the north. But, we should see what is to come and act accordingly. After all, it is never wise to jump too far ahead with plans." The man sat down across from me and affixed me with his piercing blue eyes.

"Indeed. We will be in a suitable spot if we can broker an agreement between even the Thelians and Tezcacoatls. However, if they are making moves, things must be dire." If two of the most well renowned of the beast kin nations were trying to establish ties, then something dreadful must be happening within their borders. However, due to the general treatment of their citizens in surrounding countries, they keep more to themselves, which really limits the information that I have on them.


"The biggest issue that I can see occurring would be the slave traders that have been harrying us for quite some time. Even though it's illegal in our borders, much of the nobility will turn a blind eye as long as their pockets are lined."

As he spoke, a small glimmer of irritation grew in my chest. It was always the old houses that did this. Money was a driving factor in their day-to-day operations, and any who opposed that were cut down. But it made me think back on what the Empress said a few days ago to me, about the lack of nobility from where she came. How much better it must be. But alas, this is how it had to be, sadly. I have to tread eggshells to keep a position I earned once more. "I will do my best to clean out the slavers from the city I govern. It should do wonders on improving our diplomacy between everyone. Though I will be much more of a target because of it."

"The king recognizes your service, Redrick. Once we purge most of the older houses, you will be rewarded for your service. However, I will see if I can grab a few of his honor guards to keep you safe. With each passing day, we maneuver ourselves into a really advantageous position, and with Asteria's help, we may yet be able to work in the light of day." Cato stood up, walked over to the small window, and gazed out across the courtyard, where I would assume the troops were still training even now.

"At first, when I came to this domain, it was merely to reclaim my noble titles, but now I'm waging a secret war for the king and negotiating with the undead." I sighed as I sat back and stared at the ceiling. This was all so much, and I wasn't expecting to live like this. I would have happily lived the last of my days in a manor, in the countryside, far away from whatever shit storm that was brewing in this world.

"Do you think this is what I want to be doing either, Redrick? I am one of the few people that the king trusts, and that means that I have to be here, negotiating with a charismatic skeleton, who, in turn, talks to an Empress, who I have yet to meet. We are juggling more than just our reputation with this, and that alone is enough to unnerve me." His words were spoken in a whisper that was slathered in the weight of what we were doing.

"I will do my best to try to get you an audience with her if that will help assuage your fears, Cato. But I can't promise it."

"It's alright. I'm sure that I will meet her soon enough." He turned around and strolled back to his chair.

"More than likely, yes, She isn't what you would expect, though." I sat up once more and thought back to the few times I had met her. Most of it was awkward, yet she didn't strike me as someone guided by greed or power. If anything, it was a breath of fresh air.

As he went to reply, a soft rap on the door interrupted our conversation. "Enter." I tore my attention away from Cato and towards the door, which swung open on silent hinges, revealing Kharon.

"Greetings. The Empress has informed me that dinner is ready, and everyone may eat. If you two would follow me to the dining hall." He stepped to the side and gestured for us to leave. Cato and I shared a quick gaze, with the unspoken passing between us, before we stood up and followed Kharon out of the guest room. Whatever thoughts I had earlier were replaced with my stomach rumbling, eager to eat some more of that delicious food. Maybe I could talk her into giving me the recipe or making me a bunch to take to the outside world.

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