《Whispers of A Dead Empire》Chapter 83


"Okay, Nyx, I need you to sit here and not say anything. Just watch, okay?" I told her as I pulled one chair towards the desk to stand behind her.

The little girl nodded her little head. "I understand, Ms. Alessia. I want to be the best princess I can be." The little girl nodded her head as she sat down, adjusted her skirt, and turned her nose upwards.

"If you want to be the best princess, then do as your mother does." I reached out and adjusted her bow, and gave her another soft pat on her head.

She hummed thoughtfully and scrunched her face up. "I see. Mother is an empress, after all. I thank you for your help." She dropped her head and affixed me with her emerald eyes that seemed to glitter like a pair of vibrant jewels. She looked like her mother. Though there were a few differences, like her face was a little rounder, and her hair was as dark as night. Even the scales that had once adorned her flesh seemed to be slowly fading away with the passage of time.

I nodded and walked over to the wall, leaning against it. My pole axe was well within my hands reach. "Do you like the domain so far?"

She bobbed her head quickly and kicked her feet. "I do. It's all rather quaint. Everyone seems pleasant enough. At least the ones that I can understand."

"Don't feel bad. Your mother doesn't understand most of them either."

"She doesn't? " Nyx's eyes went wide, and she looked as if her world had just come crashing down around her.

"Not at all. She only really talks to myself or Kharon when he is around." I shrugged. I didn't feel much on the matter. While she may be oblivious at times, she still treats us well. Though it wasn't like anyone in the domain would rebel against her.

"Can you teach me how to talk to everyone?" She pouted her lips and kicked her feet a little quicker as she leaned forward.

"I wish I could, but how we speak to each other isn't something that can really be taught. Though in time, you may pick up on a few things here and there." I crossed my arms and glanced around the room once more, making sure that all of my dark wraiths and phantoms were in position, especially in the shadows of the chairs that were positioned in front of the desk. If anyone had any funny ideas, they would get eviscerated on the spot, or they would buy me enough time to get Nyx to safety. But I hope it won't come to that.


"That's not fair." She huffed at me and crossed her arms.

However, as soon as I went to retort, I heard a rap on the door. I grabbed my poleaxe and walked over to Nyx. "Enter." The door swung open, quietly groaning on its hinges. The influx of air into the room caused the dying candles that lined the room to flicker. Gazing at us from the darkness was the familiar set of crimson red eyes.

To my side, I could hear Nyx gasp, and then a tiny hand graze against my own. I took her hand as Kharon strode into the room. His hood was up, and his face was shrouded in abyssal darkness that only seemed to grow darker each time I saw him. "Lady Alessia, greetings." He gave me a slight bow and then glanced over to my left. "Ah, princess, it is good to see you." He gave her an even bigger bow. Yet I could feel the start of a mental message as it prodded my head. 'What did Calixa do this time?'

'I haven't the slightest idea . I'm just as surprised as you are.' My eyes instinctively went behind Kharon as I glanced at the forms behind him. The first that I noticed was Redrick. The blasted man who dragged my Empress into this mess. Rage built in my chest, but I held it back. Partially because I knew it was unbecoming of me. The rest was because I didn't want to see that look of disappointment in her eyes if I screwed this up. The mere thought alone filled me with an emotion I wasn't sure I had a name for.

He wore a red tunic with golden lace down the seams, and his head of red hair ran wild around him. His trousers seemed to be made of unknown material that shimmered in the light. It was excessive and not likely to hold a weapon, though I wasn't all that concerned about it. I could easily crush him in a fight. As I was checking him out, trying to locate any spot where a weapon could be hidden, I felt another message form in my mind.

'The girl looks like a smaller version of her.' Kharon's mental voice tore my attention away from what I was doing. I sent him a mental nod in response. She very much did.

Behind Redrick was the older gentleman I remember being named Gunther. I had no quarrels with the man. He seemed like he had a good head on his shoulders. The way he carried himself reminded me of the legionaries. He was confident and proud. Clearly, he was a soldier in his younger years, and that alone garnered my respect. There can be no better honor than to dedicate yourself to a cause greater than yourself.


He was wearing the same armor that I first saw him in. The scratches that adorned the grey leather cuirass seemed to grow in number and looked to be like they were polished over. Perhaps mementos or battle honors. Some people have strange customs, but who was I to judge? I gave him a once over, trying to see where any weapons could be stashed away, but as I was doing it, our eyes met, and he gave me a nod. It was slight and almost unperceivable even to me, but it was still there nonetheless. He was far too honorable for that; at least, that is what I could glimmer from his eyes.

I returned the gesture to him and took stock of the last person who entered the room. He was an average-sized man, or what I would consider average, since he stood in between Gunther and Redrick in size. His hair was short, yet it was long enough for him to style it in a swept-back look. His eyes were blue, with tiny flakes of black, and he seemed to look over the room, glancing at all the corners and crevices. Overall, he seemed to be unremarkable, which put me on edge. It was a little too plain, especially with his clothes that stood in stark contrast ton what Redrick was wearing.

"Lady Alessia, it is a pleasure to see you once more." Redrick's voice broke the silence, and my eyes shot back to him.

"Greetings Redrick," I replied professionally and clenched my poleaxe all the tighter.

His eyes fell on the child next to me. "May I ask who this is?" Clearly, the sight of Nyx surprised him. But I didn't blame him. When I first saw her, I was shocked as well. But now, the little one has grown on me.

I glanced down at her from the corner of my eye and saw that she hardly moved. She was uncomfortable with the situation. I squeezed her hand under the table, and I could see some of the tension melt off of her body. "This is Princess Nyx. She is here to watch the proceedings."

Redrick closed his eyes and nodded his head once. A sight that I now understood to be an attempt at recollection. At least, that's what I would assume it to be. The Empress would do the same thing, especially when she was writing. "I understand. It's a pleasure to meet you, Princess Nyx." His eyes darted towards me, ensuring I was happy with the title.

I nodded my head, and he cleared his throat. "Princess, you may call me Redrick. As for my companions, this is Gunther Aculeo." The man gestured towards Gunther, who gave the princess a nod. He didn't seem as resentful as he used to, though I assumed that was due in part to her primarily human-like appearance. "And this is Cato Regulus. He will serve as an ambassador for Corinthia."

"I do hope we can build a strong future relationship," Cato spoke to us as he bowed. His words dripped with faux sweetness as he ended his bow with a flourish. It was excessive if you asked me, but I suppose that was the semantics of political discussion. It was something that I didn't quite enjoy and would much rather leave for Kharon.

"Thank you for the introductions. I am Kharon, the ferryman. But I am also the prime minister of Asteria. I will be your direct conduit to the Empress of these lands. The lady seated across from you all is the land's princess. Finally, the lady standing to her left is Alessia, the captain of the Empress's guard." Kharon gestured as he spoke to the living beings across from us. The more he spoke, the more I realized that this wasn't for me. It all seemed so redundant and flowery. I much rather be out and about training and near my lady's side. But I will bear this burden for now.

Redrick gestured for everyone to take a seat. "Thank you for entertaining us today, Lord Kharon. I come bearing news from the outside world, along with our return on the contract."

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