《Whispers of A Dead Empire》Chapter 33


I appeared in my office and saw that Kharon was sitting in a chair by my desk. I quickly covered the distance and sat down at my desk. "Thank you for coming, Kharon."

"It's no problem, but what did you want to discuss?"

"So, there were a few disturbing things I heard you talk about in the meeting, and I didn't want to talk about it in front of the other undead. The first thing was referring to the adventures as invaders. The next referred to the undead outside of the stronghold as feral. It's a little troubling to me and makes me feel as if they are slipping from my control." I rested my elbows on my desk and interlaced my fingers. I may be overthinking, but it was better to be safe than sorry.

"Well, lately, the other undead have been forming the idea that outsiders are part of the reason the empire fell in the first place. So for continuity's sake, I refer to them as invaders. It gives them a sense of purpose and unification. As for the ferals, they have become ostracised from the rest of us because of the collective faith trait you unlocked. They still know you are the leader of the domain but will attack everything else." I sat back in my seat and pondered his words.

So the name shifts were just for the other undead. However, the presence of ferals was slightly bothersome. But it added a minor twist. I was just a little uncomfortable with how quickly my domain seemed to evolve on its own accord. "I understand, I think. I was just worried that things were slowly slipping from my control."

Kharon bobbed his head as he uncrossed his arms. "Calixa, you should learn to trust us a little more. We won't lead you astray."

I strummed my fingers across the table and struggled with my thoughts. "It's not that I don't trust you guys. I just don't like when stuff like this happens."

"I think you are taking too much on yourself. You should delegate and focus more on things that you can control." His words rang true to me, though it didn't make it any easier. But I guess I will relent, for now.

"I know. I just don't want to be overbearing, but you're right."

My companion mashed his teeth together in a way that reminded me of a child that got its way. "Thank you, mistress. Let me focus on building and working with the undead for now. You can focus on training with Aaron for the time being and getting stronger. We need you to hold your own if the time comes." I am glad that my companion was as rational as he is. It was almost as if he was made to compliment me. Speaking of which, I have yet even to see him actually angry.


"Thank you, Kharon; you are a godsend. Before you go, though, can you design some buildings for us and have the undead work on them? I want to expand the stronghold a bit more before we open up to the public." I sat forward in my seat, and the wave of stress that was floating around my head was slowly fading.

"Of course, mistress. I will get on that; if anything important happens, I will let you know." The tall skeleton stood up and gave me a bow before he vanished once more. I took a deep breath and stared at my table for a second. I felt like such a mess. Everything had to be perfect, but he was right. I was taking too much on myself.

It just didn't sit well with me not doing everything that I could. But I had to rely on them. I cleared my throat and stood up, and glanced around my office once more. Well, it was time to get to training. I summoned my map and teleported back to the courtyard of the stronghold.

Once I arrived, I saw that the entire area was bustling with activity. Large groups of undead were moving in tight formations and out of the stronghold. I actually didn't know how many of them I had running around my domain. Maybe it was something that I should keep track of. I watched quietly for a bit, marveling at how well they moved. Compared to the stumbling idiots they were earlier, a lot has changed. But I need more variety in here. The same old undead would be repetitive after a while.

After finishing my training session with Aaron, I would spawn in some more base mobs and see if I can't get them to evolve a bit. After all, I only had two t2s right now, and I would definitely need more in the future. I tore my gaze from the formations as they left and started walking around the stronghold, intending to find the lieutenant.

I found him against a far wall with his arms crossed. Alessia stood next to him, her poleaxe propped up yet within arm's reach. "Hello, you two, getting along, I hope." I directed my quip more towards Alessia than the other.

She glanced at me and gave me a small bow with her hand over her heart. Aaron gave me a curt nod and straightened up. I looked them both over and made a mental note to get their clothing. The skeletal officer was mostly nude, other than the pair of gloves I made for him. Alessia was clad in tattered clothing that did little to hide what was underneath. I refuse to let them prance around like this, but that is a task for after this training session.


"Anyway! Kharon will not be joining us. He is currently doing some stuff for me so that it will be just us three. Since I can't understand you, Aaron, just instruct me the best you can." The skeleton bounced around on the balls of his feet. And I glanced over at Alessia. "Please let me or Kharon know once we have gained that skeleton. After this training session, I also wish to learn some blade work and whatever weapons you know. I want to expand on my knowledge base."

She nodded, and Aaron stepped forward and chittered something at me. It was times like this that I wish I could understand the skeleton. Kharon said it was an undead thing, and I didn't want to waste any essence on something that might not translate over. "I'm gonna pretend I understood what you just said. Anyway, let's begin!"

A few hours later,

I felt Ki build up in my legs as I launched myself forward. All right, now that I was in the air, I had to land and do something close to a skip. I felt the tip of my foot hit the ground, and I let the Ki expand in my leg, and I pressed off again. This time succeeding where I failed many times before. Once I found the rhythm needed, it was much easier to go faster and move around. Though I was still nowhere close to mastering this skill to the extent that Aaron has.

I landed and had to quickly find my center of gravity and glanced at the notifications.

You have unlocked Shunpo I

You now have Ki manipulation II

Yes! I finally did it! It took fucking long enough. I danced around for a moment in happiness. I finally have a new skill! Now all I had to do was practice with it. I took a deep breath and tried to calm my pounding heart. This skill was strenuous and ate away at my stamina and Ki reserves like it was no one's business. I took another deep breath and sat down, deciding that it was best for my aching legs. "Thank you, Aaron! I have one last favor to ask. Can you show me how to fight with hand to hand properly?" I never did stuff like that growing up. I mean, I know how to throw a punch, but I never formally attended a class for it.

Aaron stared at me with his tar-black eyes and nodded his head. I was trying to make sure that I could protect myself in all facets of my life, not just with magic or my bodyguards. I know that I was acting out the role of an empress, but I disagree with the idea of sitting on a throne and not doing anything. I want to be just as strong as those who protect me, if not stronger. I would earn my place and show whatever world that lay outside that there was a reason I am the empress.

With another gulp of cool air, I pushed myself off of the gravel. My body ached, and my nerves were on fire. I wasn't exactly the healthiest person around, but I wasn't overweight, just out of shape. I rolled my neck and tried to do some stretches to help take away some of the pain that assaulted my body almost relentlessly. "Alright, Aaron, let's start off with the basics. I will happily learn whatever you teach me."

The skeleton stood next to me and took a stance, much like a boxer would. His hands were raised, and one leg was placed slightly forward. I looked it over and did my best to make sure that I got my body in the same posture. He clenched his fist and slowly threw a punch out. I did my best to mimic the movements, though I have to say it was surreal to see a skeleton in action like this.

He stopped as I kept trying to imitate his movements and stared at me. The boundless depths of his eye sockets bore into me as he observed me. I went through the same pattern once more before he reached forward with his boney hand. He pulled me forward slightly and adjusted my leg with one of his.

So my posture wasn't the best, something that I would have to work on a bit more. I quickly tried to memorize how I was standing, so I can do it right later. As I was running through the motions, I felt the hair on the back of my neck stand up. I felt like a mouse under the watchful gaze of a predator. I quickly spun, locating the source, and saw that Alessia was burning a hole into Aaron and me with a fiery gaze. What was her problem?

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