《Whispers of A Dead Empire》Chapter 13


Finally, my menu was a little more streamlined than it was before. He organized the most important stuff into a tab and labeled it as everyday use. I dismissed the screen and started to send the stuff in the storage room to my office. As soon as I figure out mob placement, I will begin issuing out gear to them and hopefully start creating custom pieces. I sent the final crate down; I decided to head upstairs to see what I could figure out about that room.

Once I arrived, I stepped inside and looked around. The runes still didn't make any sense. I decided to repeat what I did when I first arrived. I extended my hand and sent out a small tendril of power. The runes greedily ate it up and began to radiate a gentle white light and slowly rotate. The sound of stones grinding against each other filled the room as the stones started their journey. Then just like before, the runes pulsed blood red and came to a screeching halt. I wanted to know what this room was, and not knowing was gnawing away at me. I stamped my foot on the ground and turned my back on the strange room. I'll have to rifle through the books I collected and see if I could find something that would help.

I entered my office and quickly went through the pile of neatly stacked books. There had to be something here for me to use. I grabbed one from the top of the pile and flipped it open. Lo and behold, it was still covered in glyphs that I didn't understand. What use was it, being a domain god if I couldn't read a simple fucking book? I threw it across the room in a fit of rage. Just take a breath, Calixa. You are probably overreacting; there is a logical way to fix this.

I opened another book and stared at the glyphs for a moment; what if I treat this like I do the mobs? Maybe I should try and impose my will on it. That may yield better results than just staring at it like an idiot. I glared at the book and imagined myself being able to read it. I felt my eyebrows furrow, and I stared at it for a few more seconds before the words started to twist around and turn into English.

You have unlocked the automatic translate function for fifty essence.

Shit, well, I didn't want that to happen. It's nice that I could read it now, but I didn't want to spend any more essence in the process. Well, it can't be helped now, I suppose. I flipped through the pages, my previous task all but forgotten. This book seemed to deal primarily with magical theory and the discussion of where it originates. It could be helpful, especially when I start trying to learn how to use magic, but that was later down the line, mainly after I get my domain settled. I didn't want to take chances and be defenseless and I refuse to let my mobs protect me forever.

I sat the book down onto a corner of my desk and moved onto another. That will be my essential items pile, for future use after all. I grabbed the next book in the stack and quickly looked it over. This one was another book that discusses the uses of magic in practical use. I guess this book will also join the critical pile. Once the book left my fingertips, I moved onto the next in the stack. I felt heat spread across my cheek as my eyes quickly drank in words. My hands slowly closed the book cover and set it down on the table, and slid it over. While I may not be the most innocent person around, I wasn't expecting to read an erotic novel. Though I can't say, I was opposed to the idea. I will keep this book for future research purposes.


After I cleared my throat and pushed away the budding feelings in my stomach, I began sorting through the rest. There were a few books about the Avarogian Kingdom's history, though I had no idea who they were. Once I was finished sorting the books, I sat back in my chair. Nothing I had indicated what that room was. I pinched my nose and thought over what I could do with it in the meantime. I would have to hide it away until I knew for sure what it was. I would hate to lose it and find out it's something precious.

I still had some time before the domain went public, so it wasn't too pressing of an issue, I guess. Speaking of which, I need to work on the next set of bosses and then on the domain's lore. A yawn forced its way from my mouth, and I stood up. Well, it was time to go take a swim and then start working on the next project. I teleported topside and walked over to the lake.

The water was crystal clear, and I could see small schools of fish as they made their way around its length. I sat on the grassy shore and enjoyed myself for a few moments. The feel of grass tickling the palm of my hand and the feel of the cold water lapping against my feet brought me a sense of peace. It was nice just to sit here and relax. I closed my eyes and relished the feeling of the water for a bit before standing up and stripping down to take a dip. I should probably wash my clothes while I am in here; it has been a few days. The only thing was that I didn't want to walk around completely naked. Even if there were only undead here, I still had standards.

I slid into the lake and floated there for a while, staring into the sky. Groupings of clouds slowly made their way across it and would occasionally drown out the sun. I knew that it was fake. But it still didn't change that it was beautiful. Now, I will just float here, on this lovely patch of water, until I felt like getting out, staring at the sky.

Being a Domain, God had its perks. For example, I could create some towels for myself and dry my clothes. It was convenient though it bit into my budget a bit. I slid my clothes back on and adjusted my hair. I glanced over and saw that Alessia was just floating there quietly. I would have to do something about her soon. Otherwise, she would only continue to remain like this—a shell with only the barest hints of intelligence. With a sigh, I adjusted my shirt and bra underneath. It was time to get to work.

I teleported into my office with Alessia in tow. Now the question would be what kind of bosses would I want to have. I sat in my chair and strummed my fingers across my desk. Maybe I should include Kharon in this. I have been leaving him out lately, and I am sure he is tired of dealing with the zombies. I know I would be. I glanced at my screen and selected the message function, and sent it to him. A few seconds later, in a dazzling display of grey light, he appeared. "Yes, mistress?"


"Kharon, hello. I figured you would want a break from dealing with the other undead. I am going to be working on the next two bosses and thought that your input would be critical." I told him as I created a chair for him to sit in. He nodded his boney head.

"That would be correct. Keeping them in line is quite frustrating at times. But what do you have in mind?" He asked as he sat down. The wooden chair creaked in protest under his weight, which was odd considering he was just bone.

"Well, I was thinking of creating a zombie and a skeleton boss. However, I wanted to make sure that they were at least of the T-2 level. I don't want to trust my security to a weaker mob." I explained as I grabbed my notebook, ready to jot down some ideas as I get them.

"Yes, that would be smart. Are you aware of the fundamental difference that each mob has?" He sat forward and placed his hand on his boney chin, and gazed at me.

I shifted in my seat and shook my head. "I haven't looked too far into it."

His eyes shone for a moment, and he nodded his head. "Alright, spawn in one of each real quick."

I turned in my chair, used the clear space that I left in my office, and summoned one each of them, and told them to stay there. "Alright, what now?"

"Alright, so each mob has a fundamental strength and weakness. Click on the templates and see what each does." He told me as he stood up and walked over to the mobs. I glanced down at my screen, filtered out all of the various mobs, and focused on the major ones. I selected the zombie template first.

Zombie Template


Strength: 6/10 Vitality: 6/10

Magical Affinity: 1/10 Speed: 2/10

Dexterity: 2/10 Fortitude: 6/10

Intelligence: 3/10 Perception: 5/10

Average Challenge Rating: 3

Key Traits

Unbreakable: This unit has no sense of self-preservation and will relentlessly attack its target.

Unyielding: Once this unit finds its target, it will hunt it continuously until it is slain.

Tireless: This unit will not tire

Painless: This unit does not feel pain

Mob Mentality: This unit is usually found in large groups and will move as one.

Roamer: This unit is usually found roaming the area.

Fire-Prone: Fire deals 2x the amount of damage against this unit

Needs a head: Decapitation will instantly kill this unit

Corrupting Bite: A bite from this unit will pass on its infection and apply the 'zombification' debuff.


Zombies are one of the most common forms of undead. Usually, they are summoned and reanimated by magic or through biological means. These units are slow and cumbersome. They can take a hit and deal out steady damage in turn. They are well known for swarming their foes and drowning them in a sea of bodies.

Skeleton Template


Strength: 3/10 Vitality: 3/10

Magical Affinity: 5/10 Speed: 4/10

Dexterity: 6/10 Fortitude: 3/10

Intelligence: 5/10 Perception: 5/10

Average Challenge Rating: 3

Key Traits

Bloodless: This unit does not possess any flesh and is immune to bleeding debuffs.

Tireless: This unit will not tire.

Painless: This unit will not feel pain.

Fleshless: This unit is immune to puncture and slash damage.

Bone-rattle: This unit will receive increased damage from blunt force damage.

Unbreakable: This unit has no sense of self-preservation and will relentlessly attack its target.


Skeletons are reanimated and held together by unknown magic. They are more intelligent than most other forms of basic undead. They can handle most weapons with ease and can be quite nimble and tenacious. They do roam in small packs.

Ghost Template


Strength: 1/10 Vitality: 3/10

Magical Affinity: 7/10 Speed: 6/10

Dexterity: 5/10 Fortitude: 4/10

Intelligence: 3/10 Perception: 5/10

Average Combat Rating: 3

Key traits

Immaterial: This unit receives less physical damage but will take heavier magical damage in turn. They can also bypass nonmagical armor with their attacks.

Non-corporeal: This unit can move through terrain.

Soul-Syphon: This unit will continuously absorb life and heal for a percentage of all the damage dealt.

Tireless: This unit will not tire.

Unbreakable: This unit has no sense of self-preservation and will relentlessly attack its target.

Unyielding: Once this unit finds a target, it will hunt it continuously until it is slain.

Uncontrolled Tangibility: This unit can not control what it can or can not physically touch.

Bane of the Arcane: This unit takes heavily increased damage from all sources of magical damage.


Ghosts are the soul-given life. They can pass through objects and occasionally can move physical items with incredible difficulty. To sustain themselves, they absorb life from the living. They can bypass nonmagical armor and deal damage directly upon their target.

Spirit Template


Strength: 3/10 Vitality: 4/10

Magical Affinity:7/10 Speed: 6/10

Dexterity: 6/10 Fortitude: 5/10

Intelligence: 5/10 Perception: 5/10

Average Combat Rating: 5


Spirits are a ghost that has managed to condense their form. They are slightly more intelligent than a simple ghost and can hold physical items at will. Spirits are known to be more nimble than a ghost and are much more dangerous.

Key traits:

Partially Immaterial: This unit will take reduced physical damage and slightly less magical damage than its lower-class varients. They can also bypass nonmagical armor with their attacks.

Soul-Syphon: This unit will continuously absorb life and heal for a percentage of all the damage dealt.

Tireless: This unit will not tire.

Unbreakable: This unit has no sense of self-preservation and will relentlessly attack its target.

Unyielding: Once this unit finds its target, it will hunt it continuously until it is slain.

Selective Non-corporeal: This unit can move through terrain at will.

Bane of the Arcane: This unit takes increased damage from all sources of magical damage.

I quickly read through the list, and it dawned on me. Each type of undead that I had acted as a counterbalance to another. This was good to know, especially for mob placement in the future.

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