《The Helena Chronicles》B1 — 7. Betrayal
Helena forked right as she exited the room and headed toward the main hallway, keeping her reception active. Moving into the main hallway, she found it busy with people. She assumed they worked for WITCH. People were bustling around; moving crates, talking with each otfher and some moving alone, but with purpose. Most wore white clothing. Of course, bright colors to make me easily distinguished.
Helena emulated their natural demeanor as she moved through the halls. I need to go three more hallways and then left. It would be four more hallways after that before I need to turn left and the Cafeteria should be there.
A shiver ran down Helena’s spine as she noticed something peculiar. Due to my clothing, I expected a little notice. However, I didn’t expect every person to keep tabs on me and try to keep their interest discrete. They should be going about their daily work ethic. Aren’t entrees of WITCH supposed to be young? I would expect they’d be more absorbed in their own business. They should be concerned with deadlines, superior’s directions, and shipment priorities, but instead, they slow their pace while hiding their gaze.
Making a quick decision, she turned toward the nearest person and asked. “Do you know where the cafeteria is? Ventre asked me to meet a woman with a big white coat there.”
The woman nervously glanced at her coworkers, but no one interjected as they moved around them. Helena discerned a visible intake of breath as the woman tried to calm her body. She obviously hesitated and doesn’t want to stop to talk to me. Her heart is racing, fear?
Bending to Helena’s level, the woman‘s face lit with a masked smile. “You can take that hall ahead.” She pointed at the next junction. “Keep following it and you should reach your destination.” She’s frightened of something, likely not me. Does she have orders not to talk to me or kids in pink clothing? Maybe my age signifies that I’m an esper and they’re scared of that?
Helena grinned innocently. “Thank you, Miss.” Maybe it would ease the woman’s nerves. If she was truly frightened of me then her heartbeat should change, but if it was someone else’s orders, she should stay fairly anxious to break away.
The woman’s face seemed to soften, but her heart continued its flutter. “No problem, the soup today is fantastic. You should try some.”
Waving, Helena broke away from the conversation and took the directed hallway. According to Ventre’s device, I should take another two hallways down to the cafeteria. Instead, she pointed me toward this path, which was labeled as an uncommon area. Meaning, either the woman was lying or the device is rigged and that sets in motion a list of problems.
If the device’s wrong then Ventre predicted I’d try to escape. That means he has countermeasures against my movements. All the employees following my actions could be an order that affects their jobs, which would account for the woman’s fear.
Rounding a small corner, Helena caught sight of the Cafeteria sign hanging above a door. Her mouth turned into a grimace. The device was wrong. I don’t sense anyone from the main hallway following me. Maybe they don’t want to draw attention to themselves.
She hesitated as her senses found a peculiar person walking toward her from around the next junction. Did someone inform security to cut me off? I’ve never sensed this kind of signal before. Slowing her pace, Helena took a more casual stride.
A man rounded the corner. He had tangled thick brown hair that hung down his face, ears, and covered his neck. He didn’t have a cowlick, but he parted his hair in a way that mostly covered his left eye. Impeccable golden skin, thin wide lips, sharp nose, and down turned light brown eyes. I’ve only seen brown eyes once, from a Biokinetic noblewoman, and what’s with this strange vibe my perception is feeding me? His body is releasing energy on an impossible frequency for humans and his bioelectrical activity is like nothing I’ve ever seen.
A sleek black cap covered the top portion of his hair and an outlandishly shaped goatee was evident on his chin. His chin hair was perfectly cut down the center and left two sections of brown hair. It was cut a centimeter down its top area and covered the length of three centimeters on both sides under his mouth. It finally had a crescent cut on the top portion. The rest of his skin was cleanly shaven.
He was dressed differently than the other employees. This man wore a collared button-up long-sleeve dark gray shirt with the arms pulled back just below the elbows. The shirt’s collar was clasped together by two buttons that held down a neat black tie. The tie had large white dots evenly spaced down the center of its length.
A black three buttoned vest held his tie in place as he moved. His left wrist held a similar device to Ventre’s. His right had a strange looking wrist strap that Helena hadn’t seen before and above that held a string of purple rocks that had a golden string running through their centers.
His right hand had a red tattoo that was clearly visible against his skin. The design of the mark seemed to hold a systematic meaning, but Helena couldn’t clearly understand the pattern. His lower body was covered by thick black material that she’d never seen before. A thick brown belt was snaked around his waist and his black pointed hard soled shoes were worn but well-polished.
Her sharp eyes studied every inch of in the moment she caught sight. He’s at least in his mid-thirties, maybe forties, no—I can’t place it. Most of his clothing seems suitable for dress wear, maybe an eastern style. It seems to be made more durable than what I’m used to. His belt also seems to be made of some kind of animal hide and the buckle doesn’t portray anything notable. Nothing of his appearance reminds me of a Noble, but he has a certain posture that speaks authority.
As he saw her, the man’s strong bearing shifted, he almost tripped. He looked truly shocked as he leaped backward, his expression raised in surprise. Was my profile flawed?
Helena frowned, tilting her head. “Yes?”
The man breathed a heavy sigh, brushing back his hair, showing his other brown eye for a moment as he appraised her. "Oh—I’m just startled to find such a young girl in this facility. By the way, why are you here?" He’s surprised to find such a young girl? Maybe I’m in the wrong section of the base for young espers? However, if that’s true, why didn’t the other personnel give me the same reaction or even stop to ask? Perhaps the fear in the woman earlier wasn’t due to a third party.
Smiling, Helena held out her hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Pepper and I'm a new recruit to WITCH." Now that I’ve stated my position, I can feign ignorance about directions and ask for guidance.
The man smiled sheepishly and took her hand lightly. "Oh, such a mannered girl. It’s nice to meet you, Pepper. I'm Jake."
Helena loosened her weak grip and dug around the bag at her side. "I’m a bit lost. Could you tell me where to find a new one, like yours? I don’t think mine works." Helena produced Ventre’s device.
Jake frowned as he took the equipment, bringing it out of sleep, he studied the interface. "That's odd, it seems to be an older model and it doesn’t have Wi-Fi hardware. I believe that's standard issue."
Jake looked back down the hall. "Behind that door, there should be a technician that can assist you." Furrowing his brow, Jake rephrased his statement. "Did I say technician? I mean, a nice lady can help you behind that door and just knock, she should answer. I just got myself a new one."
Laughing lightly, he waved as he left mumbling. “It seems WITCH keeps recruiting younger and younger. What’s Tenzen thinking?”
Helena grinned and walked toward the door. Perfect, if this is a technician’s station, there should be networked devices.
As she neared the junction, she realized there was a camera within this hallway. She extended her static field to disrupt its electronic feed. Walking toward the door, she sent in a receptive probe and found there was someone in the room beyond. There was also a lot of electrical activity emanating from inside. If I’m lucky, it’ll be a server room.
Quickly analyzing the Wi-Fi feeds inside the room, she determined there was a camera pointing at the door’s interior. Extending her electrostatic field with a broader frequency range, she disrupted the signals on all sides. If they don’t know I’ve escaped then it’ll only look like interference. They may not know exactly what I can do with my abilities either. It will disrupt the computers inside, but this could also work in my favor.
Touching the electronic pin-pad, she quickly bypassed the key. The light on the pane flashed from red to green and a light click sounded. She quietly opened the door and slipped inside. A confused female voice was murmuring to herself. "What the—the computers are frozen? Did the hardware team install faulty components again … this hub is giving me so many problems. It could still be software..."
Large shelves were on both sides of the door and there was a short hallway leading inward. Helena creped forward and found a woman leaning over a computer, examining the screen. Silently, she moved to the woman and placed her left hand on the small of her back. The woman tensed lightly before Helena sent an electrical current rippling through her body. She let out a slight gasp and fell to the ground unconscious. Helena had to sidestep to not be crushed under her weight.
Double checking the camera’s angles, she found they were pointed at the door and hallway. Retracting her static field, she looked at the equipment around her. This must be a server room, but not likely the main server.
Helena dragged a chair over to the desk with a computer resting on it. Jumping onto the seat, she studied the screen and determined it was frozen as the woman said. Examining the buttons on the keyboard, she found the reset switch. Holding it, she waited for the server to finish its boot process. The username and password screen popped on screen. Hopefully, the root holes are still unplugged in networked computers.
Pressing a combination of keys a command window popped up and she began to bypass the security protocols. It took her a minute to bypass and access the computer’s OS. It really does take longer to input commands manually, how annoying. A strange charge appeared in her hair. Frowning, she extracted the static field and turned back to the screen.
She first noticed an email app. Opening it, she reduced the size of the window then searched the rest of the computer for functionality. Finding supply record sheets, she placed them in parallel to the email window. This must be the supply department’s server hub.
Studying a nearby screen, she found four security feeds showing. I’m lucky. This area seems to be fairly deserted. Perhaps food isn’t being served in the cafeteria right now.
Turning back to the main monitor, she looked at the email program. It required a username and password to log into an account. What should I use to get around it? I’m short on time, so I could use a more forceful method, but I don’t want to be caught either. Exploring more of the network, she frowned as something caught her interest. This infrastructure and firmware … it’s similar to House protocol, it might have been a platform base. If that’s the case … do they have any of the zero-day exploits? The encryption is the same!
I can combine the blended threat trojan with the zero-day exploit and that should do the trick since I already understand most of their encryption. I just need to rebuild the mailing app with the trojan, concealing it with varying code … there we go.
It took her a few minutes, but she found the coding acceptable. Activating her trojan, a new window opened. It showed her the database listing of every user within that databank with how many times they’d accessed this particular IP Address.
It could be only a matter of time before the administrators catch onto the attack if they’re actively scanning their network, it could be a massive network too, hopefully, they won’t catch on so fast. I’ll have to be quick. She accessed the most common user's account with this computer’s IP, the user's name Yaxlin and password [email protected]*[email protected]%^. The security personnel at the mansion always said I was a programming genius.
Since she was able to read, she’d loved books on computer programming, machine language, and global networking in general. It made her mind work and flexed her ability. With what free time she had, she immersed herself in software and network functions. Drake had given her a new computer with her diamond earrings for her fourth birthday, not that she was able to use it much with her illness at the time.
She played with the computer as much as possible at the estate after regaining a semblance of health. Programming everything she could learn, but she mostly loved the challenge of finding different ways past the estate’s security systems.
The screen opened to reveal a string of emails. The first thing she noticed was the language. It was North Irean. It must be a common language here. Searching for a translation program on the local device, she applied it to Florisin. The program translated the emails instantly. The first thing that caught Helena’s eye was an email sent by Ventre, with the subject title, On Base Testing. Clicking the link, Helena read the information it contained.
This is a reminder sent to all personnel regarding an eight-year-old girl named Helena Vandred. She has blonde hair, green eyes, and will be wearing bright attire for easy recognition. She will be taking part in an evaluation test; during this time, I remind you what protocol demands:
Watch and memorize her reactions and behavior when in contact. Do not reveal any information in regards to the base and anything about WITCH to her. Make sure she does not know your intentions and keep it discreet. Do not actively interact with her and keep contact to a minimum. Keep her away from the network and any other information hubs.
This test will be a part of today's activities and will be in practice for the entire day; this will affect your pay and position.
Helena hummed. Ventre knew I’d try to escape, but didn’t know when I’d act. Jake violated four of the five protocols that are described. He did say he just got a device. However, I expect this activity would be a break in the standard schedule, shouldn’t it be a prime topic?
Huffing, Helena glanced toward the camera feeds. She’d seen movement. Two men were walking down the hall, talking to each other loudly.
“Did you see that match last night?”
“Yeah, it was intense when he threw that pillar and she cut it with water. Can you believe that! Water!” They must be talking about a fight between espers. Is that common in WITCH? She watched them pass the door and turned back to the emails. Going back to Yaxlin's email index, she scanned the subjects. Nothing of immediate importance caught her interest.
Pulling up the tab with the email database, she initiated a search for Vantre’s name. His name popped up with his password. Logging out of Yaxlin's account, Helena accessed Vantre’s account. His password is Un1T3d [email protected] Un!0n-o9E4 … interesting. The complexities of WITCH’s passwords are amusing. Why have such compound passwords when their network is so close to Noble security protocols? Do they not have the ability to create their own? Logging into Ventre’s account does have the possibility of flagging the security center, but I need to know what Ventre’s been up to and planning.
Helena’s eyes popped slightly as she heard a grown behind her. Swiveling the chair around, she studied the woman as she stirred. I must not have put enough energy in her shock. Although that was near the exact amount I sent Ventre, his shock was directly to the head and had less resistance. In any case, he’ll probably be waking soon.
Hopping off the chair, Helena bent down to the woman's level. She was twitching as she tried to move her shocked nerve-system. Placing her index finger to the nape of her neck, she sent another electrical charge to her brain. The woman tensed for a moment as the electricity shot through her spine and her eyes rolled back.
Climbing back into the chair, Helena scanned Ventre's emails. Her eyes locked onto a return link that had the subject; New Recruit (5). The email was two weeks old and was returned by someone named, Tenzen. Jake mentioned Tenzen in a fashion of recruitment, is he high up in WITCH’s chain of command, higher than Ventre? Opening the email, she read:
Subject: New Recruit.
Mr. Tenzen, I’ve just found a contact within the Vandred family. The Vandreds have very strong genetics and my contact says they can get me someone from the Main House. Do I have clearance to proceed?
Subject: RE: New Recruit
Mr. Ventre, in response to your clearance on the Vandred recruit, I give full authorization. Make it clean. I don't need the head of house on our tail, it could get messy.
Subject: RE: New Recruit
Mr. Tenzen, thank you for the quick response, I know as the President you are very busy. I just received the name of the target. The girl’s name is Helena Vandred. She is the second child of the Head Family. I have been told she's been somewhat trained already.
I've also received surprising information about her ability. She’s an Electro Master over the age of six and my contact says she can sense all three aspects, in great detail. We might have our hands on another Kara.
Subject: RE: New Recruit
Mr. Tenzen, there is a small complication. My contact is the next Head of House, Drake Vandred. He will give us his younger sister, but we must meet certain conditions. These conditions are as followed:
She will be allowed to keep all of her possessions she is taken with. She will be tested of her ability early on and she must be pressured. Her abilities will then be tested scientifically and she must be made aware of the results. She is to be educated in the SSOP program, instructed by Kara.
Please give me a response to these demands and he wants a direct call from you, confirming his demands. The number he gave you to call is 3512-55, the personal House lines.
I think this is quite dangerous and recommend cancelation of the extraction. He knows too much about the organization’s inner workings, even for a Noble, knowing of Kara and even the SSOP program.
Subject: RE: New Recruit
Mr. Ventre, I do not see a problem. In fact, I’m excited, proceed.
I will allow her to keep her possessions, once they have been analyzed of course. Testing her abilities and pushing her is certain; making her aware of these results I think would be acceptable.
As for the SSOP program and Kara, I will make a personal decision after the test results. I will not waste such a large amount of resources on a failing candidate.
I have called and made him aware of my own conditions. He has accepted the offer, so continue with the extraction. I’ll attach the extraction point and time in this email.
PS: Her full name is Helena Victoria Vandred. Make sure it’s listed in the database correctly.
Helena's eyes widened. That last sentence had changed her entire outlook on the situation. Why would Drake give away my middle name, why? There’s no doubt about his betrayal now. She sat back in the chair, brooding. A Vandred’s middle name is sacred, an identity. I can’t go back now. Obviously, Drake knew that. He doesn’t want me to go back, but for what purpose, there has to be a purpose? I don’t have any contacts I can use. I don’t even know a single person outside the Estate and haven’t seen, let alone talked to my parents in years. What’s so important about this moment, why send me off now?
Helena glanced down at her bracelet. Why would Drake be so concerned about my jewelry? Since I still have them, it means WITCH has already processed them. Do they hold some kind of explanation for his actions?
She removed her earrings and examined them closely. She couldn't find anything illuminating about the gleaming red gems or shining platinum. No notable algorithmic formula that I can detect or any kind of message.
Replacing the earrings, she stared at her bracelet’s reflected iridescent light. Removing it, she felt an odd shiver run across her body and a strange lifted sensation. I’m so used to it that my body feels unusual without the weight or could it be something more?
She studied the gems and metal, again she found nothing changed. Replacing it, she felt the strange lifted feeling faded. Her thoughts turned to his other demands. He wants my abilities tested and pushed, but for what reason would he make such a demand? It seems that he wants me to keep progressing, but with WITCH. They’ve tested my ability with that room and now apparently they were conducting another. Would they make me aware of the results if I’m captured? What’s the SSOP program and why does Drake want me a part of it?
He wants a person by the name of Kara to train me and Ventre had mentioned her in relation to my ability. What connection could Kara have with an Electro Master, could she be one? The President didn’t take the request lightly. Is Kara really that important? Helena sighed. Now I’m even more lost.
Putting those questions to the back of her mind, she thought about her current situation. I need to come up with a plan. I need to get out of WITCH, from what I understand it’s a dangerous group and I have no intentions of aiding someone else’s cause. I’ll escape and keep away from WITCH, go back to the manor and confront Drake about this myself.
- In Serial52 Chapters
Dragon: Birth of an Ancient
Deep in a secluded forest, within the depths of a long forgotten cave, an unnatural silence that has reigned for little over a million years is shattered as a hatchling takes its first breath. To the various species that called this world, one of seven, home, the matter seemed beyond insignificant. The hatchling, like all monsters, had no divine backing and with its age, could only be considered a lesser existence. A being to be used by the Chosen and noble monster bloodlines in their never-ending pursuit of power, fame and immortality. However, how could any of the short-lived races, Chosen and Monster alike, know that the tiny, weak, lizard-like creature was much more than it seemed. That it was an entity only spoken of in myth and legend. From a species that their ancestors, with the backing of the Gods, paid a huge price to remove. A heretical existence that threatened the fragile peace that had descended upon their world. A Dragon. ==== ** Cover done by the amazing Felix!*** I am writing this story for a friend who is currently in hospital and in a very precarious situation. He gave me the plot/ concept and, after my own health issues, I wanted to try and brighten his day and provide a distraction from the monotony of their hospital stay. I am posting it on RRL mainly in case anyone else can find enjoyment from the story and to show the readers of my other stories that I am not permanently MIA (and will 100% return to those stories in the future).
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Oh Great, I Was Reincarnated as a Farmer.
What do you get when you cross Home Alone, Isekai, litrpg, and a farming simulator? You get Arnold’s life, that’s what you get. Accidently murdered by a cleric in another universe in a botched resurrection, Arnold, a semi-pro gamer, finds himself incarnated into the overweight corpse of that universes version of him. It could be a bad joke, but apparently, it happens so often that they have a standard procedure for returning you. That standard procedure doesn't apply to Arnold. Now stuck on a new earth with no way home, Arnold must use his gaming skills to figure out how to level his farmer class to 100 and gain a new class that doesn't make him want to beat his head against the wall. There is one little problem. Farmers don't gain experience from killing monsters. Like at all. Follow Arnold as he comes to grips with his new reality and discovers creative ways to improve it.(This was originally put up for feedback purposes, so I could finish my final edit, before publishing on Amazon. There were originally only going to be 20 chapters, but I needed more feedback so I bribed the readers to reread my new first chapter with 4 more chapters. The whole novel will not be going up on royal road. This novel will be taken down on the 10th of May.)Amazon link below. Oh Great! I was Reincarnated as a Farmer
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What A Dream Wants
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You Will Regret Rejecting Me
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